react 源碼解讀4 react的更新調度

寫得很亂 還沒整理 可是一不當心發出來了 因此請不要噴我啊 大佬們!react

react v16版本重寫了react中核心算法——reconciliation。16以前稱爲stack reconciler,重寫後的稱爲fiber reconciler,簡稱爲Fiber。 fiber幫助咱們把react整個樹的應用拆分紅一個個fiber樹單元。這種拆分單元的形式可讓咱們給每個不一樣的任務提供優先級,在更新的過程當中能夠中斷,記錄更新到了哪個單元,過一會再從紀錄的單元開始繼續更新。 v16以前的版本則是一個同步的過程,必須等待計算結束才能夠進行dom更新。算法






  1. 找到更新對應的fiberRoot節點
  2. 若是符合條件重置stack
  3. 若是符合條件就請求工做調度 新的高優先級任務 打斷低優先級任務 重置stack

requestWork 請求工做

  1. 加入到root調度隊列
  2. 判斷是否批量更新
  3. 根據expirationTime判斷調度類型

batchedUpdates 批量更新

setState 是同步仍是異步

setState自己方法調用是同步,可是在調用setState的時候並不處於批量更新的狀況下(isbatchingUpdates爲true,沒有當即進行調度performSyncWork,只是建立updateQueue )就是異步的,setState沒有立馬更新, 若是處於立馬更新的狀況下,setState會有可能立馬更新。若是處於異步渲染的條件下,例如concurrentModel和aSyncModel,進入異步調度過程的時候也不會立馬更新。瀏覽器



  1. 維護時間片
  2. 模擬requestIdleCallback
  3. 調度列表和超時判斷


根據ExpirationTime 插入單向鏈表裏app





  1. 可以將動畫和用戶反饋的優先權交給瀏覽器處理,等待空閒的時間在進行react異步更新操做。
  2. 經過計時來控住瀏覽器刷新頻率的判斷,防止在瀏覽器只有在33ms內存在 刷新20ms不更新,剩餘時間再所有更新的這種卡頓感。
  3. 判斷任務是否過時,過時強制輸出。


  1. 瞭解 requestAnimationFrame
  2. 模擬requestIdelCallback



  1. 是否有deadline區分
  2. 循環渲染root的條件
  3. 超過期間片的處理

React Fiber理解

Fiber 的解決思路:把渲染更新過程拆分紅多個子任務,每次只作一小部分,作完看是否還有剩餘時間,若是有繼續下一個任務;若是沒有,掛起當前任務,將時間控制權交給主線程,等主線程不忙的時候在繼續執行。async




  • 調用workLoop 進行循環單元更新
  • 捕獲錯誤並進行處理
  • 走完流程以後進行善後 eg.不一樣類型 錯誤.任務掛起
  • commit root
function renderRoot( root: FiberRoot, expirationTime: ExpirationTime, isSync: boolean, ): SchedulerCallback | null {
    (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext,
    'Should not already be working.',

  if (root.firstPendingTime < expirationTime) {
    // If there's no work left at this expiration time, exit immediately. This
    // happens when multiple callbacks are scheduled for a single root, but an
    // earlier callback flushes the work of a later one.
    return null;

  if (isSync && root.finishedExpirationTime === expirationTime) {
    // There's already a pending commit at this expiration time.
    // TODO: This is poorly factored. This case only exists for the
    // batch.commit() API.
    return commitRoot.bind(null, root);


  // If the root or expiration time have changed, throw out the existing stack
  // and prepare a fresh one. Otherwise we'll continue where we left off.
  if (root !== workInProgressRoot || expirationTime !== renderExpirationTime) {
    prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime);
    startWorkOnPendingInteractions(root, expirationTime);
  } else if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay) {
    // We could've received an update at a lower priority while we yielded.
    // We're suspended in a delayed state. Once we complete this render we're
    // just going to try to recover at the last pending time anyway so we might
    // as well start doing that eagerly.
    // Ideally we should be able to do this even for retries but we don't yet
    // know if we're going to process an update which wants to commit earlier,
    // and this path happens very early so it would happen too often. Instead,
    // for that case, we'll wait until we complete.
    if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing) {
      // We have a ping at this expiration. Let's restart to see if we get unblocked.
      prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime);
    } else {
      const lastPendingTime = root.lastPendingTime;
      if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime) {
        // There's lower priority work. It might be unsuspended. Try rendering
        // at that level immediately, while preserving the position in the queue.
        return renderRoot.bind(null, root, lastPendingTime);

