今晚看了這篇文章:SQL Server 2012新performance counter:很是實用的Batch Resp Statisticshtml
文章裏介紹到SQLSERVER2012新的性能計數器「Batch Resp Statistics」node
好比下面SQL腳本,在SQL2012裏執行能夠看到新的性能計數器Batch Resp Statistics的信息sql
1 SELECT [counter_name] , 2 "CPU Time:Total(ms)" , 3 "CPU Time:Requests" , 4 "Elapsed Time:Total(ms)" , 5 "Elapsed Time:Requests" 6 FROM ( SELECT [counter_name] , 7 [instance_name] , 8 [cntr_value] 9 FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters --計數器視圖 10 WHERE OBJECT_NAME LIKE '%Batch Resp Statistics%' 11 ) os_pc PIVOT( AVG([cntr_value]) FOR [instance_name] IN ( "CPU Time:Total(ms)", 12 "CPU Time:Requests", 13 "Elapsed Time:Total(ms)", 14 "Elapsed Time:Requests" ) )AS Pvt;
在性能監視器裏添加「Batch Resp Statistics」性能計數器緩存
更新日期: 2007 年 9 月 15 日
爲服務器維護的每一個性能計數器返回一行。 有關每一個性能計數器的信息,請參閱使用 SQL Server 對象。
列名 | 數據類型 | 說明 | |
object_name |
nchar(128) |
該計數器所屬的類別。 |
counter_name |
nchar(128) |
計數器的名稱。 |
instance_name |
nchar(128) |
計數器特定實例的名稱。 一般包含數據庫名稱。 |
cntr_value |
bigint |
對於每秒計數器,該值是累積的。 速率值必須經過對離散時間間隔的值抽樣來進行計算。 任何兩個連續抽樣值之間的差等於針對所使用時間間隔的速率。
cntr_type |
int |
Windows 性能體系結構定義的計數器類型。 有關性能計數器類型的詳細信息,請參閱 WMI Performance Counter Types(WMI 性能計數器類型)或 Windows Server 文檔。 |
須要對服務器具備 VIEW SERVER STATE 權限。
若是 SQL Server 的安裝實例沒法顯示 Windows 操做系統的性能計數器,請使用下面的 Transact-SQL 查詢來確認性能計算器已禁用。
1 SELECT COUNT (*) FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
若是返回值爲 0 行,則性能計數器已禁用。 此時,您應查看安裝日誌並搜索錯誤 3409「請爲此實例從新安裝 sqlctr.ini,
緊列在 3409 前的錯誤應指示致使性能計數器啓用失敗的根本緣由。 有關安裝日誌文件的詳細信息,
請參閱How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files。
個人電腦裏安裝了SQL2005 、SQL2008 SQLEXPRESS版本 、SQL2012
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Binn
D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQL2012\MSSQL\Binn
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\sqlctr.ini SQL2005
1 [info] 2 drivername=MSSQLServer 3 trusted= 4 symbolfile=sqlctr.h 5 6 7 [languages] 8 009=English 9 004=Chinese 10 11 12 [text] 13 BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Buffer Manager 14 BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Servers buffer manager 15 16 17 BUFPART_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Buffer Partition 18 BUFPART_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server's buffer partitions 19 20 21 BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Buffer Node 22 BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server's buffer pool by NUMA node 23 24 25 GENERAL_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:General Statistics 26 GENERAL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Server General Statistics 27 28 29 LOCKS_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Locks 30 LOCKS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Describes statistics for individual lock server lock requests 31 32 33 DBMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Databases 34 DBMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database manager object for SQL Server 35 36 37 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Database Mirroring 38 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database Mirroring object for SQL Server 39 40 41 LATCH_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Latches 42 LATCH_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with internal server latches 43 44 45 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Access Methods 46 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with the database server access methods 47 48 49 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:SQL Errors 50 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics about errors in SQL Server 51 52 53 SQL_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:SQL Statistics 54 SQL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with SQL requests 55 56 57 PLAN_CACHE_009_NAME=SQLServer:Plan Cache 58 PLAN_CACHE_009_HELP=This defines cache counters 59 60 61 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_NAME=SQLServer:Cursor Manager by Type 62 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties grouped by type 63 64 65 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_NAME=SQLServer:Cursor Manager Total 66 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties not grouped by type 67 68 69 MEMORY_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Memory Manager 70 MEMORY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines memory usage. 71 72 73 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:User Settable 74 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines user definable counters 75 76 77 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Agents 78 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Summary 79 80 81 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Merge 82 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Merge Agent Statistics 83 84 85 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Logreader 86 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Logreader Agent Statistics 87 88 89 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Dist. 90 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Distribution Agent Statistics 91 92 93 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Snapshot 94 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Snapshot Agent Statistics 95 96 97 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Backup Device 98 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a backup device object for SQL Server 99 100 101 XACT_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Transactions 102 XACT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server transactions. 103 104 105 BROKER_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Broker Statistics 106 BROKER_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Statistics 107 108 109 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Broker/DBM Transport 110 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker/Database Mirroring Transport Statistics 111 112 113 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Broker Activation 114 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Activation 115 116 117 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Wait Statistics 118 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Wait Statistics 119 120 121 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Exec Statistics 122 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Execution statistics for external calls 123 124 125 SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:CLR 126 SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_HELP=CLR Execution in SQL Server 127 128 129 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=SQLServer:Catalog Metadata 130 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a catalog metadata manager object for SQL Server 131 132 133 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio 134 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk. 135 136 137 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio base 138 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 139 140 141 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Page lookups/sec 142 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of requests to find a page in the buffer pool. 143 144 145 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_NAME=Free list stalls/sec 146 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_HELP=Number of requests that had to wait for a free page. 147 148 149 BUF_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_NAME=Free pages 150 BUF_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_HELP=Total number of pages on all free lists. 151 152 153 BUF_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Total pages 154 BUF_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages in the buffer pool (includes database, free, and stolen). 155 156 157 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Target pages 158 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Ideal number of pages in the buffer pool. 159 160 161 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages 162 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages in the buffer pool with database content. 163 164 165 BUF_RESERVED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Reserved pages 166 BUF_RESERVED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of buffer pool reserved pages. 167 168 169 BUF_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Stolen pages 170 BUF_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including procedure cache). 171 172 173 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_NAME=Lazy writes/sec 174 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of buffers written by buffer manager's lazy writer. 175 176 177 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_NAME=Readahead pages/sec 178 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages read in anticipation of use. 179 180 181 BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_NAME=Page reads/sec 182 BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_HELP=Number of physical database page reads issued. 183 184 185 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_NAME=Page writes/sec 186 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of physical database page writes issued. 187 188 189 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_NAME=Checkpoint pages/sec 190 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of pages flushed by checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed. 191 192 193 BUF_AWE_LOOKUP_MAPS_009_NAME=AWE lookup maps/sec 194 BUF_AWE_LOOKUP_MAPS_009_HELP=Number of AWE map calls made for pages found in the buffer pool. 195 196 197 BUF_AWE_STOLEN_MAPS_009_NAME=AWE stolen maps/sec 198 BUF_AWE_STOLEN_MAPS_009_HELP=Number of AWE map calls made for pages stolen from the buffer pool. 199 200 201 BUF_AWE_WRITE_MAPS_009_NAME=AWE write maps/sec 202 BUF_AWE_WRITE_MAPS_009_HELP=Number of AWE map calls made for pages to be written to disk. 203 204 205 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_CALLS_009_NAME=AWE unmap calls/sec 206 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_CALLS_009_HELP=Number of AWE unmap calls. 