SQL Server 練習

use master

if exists(select * from sys.databases where name='db_Test')
    drop database db_Test

create database db_Test

use db_Test

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='Student')
    drop table Student
create table Student--學生表
    Sno nvarchar(200) primary key,--學號
    Sname nvarchar(200) not null,--姓名
    Ssex nvarchar(200) not null,--性別
    Sbirthday datetime,--生日
    Class nvarchar(200)--班級

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='Course')
    drop table Course
create table Course--課程表
    Cno nvarchar(200) primary key,--課程號
    Cname nvarchar(200) not null,--課程名
    Tno nvarchar(200) not null--教工編號

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='Score')
    drop table Score
create table Score--成績表
    Sno nvarchar(200) not null,--學號
    Cno nvarchar(200) not null,--課程號
    Degree decimal(4,1)--成績

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='Teacher')
    drop table Teacher
create table Teacher--教師表
    Tno nvarchar(200) primary key,--教工編號
    Tname nvarchar(200) not null,--教工姓名
    Tsex nvarchar(200) not null,--教工性別
    Tbirthday datetime,--教工出生年月
    Prof nvarchar(200),--職稱
    Ddpart nvarchar(200) not null--教工所在部門

insert into Student values('108','曾華','','1997-09-01','95003')
insert into Student values('105','匡華','','1975-10-12','95031')
insert into Student values('107','王麗','','1976-10-23','95033')
insert into Student values('101','李軍','','1974-10-12','95033')
insert into Student values('109','王芳','','1973-10-12','95031')
insert into Student values('103','陸君','','1972-10-12','95031')

insert into Course values('3-105','計算機導論','825')
insert into Course values('3-245','操做系統','804')
insert into Course values('6-166','數字電路','856')
insert into Course values('9-888','高等數學','831')

insert into Score values('103','3-245',86)
insert into Score values('105','3-245',75)
insert into Score values('101','3-245',90)
insert into Score values('105','3-105',77)
insert into Score values('103','3-105',88)
insert into Score values('107','9-888',72)
insert into Score values('107','3-245',66)
insert into Score values('109','3-245',71)
insert into Score values('103','9-888',89)
insert into Score values('108','3-245',96)

insert into Teacher values('804','李成','','1958-12-20','副教授','計算機系')
insert into Teacher values('825','李三','','1958-11-20','副教授','電子工程系')
insert into Teacher values('856','趙四','','1958-09-20','副教授','計算機系')
insert into Teacher values('831','鼠標','','1958-07-20','副教授','電子工程系')

select * from Student
select * from Teacher
select * from Score
select * from Course

select [Sno] 學號, [Sname] 姓名, [Ssex] 性別, [Sbirthday] 生日, [Class] 班級 from Student --學生表
select [Tno] 教工編號, [Tname] 教工姓名, [Tsex] 教工性別, [Tbirthday] 教工生日, [Prof] 職稱, [Ddpart] 教師所在部門 from Teacher --教師表
select [Sno] 學號, [Cno] 課程號, [Degree] 成績 from Score --分數表
select [Cno] 課程號, [Cname] 課程名, [Tno] 教工編號 from Course --課程表

--一、 查詢Student表中的全部記錄的Sname、Ssex和Class列。
select Sname,Ssex,Class from Student

--二、 查詢教師全部的單位即不重複的Depart列。
select distinct Ddpart from Teacher

--三、 查詢Student表的全部記錄。
select * from Student

--四、 查詢Score表中成績在60到80之間的全部記錄。
select * from Score where Degree between 60 and 80

--五、 查詢Score表中成績爲85,86或88的記錄。
select * from Score where Degree in(85,86,88)

--六、 查詢Student表中「95031」班或性別爲「女」的同窗記錄。
select * from Student where Class='95031' or Ssex=''

--七、 以Class降序查詢Student表的全部記錄。
select * from Student order by Class desc

--八、 以Cno升序、Degree降序查詢Score表的全部記錄。
select * from Score order by Cno asc,Degree desc

--九、 查詢「95031」班的學生人數。
select count(*) as 人數 from Student where Class='95031'

--十、 查詢Score表中的最高分的學生學號和課程號。(子查詢或者排序)
select top 1 Sno,Cno from Score order by Degree desc    --排序
select sno,cno from score where degree=(select MAX(degree) from score)--子查詢

select cno,AVG(degree) 平均成績 from score group by cno
--select A.Cname 科目,AVG(B.Degree) as 平均成績 from Course A inner join Score B on A.Cno=B.Cno group by Cname    --第二種

select AVG(Degree) as 平均分數 from Score  where Cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(cno)>5
--select AVG(degree) as 平均分數 from score where cno=(select cno from score where cno like '3%' group by cno having COUNT(cno)>5)    --第二種

select sno from score where DEGREE>70 and DEGREE<90

select A.Sname,B.Cno,B.Degree from Student A inner join Score B on A.Sno=B.Sno
--select A.sname,B.cno,B.degree from student A,score B where A.sno=B.sno    --第二種

select A.Sno,C.Cname,B.Degree from Student A inner join Score B on A.Sno=B.Sno inner join Course C on B.Cno=C.Cno
--select A.sno,B.cname,A.degree from score A,course B where A.cno=B.cno    --第二種

select A.Sname,C.Cname,B.Degree from Student A inner join Score B on A.Sno=B.sno inner join Course C on B.Cno=C.Cno

