
以上爲專業技能, 基本技能。如下還有面試問題,幫助你們參考。面試
Perspective and Background Interview Questions數據庫
- Can you tell me about yourself? (the classic first question of every interview)
- How did you hear about this position?
- What made you apply for this position?
- Why are you leaving your current job?
- What do you like most about your current job?
- Why do you think that this industry is the right one for you?
- What are your expectations for this product manager role?
- Why do you want to work at this company?
- What motivates you?
- How would your previous co-workers describe you?
- Why should we hire you?
- What is the best manager you ever had? Why?
- What your career goals for the next 5 years?
- What is the most difficult decision that you ever had to make?
General Product Management Knowledge Interview Questions微信
- What differentiates you as a product manager?
- What are the qualities of the best product managers you know?
- How do you create, implement, and product projects? And how do you measure its success?
- What resources do you use to obtain product management knowledge?
- Can you tell me about a product that you owned from the vision ideation to launch?
- How did you impact your previous company as a product manager?
- What was your biggest mistake as a product manager?
- What aspects of product management do you find the most exciting?
- How do you balance gut decisions with the use of data?
- What aspects of product management do you find the least interesting?
- What was the most challenging problem that you faced as a product manager?
- Think of a product that you use regularly. How would you improve it and why?
- How do you define an excellent user experience?
- What is one improvement you would implement for our product?
Technical Knowledge Interview Questions網絡
- If you could redesign one of our products now, which one would it be? Why?
- How have you previously integrated the development team with the product vision?
- What would you say that separates a product averagely designed to a product exceptionally designed?
- Our engineering team develops products using Agile Scrum methodology (could also be Kanban or other). How familiar are you with it?
- How would you describe our product to an engineer that doesn’t know the product?
- Have you ever had to cut a product feature even if it would make your product more usable, for priority reasons? How did you convey this to your developing team?
- How do you see the importance of the engineering team as a stakeholder?
- Can you tell me about a technical solution that you designed with engineers that became a commercial product?
- How do you decide what is not worth it to build?
- How do you integrate quality assurance (QA) procedures into the product’s development?
- What strategies do you use to translate strategy aspects into technical requirements?
Product Strategy Knowledge Questions架構
- How do you manage marketing strategies (advertising, pricing, positioning, etc.) in each stage of the product life-cycle?
- What metrics do you use to measure a product’s success?
- Do you have experience devising a product’s vision? What the product successful?
- How did you manage the roadmap for one of your previous products?
- How do you make sure that every team member is on the same page regarding the product roadmap?
- What is your preferred prioritization framework?
- Can you tell me about a time that you used market research data to iterate a product, or create a new product or new feature?
- What are your processes to access customers’ needs and requirements?
- Can you tell me about an instance that you developed a prototype or an MVP that failed?
- Can you walk me through an instance where you or your team had to adjust the product messaging to boost demand and revenue?
- What type of questions are you constantly asking yourself as a product manager?
Interpersonal Skills Questionsapp
- How frequently did you interact with cross-functional teams in your previous position?
- How do you make sure that your team is as motivated as you are?
- What strategies do you use to translate strategy aspects into technical requirements?
- How do you balance communication, from speaking with a strategy-minded executive with no technical expertise to a development-focused engineer?
- How do you approach relationships with clients?
- What types of people do you work best with?
- How would you describe our product design to a non-technical person?
- What approach do you use to handle difficult situations when interacting with clients?
- How do you evaluate whether your users are satisfied with your product offerings?
- What is your process for gathering feedback from product users?
- What motivates you to build better solutions to people in our industry?
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做者:Petter Liu
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