207 208 209 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_PAGES_009_NAME=AWE unmap pages/sec 210 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of AWE pages unmapped. 211 212 213 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy 214 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. 215 216 217 BUFPART_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_NAME=Free pages 218 BUFPART_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_HELP=Number of pages on partition free list. 219 220 221 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_USED_009_NAME=Free list requests/sec 222 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_USED_009_HELP=Number of times a free page was requested. 223 224 225 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_EMPTY_009_NAME=Free list empty/sec 226 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_EMPTY_009_HELP=Number of times a free page was requested and none were available. 227 228 229 BUFNODE_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_NAME=Free pages 230 BUFNODE_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_HELP=Free pages on node. 231 232 233 BUFNODE_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Total pages 234 BUFNODE_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Committed pages on node. 235 236 237 BUFNODE_FOREIGN_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Foreign pages 238 BUFNODE_FOREIGN_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages which are not from NUMA-local memory. 239 240 241 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages 242 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Database pages on node. 243 244 245 BUFNODE_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Stolen pages 246 BUFNODE_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Stolen pages on node. 247 248 249 BUFNODE_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Target pages 250 BUFNODE_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Target pages on node. 251 252 253 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy 254 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. 255 256 257 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active Temp Tables 258 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables in use 259 260 261 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_NAME=Temp Tables Creation Rate 262 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables created/sec 263 264 265 GO_LOGINS_009_NAME=Logins/sec 266 GO_LOGINS_009_HELP=Total number of logins started per second. 267 268 269 GO_LOGOUTS_009_NAME=Logouts/sec 270 GO_LOGOUTS_009_HELP=Total number of logouts started per second. 271 272 273 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=User Connections 274 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of users connected to the system. 275 276 277 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Logical Connections 278 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of logical connections to the system. 279 280 281 GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_NAME=Transactions 282 GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_HELP=Number of transaction enlistments (local, dtc, and bound). 283 284 285 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_NAME=Non-atomic yield rate 286 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_HELP=Number of non-atomic yields per second. 287 288 289 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_NAME=Mars Deadlocks 290 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_HELP=Number of Mars Deadlocks detected. 291 292 293 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_NAME=HTTP Authenticated Requests 294 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_HELP=Number of authenticated HTTP requests started per second. 295 296 297 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Empty Requests 298 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of empty SOAP requests started per second. 299 300 301 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP SQL Requests 302 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP SQL requests started per second. 303 304 305 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Method Invocations 306 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP method invocations started per second. 307 308 309 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP WSDL Requests 310 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Web Service Description Language requests started per second. 311 312 313 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Initiate Requests 314 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session initiate requests started per second. 315 316 317 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Terminate Requests 318 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session terminate requests started per second. 319 320 321 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_NAME=Processes blocked 322 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_HELP=Number of currently blocked processes. 323 324 325 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_NAME=Temp Tables For Destruction 326 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables waiting to be destroyed by the cleanup system thread 327 328 329 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_NAME=Event Notifications Delayed Drop 330 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_HELP=Number of event notifications waiting to be dropped by a system thread 331 332 333 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_NAME=Trace Event Notification Queue 334 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_HELP=Number of trace event notification instances waiting in the internal queue to be sent thru Service Broker 335 336 337 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_NAME=SQL Trace IO Provider Lock Waits 338 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_HELP=Number of waits for the File IO Provider lock per second 339 340 341 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Lock Requests/sec 342 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of new locks and lock conversions requested from the lock manager. 343 344 345 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts/sec 346 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks. 347 348 349 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_NAME=Number of Deadlocks/sec 350 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock. 351 352 353 LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_NAME=Lock Waits/sec 354 LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock. 355 356 357 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Lock Wait Time (ms) 358 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds) for locks in the last second. 359 360 361 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Average Wait Time (ms) 362 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_HELP=The average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait. 363 364 365 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average Wait Time Base 366 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Averate Wait Time. 367 368 369 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts (timeout > 0)/sec 370 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This does not include requests for NOWAIT locks. 371 372 373 DB_DATA_SIZE_009_NAME=Data File(s) Size (KB) 374 DB_DATA_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the data files in the database. 375 376 377 DB_LOG_SIZE_009_NAME=Log File(s) Size (KB) 378 DB_LOG_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the log files in the database. 379 380 381 DB_LOG_USED_009_NAME=Log File(s) Used Size (KB) 382 DB_LOG_USED_009_HELP=The cumulative used size of all the log files in the database. 383 384 385 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_NAME=Percent Log Used 386 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_HELP=The percent of space in the log that is in use. 387 388 389 DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_NAME=Active Transactions 390 DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of active update transactions for the database. 391 392 393 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_NAME=Transactions/sec 394 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions started for the database. 395 396 397 DB_REPLTRANS_009_NAME=Repl. Pending Xacts 398 DB_REPLTRANS_009_HELP=Number of pending replication transactions in the database. 399 400 401 DB_REPLCOUNT_009_NAME=Repl. Trans. Rate 402 DB_REPLCOUNT_009_HELP=Replication transaction rate (replicated transactions/sec.). 403 404 405 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_NAME=Log Cache Reads/sec 406 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_HELP=Reads performed through the log manager cache. 407 408 409 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio 410 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of log cache reads that were satisfied from the log cache. 411 412 413 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio Base 414 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Base for log cache calculations 415 416 417 DB_BULK_ROWS_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Rows/sec 418 DB_BULK_ROWS_009_HELP=Number of rows bulk copied. 419 420 421 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Throughput/sec 422 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_HELP=KiloBytes bulk copied. 423 424 425 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Backup/Restore Throughput/sec 426 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for backup/restore of a database. 