目前本文中提到的API已支持微信小程序錄音文件格式:silk v三、webm/base64。
注:微信小程序開發工具上的錄音雖而後輟名也是silk,但不是真正的silk v3格式的(打開xx.silk看頭部是「data:audio/webm;base64,」開頭的),爲了便於調試,這類格式我今天加急給支持上了,因此:微信小程序開發工具也能夠調用個人API調試了。php
在網上搜了下相應的功能,也只有php作的開源代碼實現的silk轉wav的服務器代碼,首先我不熟悉PHP,其次也不知道後期有沒有維護,乾脆本身作一個tomcat + java版的,權當學習娛樂一下。nginx
先須要有一個支持https的服務器,我目前用的服務器是阿里雲秒殺的免費最低配置的服務器,預裝的ubuntu16.04 LTS版,而後本身搗鼓一下,配置上了https,具體是用 nginx + let's encrypt + tomcat來提供的https的API。這裏不詳細介紹,感興趣的本身研究下。git
須要一個silk解碼器,網上有一牛在2015年年初曾經發貼討論過這個話題:silk v3 編碼的音頻怎麼轉換成 wav 或 mp3 之類的?github
root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app# mkdir download root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app# cd download/ root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download# git clone https://github.com/kn007/silk-v3-decoder.git Cloning into 'silk-v3-decoder'... remote: Counting objects: 634, done. remote: Total 634 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 634 Receiving objects: 100% (634/634), 72.79 MiB | 9.50 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (352/352), done. Checking connectivity... done. root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download# ll total 12 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 ./ drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 ../ drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 silk-v3-decoder/ root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download# ls silk-v3-decoder/ converter_beta.sh converter.sh LICENSE README.md silk windows
root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download# cd silk-v3-decoder/silk/ root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder/silk# ll total 32 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 ./ drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 ../ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 interface/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3278 Sep 18 10:11 Makefile drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12288 Sep 18 10:11 src/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 test/ root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder/silk# make ………… …………(這裏是一大段編譯過程日誌) ………… a - src/SKP_Silk_scale_vector.o gcc -c -Wall -enable-threads -O3 -Iinterface -Isrc -Itest -o test/Decoder.o test/Decoder.c test/Decoder.c: In function ‘main’: test/Decoder.c:187:9: warning: ignoring return value of ‘fread’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fread(header_buf, sizeof(char), 1, bitInFile); ^ g++ -L./ test/Decoder.o -lSKP_SILK_SDK -o decoder root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder/silk# ls decoder interface libSKP_SILK_SDK.a Makefile src test root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder/silk#
sh converter.sh silk_v3_file/input_folder output_format/output_folder flag(format)
sh converter.sh 33921FF3774A773BB193B6FD4AD7C33E.slk mp3
root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder# ll total 48 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:43 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4131 Sep 18 10:11 converter_beta.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3639 Sep 18 10:11 converter.sh drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 .git/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1076 Sep 18 10:11 LICENSE -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3582 Sep 18 10:11 README.md -rw-r----- 1 root root 6188 Sep 18 10:43 sample.silk drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:26 silk/ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 windows/ root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder# root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder# root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder# sh converter.sh sample.silk mp3 -e [OK] Convert sample.silk To sample.mp3 Finish. root@alijod:/home/jod/wechat_app/download/silk-v3-decoder# ll total 68 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:43 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4131 Sep 18 10:11 converter_beta.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3639 Sep 18 10:11 converter.sh drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 .git/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1076 Sep 18 10:11 LICENSE -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3582 Sep 18 10:11 README.md -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17709 Sep 18 10:43 sample.mp3 -rw-r----- 1 root root 6188 Sep 18 10:43 sample.silk drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:26 silk/ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 18 10:11 windows/
