WORDS中定義須要被猜的詞庫,默認遊戲自動開始,使用random函數從WORDS中隨機選擇一個單詞,以後將單詞隨機打亂輸出。猜想時,若是答案不對會一直循環,若答案正確則讓用戶輸入yes or no 選擇是否繼續。canvas
import random WORDS = ("python", "jumble", "easy", "code", "sleep", "flask", "django", "game", "break", "phone") print( '''歡迎參加猜單詞遊戲 請將字母組合成一個正確的單詞 ''' ) iscontinue = "y" while iscontinue == "Y" or iscontinue == "y": word = random.choice(WORDS) correct = word jumble = "" while word: position = random.randrange(len(word)) jumble += word[position] word = word[:position]+word[(position+1):] print("打亂順序以後的單詞爲:", jumble) guess = input("請輸入猜想的單詞:") while guess != correct and guess != "": print("猜想錯誤,請再來一次!") guess = input("請輸入:") if guess == correct: print("真棒!你猜對了") iscontinue = input("請問是否繼續?(Y/N)")
class Card: '''A playing card.card''' RANKS = ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K'] SUITS = ['梅花', '方片', '紅桃', '黑桃'] def __init__(self, rank, suit, face_up=True): self.rank = rank self.suit = suit self.is_face_up = face_up def __str__(self): if self.is_face_up: rep = self.suit + self.rank else: rep = 'XX' return rep def pic_order(self): if self.rank == 'A': FaceNum = 1 elif self.rank == 'J': FaceNum = 11 elif self.rank == 'Q': FaceNum = 12 elif self.rank == 'K': FaceNum = 13 else: FaceNum = int(self.rank) if self.suit == '梅花': Suit = 1 elif self.suit == '方片': Suit = 2 elif self.suit == '紅桃': Suit = 3 else: Suit = 4 return (Suit - 1) * 13 + FaceNum def flip(self): # 翻牌方法 self.is_face_up = not self.is_face_up class Hand(): def __init__(self): self.cards=[] def __str__(self): if self.cards: rep='' for card in self.cards: rep+=str(card)+'\t' else : rep='無牌' return rep def clear(self): self.cards=[] def add(self,card): self.cards.append(card) def give(self,card,other_hand): self.cards.remove(card) other_hand.add(card) class Poke(Hand): def populate(self): for suit in Card.SUITS: for rank in Card.RANKS: self.add(Card(rank,suit)) def shuffle(self): import random random.shuffle(self.cards) def deal(self,hands,per_hand=13): for rounds in range(per_hand): for hand in hands: if self.cards: top_card=self.cards[0] self.cards.remove(top_card) hand.add(top_card) else: print('不能繼續發牌了,牌已經發完了!') if __name__=="__main__": print('This is a module with classes for playing cards.') players=[Hand(),Hand(),Hand(),Hand()] poke1=Poke() poke1.populate() poke1.shuffle() poke1.deal(players,13) n=1 for hand in players: print('牌手',n,end=':') print(hand) n=n+1 input('\nPress the enter key to exit.')
1.在猜數字遊戲程序中導入相關模塊: random.randint(0,1024)隨機產生玩家要猜的數字。app
import tkinter as tk import sys import random import re number = random.randint(0, 1024) running = True num = 0 nmaxn = 1024 nminn = 0 def eBtnClose(event): root.destory() def eBtnGuess(event): global nmaxn global nminn global num global running if running: val_a = int(entry_a.get()) if val_a == number: labelqval("恭喜你答對了") num += 1 running = False numGuess() elif val_a < number: if val_a > nminn: nminn = val_a num += 1 label_tip_min.config(label_tip_min, text=nminn) labelqval("小了哦") else: if val_a < nmaxn: nmaxn = val_a num += 1 label_tip_max.config(label_tip_max, text=nmaxn) labelqval("大了哦") else: labelqval("你已經答對啦...") def numGuess(): if num == 1: labelqval("哇,居然一次答對") elif num < 10: labelqval("厲害,十次以內就答對了,嘗試次數:"+str(num)) elif num < 50: labelqval("還行哦嘗試次數:"+str(num)) else: labelqval("您都超過50次了,嘗試次數:"+str(num)) def labelqval(vText): label_val_q.config(label_val_q, text=vText) root = tk.Tk(className="猜數字遊戲") root.geometry("400x90+200+200") line_a_tip = tk.Frame(root) label_tip_max = tk.Label(line_a_tip, text=nmaxn) label_tip_min = tk.Label(line_a_tip, text=nminn) label_tip_max.pack(side="top", fill="x") label_tip_min.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") line_a_tip.pack(side="left", fill="y") line_question = tk.Frame(root) label_val_q = tk.Label(line_question, width="80") label_val_q.pack(side="left") line_question.pack(side="top", fill="x") line_input = tk.Frame(root) entry_a = tk.Entry(line_input, width="40") btnGuess = tk.Button(line_input, text="猜") entry_a.pack(side="left") entry_a.bind('<Return>', eBtnGuess) btnGuess.bind('<Button-1>', eBtnGuess) btnGuess.pack(side="left") line_input.pack(side="top", fill="x") line_btn = tk.Frame(root) btnClose = tk.Button(line_btn, text="關閉") btnClose.bind('<Button-1>', eBtnClose) btnClose.pack(side="left") line_btn.pack(side="top") labelqval("請輸入0-1024之間得任意整數:") entry_a.focus_set() print(number) root.mainloop()