--1七、 查詢「95033」班學生的平均分。
select AVG(Degree) 平均分 from Score A inner join Student B on A.Sno=B.Sno where B.Class='95033'
--select AVG(sc.Degree) 平均分 from student st,Score sc where st.Class='95033' and st.Sno=sc.Sno

--create table grade(low int,upp int,rank nvarchar(200))
--insert into grade values(90,100,'A')
--insert into grade values(80,89,'B')
--insert into grade values(70,79,'C')
--insert into grade values(60,69,'D')
--insert into grade values(0,59,'E')
select B.Sno,B.Cno,C.rank from Student A,Score B,grade C where A.Sno=B.Sno and B.Degree between C.low and C.upp
--select st.Sno,sc.Cno,gr.rank from student st,Score sc,grade gr where st.Sno=sc.Sno and sc.Degree>=gr.low and sc.Degree<=gr.upp

select * from Score A inner join Student B on A.Sno=B.Sno where A.Degree in (select Degree from Score where Cno='3-105' and Degree>(select Degree from Score where Sno=109))
--select st.*,sc.Cno,sc.Degree from student st,Score sc where sc.Cno='3-105' and sc.DEGREE>(select degree from Score where Sno='109')and sc.Sno=st.Sno

--select Sno from Score group by Sno having count(Sno)>1--選修多門課的學號
--select MAX(Degree) from Score where Sno in(select Sno from Score group by Sno having count(Sno)>1)    --選修多門課學生中成績最高的分數
select * from Score where Sno in(select sno from Score group by Sno having COUNT(*)>1) and  Degree<(select MAX(degree) from Score where Sno in(select sno from Score group by Sno having count(*)>1))

select * from Score where Cno='3-105' and Degree >(select Degree from Score where Sno='109'and Cno='3-105') 

select Sno,Sname,Sbirthday from Student where Sbirthday=(select Sbirthday from Student where Sno=108)
--select sno,sname,sbirthday from student where year(Sbirthday)=(select year(Sbirthday) from student where Sno='108')

select * from Score where Cno=(select Cno from Course where Tno=(select Tno from Teacher where Tname='趙四'))

select tname from Teacher where Tno in(select tno from Course where Cno in(select cno from Score group by Cno having COUNT(cno)>5))

select * from Student where Class in(95033,95031)
--select * from student where class='95033' or class='95031'

select distinct Cno from Score where Degree>85

select * from Score where Cno in(select Cno from Course where Tno in(select Tno from Teacher where Ddpart='計算機系'))

select tname,prof from Teacher where Prof not in(select Prof from Teacher where Ddpart='計算機系'and Prof in(select Prof from Teacher where Ddpart='電子工程系'))

select * from Score where Cno='3-105' and Degree>(select top 1 Degree from Score where Cno='3-245' order by Degree asc) order by Degree desc
--select cno,sno,degree from Score where Cno='3-105' and DEGREE>any(select DEGREE from Score where Cno='3-245') order by Degree desc    --第二種

select cno,sno,DEGREE from Score where Cno='3-105' and degree>any(select DEGREE from Score where Cno='3-245')

--3一、 查詢全部教師和同窗的name、sex和birthday.
select sname,ssex,sbirthday from Student,teacher

select sname name,ssex sex,sbirthday birthday from student where Ssex='' union select tname,tsex,tbirthday from Teacher where Tsex=''

--3三、 查詢成績比該課程平均成績低的同窗的成績表。
select * from Score a where Degree<(select AVG(Degree) from Score b where a.Cno=b.Cno)
--select * from Score where Degree<(select AVG(A.Degree) as 平均分 from Score A inner join Course B on A.Cno=B.Cno)            --第二種
--select AVG(A.Degree) as 平均分 from Score A inner join Course B on A.Cno=B.Cno                                            --查詢每一科平均成績

select tname,Ddpart from Teacher,Course where Teacher.Tno=Course.Tno

select tname,Ddpart from Teacher where Tno not in(select teacher.Tno from Teacher,Course where Teacher.Tno=Course.Tno)

select Class from Student where Ssex='' group by Class having count(Class)>=2

select * from Student where Sname not like '王%'

select Sname,YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(Sbirthday) age from Student

select max(Sbirthday) 最大值,min(Sbirthday) 最小值 from Student 
--select convert(date,MAX(sbirthday)),convert(date,MIN(sbirthday)) from student    --第二種

select * from Student order by Class desc,Year(GETDATE())-YEAR(Sbirthday) desc
--select * from student order by Class desc ,Sbirthday asc    --第二種

select A.Tname,B.Cname from Teacher A inner join Course B on A.Tno=B.Tno where A.Tsex=''
--select t.Tname,c.Cname from Teacher t,Course c where Tsex='男' and t.Tno=c.Tno    --第二種

select A.Sno,B.Cno,B.Degree from Student A inner join Score B on A.Sno=B.Sno where A.Sno=(select top 1 Sno from Score order by Degree desc)
--select * from Score where degree=(select MAX(DEGREE) from Score)    --第二種

select Sname from Student where Ssex=(select Ssex from Student where Sname='李軍')

select Sname from Student where Ssex=(select Ssex from Student where Sname='匡華') and Class=(select Class from Student where Sname='匡華')

select * from Score where Cno=(select Cno from Course where Cname='計算機導論') and Sno in(select Sno from Student where Ssex='')
--select Score.* from Score,student where Cno=(select Cno from Course where Cname='計算機導論') and student.Ssex='男' and student.Sno=Score.Sno    --第二種方法