【轉】 [MySQL 查詢語句]——分組查詢group by

group by

(1) group by的含義:將查詢結果按照1個或多個字段進行分組,字段值相同的爲一組
(2) group by可用於單個字段分組,也可用於多個字段分組函數

select * from employee;
| num  | d_id | name   | age  | sex  | homeaddr    |
|    1 | 1001 | 張三   |   26 | 男   | beijinghdq  |
|    2 | 1002 | 李四   |   24 | 女   | beijingcpq  |
|    3 | 1003 | 王五   |   25 | 男   | changshaylq |
|    4 | 1004 | Aric   |   15 | 男   | England     |
select * from employee group by d_id,sex;
select * from employee group by sex;
| num  | d_id | name   | age  | sex  | homeaddr   |
|    2 | 1002 | 李四   |   24 | 女   | beijingcpq |
|    1 | 1001 | 張三   |   26 | 男   | beijinghdq |
當group by單獨使用時,只顯示出每組的第一條記錄
因此group by單獨使用時的實際意義不大

group by + group_concat()

(1) group_concat(字段名)能夠做爲一個輸出字段來使用,
(2) 表示分組以後,根據分組結果,使用group_concat()來放置每一組的某字段的值的集合spa

select sex from employee group by sex;
| sex  |
| 女   |
| 男   |
select sex,group_concat(name) from employee group by sex;
| sex  | group_concat(name) |
| 女   | 李四               |
| 男   | 張三,王五,Aric     |
select sex,group_concat(d_id) from employee group by sex;
| sex  | group_concat(d_id) |
| 女   | 1002               |
| 男   | 1001,1003,1004     |

group by + 集合函數

(1) 經過group_concat()的啓發,咱們既然能夠統計出每一個分組的某字段的值的集合,那麼咱們也能夠經過集合函數來對這個"值的集合"作一些操做code

select sex,group_concat(age) from employee group by sex;
| sex  | group_concat(age) |
| 女   | 24                |
| 男   | 26,25,15          |
select sex,avg(age) from employee group by sex;
| sex  | avg(age) |
| 女   |  24.0000 |
| 男   |  22.0000 |
select sex,count(sex) from employee group by sex;
| sex  | count(sex) |
| 女   |          1 |
| 男   |          3 |

group by + having

(1) having 條件表達式:用來分組查詢後指定一些條件來輸出查詢結果
(2) having做用和where同樣,但having只能用於group byblog

select sex,count(sex) from employee group by sex having count(sex)>2;
| sex  | count(sex) |
| 男   |          3 |

group by + with rollup

(1) with rollup的做用是:在最後新增一行,來記錄當前列裏全部記錄的總和it

select sex,count(age) from employee group by sex with rollup;
| sex  | count(age) |
| 女   |          1 |
| 男   |          3 |
| NULL |          4 |
select sex,group_concat(age) from employee group by sex with rollup;
| sex  | group_concat(age) |
| 女   | 24                |
| 男   | 26,25,15          |
| NULL | 24,26,25,15       |