427 428 429 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_NAME=DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec 430 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_HELP=Logical read scan rate for DBCC commands 431 432 433 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_NAME=Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec 434 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_HELP=The rate data is being moved by Autoshrink, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE or SHRINKFILE. 435 436 437 DB_FLUSHES_009_NAME=Log Flushes/sec 438 DB_FLUSHES_009_HELP=Number of log flushes. 439 440 441 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Flushed/sec 442 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_HELP=Total number of log bytes flushed. 443 444 445 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_NAME=Log Flush Waits/sec 446 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of commits waiting on log flush. 447 448 449 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_NAME=Log Flush Wait Time 450 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds). 451 452 453 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_NAME=Log Truncations 454 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_HELP=Total number of log truncations for this database. 455 456 457 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_NAME=Log Growths 458 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_HELP=Total number of log growths for this database. 459 460 461 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_NAME=Log Shrinks 462 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_HELP=Total number of log shrinks for this database. 463 464 465 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec 466 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes sent per second 467 468 469 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_NAME=Pages Sent/sec 470 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of pages sent per second 471 472 473 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_NAME=Sends/sec 474 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_HELP=Number of sends initiated per second 475 476 477 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_NAME=Transaction Delay 478 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_HELP=Average delay in transaction termination waiting for acknowledgement 479 480 481 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_NAME=Redo Queue KB 482 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes that redo on the mirror database is behind the hardened log 483 484 485 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_NAME=Redo Bytes/sec 486 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log redone by the mirror database per second 487 488 489 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_NAME=Log Send Queue KB 490 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that have not been sent to the mirror server 491 492 493 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Bytes Received/sec 494 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes received per second 495 496 497 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_NAME=Receives/sec 498 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Number of mirroring message receives per second 499 500 501 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec 502 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log received per second 503 504 505 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Log Bytes Sent/sec 506 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log sent per second 507 508 509 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_NAME=Send/Receive Ack Time 510 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds packets waited in flow control per second. 511 512 513 LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_NAME=Latch Waits/sec 514 LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_HELP=Number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted. 515 516 517 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time (ms) 518 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait. 519 520 521 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time Base 522 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Average Latch Wait Time. 523 524 525 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Total Latch Wait Time (ms) 526 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Total latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait in the last second. 527 528 529 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_NAME=Number of SuperLatches 530 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_HELP=Number of latches that are currently SuperLatches. 531 532 533 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Promotions/sec 534 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of latches that have been promoted to SuperLatches 535 536 537 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Demotions/sec 538 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of SuperLatches that have been demoted to regular latches 539 540 541 AM_FULL_SCAN_009_NAME=Full Scans/sec 542 AM_FULL_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans. 543 544 545 AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_NAME=Range Scans/sec 546 AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of qualified range scans through indexes per second. 547 548 549 AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_NAME=Probe Scans/sec 550 AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of probe scans per second that are used to find at most one single qualified row in an index or base table directly. 551 552 553 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_NAME=Scan Point Revalidations/sec 554 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_HELP=Number of times the scan point had to be revalidated to continue the scan. 555 556 557 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_NAME=Workfiles Created/sec 558 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work files created per second. For example, work files could be used to store temporary results for hash joins and hash aggregates. 559 560 561 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_NAME=Worktables Created/sec 562 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work tables created per second. For example, work tables could be used to store temporary results for query spool, LOB variables, XML variables, and cursors. 563 564 565 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Ratio 566 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Percentage of work tables created where the initial two pages of the work table were not allocated but were immediately available from the work table cache. 567 568 569 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Base 570 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Percent of worktables from cache base. 571 572 573 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_NAME=Forwarded Records/sec 574 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_HELP=Number of records fetched through forwarded record pointers. 575 576 577 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_NAME=Skipped Ghosted Records/sec 578 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_HELP=Number of ghosted records per second skipped during scans. 579 580 581 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_NAME=Index Searches/sec 582 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_HELP=Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index. 583 584 585 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_NAME=FreeSpace Scans/sec 586 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of scans per second that were initiated to search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit to insert or modify record fragments. Each scan may find multiple pages. 587 588 589 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_NAME=FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec 590 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages fetched per second by free space scans. These scans search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit, to satisfy requests to insert or modify record fragments. 591 592 593 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Pages Allocated/sec 594 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages allocations from both mixed extents and uniform extents. 595 596 597 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extents Allocated/sec 598 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. 599 600 601 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_NAME=Mixed page allocations/sec 602 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second from mixed extents. These could be used for storing the IAM pages and the first eight pages that are allocated to an allocation unit. 603 604 605 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extent Deallocations/sec 606 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. 607 608 609 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_NAME=Page Deallocations/sec 610 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages from mixed extents and uniform extents. 611 612 613 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_NAME=Page Splits/sec 614 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_HELP=Number of page splits per second that occur as a result of overflowing index pages. 615 616 617 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_NAME=Table Lock Escalations/sec 618 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_HELP=The number of times locks on a table were escalated. 619 620 621 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred Dropped rowsets 622 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of rowsets created as a result of aborted online index build operations that are waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. 