一. ArrayList與Array與List<T>spa
ArrayList arrayList1 = new ArrayList(); arrayList1. arrayList1.Add("a"); arrayList1.Add(1); arrayList1.Add("b"); Response.Write(arrayList1[1]);
List < Student > students = new List < Student > (); Student stu1 = new Student(); stu1.Name = "陸小鳳"; stu1.Number = "0801"; stu1.Score = 20; Student stu2 = new Student(); stu2.Name = "西門吹雪"; stu2.Number = "0802"; stu2.Score = 23; students.Add(stu1); students.Add(stu2); Console.WriteLine("集合中的元素個數爲{0}", students.Count); foreach (Student stu in students) { Console.WriteLine("/t{0}/t{1}/t{2}", stu.Name, stu.Number, stu.Score); } students.Remove(stu1); Console.WriteLine("集合中的元素個數爲{0}", students.Count); Console.ReadLine();
二. HashTable 與 Dictionary<key,value>類型
4.Dictionary爲按序插入數據隊列若其中節點被刪除後 順序會被打亂
5.HashTable 元素屬於 Object類型因此在操做時常常發生裝箱拆箱操做效率低於Dictionary
4.鍵值對在HashTable中的位置是由Position = (HashCode&0X7FFFFFFF)%HashTable.Length 來肯定的
三. 功能對比
public class HashTableTest { static Hashtable _Hashtable; static Dictionary<string, object> _Dictionary; static void Main() { Compare(10); Compare(10000); Compare(5000000); Console.ReadLine(); } public static void Compare(int dataCount) { Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------\n"); _Hashtable = new Hashtable(); _Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); //HashTable插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { _Hashtable.Add("Str" + i.ToString(), "Value"); } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" HashTable插入" + dataCount + "條數據須要時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed); //Dictionary插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Reset(); stopWatch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { _Dictionary.Add("Str" + i.ToString(), "Value"); } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary插入" + dataCount + "條數據須要時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed); //Dictionary插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Reset(); int si = 0; stopWatch.Start(); for(int i=0;i<_Hashtable.Count;i++) { si++; } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" HashTable遍歷時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed + " ,遍歷採用for方式"); //Dictionary插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Reset(); si = 0; stopWatch.Start(); foreach (var s in _Hashtable) { si++; } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" HashTable遍歷時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed + " ,遍歷採用foreach方式"); //Dictionary插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Reset(); si = 0; stopWatch.Start(); IDictionaryEnumerator _hashEnum = _Hashtable.GetEnumerator(); while (_hashEnum.MoveNext()) { si++; } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" HashTable遍歷時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed + " ,遍歷採用HashTable.GetEnumerator()方式"); //Dictionary插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Reset(); si = 0; stopWatch.Start(); for(int i=0;i<_Dictionary.Count;i++) { si++; } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary遍歷時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed + " ,遍歷採用for方式"); //Dictionary插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Reset(); si = 0; stopWatch.Start(); foreach (var s in _Dictionary) { si++; } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary遍歷時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed + " ,遍歷採用foreach方式"); //Dictionary插入dataCount條數據須要時間 stopWatch.Reset(); si = 0; stopWatch.Start(); _hashEnum = _Dictionary.GetEnumerator(); while (_hashEnum.MoveNext()) { si++; } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary遍歷時間:" + stopWatch.Elapsed + " ,遍歷採用Dictionary.GetEnumerator()方式"); Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------------------------------"); } }
三. Queue和Stack
2.Queue屬於先進先出,Stack屬於先進後出 注意堆棧關係
四. SortedList
1.引用System.Collections.SortList命名空間,其內部存儲至關於兩個數組 鍵數組與值數組 兩者相關聯關係,其中能夠經過鍵來查詢值,也能夠根據值來搜索鍵,可是鍵不能爲空,而值能夠
static void Main(string[] args) 06. { 07. // 建立一個SortedList對象 08. SortedList mySortedList = new SortedList(); 09. mySortedList.Add("First", "Hello"); 10. mySortedList.Add("Second", "World"); 11. mySortedList.Add("Third", "!"); 12. mySortedList.Add("Four", "{1}quot;); 13. 14. //列舉SortedList的屬性、鍵、值 15. Console.WriteLine("MySortedList"); 16. Console.WriteLine(" Count: {0}", mySortedList.Count); 17. Console.WriteLine(" Capacity: {0}", mySortedList.Capacity); 18. Console.WriteLine(" Keys and Values:"); 19. PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(mySortedList); 20. 21. #region SortedList得到鍵、值列表 22. SortedList mySortedList1 = new SortedList(); 23. mySortedList1.Add(1.3, "fox"); 24. mySortedList1.Add(1.4, "jumped"); 25. mySortedList1.Add(1.5, "over"); 26. mySortedList1.Add(1.2, "brown"); 27. mySortedList1.Add(1.1, "quick"); 28. mySortedList1.Add(1.0, "The"); 29. mySortedList1.Add(1.6, "the"); 30. mySortedList1.Add(1.8, "dog"); 31. mySortedList1.Add(1.7, "lazy"); 32. 33. //得到指定索引處的鍵和值 34. int myIndex = 3; 35. // 獲取 System.Collections.SortedList 對象的指定索引處的鍵 36. Console.WriteLine("The key at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySortedList1.GetKey(myIndex)); 37. // 獲取 System.Collections.SortedList 對象的指定索引處的值 38. Console.WriteLine("The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySortedList1.GetByIndex(myIndex)); 39. 