vim打開converter.sh腳本,顯示一下行號(vim中輸入":set nu"後回車,我爲小白操心很多),想要簡單使用,其實只須要關注最後面這一段,若是想要深刻研究,最好是把腳本完整過程搞懂。
61 62 $cur_dir/silk/decoder "$1" "$1.pcm" > /dev/null 2>&1 63 if [ ! -f "$1.pcm" ]; then 64 ffmpeg -y -i "$1" "${1%.*}.$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 & 65 ffmpeg_pid=$! 66 while kill -0 "$ffmpeg_pid"; do sleep 1; done > /dev/null 2>&1 67 [ -f "${1%.*}.$2" ]&&echo -e "${GREEN}[OK]${RESET} Convert $1 to ${1%.*}.$2 success, ${YELLOW}but not a silk v3 encoded file.${RESET}"&&exit 68 echo -e "${YELLOW}[Warning]${RESET} Convert $1 false, maybe not a silk v3 encoded file."&&exit 69 fi 70 ffmpeg -y -f s16le -ar 24000 -ac 1 -i "$1.pcm" "${1%.*}.$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 71 ffmpeg_pid=$! 72 while kill -0 "$ffmpeg_pid"; do sleep 1; done > /dev/null 2>&1 73 rm "$1.pcm" 74 [ ! -f "${1%.*}.$2" ]&&echo -e "${YELLOW}[Warning]${RESET} Convert $1 false, maybe ffmpeg no format handler for $2."&&exit 75 echo -e "${GREEN}[OK]${RESET} Convert $1 To ${1%.*}.$2 Finish." 76 exit
其實關鍵的兩行也就是Line 62和Line 70。第62行就是調用咱們上文編出來的decoder解碼silk_v3文件,第70行是將silk_v3文件解碼出來的raw data數據轉成相應格式。
我作這個SILK語音識別服務的起初目的是讓個人「遙知之」支持語音輸入功能,「遙知之」上用的OLAMI接口也有語音識別,並且研究了一下他們的JAVA SDK和在線文檔,從在線文檔(OLAMI 文檔中心->語音識別接口文檔->「支持的音頻格式」)上看是支持wav格式,另外支持speex壓縮。
若是經過speex會大大下降傳輸效率,因而期間我有花蠻長時間在研究如何將pcm數據轉成speex的,好比怎麼調用c代碼實現的speex的編碼(java下經過JNI調用speex的encoder,研究未果,放棄了這個方案),後來又找了jspeex(java版的speex codec)等等,後面因有另外一個省事方案,這裏用jspeex的方案就中斷未深刻研究了,其實應該是行的通的。
在QQ羣(羣號:656580961)裏提了一下,熱心的羣主「黃眉毛」說olami java sdk裏默認是將wav或pcm經過speex壓縮傳輸的,這樣一來,我只須要將wav或pcm對接olami java sdk就能夠實現「省流量」傳輸到olami語音識別服務器了。這就是我最終採用的省事方案。
發現經過微信小程序端錄音出來的silk v3文件,通過kn007的converter.sh轉出來的wav文件,再送到olami語音識別接口,發現識別效果很糟,把wav文件拿出來聽聽,彷佛也正常。
這時候想起來腳本中PCM轉wav是按24K轉的,轉出來的WAV應該是24K的,而olami語音識別端支持的是16K(訊飛還支持8K的),多是這個採樣率不一致致使的識別率差,網搜了一下,還真有前人碰到過相同問題,參見此文文中提到的「誤打誤撞」那一段:從微信中提取語音文件,並轉換成文字的全自動化解決方案 ,他的誤打誤撞的原理應該是小程序錄音就是雙通道12K的,而後ffmpeg額外指定一下參數將雙通道12K的數據流轉成16K的wav。
ffmpeg -y -f s16le -ar 12000 -ac 2 -i "$1.pcm" -f wav -ar 16000 -ac 1 "${1%.*}.$2" > /dev/null 2>&1
由此引申出一個現象:微信小程序的錄音不全是silk v3格式,其中還有剛剛提到的webm/base64的,好像還有AMR格式的,聽kn007大神說還有混淆格式,也就是那種一個文件含多種格式混合的,也不知道爲何會有這種狀況。
關於webm/base64格式,kn007的回覆是,base64 decoder而後直接ffmpeg轉,因而我分兩步實現:
第一步:用java代碼作base64 decoder,再將文件寫到 xxx.webm文件中,這部分簡單,可參考微信小程序 錄音文件格式silk 坑那樣作便可。
ffmpeg -i "$1" -f wav -ar 16000 -ac 1 "${1%.*}.$2" > /dev/null 2>&1
其中調用ffmpeg命令容易出現失敗,緣由之一可能會是文件讀寫權限不足,緣由之二可能會是調用ffmpeg後,須要等ffmpeg進程消失,即轉碼任務完成,才退出。 以爲我我的碰到的問題應該是緣由之二致使的,由於我確實是將/usr/bin/ffmpeg設置成了777權限,仍是會轉失敗,將調ffmpeg命令的部分在腳本中實現,而且加上kn007大神converter.sh中那樣的等待ffmpeg完成的部分,就搞定了。
SOURCE_FILE_SUFFIX=${1##*.} echo -e "XXXX SOURCE_FILE_SUFFIX:${SOURCE_FILE_SUFFIX}" if [ "${SOURCE_FILE_SUFFIX}" = "webm" ]; then ## if webm, ffmpeg it directly. webm/base64 had been base64 decoder on my java server already. echo -e "begin to ffmpeg $2 from webm now..." ffmpeg -i "$1" -f wav -ar 16000 -ac 1 "${1%.*}.$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 ##ffmpeg -i "$1" -f wav "${1%.*}.$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 ffmpeg_pid=$! while kill -0 "$ffmpeg_pid"; do sleep 1; done > /dev/null 2>&1 [ ! -f "${1%.*}.$2" ]&&echo -e "${YELLOW}[Warning]${RESET} Convert $1 false, maybe ffmpeg no format handler for $2."&&exit echo -e "${GREEN}[OK]${RESET} Convert $1 To ${1%.*}.$2 Finish." exit else echo -e "begin to silk decoder flow..." ## if not webm, follows default silk decoder road. fi
前面至關於評估可行性,基本驗證了從小程序錄音文件 xx.silk 到語音識別API能認的數據或文件格式,這條路走通了,接下來就是堆JAVA代碼實現細節部分了。
