衰減 – 輸出信號幅度相對於輸入信號幅度下降。
截止頻率 – 濾波器的響應降至額定通帶紋波如下時的頻率。
通帶 – 濾波器頻率範圍,信號經過該範圍的衰減量不超過額定值。
阻帶 – 濾波器頻率範圍,信號經過該範圍時會發生額定量的衰減。
阻帶衰減 – 阻帶中的最小衰減量。
通帶紋波 – 通帶中的實際輸出幅度與指望輸出幅度的最大誤差。
採樣速率 – 系統對輸入信號進行採樣的速率。
濾波器係數 – 表明濾波器傳遞函數的逆傅里葉變換的數值。係數定義濾波器的特性,構成數字濾波器實現的基礎。
抽頭 – 抽頭數等於濾波器針對每一個輸出點處理的輸入採樣值數量。抽頭數還等於濾波器係數的數量,而且能夠用來衡量濾波器延遲時間。git
與模擬濾波器相比,數字設計可以提供更陡的滾降,無需校準,對時間、溫度和電源變化的適應能力更強,性能更穩定。簡單地改變軟件就能實時更改數字濾波器的響應,產生所謂「自適應濾波器」,而要改變模擬濾波器的響應,一般須要更改硬件。然而,數字濾波器並不能令全部應用滿意。在滾降要求不超過約24 dB/倍頻程的設計中,模擬濾波器一般更具性價比。可是,當滾降要求超過24 - 36 dB/倍頻程時,使用數字濾波器更合適。事實上,在要求極陡滾降的應用中,許多設計師發現數字濾波器的開發難度小得多。經過更改軟件,能夠輕鬆修改原型。此外,數字濾波器設計的軟件仿真能夠精確反映濾波器的性能,但模擬濾波器的計算機仿真只能近似反映濾波器的真實性能,由於模擬濾波器的參數對元件值敏感,而初始元件值是不許確的,可能發生至關大的變化。網絡
因爲奈奎斯特採樣定理(Nyquist sampling theorem),數字濾波器的處理能力受到系統採樣頻率的限制。若是輸入信號的頻率份量包含超過濾波器1/2採樣頻率的份量時,數字濾波器由於數字系統的「混疊」而不能正常工做。若是超出1/2採樣頻率的頻率份量不佔主要地位,一般的解決辦法是在模數轉換電路以前放置一個低通濾波器(即抗混疊濾波器)將超過的高頻成分濾除。不然就必須用模擬濾波器實現要求的功能。
無限脈衝響應濾波器,簡稱IIR數字濾波器(英語:infinite impulse response filter),
利用選頻濾波器的特性能夠提取有用的信號頻率份量,這類濾波器適用輸入信號中有用信號頻帶與干擾信號頻帶不一樣的狀況。 選頻數字濾波器設計過程通常概括爲如下三個步驟:
無限脈衝響應濾波器(IIR filter)的優勢:
無限脈衝響應濾波器(IIR filter)的缺點:
有限脈衝響應(Finite impulse response,縮寫 FIR)濾波器是數字濾波器的一種,簡稱FIR數字濾波器。
有限脈衝響應濾波器(FIR filter)的優勢:
有限脈衝響應濾波器(FIR filter)的缺點:
如下嘗試以濾波器設計方法、設計方法的限制、以及所設計濾波器的效果三方面,來比較最小化平均偏差(Least MSE)、最小化最大偏差(Minimax)與頻率取樣(Frequency sampling)三種設計方法的差別。
一階濾波器只有一個依賴於頻率的成分,這就意味着頻率響應slope就侷限在每倍頻6 dB。對於許多應用來講,這是不夠的,爲了實現更陡的斜率,必須使用更高階的濾波器。
無限脈衝響應是與模擬濾波器對應數字實現。無限脈衝響應使用了反饋過程,因此一般要比一樣性能的有限脈衝響應濾波器所耗費的資源要少。一樣是因爲反饋的因素,高階的無限脈衝響應濾波器可能會有不穩定和運算溢出的問題,所以須要細心設計以免出現相似問題。另外,它們有內在的依賴於頻率的相移,在不少狀況下這可能成爲問題。二階無限脈衝響應濾波器常常叫做'biquads',更高階的濾波器就是biquads的層疊。一個有用的計算biquad係數的參考文獻是RBJ Audio EQ Cookbook。
有限脈衝響應濾波器不使用反饋,自己是穩定的。有限脈衝響應濾波器係數一般是對稱的,這樣很天然地相移就被抵消。而且也很容易避免運算溢出。它的主要缺點是要比靈巧設計的無限脈衝響應變量的計算要花費多得多的處理和內存資源。有限脈衝響應設計比較簡單:Remez exchange算法就是一個可以半自動設計至關高質量濾波器的方法。
IIR vs FIR Filters
IIR filters are difficult to control and have no particular phase, whereas FIR filters make a linear phase always possible.
IIR can be unstable, whereas FIR is always stable.
IIR, when compared to FIR, can have limited cycles, but FIR has no limited cycles.
IIR is derived from analog, whereas FIR has no analog history.
IIR filters make polyphase implementation possible, whereas FIR can always be made casual.
FIR filters are helpful to achieve fractional constant delays.
#MAD stands for a number of multiplications and additions, and is used as a criterion for an IIR and FIR filter comparison. IIR filters require more
#MAD when compared to FIR, because FIR is of a higher order in comparison to IIR, which is of lower order, and uses polyphase structures.
FIR filters are dependent upon linear-phase characteristics, whereas IIR filters are used for applications which are not linear.
FIR’s delay characteristics is much better, but they require more memory.
On the other hand, IIR filters are dependent on both i/p and o/p, but FIR is dependent upon i/p only.
IIR filters consist of zeros and poles, and require less memory than FIR filters, whereas FIR only consists of zeros.