40. // 得到SortedList中的鍵列表和值列表 41. IList myKeyList = mySortedList1.GetKeyList(); 42. IList myValueList = mySortedList1.GetValueList(); 43. // Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column. 44. Console.WriteLine("\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-"); 45. for (int i = 0; i < mySortedList1.Count; i++) 46. Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t{1}", myKeyList[i], myValueList[i]); 47. 48. #endregion 49. 50. #region 爲SortedList中的元素從新賦值 51. // Creates and initializes a new SortedList. 52. SortedList mySortedList2 = new SortedList(); 53. mySortedList2.Add(2, "two"); 54. mySortedList2.Add(3, "three"); 55. mySortedList2.Add(1, "one"); 56. mySortedList2.Add(0, "zero"); 57. mySortedList2.Add(4, "four"); 58. // 打印顯示列表的鍵和值 59. Console.WriteLine("The SortedList contains the following values:"); 60. PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(mySortedList2); 61. 62. // 得到指定鍵的索引 63. int myKey = 2; 64. Console.WriteLine("The key \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myKey, mySortedList2.IndexOfKey(myKey)); 65. // 得到指定值的索引 66. String myValue = "three"; 67. Console.WriteLine("The value \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myValue, mySortedList2.IndexOfValue(myValue)); 68. // 從新設置指定索引處的值 69. mySortedList2.SetByIndex(3, "III"); // SetByIndex:替換 System.Collections.SortedList 對象中指定索引處的值 70. mySortedList2.SetByIndex(4, "IV"); 71. //打印顯示列表的鍵和值 72. Console.WriteLine("After replacing the value at index 3 and index 4,"); 73. PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(mySortedList2); 74. #endregion 75. Console.ReadKey(); 76. } 77. 78. //打印SortedList中的鍵和值 79. public static void PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(SortedList myList) 80. { 81. Console.WriteLine("\t-INDEX-\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-"); 82. for (int i = 0; i < myList.Count; i++) 83. { 84. Console.WriteLine("\t[{0}]:\t{1}\t{2}", i, myList.GetKey(i), myList.GetByIndex(i)); 85. } 86. Console.WriteLine(); 87. } 88. }
static void Main(string[] args) 06. { 07. // 建立一個SortedList對象 08. SortedList mySortedList = new SortedList(); 09. mySortedList.Add("First", "Hello"); 10. mySortedList.Add("Second", "World"); 11. mySortedList.Add("Third", "!"); 12. mySortedList.Add("Four", "{1}quot;); 13. 14. //列舉SortedList的屬性、鍵、值 15. Console.WriteLine("MySortedList"); 16. Console.WriteLine(" Count: {0}", mySortedList.Count); 17. Console.WriteLine(" Capacity: {0}", mySortedList.Capacity); 18. Console.WriteLine(" Keys and Values:"); 19. PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(mySortedList); 20. 21. #region SortedList得到鍵、值列表 22. SortedList mySortedList1 = new SortedList(); 23. mySortedList1.Add(1.3, "fox"); 24. mySortedList1.Add(1.4, "jumped"); 25. mySortedList1.Add(1.5, "over"); 26. mySortedList1.Add(1.2, "brown"); 27. mySortedList1.Add(1.1, "quick"); 28. mySortedList1.Add(1.0, "The"); 29. mySortedList1.Add(1.6, "the"); 30. mySortedList1.Add(1.8, "dog"); 31. mySortedList1.Add(1.7, "lazy"); 32. 33. //得到指定索引處的鍵和值 34. int myIndex = 3; 35. // 獲取 System.Collections.SortedList 對象的指定索引處的鍵 36. Console.WriteLine("The key at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySortedList1.GetKey(myIndex)); 37. // 獲取 System.Collections.SortedList 對象的指定索引處的值 38. Console.WriteLine("The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySortedList1.GetByIndex(myIndex)); 39. 40. // 得到SortedList中的鍵列表和值列表 41. IList myKeyList = mySortedList1.GetKeyList(); 42. IList myValueList = mySortedList1.GetValueList(); 43. // Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column. 44. Console.WriteLine("\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-"); 45. for (int i = 0; i < mySortedList1.Count; i++) 46. Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t{1}", myKeyList[i], myValueList[i]); 47. 48. #endregion 49. 50. #region 爲SortedList中的元素從新賦值 51. // Creates and initializes a new SortedList. 52. SortedList mySortedList2 = new SortedList(); 53. mySortedList2.Add(2, "two"); 54. mySortedList2.Add(3, "three"); 55. mySortedList2.Add(1, "one"); 56. mySortedList2.Add(0, "zero"); 57. mySortedList2.Add(4, "four"); 58. // 打印顯示列表的鍵和值 59. Console.WriteLine("The SortedList contains the following values:"); 60. PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(mySortedList2); 61. 62. // 得到指定鍵的索引 63. int myKey = 2; 64. Console.WriteLine("The key \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myKey, mySortedList2.IndexOfKey(myKey)); 65. // 得到指定值的索引 66. String myValue = "three"; 67. Console.WriteLine("The value \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myValue, mySortedList2.IndexOfValue(myValue)); 68. // 從新設置指定索引處的值 69. mySortedList2.SetByIndex(3, "III"); // SetByIndex:替換 System.Collections.SortedList 對象中指定索引處的值 70. mySortedList2.SetByIndex(4, "IV"); 71. //打印顯示列表的鍵和值 72. Console.WriteLine("After replacing the value at index 3 and index 4,"); 73. PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(mySortedList2); 74. #endregion 75. Console.ReadKey(); 76. } 77. 78. //打印SortedList中的鍵和值 79. public static void PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(SortedList myList) 80. { 81. Console.WriteLine("\t-INDEX-\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-"); 82. for (int i = 0; i < myList.Count; i++) 83. { 84. Console.WriteLine("\t[{0}]:\t{1}\t{2}", i, myList.GetKey(i), myList.GetByIndex(i)); 85. } 86. Console.WriteLine(); 87. } 88. }