除了Grinder引擎提供的進程斜坡以外,nGrinder 3.3還支持線程斜坡。由於進程是很是昂貴的資源,在單個核心機器中,大約10是可執行進程的最大計數。所以,到目前爲止,流程漸變只支持很是有限的漸變(從0到10)。在nGrinder 3.3中,能夠經過配置啓用線程斜坡。由於每一個進程能夠執行100多個線程,這使得過渡比進程過渡很是平穩。性能
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # A simple example using the HTTP plugin that shows the retrieval of a # single page via HTTP. # # This script is auto generated by ngrinder. # from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder from net.grinder.script import Test from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPPluginControl from HTTPClient import NVPair control = HTTPPluginControl.getConnectionDefaults() control.setTimeout(30000) test1 = Test(1, "Test1") request1 = HTTPRequest(); test1.record(request1) class TestRunner: def initialSleep( self ): sleepTime = grinder.threadNumber * 1000 # 1 seconds per thread grinder.sleep(sleepTime, 0) def __call__( self ): if grinder.runNumber == 0: self.initialSleep() grinder.statistics.delayReports=True result = request1.GET("http://www.google.com") if result.getText().find("Google") != -1 : grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 1 else : grinder.statistics.forLastTest.success = 0
若是您使用的是nGrinder 3.2.3或更高版本,那麼應該在代碼中加入sleep邏輯。ip
/** * A simple example using the HTTP plugin that shows the retrieval of a * single page via HTTP. * * This script is auto generated by ngrinder. * * @author ${userName} */ @RunWith(GrinderRunner) class Test1 { public static GTest test; public static HTTPRequest request; @BeforeProcess public static void beforeClass() { test = new GTest(1, "aa000000"); request = new HTTPRequest(); test.record(request); grinder.logger.info("before process."); } @BeforeThread public void beforeThread() { grinder.statistics.delayReports=true; grinder.logger.info("before thread."); } public void initialSleep() { grinder.sleep(grinder.threadNumber * 1000, 0) } @Test public void test(){ if (grinder.runNumber == 0) { initialSleep() } HTTPResponse result = request.GET("http://www.google.com"); if (result.statusCode == 301 || result.statusCode == 302) { grinder.logger.warn("Warning. The response may not be correct. The response code was {}.", result.statusCode); } else { assertThat(result.statusCode, is(200)); } }