如何重命名本地Git分支? - How do I rename a local Git branch?


I don't want to rename a remote branch, as described in Rename master branch for both local and remote Git repositories . 我不想重命名遠程分支,如重命名本地和遠程Git存儲庫的master分支中所述。 git

How can I rename a local branch which hasn't been pushed to a remote branch? 如何重命名還沒有推送到遠程分支的本地分支? spa

In case you need to rename remote branch as well: 若是您還須要重命名遠程分支:
How do I rename both a Git local and remote branch name 如何重命名Git本地和遠程分支名稱 .net


參考一: https://stackoom.com/question/Reft/如何重命名本地Git分支
參考二: https://oldbug.net/q/Reft/How-do-I-rename-a-local-Git-branch