另外在設置窗口的」Themes」標籤頁中也能看到全部安裝過的主題(主題其實也是一種插件) css
在提示有」Search packages」的文本框裏輸入插件的名字
點」Packages」或者」Themes」來查找安裝Atom的插件或主題 html
你能夠在」Packages」標籤頁的」Filter packages by name」文本框中輸入插件的名字來搜索已安裝的插件.
若是插件支持手動設置,在它所在的列表項中就會有一個名爲」Settings」的按鈕. linux
下圖是使用」Unity UI」主題和」Monokai」高亮後的顯示效果 git
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# 顯示apm命令的使用幫助 # 經過這個命令能夠得到apm提供的全部子命令 apm help # 顯示apm命令的install子命令的使用幫助 apm help instal
# 搜索插件名包含coffee的插件 apm search coffee
Search Results For 'coffee' (29) ├── scallahan-coffee-syntax A coffee inspired theme from the guys over at S.CALLAHAN (35 downloads, 0 stars) ├── coffee-paste Copy/Paste As : Js ➤ Coffee / Coffee ➤ Js (372 downloads, 3 stars) ├── atom-coffee-repl Coffee REPL for Atom Editor (642 downloads, 2 stars) ├── Scoffee-syntax A coffee inspired theme from the guys over at S.CALLAHAN (30 downloads, 0 stars) ├── coffee-navigator Code navigation panel for Coffee Script (2589 downloads, 18 stars) ├── coffee-autocompile Auto compile Coffee-script. (1619 downloads, 3 stars) ├── atom-compile-coffee This Atom.io Package compiles .coffee Files on save to .js files. (myJavascript.coffee -> myJavascript.js) (1666 downloads, 6 stars) ├── coffee-sass-workflow auto-compile onSave of .coffee and .scss files (OSX maybe unix and linux too) (146 downloads, 2 stars) ├── coffee-links a code-links plugin that parses CoffeeScript. (254 downloads, 6 stars) ├── make-coffee Create CoffeeScript version of Javascript files in tree view (263 downloads, 1 star) ├── coffee-porter Convert your JS to Coffescript quickly and flexibly. (325 downloads, 2 stars) ├── coffee-refactor Refactoring support for CoffeeScript (519 downloads, 3 stars) ├── coffee-compile Preview, compile and/or save CoffeeScript in editor to Javascript (16173 downloads, 47 stars) ├── iced-coffee-compiler Quickly compile IcedCoffeeScript code in the editor to JavaScript (88 downloads, 1 star) ├── pen-paper-coffee-syntax A syntax theme specifically for writing papers in markdown. Featuring a paper like color scheme and increased font-size for headings (10210 downloads, 56 stars) ├── CoffeeCompile Auto compile coffee to js on save. (378 downloads, 1 star) ├── coffeescript-build Build the current coffee script file. (1146 downloads, 5 stars) ├── language-typed-coffee-script TypedCoffeeScript language support in Atom (290 downloads, 0 stars) ├── language-coffee-script CoffeeScript language support in Atom (158909 downloads, 25 stars) ├── linter-coffee-variables Lint CoffeeScript for undefined and unused variables (213 downloads, 1 star) ├── language-iced-coffee-script IcedCoffeeScript language support in Atom (361 downloads, 2 stars) ├── language-coffee-script-on-ice IcedCoffeeScript language support in Atom (49 downloads, 0 stars) ├── language-coffee-script-angular CoffeeScript language support in Atom for Angular Developers (2138 downloads, 7 stars) ├── linter-coffeescript Lint CoffeeScript on the fly, using coffee (3391 downloads, 14 stars) ├── language-iced-coffeescript Iced coffeescript for atom (158 downloads, 1 star) ├── language-coffeescript-html CoffeeScript language support with html in Atom (293 downloads, 1 star) ├── js2coffee Convert selected lines or an entire file into coffeescript. (1999 downloads, 11 stars) ├── Coffeefilter Quick and easy coffeescript compilation previews (134 downloads, 1 star) └── atom-js2coffee A js2coffee plugin for Atom editor (1064 downloads, 0 stars) Use `apm install` to install them or visit http://atom.io/packages to read more about them.
# 顯示git-grep插件的詳細信息 apm view git-grep
git-grep ├── 0.9.0 ├── git://github.com/mizchi/atom-git-grep ├── `git grep` in atom editor ├── 3326 downloads └── 18 stars Run `apm install git-grep` to install this package.