1) What is Redis?redis
Redis is an advanced key-value data store and cache. It has is also referred to as a data structure server as such the keys not only contains strings, but also hashes, sets, lists, and sorted sets. Companies using Redis includes StackOverflow, Twitter, Github, etc.promise
2) Explain the Replication feature of Redis?app
Redis supports simple master to slave replication. When a relationship is established, data from the master is transferred to the slave. Once this is done, all changes to the master replicate to the slavedom
3) What is the difference between Memcached and Redis?ide
4) What are the advantages of using Redis?this
Advantage of using Redis arespa
5) What are the limitations of Redis?orm
6) List out the operation keys of Redis?server
Operation keys of Redis include TYPE key TTL key KEYS pattern EXPIRE key seconds EXPIREAT key timestamp EXISTS key DEL keythree
7) Which PHP module can be used with Redis?
In PHP module, PRedis is more preferable than Redid PHP binding or Resident
8) Does Redis give speed and durability both?
No, Redis purposely(故意) compromises(妥協) the durability to enhance(增長) the speed. In Redis, in the event of system failure or crash, Redis writes to disk but may fall behind and lose the data which is not stored.
9) How can you improve the durability in Redis?
To improve the durability(耐久性) of Redis 「append only file」 can be configured by using fsync data on disk.
10) Mention what are the things you have to take care while using Redis?
While using Redis one must take care of Select a consistent method to name and prefix your keys. Manage your namespace Create a 「Registry」 of key prefixes that maps each of your internal documents for that application which 「own」 them For every class you put through into your Redis infrastructure(公共建設): design, implement and test the mechanisms for garbage collection or data migration(遷移) to archival storage Design, implement and test a sharding library before you have invested much into your application deployment and make sure that you keep a registry of 「shards 「replicated on each server Separate all your K/V store and related operations into your own library/API or service