package com.happycxz.controller; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.Part; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import com.happycxz.olami.AsrAdditionInfo; import com.happycxz.olami.OlamiEntityFactory; import com.happycxz.olami.SdkEntity; import com.happycxz.utils.Configuration; import com.happycxz.utils.Util; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Base64; /** * olami與微信小程序 接口相關對接 * @author Jod */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/olami") public class OlamiController { //保存linux shell命令字符串 private static final String SHELL_CMD = Configuration.getInstance().getValue("local.shell.cmd", "sh /YOUR_PATH/silk-v3-decoder/converter_cxz.sh %s wav"); //保存silk和wav文件的目錄,放在web目錄、或一個指定的絕對目錄下 private static final String localFilePath = Configuration.getInstance().getValue("local.file.path", "/YOUR/LOCAL/VOICE/PATH/");; static { Util.p("OlamiController base SHELL_CMD:" + SHELL_CMD); Util.p("OlamiController base localFilePath:" + localFilePath); } @RequestMapping(value="/asr", produces="plain/text; charset=UTF-8") public @ResponseBody String asrUploadFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam Map<String, Object> p) throws ServletException, IOException { AsrAdditionInfo additionInfo = new AsrAdditionInfo(p); if (additionInfo.getErrCode() != 0) { //參數不合法,或者appKey沒有在支持列表中備錄 return Util.JsonResult(String.valueOf(additionInfo.getErrCode()), additionInfo.getErrMsg()); } String localPathToday = localFilePath + Util.getDateStr() + File.separator; // 若是文件存放路徑不存在,則mkdir一個 File fileSaveDir = new File(localPathToday); if (!fileSaveDir.exists()) { fileSaveDir.mkdirs(); } int count = 1; String asrResult = ""; for (Part part : request.getParts()) { String fileName_origin = extractFileName(part); //這裏必需要用原始文件名是否爲空來判斷,由於part列表是全部數據,前三個被formdata佔了,對應文件名實際上是空 if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(fileName_origin)) { String fileName = additionInfo.getVoiceFileName(); String silkFile = localPathToday + fileName; Util.p("silkFile[" + count + "]:" + silkFile); part.write(silkFile); if (webmBase64Decoder2Wav(silkFile)) { // support webm/base64 in webmBase64Decoder2Wav(); // is webm base64 format, and xxxx.webm file is temporary created, xxxx.wav was last be converted. } else { // run script to convert silk(v3) to wav Util.RunShell2Wav(SHELL_CMD, silkFile); } // get wave file path and name, prepare for olami asr String waveFile = DotSilk2DotOther(silkFile, "wav"); Util.p("OlamiController.asrUploadFile() waveFile:" + waveFile); if (new File(waveFile).exists() == false) { Util.w("OlamiController.asrUploadFile() wav file[" + waveFile + "] not exist!", null); return Util.JsonResult("80", "convert silk to wav failed, NOW NOT SUPPORT WXAPP DEVELOP RECORD because it is not silk_v3 format. anyother reason please tell QQ:404499164."); } try { SdkEntity entity = OlamiEntityFactory.createEntity(additionInfo.getAppKey(), additionInfo.getAppSecret(), additionInfo.getUserId()); asrResult = entity.getSpeechResult(waveFile); Util.p("OlamiController.asrUploadFile() asrResult:" + asrResult); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InterruptedException e) { Util.w("OlamiController.asrUploadFile() asr NoSuchAlgorithmException or InterruptedException", e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Util.w("OlamiController.asrUploadFile() asr FileNotFoundException", e); return Util.JsonResult("80", "convert silk to wav failed, NOW NOT SUPPORT WXAPP DEVELOP RECORD because it is not silk_v3 format. anyother reason please tell QQ:404499164."); } catch (Exception e) { Util.w("OlamiController.asrUploadFile() asr Exception", e); } } count++; } //防止數據傳遞亂碼 //response.setContentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); return Util.JsonResult("0", "olami asr success!", asrResult); } /** * 將 xxxxx.silk 文件名轉 xxxx.wav * @param silkName * @param otherSubFix * @return */ private static String DotSilk2DotOther(String silkName, String otherSubFix) { int removeByte = 4; if (silkName.endsWith("silk")) { removeByte = 4; } else if (silkName.endsWith("slk")) { removeByte = 3; } return silkName.substring(0, silkName.length()-removeByte) + otherSubFix; } /** * 從content-disposition頭中獲取源文件名 * * content-disposition頭的格式以下: * form-data; name="dataFile"; filename="PHOTO.JPG" * * @param part * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String extractFileName(Part part) { String contentDisp = part.getHeader("content-disposition"); String[] items = contentDisp.split(";"); for (String s : items) { if (s.trim().startsWith("filename")) { return s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 2, s.length()-1); } } return ""; } /** * 經過filePath內容判斷是不是webm/base64格式,若是是,先decode base64後,再直接ffmpeg轉wav, * 若是不是,返回false丟給外層繼續看成silk v3去解 * @param filePath * @return */ public static boolean webmBase64Decoder2Wav(String filePath) { boolean isWebm = false; try { String encoding = "utf-8"; File file = new File(filePath); // 判斷文件是否存在 if ((file.isFile() == false) || (file.exists() == false)) { Util.w("webmBase64Decoder2Wav() no file[" + filePath + "] exist.", null); } StringBuilder lineTxt = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; try ( InputStreamReader read = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), encoding); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(read);) { while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { lineTxt.append(line); } read.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Util.w("webmBase64Decoder2Wav() exception0:", e); return isWebm; } String oldData = lineTxt.toString(); if (oldData.startsWith("data:audio/webm;base64,") == false) { Util.d("webmBase64Decoder2Wav() file[" + filePath + "] is not webm, or already decoded." ); return isWebm; } isWebm = true; oldData = oldData.replace("data:audio/webm;base64,", ""); String webmFileName = DotSilk2DotOther(filePath, "webm"); try { File webmFile = new File(webmFileName); byte[] bt = Base64.decode(oldData); FileOutputStream in = new FileOutputStream(webmFile); try { in.write(bt, 0, bt.length); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Util.w("webmBase64Decoder2Wav() exception1:", e); return isWebm; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Util.w("webmBase64Decoder2Wav() exception2:", e); return isWebm; } // run cmd to convert webm to wav Util.RunShell2Wav(SHELL_CMD, webmFileName); } catch (Exception e) { Util.w("webmBase64Decoder2Wav() exception3:", e); return isWebm; } return isWebm; } public static void main(String[] args) { webmBase64Decoder2Wav("D:\\secureCRT_RZSZ\\1505716415538_f7d98081-4d21-3b40-a7df-e56c046a784d_b4118cd178064b45b7c8f1242bcde31f.silk"); } }
第4個,SdkEntity.java是對接olami接口的部分,主要是從olami java sdk sample代碼中拷出來改改的。代碼以下:
package com.happycxz.olami; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.happycxz.utils.Util; import ai.olami.cloudService.APIConfiguration; import ai.olami.cloudService.APIResponse; import ai.olami.cloudService.CookieSet; import ai.olami.cloudService.SpeechRecognizer; import ai.olami.cloudService.SpeechResult; import ai.olami.nli.NLIResult; import ai.olami.util.GsonFactory; public class SdkEntity { //indicate simplified input private static int localizeOption = APIConfiguration.LOCALIZE_OPTION_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE; // * Replace the audio type you want to analyze with this variable. private static int audioType = SpeechRecognizer.AUDIO_TYPE_PCM_WAVE; //private static int audioType = SpeechRecognizer.AUDIO_TYPE_PCM_RAW; // * Replace FALSE with this variable if your test file is not final audio. private static boolean isTheLastAudio = true; private APIConfiguration config = null; //configure text recognizer SpeechRecognizer recoginzer = null; // * Prepare to send audio by a new task identifier. //CookieSet cookie = new CookieSet(); // json string for print pretty private static Gson jsonDump = GsonFactory.getDebugGson(false); // normal json string private static Gson mGson = GsonFactory.getNormalGson(); public SdkEntity(String appKey, String appSecret, String userId) { Util.d("new SdkEntity() start. appKey:" + appKey + ", appSecret: " + appSecret + ", userId: " + userId); try { config = new APIConfiguration(appKey, appSecret, localizeOption); recoginzer = new SpeechRecognizer(config); recoginzer.setEndUserIdentifier(userId); recoginzer.setTimeout(10000); recoginzer.setAudioType(audioType); } catch (Exception e) { Util.w("new SdkEntity() exception", e); } Util.d("new SdkEntity() done"); } public String getSpeechResult(String inputFilePath) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InterruptedException { String lastResult = ""; Util.d("SdkEntity.getSpeechResult() inputFilePath:" + inputFilePath); CookieSet cookie = new CookieSet(); // * Start sending audio. APIResponse response = recoginzer.uploadAudio(cookie, inputFilePath, audioType, isTheLastAudio); // // You can also send audio data from a buffer (in bytes). // // For Example : // =================================================================== // byte[] audioBuffer = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(inputFilePath)); // APIResponse response = recoginzer.uploadAudio(cookie, audioBuffer, audioType, isTheLastAudio); // =================================================================== // Util.d("\nOriginal Response : " + response.toString()); Util.d("\n---------- dump ----------\n"); Util.d(jsonDump.toJson(response)); Util.d("\n--------------------------\n"); //四種結果,full最完整,seg, nli, asr只包括那一部分 String full = "", seg = "", nli = "", asr = ""; // Check request status. if (response.ok()) { // Now we can try to get recognition result. Util.d("\n[Get Speech Result] ====================="); while (true) { Thread.sleep(500); // * Get result by the task identifier you used for audio upload. Util.d("\nRequest CookieSet[" + cookie.getUniqueID() + "] speech result..."); response = recoginzer.requestRecognitionWithAll(cookie); Util.d("\nOriginal Response : " + response.toString()); Util.d("\n---------- dump ----------\n"); Util.d(jsonDump.toJson(response)); Util.d("\n--------------------------\n"); // Check request status. if (response.ok() && response.hasData()) { full = mGson.toJson(response.getData()); // * Check to see if the recognition has been completed. SpeechResult sttResult = response.getData().getSpeechResult(); if (sttResult.complete()) { // * Get speech-to-text result Util.p("* STT Result : " + sttResult.getResult()); asr = mGson.toJson(sttResult); // * Check to see if the recognition has be // Because we used requestRecognitionWithAll() // So we should be able to get more results. // --- Like the Word Segmentation. if (response.getData().hasWordSegmentation()) { String[] ws = response.getData().getWordSegmentation(); for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; i++) { Util.d("* Word[" + i + "] " + ws[i]); } seg = response.getData().getWordSegmentationSingleString(); } // --- Or the NLI results. if (response.getData().hasNLIResults()) { NLIResult[] nliResults = response.getData().getNLIResults(); nli = mGson.toJson(nliResults); } // * Done. break; } else { // The recognition is still in progress. // But we can still get immediate recognition results. Util.d("* STT Result [Not yet completed] "); Util.d(" --> " + sttResult.getResult()); } } } } else { // Error Util.w("* Error! Code : " + response.getErrorCode(), null); Util.w(response.getErrorMessage(), null); } lastResult = full; Util.d("\n===========================================\n"); return lastResult; } public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InterruptedException { Util.p("SdkEntity.main() start..."); int argLen = args.length; Util.d("SdkEntity.main() args.length[" + argLen + "]:"); for (String arg : args) { Util.d("SpeexPcm.main() arg[" + arg + "]"); } new SdkEntity("b4118cd178064b45b7c8f1242bcde31f", "7908028332a64e47b8336d71ad3ce9ab", "abdd").getSpeechResult(args[0]); Util.p("SdkEntity.main() end..."); } }
另外WEB-INFO/lib中加載olami的java sdk,如圖:
|參數 | 是否必選| 說明 |
|appKey |是 |從olami.cn上申請的key|
|appSecret|是 |從olami.cn上申請的secret|
|userId |是 |用戶的惟一標識,好比手機號,或惟一性的ID,或IMEI號之類的|
大概的是 seg字段是語音識別分段結果,asr是語音識別結果,nli是語義或語義處理的結果。小程序的開發工具上無法DEBUG,就沒辦法截一段例子說明了。