類模板 std::optional
一種常見的 optional
使用狀況是一個可能失敗的函數的返回值。與其餘手段,如 std::pair<T,bool> 相比, optional
/** @file optionalT.cpp * @note All Right Reserved. * @brief * @author xor * @date 2019-11-2 * @note * @history * @warning */ #include <iostream> #include <optional> #include <string> // convert string to int if possible: std::optional<int> asInt(const std::string& s) { try { return std::stoi(s); } catch (...) { return std::nullopt; } } std::optional<int> asInt2(const std::string& s) { std::optional<int> ret; // initially no value try { ret = std::stoi(s); } catch (...) { } return ret; } int main() { for (auto s : { "42", " 077", "hello", "0x33" }) { // convert s to int and use the result if possible: std::optional<int> oi = asInt(s); if (oi) { std::cout << "convert '" << s << "' to int: " << *oi << "\n"; } else { std::cout << "can't convert '" << s << "' to int\n"; } } }
/** @file optionalT.cpp * @note All Right Reserved. * @brief * @author xor * @date 2019-11-2 * @note * @history * @warning */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <optional> class Name { private: std::string first; std::optional<std::string> middle; std::string last; public: Name(std::string f, std::optional<std::string> m, std::string l) : first{ std::move(f) }, middle{ std::move(m) }, last{ std::move(l) } { } friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& strm, const Name& n) { strm << n.first << ' '; if (n.middle) { strm << n.middle.value() << ' '; } return strm << n.last; } }; int main() { Name n{ "Jim", std::nullopt, "Knopf" }; std::cout << n << '\n'; Name m{ "Donald", "Ervin", "Knuth" }; std::cout << m << '\n'; return 0; }
std::optional<int> o1;
std::optional<int> o2(std::nullopt);對象
std::optional o3{42}; // deduces optional<int>
std::optional<std::string> o4{"hello"};
std::optional o5{"hello"}; // deduces optional<const char*>
std::optional o6{std::complex{3.0, 4.0}};
std::optional<std::complex<double>> o7{std::in_place, 3.0, 4.0};
// initialize set with lambda as sorting criterion:
auto sc = [] (int x, int y)
return std::abs(x) < std::abs(y);
std::optional<std::set<int,decltype(sc)>> o8{std::in_place, {4, 8, -7, -2, 0, 5}, sc};
std::optional o5{"hello"}; // deduces optional<const char*>
std::optional<std::string> o9{o5}; // OK
auto o10 = std::make_optional(3.0); // optional<double>
auto o11 = std::make_optional("hello"); // optional<const char*>
auto o12 = std::make_optional<std::complex<double>>(3.0, 4.0);
std::multimap<std::string, std::string> englishToGerman;
auto pos = englishToGerman.find("wisdom");
auto o13 = pos != englishToGerman.end()? std::optional{pos->second}: std::nullopt;
string_view 是C++17所提供的用於處理只讀字符串的輕量對象。這裏後綴 view 的意思是隻讀的視圖。
/** @file optionalT.cpp * @note All Right Reserved. * @brief * @author xor * @date 2019-11-2 * @note * @history * @warning */ #include <string> #include <functional> #include <iostream> //#include <optional> #include <experimental/optional>//試驗階段 using namespace std; // optional 可用做可能失敗的工廠的返回類型 std::optional<std::string> create(bool b) { if(b) return "Godzilla"; else return {}; } // 能用 std::nullopt 建立任何(空的) std::optional auto create2(bool b) { return b ? std::optional<std::string>{"Godzilla"} : std::nullopt; } // std::reference_wrapper 可用於返回引用 auto create_ref(bool b) { static std::string value = "Godzilla"; return b ? std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<std::string>>{value} : std::nullopt; } int main() { std::cout << "create(false) returned " << create(false).value_or("empty") << '\n'; // 返回 optional 的工廠函數可用做 while 和 if 的條件 if (auto str = create2(true)) { std::cout << "create2(true) returned " << *str << '\n'; } if (auto str = create_ref(true)) { // 用 get() 訪問 reference_wrapper 的值 std::cout << "create_ref(true) returned " << str->get() << '\n'; str->get() = "Mothra"; std::cout << "modifying it changed it to " << str->get() << '\n'; } }
#include <iostream> #include <optional> #include <string_view> using namespace std; optional<size_t> find_last(string_view string, char to_find, optional<size_t> start_index = nullopt) { if (string.empty()) return nullopt; size_t index = start_index.value_or(string.size() - 1); while (true) { if (string[index] == to_find) return index; if (index == 0) return nullopt; --index; } } int main() { const auto string = "Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."; const optional<size_t> found_a{ find_last(string, 'a') }; if (found_a) cout << "Found the last a at index " << *found_a << endl; const auto found_b{ find_last(string, 'b') }; if (found_b) cout << "Found the last b at index " << found_b.value() << endl; const auto found_early_i(find_last(string, 'i', 10)); if (found_early_i != nullopt) cout << "Found an early i at index " << *found_early_i << endl; }