
一, 目錄結構ui

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── main.cppthis

* link:CMakeLists.txt[CMakeLists.txt] - Contains the CMake commands you wish to run
* link:main.cpp[main.cpp] - A simple "Hello World" cpp file.ip



cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)io

# Set the project name
project (hello_cmake)table

aux_source_directory(. DIR_TOOT_SRCS)function


# Add an executable
add_executable(hello_cmake ${DIR_TOOT_SRCS})變量




### cmake最低版本

When creating a project using CMake, you can specify the minimum version
of CMake that is supported.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

### 項目名稱

A CMake build can include a project name to make referencing certain
variables easier when using multiple projects.

project (hello_cmake)

### 建立可執行程序

The +add_executable()+ command specifies that an executable should be
build from the specified source files, in this example main.cpp. The
first argument to the +add_executable()+ function is the name of the
executable to be built, and the second argument is the list of source files to compile.

add_executable(hello_cmake main.cpp) 或者 add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)

