PoPo數據可視化 聚焦於Web數據可視化與可視化交互領域,發現可視化領域有意思的內容。不想錯過可視化領域的精彩內容, 就快快關注咱們吧 :) 微信號:popodv_com
視頻1. 鳥的遷徙
Nightflights, bird migration - visualising gps tracks for ZDF series with Colourfield TV.
視頻2和3. 城市中狗的時空軌跡可視化
Cesium 1.50重量級新功能測評
Cesium 於10.1國慶節當天發佈1.50版本,既Cesium 1.49中3dtile加載性能大幅提高之後,Cesium 1.50再次迎來幾個重量級新功能:
1 地球裁切,這下至關於能夠截取一部分地形影像數據,看成一個平面場景來用了!
2 射線求交,爲客戶提供了進行通視分析和碰撞檢測的可能!
3 貼地高度獲取,爲標籤等位置的放置提供了依據。
4 地面大氣效果,地球效果更加好看,算是彌補了長久以來的短板吧。
popodv.com 新增了 1.50的demo,感興趣的同窗可移步官網瀏覽。
Mapbox GL JS 0.50.0 發佈,添加用戶自定義圖層
WEB GIS 開發框架 mapbox-gl-js v0.50.0 發佈了,Mapbox GL JS 是一個 JavaScript 庫,使用 WebGL 渲染交互式矢量瓦片地圖和柵格瓦片地圖。WebGL 渲染意味着高性能,MapboxGL 可以渲染大量的地圖要素,擁有流暢的交互以及動畫效果、能夠顯示立體地圖而且支持移動端,是一款十分優秀的 WEB GIS(地理信息系統) 開發框架。
添加可使用用戶提供的 WebGL 代碼呈現的自定義圖層
添加 WebGL face culling 以提升性能
自動強制轉換爲 concat 表達式和 text-field 屬性的字符串
添加 fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient 屬性以控制填充擠出的陰影
爲經過 ImageSource 提供的圖像添加更新功能
在線圖表編輯工具 draw.io 9.2.4 發佈,新增特性
- Adds font, customFonts and -ColorSchemes config options
- Adds open page in Confluence Cloud lightbox toolbar
- Fixes property editing in minimal UI
Grafana 發佈 v5.3.0
The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
Filter wildcards and regex matching are not yet supported
Support the distribution metric type for heatmaps
Automatically set graph yaxis unit
Flatbush 發佈v3.1.0
A very fast static spatial index for 2D points and rectangles in JavaScript.
Released Flatbush v3.1.0 — now with fast k-nearest-neighbors queries baked in! Check out Flatbush if you haven't yet — it's one of the cleverest libraries I've ever written.
Zeu.js 1.3.1 發佈
A JavaScript library for real-time visualization
Zeu.js 是一個 JavaScript 庫,其中包含一系列預構建的可視化組件,用於構建實時 TV 儀表板,監控 UI 和物聯網Web界面。
Gource 代碼可視化
Gource是一個比較有意思的可視化工具,能夠將代碼倉庫的歷史變成視頻,支持 Git 和 SVN 等多種格式。只要在倉庫目錄執行 gource 命令,就能看到提交歷史的視頻.
Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre. Directories appear as branches with files as leaves. Developers can be seen working on the tree at the times they contributed to the project.
【滾城一團】首秀 debug ECharts 大烏龍,問題竟然出在……
Baseball Savant 棒球投手數據可視化
Visualize the Entire Global Economy in One Chart
Last week President Trump announced a landmark new trade agreement replacing NAFTA, a deal that he thinks will pour 「cash and jobs」 into the US economy. We don’t want to debate the merits of Trump’s approach to trade, but the world should always pay attention when the leader of the world’s largest economy starts talking about tariffs. Our newest visualization highlights exactly how big the U.S. economy is compared to the every other country in the world.
The sound of birds visualized
When I was young, I saw a little pretty bird on the mountain. The bird quickly flew away, leaving only sound behind. I looked up in the sky to find the bird, but all I could see was tree branches and forest. The bird kept on singing, but I had no idea where it was. I had no other choice than to mimic the sound of the bird and ask my dad the name of the bird. My dad used to tell me which bird it was. From very young, bird was the tree branches and big forest to me. This experience made me to visualize the sound of birds like forest.
PoPo 數據可視化
聚焦於Web數據可視化與可視化交互領域,發現可視化領域有意思的內容。不想錯過可視化領域的精彩內容, 就快快關注咱們吧 :)微信號:popodv_com