from tkinter import * import random n = 52 def gen_pocker(n): x = 100 while(x > 100): x = x-1 p1 = random.randint(0, n-1) p2 = random.randint(0, n-1) t = pocker[p1] pocker[p1] = pocker[p2] pocker[p2] = t return pocker pocker = [i for i in range(n)] pocker = gen_pocker(n) print(pocker) (player1, player2, player3, player4) = ([], [], [], []) # 4位牌手各自牌的圖片列表 (p1, p2, p3, p4) = ([], [], [], []) # 4位牌手各自牌的編號列表 root = Tk() cv = Canvas(root, bg='white', width=700, height=600) imgs = [] for i in range(1, 5): for j in range(1, 14): imgs.insert((i-1)*13+(j-1), PhotoImage( file='C:\\Users\\10649\Desktop\\2D開發\\python_game\\sy1\\puke\\images\\'+str(i)+'-'+str(j)+'.gif')) for x in range(13): m = x*4 p1.append(pocker[m]) p2.append(pocker[m+1]) p3.append(pocker[m+2]) p4.append(pocker[m+3]) p1.sort() p2.sort() p3.sort() p4.sort() for x in range(0, 13): img = imgs[p1[x]] player1.append(cv.create_image((200+20*x, 80), image=img)) img = imgs[p2[x]] player2.append(cv.create_image((100, 150+20*x), image=img)) img = imgs[p3[x]] player3.append(cv.create_image((200+20*x, 500), image=img)) img = imgs[p4[x]] player4.append(cv.create_image((560, 150+20*x), image=img)) print("player1:", player1) print("player2:", player2) print("player3:", player3) print("player4:", player4) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
遊戲程序首先將圖片分割成相應3行3列的拼塊,並按順序編號。動態地生成一個\爲3x3的列表board,用於存放數字0一8,其中,每一個數字表明一個拼塊,8號拼塊不顯示。 遊戲開始時,隨機打亂這個數組board,如board是5號拼塊,則在左上角顯示編號是5的拼塊。根據玩家用鼠標單擊的拼塊和空白塊所在位置,來交換該board數組對應的元素,最後經過元素排列順序來判斷是否已經完成遊戲。工具
from tkinter import * from tkinter.messagebox import * import random root = Tk('拼圖遊戲') root.title('拼圖') Pics = [] for i in range(9): filename = "C:\\Users\\10649\Desktop\\2D開發\\python_game\\sy1\\timg_0" + \ str(i)+".png" Pics.append(PhotoImage(file=filename)) WIDTH = 312 HEIGHT = 450 IMAGE_WIDTH = WIDTH // 3 IMAGE_HEIGHT = HEIGHT // 3 ROWS = 3 COLS = 3 steps = 0 board = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] class Square: def __init__(self, orderID): self.orderID = orderID def draw(self, canvas, board_pos): img = Pics[self.orderID] canvas.create_image(board_pos, image=img) def init_board(): L = list(range(8)) L.append(None) random.shuffle(L) for i in range(ROWS): for j in range(COLS): idx = i*ROWS+j orderID = L[idx] if orderID is None: board[i][j] = None else: board[i][j] = Square(orderID) def paly_game(): global steps steps = 0 init_board() def drawBoard(canvas): canvas.create_polygon((0, 0, WIDTH, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, HEIGHT), width=1, outline='black', fill='green') for i in range(ROWS): for j in range(COLS): if board[i][j] is not None: board[i][j].draw( canvas, (IMAGE_WIDTH*(j+0.5), IMAGE_HEIGHT*(i+0.5))) def mouseclick(pos): global steps r = int(pos.y // IMAGE_HEIGHT) c = int(pos.x // IMAGE_WIDTH) print(r, c) if r < 3 and c < 3: if board[r][c] is None: return else: current_square = board[r][c] if r-1 >= 0 and board[r-1][c] is None: board[r][c] = None board[r-1][c] = current_square steps += 1 elif c+1 <= 2 and board[r][c+1] is None: board[r][c] = None board[r][c+1] = current_square steps += 1 elif r+1 <= 2 and board[r+1][c] is None: board[r][c] = None board[r+1][c] = current_square steps += 1 elif c-1 >= 0 and board[r][c-1] is None: board[r][c] = None board[r][c-1] = current_square steps += 1 label1["text"] = str(steps) cv.delete('all') drawBoard(cv) if win(): showinfo(title="恭喜", message="你成功了") def win(): for i in range(ROWS): for j in range(COLS): if board[i][j] is not None and board[i][j].orderID != 1*ROWS+j: return False return True def callBack2(): print("從新開始") paly_game() cv.delete("all") drawBoard(cv) cv = Canvas(root, bg='white', width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) b1 = Button(root, text="從新開始", command=callBack2(), width=20) label1 = Label(root, text="0", fg="red", width=20) label1.pack() cv.bind("<Button-1>", mouseclick) cv.pack() b1.pack() paly_game() drawBoard(cv) root.mainloop()