623 624 625 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_NAME=Dropped rowset cleanups/sec 626 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. 627 628 629 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_NAME=Dropped rowsets skipped/sec 630 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were skipped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets created. 631 632 633 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred dropped AUs 634 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of allocation units waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. 635 636 637 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_NAME=AU cleanups/sec 638 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of allocation units per second that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Each allocation unit drop requires multiple batches. 639 640 641 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_NAME=AU cleanup batches/sec 642 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_HELP=The number of batches that completed successfully per second by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. 643 644 645 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_NAME=Failed AU cleanup batches/sec 646 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_HELP=The number of batches per second that failed and required retry, by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Failure could be due to lack of memory or disk space, hardware failure and other reasons. 647 648 649 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used tree page cookie 650 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a tree page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the parent page of the tree page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 651 652 653 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed tree page cookie 654 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a tree page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the parent pages of those tree pages. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 655 656 657 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used leaf page cookie 658 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a leaf page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 659 660 661 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed leaf page cookie 662 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a leaf page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 663 664 665 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Create Count 666 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers created. One worktable created per LOB Storage Service Provider. 667 668 669 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Destroy Count 670 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers destroyed. 671 672 673 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Truncation Count 674 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers truncated. 675 676 677 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_NAME=LobHandle Create Count 678 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs created. 679 680 681 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobHandle Destroy Count 682 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs destroyed. 683 684 685 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Create Count 686 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of large object (LOB) values that were passed by reference. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. 687 688 689 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Use Count 690 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_HELP=Count of by-reference lob values that were used. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. 691 692 693 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_NAME=Count Push Off Row 694 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pushed from in-row to off-row. 695 696 697 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_NAME=Count Pull In Row 698 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pulled in-row from off-row. 699 700 701 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_NAME=Count Lob Readahead 702 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_HELP=Count of lob pages on which readahead was issued. 703 704 705 SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_NAME=Errors/sec 706 SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_HELP=Number of errors/sec 707 708 709 SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_NAME=Batch Requests/sec 710 SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL batch requests received by server. 711 712 713 SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_NAME=Forced Parameterizations/sec 714 SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_HELP=Number of statements parameterized by forced parameterization per second. 715 716 717 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_NAME=Auto-Param Attempts/sec 718 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_HELP=Number of auto-parameterization attempts. 719 720 721 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed Auto-Params/sec 722 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_HELP=Number of failed auto-parameterizations. 723 724 725 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_NAME=Safe Auto-Params/sec 726 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_HELP=Number of safe auto-parameterizations. 727 728 729 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_NAME=Unsafe Auto-Params/sec 730 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_HELP=Number of unsafe auto-parameterizations. 731 732 733 SQL_COMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Compilations/sec 734 SQL_COMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL compilations. 735 736 737 SQL_RECOMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Re-Compilations/sec 738 SQL_RECOMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL re-compiles. 739 740 741 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_NAME=SQL Attention rate 742 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of attentions per second. 743 744 745 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 746 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups 747 748 749 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 750 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 751 752 753 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_NAME=Cache Pages 754 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of 8k pages used by cache objects 755 756 757 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Object Counts 758 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in the cache 759 760 761 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Objects in use 762 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in use 763 764 765 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 766 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups 767 768 769 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 770 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 771 772 773 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cached Cursor Counts 774 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cursors of a given type in the cache 775 776 777 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cursor Cache Use Counts/sec 778 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Times each type of cached cursor has been used 779 780 781 CURSOR_REQ_009_NAME=Cursor Requests/sec 782 CURSOR_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL cursor requests received by server. 783 784 785 CURSOR_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active cursors 786 CURSOR_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of active cursors. 787 788 789 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor memory usage 790 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_HELP=Amount of memory consumed by cursors (KB). 791 792 793 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor worktable usage 794 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_HELP=Number of worktables used by cursors. 795 796 797 CURSOR_PLANS_009_NAME=Number of active cursor plans 798 CURSOR_PLANS_009_HELP=Number of cursor plans. 799 800 801 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_NAME=Cursor conversion rate 802 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of cursor conversions/sec. 803 804 805 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_NAME=Async population count 806 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_HELP=Number of cursors being populated asynchronously. 807 808 809 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_NAME=Cursor flushes 810 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_HELP=Total number of times a flush for a cursor xstmt occured. 811 812 813 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_NAME=Connection Memory (KB) 814 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections 815 816 817 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_NAME=Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 818 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_HELP=Total amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used for hash, sort and create index operations. 819 820 821 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_NAME=Lock Memory (KB) 822 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks 823 824 825 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Blocks Allocated 826 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock blocks. 827 828 829 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks Allocated 830 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock owner blocks. 