I am having some difficulty understanding how to use tags versus branches in git . 我在理解如何在git中使用標籤與分支時遇到一些困難。 git
I just moved the current version of our code from cvs to git , and now I'm going to be working on a subset of that code for a particular feature. 我剛剛將當前版本的代碼從cvs移動到git ,如今我將爲特定功能處理該代碼的子集。 A few other developers will be working on this as well, but not all developers in our group are going to care about this feature. 其餘一些開發人員也會參與其中,但並不是全部開發人員都會關注此功能。 Should I be creating a branch or a tag? 我應該建立分支仍是標記? In what situations should I be using one versus the other? 在什麼狀況下我應該使用一個與另外一個? this