// This is an ID which is written (invisible) into the CAB file
UINT u32_CabID = 12345;
// Store filetimes as UTC in CAB files
BOOL b_StoreUtcTime = TRUE;
// Change this to split the archive into multiple files (200000 --> CAB split size = 200kB)
// ATTENTION: In this case Parameter 1 of CreateFCIContext MUST contain "%d"
UINT u32_SplitSize = 0x7FFFFFFF;
// You can specify your own key for CAB encryption here (the longer the more secure, up to 5000 characters)
// Set empty EncryptionKey ("") to get a CAB file without encryption
char* s8_EncryptionKey = "";
char* s8_EncryptionKey = "AH%KJ/76?KJ逪謀\獰dghf7(ZTbjasdf82iz<sx87qpc5ba&m;-@^l#";
// ########################## Initialization ############################
char s8_WinDir[MAX_PATH];
GetWindowsDirectoryA(s8_WinDir, sizeof(s8_WinDir));
char s8_Explorer[MAX_PATH];
char s8_Notepad [MAX_PATH];
sprintf(s8_Explorer, "%s\\Explorer.exe", s8_WinDir);
sprintf(s8_Notepad, "%s\\Notepad.exe", s8_WinDir);
char s8_WorkDir[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectoryA(sizeof(s8_WorkDir), s8_WorkDir);
char s8_CompressDir[MAX_PATH];
char s8_DecryptDir [MAX_PATH];
char s8_ExtractDir [MAX_PATH];
sprintf(s8_CompressDir, "%s\\_Compressed", s8_WorkDir);
sprintf(s8_DecryptDir, "%s\\_Decrypted", s8_WorkDir);
sprintf(s8_ExtractDir, "%s\\_Extracted", s8_WorkDir);
char s8_CompressFile[MAX_PATH];
strcpy(s8_CompressFile, s8_CompressDir);
strcat(s8_CompressFile, "\\Packed_%d.cab");
Cabinet::CCompress i_Compress;
Cabinet::CExtract i_ExtrDecrypt;
Cabinet::CExtractResource i_ExtrResource;
i_Compress. SetEncryptionKeyA(s8_EncryptionKey);
#ifdef UNICODE
printf("UNICODE compiled\n");
printf("MBCS compiled\n");
// ########################## Compress demo ############################
// This will pack Explorer.exe and Notepad.exe into a CAB file with subfolders
printf("\n CAB FILE COMPRESSION\n\n");
if (!i_Compress.CreateFCIContextA(s8_CompressFile, b_StoreUtcTime, u32_SplitSize, u32_CabID))
printf("Compress ERROR: Could not create FCI context:\n%s\n", i_Compress.LastErrorA());
if (!i_Compress.AddFileA(s8_Explorer, "FileManager\\Explorer.exe", 0))
printf("Compress ERROR: Could not add Explorer.exe to cabinet:\n%s\n", i_Compress.LastErrorA());
if (!i_Compress.AddFileA(s8_Notepad, "TextManager\\Notepad.exe", 0))
printf("Compress ERROR: Could not add Notepad.exe to cabinet:\n%s\n", i_Compress.LastErrorA());
if (!i_Compress.FlushCabinet(FALSE))
printf("Compress ERROR: Could not flush Cabinet:\n%s\n", i_Compress.LastErrorA());
printf("SUCCESS: Compressed Explorer.exe and Notepad.exe into cabinet in\n\"%s\"\n", s8_CompressDir);
// ########################## Decrypt demo ############################
// This will decrypt the CAB file which was encrypted above
if (!s8_EncryptionKey[0]) // Skip the following if the file was not encrypted
printf("\n CAB FILE DECRYPTION\n\n");
if (!i_ExtrDecrypt.CreateFDIContext())
printf("Decrypt ERROR: Could not create FDI context:\n%s\n", i_ExtrDecrypt.LastErrorA());
// replace "%d" -> "1"
sprintf(s8_CompressFile, s8_CompressFile, 1);
// Now extract into subdirectory "_Decrypted" and the corresponding subdirectories in the CAB file
if (!i_ExtrDecrypt.ExtractFileA(s8_CompressFile, s8_DecryptDir))
printf("Decrypt ERROR: Not all files could be extracted:\n%s\n", i_ExtrDecrypt.LastErrorA());
printf("SUCCESS: Decrypted all files from the above encrypted cabinet into\n\"%s\"\n", s8_DecryptDir);
// ########################## Extract resource demo ############################
// This will extract the file "Test.cab" in the embedded resources into a directory
if (!i_ExtrResource.CreateFDIContext())
printf("Extract ERROR: Could not create FDI context:\n%s\n", i_ExtrResource.LastErrorA());
goto _WAIT;
// Now extract into subdirectory "_Extracted" and the corresponding subdirectories in the CAB file
if (!i_ExtrResource.ExtractResourceA(0, ID_CAB_TEST, "CABFILE", s8_ExtractDir))
printf("Extract ERROR: Not all files could be extracted:\n%s\n", i_ExtrResource.LastErrorA());
goto _WAIT;
printf("SUCCESS: Extracted all files from cabinet resource Test.cab into\n\"%s\"\n", s8_ExtractDir);
// Under some cirumstances the DOS window disappears immediately, so you cannot read anything!
printf("\n\nHit any key to exit\n");