標籤(空格分隔): 經濟學人web
Remote learningshell
Getting to know your teacherapi
Education has been badly disrupted by covid-19. There are upsides瀏覽器
「Don’t delete your browser history,」 Lin Kai warns his 11-year-old son, who is supposed to be live-streaming lectures delivered by his schoolteachers. Mr Lin has reason to be anxious. To curb the spread of covid-19, the authorities have closed schools and universities indefinitely. But 「study must not stop」, says the education ministry. Under its orders, the country’s biggest exercise in remote learning is under way, watched over by parents. Mr Lin, who lives in the eastern city of Hangzhou, has caught his son being distracted by online games. He wants his son to know that he will inspect the browser for evidence of such naughtiness.微信
教育被疫情嚴重中斷 也不是沒有好的一面
online education/learningless
internet-based learning/educationide
distant learning/educationpost
classroom-based education
bricks-and-mortar classrooms
physical classroom。【寫做優選】
實體店:physical shops 或
bricks-and-mortar shops/ traditional shops
網店:online shops
這裏單獨講一下 bricks-and-mortar這個詞:它是形容詞,指「實體的」(a bricks-and-mortar business is a traditional business that does not operate on the Internet)
其中brick本義指「磚頭」(可數名詞),mortar指「灰漿」(不可數名詞),由bricks和mortar築成的就是建築物,有建築的也就是有實體的,好比: bricks-and-mortar colleges and universities 實體大學
再記憶一個「空殼公司」的說法:shell company,指一種已經開設的公司法人,有公司名字,可是還未有經營業務的公司。
The cash was funnelled through shell companies around the world.這筆資金經過全球各地的空殼公司流出。[經濟學人]
Getting to know more about each other.增進對彼此的瞭解。[破產姐妹臺詞]
be supposed to 應該,認爲必須,被指望
the upside(of sth.) 好的一面,積極的一面,反義詞downside
從積極的一面看on the upside或on the positive/bright/plus side,咱們在進行利弊分析時即可以用到這一短語,好比Environmental pollution gives great cause for concern, but, on the positive side, people are beginning to try and find solutions. 環境污染的確使人擔心,但從積極的一面看,人們開始在努力想辦法解決了。
相反地,「從消極的一面看」能夠說 on the downside或 on the minus/negative/dark side【寫做優選】
browser n.瀏覽器,來自於動詞browse,指「在網上瀏覽」,咱們日常說的「刷微博」「刷抖音」這個「刷」的動做就是browse。
Unlike users of Instagram,who mainly browse feeds of pictures posted by people they follow, Douyin’s fans commonly use the app to watch hot-trending videos posted by users they do not know under categories such as 「food」 and 「scenic spots」.不一樣於 Instagram 中用戶主要瀏覽本身所關注的人發佈的圖片,抖音的用戶會觀看他們未關注的用戶發佈在「美食」和「景點」等類別下的熱門視頻。[經濟學人]
browse through sth指「隨意翻閱」,好比I found the article while I was browsing through some old magazines. 我在翻閱一些舊雜誌時找到了這篇文章。
web celebrities 網紅
interact with followers 與粉絲互動
disseminate inappropriate content 散播不合適內容
寫做中可替換 control, limit,restrain 使用。好比curb one’s temper 控制脾氣,curb crime 控制犯罪,curb traffic 管控交通,curb greenhouse gas emissions 控制溫室氣體排放。
拓展一個很形象地表達「keep a lid on sth」也表示「限制」,lid指「瓶蓋」,keep a lid on sth把…的瓶蓋蓋緊,也就是「抑制,限制」
By stopping the government from overspending, the fiscal rule also helps keep a lid on inflation.經過阻止政府過分消費,財政規則也有助於抑制通脹。[經濟學人]
indefinitely adv. 無限期地
ministry n. (政府的)部門
be under way 已經開始
Plans are well under way for a new shopping centre.建造一座新購物中心的計劃已經順利地在實施了。
The tournament got under way on Friday.錦標賽是星期五開始的。
distracted adj. 心煩意亂的,慌張失措的,錯亂的
inspect vt. 檢查;視察;檢閱
naughtiness adj. 頑皮的; 不聽話的
There are other ways to enforce discipline. Liu Weihua, who teaches at Wuhan University of Technology, cold-calls his students during live streams. With sit-down exams now impossible, his grading system places more emphasis on how students perform in classroom discussions, Mr Liu explains. These are conducted using video-conferencing platforms such as Dingtalk by Alibaba, a tech giant, and Ke tang by Tencent, a competitor.
enforce vt. 實施, 執行
discipline n. 訓練, 鍛鍊, 訓導,紀律
cold-call 指的是「冷不防的陌生來電」,咱們日常接到的寬帶、保險的推銷電話均可以叫cold call
sit-down exams 坐在課桌前考試,也能夠說是正式考試
sit-down 在這裏是形容詞,表示「坐在桌子前的,正式的」,好比電影《怦然心動》有一幕是男主媽媽打算邀請女主一家來家裏吃晚餐,她說It’s going to be a sit-down dinner. I want everyone to dress accordingly. 這將是一個正式的晚宴,我但願全部人都能穿得正式一些。
The disruption is felt most keenly by pupils in the final year of secondary school. That is the year leading up to the gaokao, the notoriously hard university-entrance exam. Many parents fret that online learning is a poor substitute for classroom instruction. Hou Kaixuan, who will sit the gaokao in the northern city of Zhangjiakou this summer, eagerly awaits the re-opening of his school. 「I’m simply more productive in a physical classroom,」 he says.
