1、Work more when you're in the zone.Relax when you're not.less
It's normal to have days where you just can't work and days where you'll work 12 hours straight.spa
2、Respect your time and make it respected.rem
Your time is $1000/hour,and you need to act accordingly.get
Stop multi-tasking.It merely kills your focus.(不要多任務,保持專一)ast
We're always more focused and productive with limited time.(在有限的時間內,咱們重視很是專一而且有效率)效率
Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive.(按重要性工做更有效率)
Work around procrastination.Procrastinate between intense sprints of work.(工做——放鬆——工做=高效)
No 2 tasks ever hold the same importance.Always prioritize.Be really careful with to-do lists...
Take breaks.Sometimes.休息,休息一下。
4、Set up a work routine and stick to it.Your body will adapt.
5、Doing is better than perfect。
6、More work hours doesn't mean more productivity.
7、Break the unreasonable down into little reasonable chunks.A big goal is only achieved when every little thing that you do everyday,get you closer to that goal.
8、Only ever work on the thing that have the biggest impact.
9、Break tasks into hour increment.Long tasks are hard to get into;feels like it all needs to get done.
10、Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games.
Turns the page on yesterday.Only ever think about today and tomorrow.
11、Set deadlines for everything.
Don't let tasks go on indefinitely.
12、Get a reminder app for everything.
Do not trust your own brain for your memory.
Alway take note.