首先我是一個面向對象的程序員,而且javascript支持prototype 方式繼承,例如:javascript
function Animal(name) {}; Animal.prototype.eat = function() {}; Animal.prototype.say = function(message) {};
/* Base.js, version 1.1a Copyright 2006-2010, Dean Edwards License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ var Base = function() { // dummy }; Base.extend = function(_instance, _static) { // subclass var extend = Base.prototype.extend; // build the prototype Base._prototyping = true; var proto = new this; extend.call(proto, _instance); proto.base = function() { // call this method from any other method to invoke that method's ancestor }; delete Base._prototyping; // create the wrapper for the constructor function //var constructor = proto.constructor.valueOf(); //-dean var constructor = proto.constructor; var klass = proto.constructor = function() { if (!Base._prototyping) { if (this._constructing || this.constructor == klass) { // instantiation this._constructing = true; constructor.apply(this, arguments); delete this._constructing; } else if (arguments[0] != null) { // casting return (arguments[0].extend || extend).call(arguments[0], proto); } } }; // build the class interface klass.ancestor = this; klass.extend = this.extend; klass.forEach = this.forEach; klass.implement = this.implement; klass.prototype = proto; klass.toString = this.toString; klass.valueOf = function(type) { //return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor; //-dean return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor.valueOf(); }; extend.call(klass, _static); // class initialisation if (typeof klass.init == "function") klass.init(); return klass; }; Base.prototype = { extend: function(source, value) { if (arguments.length > 1) { // extending with a name/value pair var ancestor = this[source]; if (ancestor && (typeof value == "function") && // overriding a method? // the valueOf() comparison is to avoid circular references (!ancestor.valueOf || ancestor.valueOf() != value.valueOf()) && /\bbase\b/.test(value)) { // get the underlying method var method = value.valueOf(); // override value = function() { var previous = this.base || Base.prototype.base; this.base = ancestor; var returnValue = method.apply(this, arguments); this.base = previous; return returnValue; }; // point to the underlying method value.valueOf = function(type) { return (type == "object") ? value : method; }; value.toString = Base.toString; } this[source] = value; } else if (source) { // extending with an object literal var extend = Base.prototype.extend; // if this object has a customised extend method then use it if (!Base._prototyping && typeof this != "function") { extend = this.extend || extend; } var proto = {toSource: null}; // do the "toString" and other methods manually var hidden = ["constructor", "toString", "valueOf"]; // if we are prototyping then include the constructor var i = Base._prototyping ? 0 : 1; while (key = hidden[i++]) { if (source[key] != proto[key]) { extend.call(this, key, source[key]); } } // copy each of the source object's properties to this object for (var key in source) { if (!proto[key]) extend.call(this, key, source[key]); } } return this; } }; // initialise Base = Base.extend({ constructor: function() { this.extend(arguments[0]); } }, { ancestor: Object, version: "1.1", forEach: function(object, block, context) { for (var key in object) { if (this.prototype[key] === undefined) { block.call(context, object[key], key, object); } } }, implement: function() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (typeof arguments[i] == "function") { // if it's a function, call it arguments[i](this.prototype); } else { // add the interface using the extend method this.prototype.extend(arguments[i]); } } return this; }, toString: function() { return String(this.valueOf()); } });
var object = new Base; object.extend({ value: "some data", method: function() { alert("Hello World!"); } }); object.method(); // ==> Hello World!
var object = new Base; object.method = function() { alert("Hello World!"); }; object.extend({ method: function() { // call the "super" method this.base(); // add some code alert("Hello again!"); } }); object.method(); // ==> Hello World! // ==> Hello again!
Creating Classesapp
var Animal = Base.extend({ constructor: function(name) { this.name = name; }, name: "", eat: function() { this.say("Yum!"); }, say: function(message) { alert(this.name + ": " + message); } }); var Cat = Animal.extend({ eat: function(food) { if (food instanceof Mouse) this.base(); else this.say("Yuk! I only eat mice."); } }); var Mouse = Animal.extend();