disruption n. 中斷,分裂,瓦解,破壞
keenly adv. 敏銳地;敏感地;銳利地;強烈地
sth. feel most keenly by sb. 某人最清楚的感受到某事,對某事的感受最爲強烈
Startups looking for early-stage investment have felt the capital winter most keenly.尋求早期投資的創業公司對資本寒冬的感覺最爲強烈。[經濟學人]
keenly至關於strongly,指「猛烈地,強烈地」。來自於形容詞keen, 短語be keen on sth,表示「喜好,滿懷熱情」,至關於like sth a lot, be enthusiastic about sth。
記一個外刊愛用詞組:bear/take the brunt of 承受住某事的主要壓力;首當其衝,也能夠用來形容本次疫情給教育帶來的影響,好比:Schools bore the brunt of the covid-19 outbreak. 疫情爆發,學校首當其衝受到影響。
pupils n. 瞳孔;學生
lead up to sth The period of time leading up to an event is the period of time immediately before it happens. 時間臨近,緊挨在…以前【寫做優選】能夠用來替換「before」
好比:聖誕節前的幾個星期the weeks before Christmas能夠改寫成 the weeks leading up to Christmas
因此寫做中提到「高三」就能夠用the year leading up to the gaokao來替代【寫做優選】
in the lead-up/run-up to sth 在…的前夕,在…準備階段 the lead-up to the election大選的準備工做 The company believes the products will sell well in the run-up to Christmas.公司相信在聖誕節前這些產品的銷路會不錯。
notorious cases of human rights abuses臭名昭著的踐踏人權案
notoriously adv.
煩惱;發愁,寫做中可用來替換掉worry about sth【寫做優選】
Newspapers fretted that people would splurge their pensions on Lamborghinis.媒體擔憂人們會揮霍養老金來買蘭博基尼跑車。 [經濟學人.Banking and the elderly]
substitute vt. & vi. 代替, 替換, 代用
A is a poor substitute for B
《紐約時報》一篇關於電子商務與實體店的文章提到:The fallacy that e-commerce is a poor substitute for real shops has long been forgotten.電子商務不如實體店的謬論早已被遺忘。
When it comes to mass destruction, a disease is a poor substitute for a nuke.疾病在大規模殺傷方面很難匹敵核武器。[經濟學人]
A is a far cry from B,一樣表示「 A 不如 B 」
好比《經濟學人》一篇關於英國脫歐的文章提到:This contemporary Britain is fractured and intolerant, a far cry from the 「cohesive, united, consensual place」 that Benjamin remembers from his childhood. 當代的英國支離破碎,缺少寬容,與本傑明兒時記憶中的「充滿凝聚力、團結和共識之地」相去甚遠。
instruction 講授, 指導, 教學
productive adj.有效益的;富有成效的
Although innovation kills some jobs, it creates new and better ones, as a more productive society becomes richer and its wealthier inhabitants demand more goods and services. 創新的確會讓一些工做消失,可是隨着生產力的提升、社會財富的增長以及富裕起來的人們對得到更多商品和服務的要求的增長,創新也能帶來新的並且是更好的工做。[經濟學人]
一樣含義的形容詞還有:fruitful,好比:a fruitful collaboration/discussion 富有成效的合做 / 討論
sth is counterproductive 拔苗助長
【記憶方法】前綴 counter-表示「反」,productive 表示「有效果的」,連起來 counterproductive 表示產生相反效果,拔苗助長。
Mr. Lavrov called the step counterproductive and said it would cause tensions.拉夫羅夫稱此舉只會事與願違,稱還會致使緊張局面。[BBC]
Not all his classmates agree. Kaixuan observes that some of them study just as hard at home as in school, and take perverse pleasure in the fact that others must be slacking off.
When schools and universities eventually re-open, classrooms may be different, says Mr Yue, the teacher in Beijing. The teacher-student relationship will become 「less hierarchical」, he predicts. That is because China’s prolonged experiment with online learning is reducing the typical reserve between instructor and pupil. Teachers who were previously reluctant to give out their contact details on WeChat, a messaging app, now rely on it to respond to students’ queries. At Mr Yue’s school, students may even call their teachers to ask for feedback. If he is right, such a breaking-down of barriers could be one of the few happy byproducts of the epidemic.
take perverse pleasure in 反而爲…而高興,反倒以…爲樂
He seems to take a perverse pleasure in upsetting people.他有一種反常的心態,惹人煩卻以此爲樂。
She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents.她以讓父母擔驚受怕爲樂。
Don't slack off in your studies.不要荒費學業。
You slacked off and took the easy way out.你絕對是偷懶了。[馬男波傑克臺詞]
Instead of a little man, what if the brain was a hierarchical system?在他看來,若是大腦不是一個侏儒,而是一個分級系統,狀況會如何呢?[經濟學人]
prolonged adj. 持續好久的,長時間的
reserve n.寡言;矜持;內斂(If someone shows reserve, they keep their feelings hidden.)
His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious.他天生的內斂性格讓他顯得有些拘謹。
Similarly, executives in some countries can be reluctant to accept women as business leaders. 一樣,一些國家的高管可能不肯意接受女性成爲企業領導者。[金融時報]
give out 公佈; 宣佈
byproducts n. 副產品
epidemic n. 流行病;傳染病;風尚等的流行