831 832 833 MEMORY_LOCKS_009_NAME=Lock Blocks 834 MEMORY_LOCKS_009_HELP=The current number of lock blocks that are in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. 835 836 837 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks 838 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_HELP=The number of lock owner blocks that are currently in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. 839 840 841 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_NAME=Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) 842 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_HELP=Total amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used primarily for hash, sort and create index operations. 843 844 845 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_NAME=Memory Grants Outstanding 846 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_HELP=Current number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant 847 848 849 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_NAME=Memory Grants Pending 850 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_HELP=Current number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant 851 852 853 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Optimizer Memory (KB) 854 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization 855 856 857 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_NAME=SQL Cache Memory (KB) 858 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache 859 860 861 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Target Server Memory (KB) 862 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is willing to consume 863 864 865 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Total Server Memory (KB) 866 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming 867 868 869 QUERY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Query 870 QUERY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=As defined by the user. 871 872 873 RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Running 874 RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of replication agents currently running. 875 876 877 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Uploaded Changes/sec 878 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Subscriber to the Publisher. 879 880 881 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Downloaded Changes/sec 882 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Publisher to the Subscriber. 883 884 885 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Conflicts/sec 886 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of conflicts per second occurring during the merge process. 887 888 889 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivery Latency 890 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are applied at the Publisher to when they are delivered to the Distributor. 891 892 893 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Cmds/sec 894 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. 895 896 897 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Trans/sec 898 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. 899 900 901 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivery Latency 902 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are delivered to the Distributor to when they are applied at the Subscriber. 903 904 905 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Cmds/sec 906 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Subscriber. 907 908 909 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Trans/sec 910 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Subscriber. 911 912 913 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Cmds/sec 914 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. 915 916 917 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Trans/sec 918 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. 919 920 921 DB_BCK_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Device Throughput Bytes/sec 922 DB_BCK_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for a backup device. 923 924 925 XACT_NUM_009_NAME=Transactions 926 XACT_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active transactions. 927 928 929 XACT_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Snapshot Transactions 930 XACT_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions. 931 932 933 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Update Snapshot Transactions 934 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions that do updates. 935 936 937 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_NAME=NonSnapshot Version Transactions 938 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active non-snapshot transactions that generate version records. 939 940 941 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_NAME=Longest Transaction Running Time 942 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_HELP=The longest running time of any transcation in seconds. 943 944 945 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio 946 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_HELP=The fraction of update snapshot transactions that have update conflicts to the total number of update snapshot transactions. 947 948 949 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio base 950 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=The total number of update snapshot transactions. 951 952 953 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_NAME=Free Space in tempdb (KB) 954 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_HELP=The free space in tempdb in KB. 955 956 957 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_NAME=Version Generation rate (KB/s) 958 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_HELP=The version generation rate in KB per seconds. 959 960 961 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_NAME=Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) 962 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_HELP=The version cleanup rate in KB per seconds. 963 964 965 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_NAME=Version Store Size (KB) 966 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the version store in KB. 967 968 969 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_NAME=Version Store unit count 970 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of unit in Version Store. 971 972 973 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit creation 974 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_HELP=Creation of new unit in Version Store. 975 976 977 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit truncation 978 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_HELP=Truncation of unit in Version Store. 979 980 981 BO_SEND_RATE_009_NAME=SQL SENDs/sec 982 BO_SEND_RATE_009_HELP=The number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker per second. 983 984 985 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_009_NAME=SQL SEND Total 986 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_009_HELP=Total number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker. 987 988 989 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_009_NAME=SQL RECEIVEs/sec 990 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker per second. 991 992 993 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_009_NAME=SQL RECEIVE Total 994 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Total number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker. 995 996 997 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_009_NAME=Broker Transaction Rollbacks 998 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_009_HELP=The number of Service Broker related transactions that have rolled back. 999 1000 1001 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_009_NAME=Dialog Timer Event Count 1002 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_009_HELP=The number of dialog endpoint related timer events in the Broker. 1003 1004 1005 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Messages/sec 1006 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered as ready into queues per second. 1007 1008 1009 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages/sec 1010 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from local endpoints that are successfully delivered as ready into queues per second. 1011 1012 1013 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs/sec 1014 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from the transport that are successfully delivered as ready into queues per second. 1015 1016 1017 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frags/sec 1018 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments from the transport that are successfully delivered into queues per second. Note the cooresponding message may not be complete yet or may be out of order, and therefore the message can be in the queue as disabled. 1019 1020 1021 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Messages Total 1022 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of message fragments from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered as ready into queues. 1023 1024 1025 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages Total 1026 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of message fragments from local endpoints that are successfully delivered as ready into queues. 1027 1028 1029 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs Total 1030 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of messages from the transport that are successfully delivered as ready into queues. 1031 1032 1033 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frag Tot 1034 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_009_HELP=Total number of message fragments from the transport that are successfully delivered into queues. Note the cooresponding message may not be complete yet or may be out of order, and therefore the message can be in the queue as disabled. 