  // If we have a work-in-progress fiber, it means there's still work to do
  // in this root.
  if (workInProgress !== null) {
    const prevExecutionContext = executionContext;
    executionContext |= RenderContext;
    let prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;
    if (prevDispatcher === null) {
      // The React isomorphic package does not include a default dispatcher.
      // Instead the first renderer will lazily attach one, in order to give
      // nicer error messages.
      prevDispatcher = ContextOnlyDispatcher;
    ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;
    let prevInteractions: Set<Interaction> | null = null;
    if (enableSchedulerTracing) {
      prevInteractions = __interactionsRef.current;
      __interactionsRef.current = root.memoizedInteractions;


    // TODO: Fork renderRoot into renderRootSync and renderRootAsync
    if (isSync) {
      if (expirationTime !== Sync) {
        // An async update expired. There may be other expired updates on
        // this root. We should render all the expired work in a
        // single batch.
        const currentTime = requestCurrentTime();
        if (currentTime < expirationTime) {
          // Restart at the current time.
          executionContext = prevExecutionContext;
          ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher;
          if (enableSchedulerTracing) {
            __interactionsRef.current = ((prevInteractions: any): Set<
          return renderRoot.bind(null, root, currentTime);
    } else {
      // Since we know we're in a React event, we can clear the current
      // event time. The next update will compute a new event time.
      currentEventTime = NoWork;

    do {
      try {
        if (isSync) {
        } else {
      } catch (thrownValue) {
        // Reset module-level state that was set during the render phase.

        const sourceFiber = workInProgress;
        if (sourceFiber === null || sourceFiber.return === null) {
          // Expected to be working on a non-root fiber. This is a fatal error
          // because there's no ancestor that can handle it; the root is
          // supposed to capture all errors that weren't caught by an error
          // boundary.
          prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime);
          executionContext = prevExecutionContext;
          throw thrownValue;

        if (enableProfilerTimer && sourceFiber.mode & ProfileMode) {
          // Record the time spent rendering before an error was thrown. This
          // avoids inaccurate Profiler durations in the case of a
          // suspended render.
          stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(sourceFiber, true);

        const returnFiber = sourceFiber.return;
        workInProgress = completeUnitOfWork(sourceFiber);
    } while (true);

    executionContext = prevExecutionContext;
    ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher;
    if (enableSchedulerTracing) {
      __interactionsRef.current = ((prevInteractions: any): Set<Interaction>);

    if (workInProgress !== null) {
      // There's still work left over. Return a continuation.
      return renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime);

  // We now have a consistent tree. The next step is either to commit it, or, if
  // something suspended, wait to commit it after a timeout.

  root.finishedWork = root.current.alternate;
  root.finishedExpirationTime = expirationTime;

  const isLocked = resolveLocksOnRoot(root, expirationTime);
  if (isLocked) {
    // This root has a lock that prevents it from committing. Exit. If we begin
    // work on the root again, without any intervening updates, it will finish
    // without doing additional work.
    return null;

  // Set this to null to indicate there's no in-progress render.
  workInProgressRoot = null;

  switch (workInProgressRootExitStatus) {
    case RootIncomplete: {
      invariant(false, 'Should have a work-in-progress.');
    // Flow knows about invariant, so it complains if I add a break statement,
    // but eslint doesn't know about invariant, so it complains if I do.
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
    case RootErrored: {
      // An error was thrown. First check if there is lower priority work
      // scheduled on this root.
      const lastPendingTime = root.lastPendingTime;
      if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime) {
        // There's lower priority work. Before raising the error, try rendering
        // at the lower priority to see if it fixes it. Use a continuation to
        // maintain the existing priority and position in the queue.
        return renderRoot.bind(null, root, lastPendingTime);
      if (!isSync) {
        // If we're rendering asynchronously, it's possible the error was
        // caused by tearing due to a mutation during an event. Try rendering
        // one more time without yiedling to events.
        prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime);
        scheduleSyncCallback(renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime));
        return null;
      // If we're already rendering synchronously, commit the root in its
      // errored state.
      return commitRoot.bind(null, root);
    case RootSuspended: {

      // We have an acceptable loading state. We need to figure out if we should
      // immediately commit it or wait a bit.