IIR filters can become difficult to implement, and also delay and distort adjustments can alter the poles & zeroes, which make the filters unstable,
whereas FIR filters remain stable. FIR filters are used for tapping of a higher-order, a
nd IIR filters are better for tapping of lower-orders, since IIR filters may become unstable with tapping higher-orders.
FIR stands for Finite IR filters, whereas IIR stands for Infinite IR filters.
IIR and FIR filters are utilized for filtration in digital systems.
FIR filters are more widely in use, because they differ in response.
FIR filters have only numerators when compared to IIR filters, which have both numerators and denominators.
Where the system response is infinite, we use IIR filters, and where the system response is zero, we use FIR filters.
FIR filters are also preferred over IIR filters because they have a linear phase response and are non recursive,
whereas IIR filters are recursive, and feedback is also involved.
FIR cannot simulate analog filter responses, but IIR is designed to do that accurately.
IIR’s impulse response when compared to FIR is infinite.
The high computational efficiency of IIR filters, with short delays, often make the IIR popular as an alternative.
FIR filters have become too long in digital feedback systems, as well as in other applications, and cause problems.
To answer that question you have to know what "Impulse" and "Response" mean...
An "Impulse" is a simple pulse.
Digitally it would be a sample with a maximum value, while all of the other samples before and after it would be zero.
If you listened to this, you would hear something like a pop or firecracker.
The "Response" is the output of a filter (or something else) is given the impulse.
For example, you can listen to the "impulse response of a room" by going into the room, doing a simple hand clap, and listening to the echo.
It would take some practice to get the hand clap to be as "sharp" as possible.
Getting the impulse response of a filter is the same way but instead of a hand clap you use a simple pulse and instead of a room you have a filter.
If you look at the impulse response of a filter, or a room, you will see the output wiggle for a time after the impulse (and sometimes it wiggles before, too).
In the room you heard this wiggle as the echo. In a filter this wiggling is directly related to the frequency and phase response of the filter.
In a room, the amount of time you hear the echo is called the "reverb time"-- there is no corresponding term for a filter, but it is part of the impulse response.
Now, a FIR filter (Finite Impulse Response) is finite because the impulse response time is limited by the math.
It's mathematically impossible for the impulse response time to extend beyond the number of taps in the filter-- therefore it is finite.
An IIR filter, on the other hand, does not have this mathematical limitation in the impulse response time.
If given an infinite mathematical precision, an IIR filter can wiggle the outputs forever.
Of course, in a practical sense it never goes on forever since at some point the wiggle gets smaller than the precision of the math used and so goes away.
The impulse response is the filter's signature. In the case of a FIR filter the impulse response gives you a direct image of the filter's coefficients. The impulse is a single sample with maximum amplitude, all samples before and after are zero. (This is the digital equivalent of a Dirac pulse.)
At the time of the pulse its value is multiply by b0 (see bottom diagram). The other samples are zero, so the output y equals b0 (I'm presuming a maximum value for the pulse of 1). One sample later the pulse has moved one z−1 block and is multiplied by b1. Again, all other values are zero, so the output is b1. And so on. While the pulse shifts through the filter you get the successive values for bi at the output. After N samples the pulse is shifted out of the filter, and the output becomes zero again.
For an IIR filter it's not so obvious to derive the filter coefficients from the impulse response.
In an IIR filter (part of) the processed signal is fed back to the input.
That means that there will always be some residue of the signal looping around.
Most of the time however this part of the signal will be ever smaller and end up being zero, but in theory it never disappears completely.
The block diagram below shows a biquad filter, an often used implementation of an IIR filter.
The left branch takes (delayed) input values, the right branch works with (delayed) output values.
(A z−1 block represents a 1 sample delay. Biquads are often cascaded.
FIR filters on the other hand have a linear path from input to output.
After N samples the input signal (like a Dirac pulse) will have been shifted out and that's the end of it.
FIR filters are inherently stable, while IIR filters aren't necessarily.
There are two broad classes of digital filters, infinite impluse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR).
Again broadly, IIR filters are equation-based and FIR filters table-based.
IIR filters are more like real world analog filters.
For example, consider a simple exponential decay like you would get from a R-C analog low pass filter.
The output response to a step input is a exponential that gets ever closer to the input.
Note that this exponential never actually gets to the output, only close enough so that we don't care or can't measure the error.
In that sense, such a filter is inifinite. A IIR filter has the same characteristics.
The very common single pole low pass IIR filter can be expressed as:
This means that each iteration the output if moved a fixed fraction (FF, the "filter fraction") of the distance to the input.
This is easy to visualize when FF = 1/2. If everything is 0 and the input suddenly goes to 1 and stays there (a unit step), then the output will be 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16, etc.
This is a infinite series. Eventually the value will get so close to 1 that it is expressed as 1 since the digital values in the computer don't have infinite precision.
FIR filters work on a totally different principle.
A finite recent snippet of the input signal is saved, and each of the saved values is multiplied by a different coefficient,
then all the results added to make the filter output for that iteration.
The next iteration the oldest saved value is discard, the others are shifted one slot older, and the new input is put in the vacated slot.
The new saved snippet is then multiplied by the coeficients, etc.
This process is known as a "convolution", and the table of coefficients often referred to as the filter kernel.
Some fancy and useful things can be done with this kind of filter by getting creative with the coefficients.
That's a whole topic onto itself that I won't go into now.
However, since a finite snippet of the input is stored in memory, any part of the input signal can only effect the output for a finite time.
Once a input sample is shifted out the end of the stored snippet it's gone and no longer has any effect on the output.
There are whole books written on this stuff and you can spend several semesters of college courses devling into this deeper. Hopefully my 30 second overview demystifies this enough to answer your question.