本文主要介紹瞭如何暫停和繼續CALayer的動畫. 首先來看CALayer.git
/** The base layer class. **/
@interface CALayer : NSObject <NSCoding, CAMediaTiming>
NSCoding比較經常使用, 就很少說了. 那這個CAMediaTiming是個什麼東西!github
/* The CAMediaTiming protocol is implemented by layers and animations, it
* models a hierarchical timing system, with each object describing the
* mapping from time values in the object's parent to local time. * * Absolute time is defined as mach time converted to seconds. The * CACurrentMediaTime function is provided as a convenience for querying the * current absolute time. * * The conversion from parent time to local time has two stages: * * 1. conversion to "active local time". This includes the point at * which the object appears in the parent's timeline, and how fast it
* plays relative to the parent.
* 2. conversion from active to "basic local time". The timing model
* allows for objects to repeat their basic duration multiple times,
* and optionally to play backwards before repeating. */
從以上介紹咱們大概瞭解到CALayer繼承了CAMediaTiming協議, 則能夠在layer與其父對象之間進行時間轉換. 即, layer上的動畫時間能夠與實際的時間進行必定的轉換. 轉換的步驟也描述地比較清楚. 那麼這個轉換有什麼意義呢?bash
再看CAMediaTiming, 包含了不少屬性. iOS中給protocol定義屬性, 其實是沒有對應的實例變量的, 只有getter/setter方法. 這一點與category相似: 給category添加屬性,實際上只會添加getter/setter方法,不會添加真正的實例變量。 由於category是在runtime決定的. 當添加實例變量的話, 類對象的內存空間就要發生變化了. 而類對象的內存空間是在編譯時期就肯定了的. 所以不能給category添加實例變量, 但屬性對應的getter/setter依然有效. protocol也是一樣的道理. 關於這一點的理解, 不知是否有不許確的地方, 歡迎一塊兒討論.app
@protocol CAMediaTiming
/* The begin time of the object, in relation to its parent object, if
* applicable. Defaults to 0. */
@property CFTimeInterval beginTime;
/* The basic duration of the object. Defaults to 0. */
@property CFTimeInterval duration;
/* The rate of the layer. Used to scale parent time to local time, e.g.
* if rate is 2, local time progresses twice as fast as parent time.
* Defaults to 1. */
@property float speed;
/* Additional offset in active local time. i.e. to convert from parent
* time tp to active local time t: t = (tp - begin) * speed + offset.
* One use of this is to "pause" a layer by setting `speed' to zero and * `offset' to a suitable value. Defaults to 0. */
@property CFTimeInterval timeOffset;
/* The repeat count of the object. May be fractional. Defaults to 0. */
@property float repeatCount;
/* The repeat duration of the object. Defaults to 0. */
@property CFTimeInterval repeatDuration;
/* When true, the object plays backwards after playing forwards. Defaults
* to NO. */
@property BOOL autoreverses;
/* Defines how the timed object behaves outside its active duration.
* Local time may be clamped to either end of the active duration, or
* the element may be removed from the presentation. The legal values
* are `backwards', `forwards', `both' and `removed'. Defaults to
* `removed'. */ @property(copy) NSString *fillMode; @end 複製代碼
看到了咱們很是熟悉的duration和autoreverses, 原來是CAMediaTiming中才有的. 最初還覺得是CALayer自身的屬性... 另外幾個關鍵的屬性, beginTime, speed, timeOffset分別是什麼東西呢?ide
看了這些註釋, 依然不曉得具體怎麼使用CAMediaTiming及其屬性, 那麼請看下邊的實例. 經過暫停動畫和繼續動畫的兩個方法, 很是簡明地介紹了這些相關的屬性.動畫
[UIView animateWithDuration:2.0 animations:^{
view1.frame = CGRectMake(self.view.frame.size.width - 100, 100, 100, 100);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
- (void)demosAnimationPause:(UIButton *)sender {
// 將當前時間CACurrentMediaTime轉換爲layer上的時間, 即將parent time轉換爲local time
CFTimeInterval pauseTime = [view1.layer convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime() fromLayer:nil];
// 設置layer的timeOffset, 在繼續操做也會使用到
view1.layer.timeOffset = pauseTime;
// local time與parent time的比例爲0, 意味着local time暫停了
view1.layer.speed = 0;
One use of this is to "pause" a layer by setting speed to zero and offset to a suitable value.ui
- (void)demosAnimationContinue:(UIButton *)sender {
// 時間轉換
CFTimeInterval pauseTime = view1.layer.timeOffset;
// 計算暫停時間
CFTimeInterval timeSincePause = CACurrentMediaTime() - pauseTime;
// 取消
view1.layer.timeOffset = 0;
// local time相對於parent time世界的beginTime
view1.layer.beginTime = timeSincePause;
// 繼續
view1.layer.speed = 1;
那麼如何繼續執行動畫呢? 從新正確設置local time的beginTime與speed便可. 其實, 最難理解的就是local time與parent time, 及其之間的轉換關係.spa
Demo請參考: iOS-Animationcode