「在任何學科領域,是否有一個好導師將決定學生的研究生涯初期的成敗」 什麼樣的導師是好導師呢?2005年,Nature創立了the Nature awards for mentoring in science,用於表彰在指導研究生方面卓有成效的導師。 有關人員普遍收集總結了學生們對其導師的評價,總結成了給導師的16條建議,如對學生的智力與能力的尊重,對學生職業發展(甚至選擇非學術道路)的尊重等等。app
下文分別列出這16條建議,並引用學生的comments做爲例證。基於我與本身的博士導師 & 我與本科期間的兩個導師的各類經歷,我highlight了這些comment裏讓我深有感觸的地方。在異國求學,一個supportive的好導師是如父親通常的存在。dom
Be available:學習
Be generous:無私的分享精神
Individual difference:
「導師須要有能力與實驗室的每一個成員創建獨特的關係。Francis 擁有這個個性,他能看到每一個人的優點和天賦,而後設計項目以適應這些優點。她知道不是每一個人都用一樣的方式工做或者想要一樣的東西,這個能力讓她從每一個人那裏獲得最好的結果。」
For Life:一日爲師,終身爲父
「Hassan 給他的學生持續不斷的提供幫助:因此,在我和他一塊兒完成博士學位二十年以後,當我有一個棘手的問題須要討論或者急需一個建議時,他仍然是個人第一個想要尋求幫助的,他歷來沒有讓我失望過。」
Actively research:
Balance direction:
「Jane 明白社交生活和工做結合在一塊兒的重要性。咱們實驗室老是熱衷於爲實驗室成員提供咖啡和蛋糕,戶外活動,或去她家燒烤。」
Building a community:
「Eli 設法創造了一個科學氛圍濃厚的實驗室,提升了科研效率,這裏沒有複雜的人際競爭因素,不少實驗室尤爲是美國的實驗室,這一點很明顯。」
Be social:你們一塊兒玩~
Create networks:
"An important catalyst for many of us was Rene’s attitude to networking – he endeavored to send all his students and postdocs to good scientific meetings because he realized how important it was for us to start making connections with peers in our field early in our careers. Right from the start we were exhorted to take every opportunity to talk to people because it was a strongly held opinion of his that you learnt just as much at breakfast conversations and in post-conference drinks as you did from the presentations themselves. It was not uncommon to hear that he had lobbied for an opportunity for a postdoc to speak at a conference rather than doing so himselfbecause he recognized the value of becoming known, especially given our distance from North America and Europe."
"Elizabeth has maintained contact with her previous students and is quick to make links between the many people she knows and any project that comes under her discussion. She encourages collaboration and would very quickly point to potential collaborators. Liz also would be quick toinclude students in on social occasions with high profile scientists visiting the university. This allowed students to get to know the scientists, and vice versa, and again served as a time when students could voice their thoughts and ideas to very knowledgeable and experienced researchers."
小小的comment:我以爲B在這方面能夠增強。好比,介紹他的「contacts to promote their students and young staff」, 好比「when a distinguished scientist comes to visit the School they, not only introduce them, but also give them an opportunity to present or discuss their work」,好比,若是B能多給我指點一些其餘學校的合做研究者就更好了。
Question & Listen:
問好問題,激發好的答案,用一連串的好問題persistently keeps the questions flowing to help the answer come along
「Rather than directly providing me with interesting ideas, he/she is able to ask the right questions to allow me to come up with my own theories and ideas."
「Elspeth makes you feel special. She makes you feel valued and is genuinely interested in people’s welfare. She doesn’t preach. She questions and lets you speak. She listens and provides an environment where you can put forward ideas and then she facilitates the evolution of your own answers."
Enhancing criticism:
「Catherine has focused on equipping people with the skills to be fully functioning members of the scientific community, able to prepare grant applications, review manus, speak at conferences and engage with scientific administrators in a constructive manner. Such a holistic approach to running a scientific group will ultimately bring enormous benefit to the group’s alumni, giving them all the skills necessary to carve out their own niches in the academic world.」
「To the uninitiated, the scientific literature is a baffling mass of conflicting ideas and results, accepted wisdom and false assumptions. The mentor can help by alerting the new student to papers that he/she considers of particular interest, and by going over the most pertinent ones with the student in some detail. It also helps greatly for the laboratory or department to establish a ‘journal club’ where students regularly take turns dissecting one or two relevant current papers and their background, with input from other students and faculty members. Participating in such discussions can greatly sharpen the student’s critical acumen and judgement.」
「A journal club is one strategy, students should not only participate in the critique of key papers but they should regularly take the lead by selecting, reviewing and critiquing papers themselves. Students should be involved from the beginning in the team's grant applications. They should also be put in the position of interviewers in mock interviews. They should take the position of journal referee of papers submitted from the group and be encouraged to make a decision re acceptance, resubmission or rejection. The actual reviews that come back then provide the basic for a very rich discussion. In summary, we should create a situation where our students practice all the things we do that make us a scientist. "
Enhancing writing:
「Given the vital role of publications and grants in any scientific career, learning to write effectively is an essential key to career advancement. Therefore, I try diligently to instil the basics of clear scientific writing. After an extended discussion with the student of the results to be shown in a paper, I nearly always let him/her prepare the first draft and then begin the reiterative revision process, using ‘track changes’ to show what has been done.」high quality essay writing service on www.baydue.com
因此,一個好的練習是present students with a manu they have not seen with either the abstract, introduction or discussion omitted and getting them to write their version which can then be compared with the original. 正如文章[2]指出,「The more writing we give students to do the more we burden ourselves but that is part of the contract. A positive comment on all the mentors was that they gave feedback on written work very quickly. Hard to do but essential.」
文章做者還指出,「This was often embarrassing in that the standard of honours seminars and graduate student presentation was way better than the presentations of senior staff members the students experienced at conferences. 」
Seek feedback:有什麼優勢和不足,聽聽學生怎麼說。