1035 1036 1037 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_009_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Count 1038 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages that have not been successfully sent yet. 1039 1040 1041 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_009_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Bytes 1042 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of forwarded message bytes that have not been successfully sent yet. 1043 1044 1045 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Msgs Discarded/sec 1046 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages that were discarded per second due to forwarded message memory limits, age limits, etc. 1047 1048 1049 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Discarded Total 1050 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded messages discarded due to forwarded message memory limits, age limits, etc. 1051 1052 1053 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Messages/sec 1054 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages successfully sent per second. 1055 1056 1057 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Messages Total 1058 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded messages successfully sent. 1059 1060 1061 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Bytes/sec 1062 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded message bytes successfully sent per second. 1063 1064 1065 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Byte Total 1066 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded message bytes successfully sent. 1067 1068 1069 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Open Connection Count 1070 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=The total number of transport connections currently open. 1071 1072 1073 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_009_NAME=Send I/Os/sec 1074 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment. 1075 1076 1077 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Send I/O bytes/sec 1078 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport send I/O bytes per second. 1079 1080 1081 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_009_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg 1082 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte length of transport send I/O operations. 1083 1084 1085 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg Base 1086 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte length of transport send I/O operations. 1087 1088 1089 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_009_NAME=Receive I/Os/sec 1090 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment. 1091 1092 1093 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Receive I/O bytes/sec 1094 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport receive I/O bytes per second. 1095 1096 1097 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_009_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg 1098 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte length of transport receive I/O operations. 1099 1100 1101 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg Base 1102 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte length of transport receive I/O operations. 1103 1104 1105 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Message Fragment Sends/sec 1106 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1107 1108 1109 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg 1110 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte size of message fragments sent in transport send I/O operations. 1111 1112 1113 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg Base 1114 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte size of message fragments sent in transport send I/O operations. 1115 1116 1117 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Message Fragment Receives/sec 1118 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments received per second in transport receive I/O operations. 1119 1120 1121 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg 1122 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte size of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations. 1123 1124 1125 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg Base 1126 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte size of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations. 1127 1128 1129 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Send I/O 1130 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments that are being marshalled, or marshalled and ready to be sent via the transport layer. 1131 1132 1133 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Current Msg Frags for Send I/O 1134 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments associated with current transport send I/O operations that haven't completed. 1135 1136 1137 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_NAME=Pending Bytes for Send I/O 1138 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of buffer bytes associated with message fragments being marshalled, or marshalled and ready to be sent with send I/O operations. 1139 1140 1141 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_NAME=Current Bytes for Send I/O 1142 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of buffer bytes associated with current transport send I/O operations that haven't completed. 1143 1144 1145 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Recv I/O 1146 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations that have not been enqueued (or rejected) yet. 1147 1148 1149 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_NAME=Current Bytes for Recv I/O 1150 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of bytes associated with current transport receive I/O operations that haven't completed. 1151 1152 1153 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_NAME=Pending Bytes for Recv I/O 1154 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of bytes associated with in completed transport receive I/O operations whose message fragments haven't been enqueued (or rejected) yet. 1155 1156 1157 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_009_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies Count 1158 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_009_HELP=The number of times when transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. 1159 1160 1161 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_009_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies bytes/sec 1162 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_009_HELP=The rate at witch transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. 1163 1164 1165 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_009_NAME=Tasks Started/sec 1166 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_009_HELP=The number of activated tasks that are being started per second. 1167 1168 1169 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_009_NAME=Tasks Running 1170 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_009_HELP=The total number of activated tasks that are currently running. 1171 1172 1173 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_009_NAME=Tasks Aborted/sec 1174 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of activated tasks that are being aborted per second. 1175 1176 1177 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_009_NAME=Task Limit Reached/sec 1178 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached per second. 1179 1180 1181 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_009_NAME=Task Limit Reached 1182 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_009_HELP=The total number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached. 1183 1184 1185 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_009_NAME=Stored Procedures Invoked/sec 1186 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of stored procedures that are being invoked per second. 1187 1188 1189 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_009_NAME=Lock waits 1190 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting on a lock. 1191 1192 1193 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_009_NAME=Memory grant queue waits 1194 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for memory grant to become available. 1195 1196 1197 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_009_NAME=Thread-safe memory objects waits 1198 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting on thread-safe memory allocators. 1199 1200 1201 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_009_NAME=Log write waits 1202 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for log buffer to be written. 1203 1204 1205 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_009_NAME=Log buffer waits 1206 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for log buffer to be available. 1207 1208 1209 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_009_NAME=Network IO waits 1210 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to wait on network IO. 1211 1212 1213 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_009_NAME=Page IO latch waits 1214 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to page IO latches. 1215 1216 1217 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_009_NAME=Page latch waits 1218 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to page latches, not including IO latches 1219 1220 1221 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_009_NAME=Non-Page latch waits 1222 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to non-page latches. 1223 1224 1225 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_009_NAME=Wait for the worker 1226 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes waiting for worker to become available. 