      // If we have processed new updates during this render, we may now have a
      // new loading state ready. We want to ensure that we commit that as soon as
      // possible.
      const hasNotProcessedNewUpdates =
        workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime === Sync;
      if (
        hasNotProcessedNewUpdates &&
        !isSync &&
        // do not delay if we're inside an act() scope
          __DEV__ &&
          flushSuspenseFallbacksInTests &&
      ) {
        // If we have not processed any new updates during this pass, then this is
        // either a retry of an existing fallback state or a hidden tree.
        // Hidden trees shouldn't be batched with other work and after that's
        // fixed it can only be a retry.
        // We're going to throttle committing retries so that we don't show too
        // many loading states too quickly.
        let msUntilTimeout =
          globalMostRecentFallbackTime + FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS - now();
        // Don't bother with a very short suspense time.
        if (msUntilTimeout > 10) {
          if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing) {
            // This render was pinged but we didn't get to restart earlier so try
            // restarting now instead.
            prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime);
            return renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime);
          const lastPendingTime = root.lastPendingTime;
          if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime) {
            // There's lower priority work. It might be unsuspended. Try rendering
            // at that level.
            return renderRoot.bind(null, root, lastPendingTime);
          // The render is suspended, it hasn't timed out, and there's no lower
          // priority work to do. Instead of committing the fallback
          // immediately, wait for more data to arrive.
          root.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(
            commitRoot.bind(null, root),
          return null;
      // The work expired. Commit immediately.
      return commitRoot.bind(null, root);
    case RootSuspendedWithDelay: {

      if (
        !isSync &&
        // do not delay if we're inside an act() scope
          __DEV__ &&
          flushSuspenseFallbacksInTests &&
      ) {
        // We're suspended in a state that should be avoided. We'll try to avoid committing
        // it for as long as the timeouts let us.
        if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing) {
          // This render was pinged but we didn't get to restart earlier so try
          // restarting now instead.
          prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime);
          return renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime);
        const lastPendingTime = root.lastPendingTime;
        if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime) {
          // There's lower priority work. It might be unsuspended. Try rendering
          // at that level immediately.
          return renderRoot.bind(null, root, lastPendingTime);

        let msUntilTimeout;
        if (workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout !== Sync) {
          // We have processed a suspense config whose expiration time we can use as
          // the timeout.
          msUntilTimeout =
            expirationTimeToMs(workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout) - now();
        } else if (workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime === Sync) {
          // This should never normally happen because only new updates cause
          // delayed states, so we should have processed something. However,
          // this could also happen in an offscreen tree.
          msUntilTimeout = 0;
        } else {
          // If we don't have a suspense config, we're going to use a heuristic to
          // determine how long we can suspend.
          const eventTimeMs: number = inferTimeFromExpirationTime(
          const currentTimeMs = now();
          const timeUntilExpirationMs =
            expirationTimeToMs(expirationTime) - currentTimeMs;
          let timeElapsed = currentTimeMs - eventTimeMs;
          if (timeElapsed < 0) {
            // We get this wrong some time since we estimate the time.
            timeElapsed = 0;

          msUntilTimeout = jnd(timeElapsed) - timeElapsed;

          // Clamp the timeout to the expiration time.
          // TODO: Once the event time is exact instead of inferred from expiration time
          // we don't need this.
          if (timeUntilExpirationMs < msUntilTimeout) {
            msUntilTimeout = timeUntilExpirationMs;

        // Don't bother with a very short suspense time.
        if (msUntilTimeout > 10) {
          // The render is suspended, it hasn't timed out, and there's no lower
          // priority work to do. Instead of committing the fallback
          // immediately, wait for more data to arrive.
          root.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(
            commitRoot.bind(null, root),
          return null;
      // The work expired. Commit immediately.
      return commitRoot.bind(null, root);
    case RootCompleted: {
      // The work completed. Ready to commit.
      if (
        !isSync &&
        // do not delay if we're inside an act() scope
          __DEV__ &&
          flushSuspenseFallbacksInTests &&
        ) &&
        workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime !== Sync &&
        workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig !== null
      ) {
        // If we have exceeded the minimum loading delay, which probably
        // means we have shown a spinner already, we might have to suspend
        // a bit longer to ensure that the spinner is shown for enough time.
        const msUntilTimeout = computeMsUntilSuspenseLoadingDelay(
        if (msUntilTimeout > 10) {
          root.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(
            commitRoot.bind(null, root),
          return null;
      return commitRoot.bind(null, root);
    default: {
      invariant(false, 'Unknown root exit status.');




  • 計算時間以前先進行處理 recomputeCurrentRenderTime