1. wood cutide
class Solution: """ @param L: Given n pieces of wood with length L[i] @param k: An integer return: The maximum length of the small pieces. """ def pieces(self, L, length): p = 0 for i in L: p += i / length return p def woodCut(self, L, k): # at first, this if check condition is ignored if sum(L) < k: return 0 start = 1
# at first, use the average of sum of array. end = max(L) while start + 1 < end: mid = start + (end - start) / 2 if self.pieces(L, mid) >= k: start = mid else: end = mid if self.pieces(L, end) >= k: return end return start
2. First Bad Version:能夠當作找到第一個是false的位置this
#class SVNRepo: # @classmethod # def isBadVersion(cls, id) # # Run unit tests to check whether verison `id` is a bad version # # return true if unit tests passed else false. # You can use SVNRepo.isBadVersion(10) to check whether version 10 is a # bad version. class Solution: """ @param n: An integers. @return: An integer which is the first bad version. """ def findFirstBadVersion(self, n): start = 1 end = n while(start + 1 < end): mid = start + (end - start) / 2 if SVNRepo.isBadVersion(mid): end = mid else: start = mid if SVNRepo.isBadVersion(start): return start return end
3. Search for a range:找到first position和last position的結合體,不過須要兩次遍歷,尚未找到更好的方法code
class Solution: """ @param A : a list of integers @param target : an integer to be searched @return : a list of length 2, [index1, index2] """ def searchRange(self, A, target): # write your code here if A is None or len(A) == 0: return[-1,-1] start = 0 end = len(A) - 1 while(start + 1 < end): mid = start + (end - start) / 2 if A[mid] == target: end = mid elif A[mid] < target: start = mid else: end = mid if A[start] == target: left = start elif A[end] == target: left = end else: return[-1,-1] start = left end = len(A) - 1 while start + 1 < end: mid = start + (end - start) / 2 if A[mid] == target: start = mid elif A[mid] < target: start = mid else: end = mid if A[end] == target: right = end # one tip: cannot use another if, because there maybe two continuous # same num. so A[start] and A[end] maybe the same and the value of # A[start] may override the right value elif A[start] == target: right = start return [left,right]