1227 1228 1229 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_009_NAME=Workspace synchronization waits 1230 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes synchronizing access to workspace. 1231 1232 1233 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_009_NAME=Transaction ownership waits 1234 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes synchronizing access to transaction. 1235 1236 1237 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_009_NAME=Extended Procedures 1238 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of XP calls. 1239 1240 1241 EXECSTATS_DTC_009_NAME=DTC calls 1242 EXECSTATS_DTC_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of DTC calls. 1243 1244 1245 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_009_NAME=OLEDB calls 1246 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of OLEDB calls. 1247 1248 1249 EXECSTATS_DQ_009_NAME=Distributed Query 1250 EXECSTATS_DQ_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of distributed queries. 1251 1252 1253 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_009_NAME=CLR Execution 1254 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_009_HELP=Total Execution time in CLR ( microseconds ). 1255 1256 1257 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 1258 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between catalog metadata cache hits and lookups 1259 1260 1261 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 1262 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 1263 1264 1265 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Entries Count 1266 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of entries in the catalog metadata cache 1267 1268 1269 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Entries Pinned Count 1270 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of catalog metadata cache entries that are pinned 1271 1272 1273 BUFMGR_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Buffer Manager 1274 BUFMGR_OBJECT_004_HELP=與 SQL Server 緩衝區管理器有關的統計信息 1275 1276 1277 BUFPART_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Buffer Partition 1278 BUFPART_OBJECT_004_HELP=與 SQL Server 的緩衝區分區有關的統計信息 1279 1280 1281 BUFNODE_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Buffer Node 1282 BUFNODE_OBJECT_004_HELP=按 NUMA 節點列出的與 SQL Server 的緩衝池相關的統計信息 1283 1284 1285 GENERAL_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:General Statistics 1286 GENERAL_OBJECT_004_HELP=服務器常規統計信息 1287 1288 1289 LOCKS_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Locks 1290 LOCKS_OBJECT_004_HELP=描述鎖定服務器的各個鎖請求的統計信息 1291 1292 1293 DBMGR_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Databases 1294 DBMGR_OBJECT_004_HELP=它爲 SQL Server 定義數據庫管理器對象 1295 1296 1297 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Database Mirroring 1298 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_004_HELP=它爲 SQL Server 定義數據庫鏡像對象 1299 1300 1301 LATCH_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Latches 1302 LATCH_OBJECT_004_HELP=收集與內部服務器閂鎖相關的統計信息 1303 1304 1305 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Access Methods 1306 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_004_HELP=收集與數據庫服務器訪問方法相關的統計信息 1307 1308 1309 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:SQL Errors 1310 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_004_HELP=有關 SQL Server 中錯誤的統計信息 1311 1312 1313 SQL_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:SQL Statistics 1314 SQL_OBJECT_004_HELP=收集與 SQL 請求相關的統計信息 1315 1316 1317 PLAN_CACHE_004_NAME=SQLServer:Plan Cache 1318 PLAN_CACHE_004_HELP=它定義緩存計數器 1319 1320 1321 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_004_NAME=SQLServer:Cursor Manager by Type 1322 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_004_HELP=按類型分組的遊標屬性的計數器 1323 1324 1325 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_004_NAME=SQLServer:Cursor Manager Total 1326 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_004_HELP=未按類型分組的遊標屬性的計數器 1327 1328 1329 MEMORY_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Memory Manager 1330 MEMORY_OBJECT_004_HELP=它定義內存的使用狀況。 1331 1332 1333 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:User Settable 1334 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_004_HELP=它定義用戶可定義的計數器 1335 1336 1337 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Agents 1338 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製摘要 1339 1340 1341 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Merge 1342 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製合併代理統計信息 1343 1344 1345 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Logreader 1346 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製日誌讀取器代理統計信息 1347 1348 1349 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Dist. 1350 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製分發代理統計信息 1351 1352 1353 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Replication Snapshot 1354 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製快照代理統計信息 1355 1356 1357 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Backup Device 1358 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_004_HELP=它定義 SQL Server 的備份設備對象 1359 1360 1361 XACT_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Transactions 1362 XACT_OBJECT_004_HELP=與 SQL Server 事務有關的統計信息。 1363 1364 1365 BROKER_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Broker Statistics 1366 BROKER_OBJECT_004_HELP=Service Broker 統計信息 1367 1368 1369 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Broker/DBM Transport 1370 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_004_HELP=Service Broker/數據庫鏡像傳輸統計信息 1371 1372 1373 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Broker Activation 1374 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_004_HELP=Service Broker 激活 1375 1376 1377 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Wait Statistics 1378 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_004_HELP=等待統計信息 1379 1380 1381 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Exec Statistics 1382 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_004_HELP=外部調用的執行統計信息 1383 1384 1385 SQLCLR_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:CLR 1386 SQLCLR_OBJECT_004_HELP=在 SQL Server 中執行 CLR 1387 1388 1389 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_004_NAME=SQLServer:Catalog Metadata 1390 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_004_HELP=定義 SQL Server 的目錄元數據管理器對象 1391 1392 1393 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio 1394 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=可在緩衝池中找到而沒必要從磁盤讀取的頁所佔的百分比。 1395 1396 1397 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio base 1398 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 1399 1400 1401 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_004_NAME=Page lookups/sec 1402 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_004_HELP=要求在緩衝池中查找頁的請求數。 1403 1404 1405 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_004_NAME=Free list stalls/sec 1406 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_004_HELP=必須等待可用頁的請求數。 1407 1408 1409 BUF_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_004_NAME=Free pages 1410 BUF_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_004_HELP=全部可用列表的總頁數。 1411 1412 1413 BUF_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Total pages 1414 BUF_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩衝池中的頁數(包括數據庫頁、可用頁和被盜頁)。 1415 1416 1417 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Target pages 1418 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩衝池中理想的頁數。 1419 1420 1421 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Database pages 1422 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩衝池中有數據庫內容的頁數。 1423 1424 1425 BUF_RESERVED_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Reserved pages 1426 BUF_RESERVED_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩衝池保留的頁數。 1427 1428 1429 BUF_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Stolen pages 1430 BUF_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=用於其餘服務器用途(包括過程緩存)的頁數。 1431 1432 1433 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_004_NAME=Lazy writes/sec 1434 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_004_HELP=緩衝區管理器的惰性編寫器寫入的緩衝區數。 1435 1436 1437 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_004_NAME=Readahead pages/sec 1438 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_004_HELP=爲預期使用讀取的頁數。 1439 1440 1441 BUF_BLOCK_READS_004_NAME=Page reads/sec 1442 BUF_BLOCK_READS_004_HELP=執行的物理數據庫頁讀取數。 1443 1444 1445 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_004_NAME=Page writes/sec 1446 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_004_HELP=執行的物理數據庫頁寫入數。 1447 1448 1449 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_004_NAME=Checkpoint pages/sec 1450 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_004_HELP=檢查點或其餘要求刷新所有髒頁的操做所刷新的頁數。 1451 1452 1453 BUF_AWE_LOOKUP_MAPS_004_NAME=AWE lookup maps/sec 1454 BUF_AWE_LOOKUP_MAPS_004_HELP=對在緩衝池中找到的頁進行 AWE 映射調用的數目。 1455 1456 1457 BUF_AWE_STOLEN_MAPS_004_NAME=AWE stolen maps/sec 1458 BUF_AWE_STOLEN_MAPS_004_HELP=對從緩衝池盜用的頁進行 AWE 映射調用的數目。 1459 1460 1461 BUF_AWE_WRITE_MAPS_004_NAME=AWE write maps/sec 1462 BUF_AWE_WRITE_MAPS_004_HELP=對要寫入磁盤的頁進行 AWE 映射調用的數目。 1463 1464 1465 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_CALLS_004_NAME=AWE unmap calls/sec 1466 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_CALLS_004_HELP=AWE 取消映射調用的數目。 1467 1468 1469 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_PAGES_004_NAME=AWE unmap pages/sec 1470 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_PAGES_004_HELP=取消映射的 AWE 頁數。 1471 1472 1473 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_NAME=Page life expectancy 1474 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_HELP=沒有引用的頁停留在緩衝池中的時間(秒)。 1475 1476 1477 BUFPART_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_004_NAME=Free pages 1478 BUFPART_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_004_HELP=分區可用列表中的頁數。 1479 1480 1481 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_USED_004_NAME=Free list requests/sec 1482 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_USED_004_HELP=請求可用頁的次數。 1483 1484 1485 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_EMPTY_004_NAME=Free list empty/sec 1486 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_EMPTY_004_HELP=曾請求可用頁但沒有任何可用頁的次數。 1487 1488 1489 BUFNODE_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_004_NAME=Free pages 1490 BUFNODE_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_004_HELP=節點上的空閒頁數。 1491 1492 1493 BUFNODE_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Total pages 1494 BUFNODE_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=節點上已提交的頁數。 1495 1496 1497 BUFNODE_FOREIGN_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Foreign pages 1498 BUFNODE_FOREIGN_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=不是 NUMA 本地內存中的頁數。 1499 1500 1501 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Database pages 1502 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=節點上的數據庫頁數。 1503 1504 1505 BUFNODE_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Stolen pages 1506 BUFNODE_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=節點上的被盜用頁數。 1507 1508 1509 BUFNODE_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Target pages 1510 BUFNODE_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=節點上的目標頁數。 1511 1512 1513 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_NAME=Page life expectancy 1514 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_HELP=沒有引用的頁停留在緩衝池中的時間(秒)。 1515 1516 1517 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_004_NAME=Active Temp Tables 1518 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_004_HELP=正在使用的臨時表/表變量的數目 1519 1520 1521 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_004_NAME=Temp Tables Creation Rate 1522 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_004_HELP=每秒建立的臨時表/表變量的數目 1523 1524 1525 GO_LOGINS_004_NAME=Logins/sec 1526 GO_LOGINS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的登陸總數。 1527 1528 1529 GO_LOGOUTS_004_NAME=Logouts/sec 1530 GO_LOGOUTS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的註銷總數。 1531 1532 1533 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_004_NAME=User Connections 1534 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_004_HELP=鏈接到系統的用戶數。 1535 1536 1537 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_004_NAME=Logical Connections 1538 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_004_HELP=與系統創建的邏輯鏈接數。 1539 1540 1541 GO_TRANSACTIONS_004_NAME=Transactions 1542 GO_TRANSACTIONS_004_HELP=事務登記(本地、dtc 和綁定的事務)的數目。 1543 1544 1545 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_004_NAME=Non-atomic yield rate 1546 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_004_HELP=每秒的非原子生成數。 1547 1548 1549 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_004_NAME=Mars Deadlocks 1550 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_004_HELP=檢測到的 Mars 死鎖數。 1551 1552 1553 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_004_NAME=HTTP Authenticated Requests 1554 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的驗證過的 HTTP 請求數。 1555 1556 1557 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP Empty Requests 1558 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的空 SOAP 請求數。 1559 1560 1561 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP SQL Requests 1562 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP SQL 請求數。 1563 1564 1565 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP Method Invocations 1566 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP 方法調用數。 1567 1568 1569 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP WSDL Requests 1570 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP Web 服務描述語言請求數。 1571 1572 1573 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_004_NAME=SOAP Session Initiate Requests 1574 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP 會話啓動請求數。 1575 1576 1577 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_004_NAME=SOAP Session Terminate Requests 1578 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP 會話終止請求數。 1579 1580 1581 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_004_NAME=Processes blocked 1582 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_004_HELP=當前阻塞的進程數。 1583 1584 1585 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_004_NAME=Temp Tables For Destruction 1586 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_004_HELP=等待被清除系統線程破壞的臨時表/表變量數 1587 1588 1589 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_004_NAME=Event Notifications Delayed Drop 1590 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_004_HELP=等待某個系統線程刪除的事件通知數 1591 1592 1593 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_004_NAME=Trace Event Notification Queue 1594 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_004_HELP=在內部隊列中等待經過 Service Broker 發送的跟蹤事件通知實例數 1595 1596 1597 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_004_NAME=SQL Trace IO Provider Lock Waits 1598 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_004_HELP=每秒等待 File IO Provider 鎖的次數 1599 1600 1601 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_004_NAME=Lock Requests/sec 1602 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_004_HELP=從鎖管理器請求的新鎖和鎖轉換的數目。 1603 1604 1605 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_004_NAME=Lock Timeouts/sec 1606 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_004_HELP=超時的鎖請求數。這包括對 NOWAIT 鎖的請求。 1607 1608 1609 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_004_NAME=Number of Deadlocks/sec 1610 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_004_HELP=致使死鎖的鎖請求數。 1611 1612 1613 LCK_NUM_WAITS_004_NAME=Lock Waits/sec 1614 LCK_NUM_WAITS_004_HELP=不能當即知足而要求調用方等待授予鎖的鎖請求數。 1615 1616 1617 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_004_NAME=Lock Wait Time (ms) 1618 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內鎖的總等待時間(毫秒)。 1619 1620 1621 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_004_NAME=Average Wait Time (ms) 1622 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_004_HELP=致使等待的每一個鎖請求的平均等待時間(毫秒)。 1623 1624 1625 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_004_NAME=Average Wait Time Base 1626 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_004_HELP=平均等待時間的基數。 1627 1628 1629 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_004_NAME=Lock Timeouts (timeout > 0)/sec 1630 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_004_HELP=超時的鎖請求數。這不包括對 NOWAIT 鎖的請求。 1631 1632 1633 DB_DATA_SIZE_004_NAME=Data File(s) Size (KB) 1634 DB_DATA_SIZE_004_HELP=數據庫中全部數據文件的累積大小。 1635 1636 1637 DB_LOG_SIZE_004_NAME=Log File(s) Size (KB) 1638 DB_LOG_SIZE_004_HELP=數據庫中全部日誌文件的累積大小。 1639 1640 1641 DB_LOG_USED_004_NAME=Log File(s) Used Size (KB) 1642 DB_LOG_USED_004_HELP=數據庫中全部日誌文件的累積已用大小。 1643 1644 1645 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_004_NAME=Percent Log Used 1646 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_004_HELP=日誌中已用空間所佔的百分比。 1647 1648 1649 DB_ACT_XTRAN_004_NAME=Active Transactions 1650 DB_ACT_XTRAN_004_HELP=數據庫的活動更新事務數。 1651 1652 1653 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_004_NAME=Transactions/sec 1654 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_004_HELP=爲數據庫啓動的事務數。 1655 1656 1657 DB_REPLTRANS_004_NAME=Repl. Pending Xacts 1658 DB_REPLTRANS_004_HELP=數據庫中掛起的複製事務數。 1659 1660 1661 DB_REPLCOUNT_004_NAME=Repl. Trans. Rate 1662 DB_REPLCOUNT_004_HELP=複製事務速率(每秒的複製事務數)。 1663 1664 1665 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_004_NAME=Log Cache Reads/sec 1666 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_004_HELP=經過日誌管理器緩存執行的讀取數。 1667 1668 1669 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_004_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio 1670 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_004_HELP=日誌緩存所知足的日誌緩存讀取數所佔的百分比。 1671 1672 1673 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_004_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio Base 1674 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_004_HELP=日誌緩存的計算基數 1675 1676 1677 DB_BULK_ROWS_004_NAME=Bulk Copy Rows/sec 1678 DB_BULK_ROWS_004_HELP=大容量複製的行數。 1679 1680 1681 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_004_NAME=Bulk Copy Throughput/sec 1682 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_004_HELP=大容量複製的千字節數。 1683 1684 1685 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_004_NAME=Backup/Restore Throughput/sec 1686 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_004_HELP=數據庫備份/還原的讀取/寫入吞吐量。 1687 1688 1689 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_004_NAME=DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec 1690 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_004_HELP=DBCC 命令的邏輯讀取掃描速率 1691 1692 1693 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_004_NAME=Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec 1694 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_004_HELP=Autoshrink、DBCC SHRINKDATABASE 或 SHRINKFILE 移動數據的速率。 1695 1696 1697 DB_FLUSHES_004_NAME=Log Flushes/sec 1698 DB_FLUSHES_004_HELP=日誌刷新數目。 1699 1700 1701 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_004_NAME=Log Bytes Flushed/sec 1702 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_004_HELP=刷新的日誌字節總數。 1703 1704 1705 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_004_NAME=Log Flush Waits/sec 1706 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_004_HELP=等待日誌刷新的提交數目。 1707 1708 1709 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_004_NAME=Log Flush Wait Time 1710 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_004_HELP=總等待時間(毫秒)。 1711 1712 1713 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_004_NAME=Log Truncations 1714 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_004_HELP=此數據庫的日誌截斷總數。 1715 1716 1717 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_004_NAME=Log Growths 1718 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_004_HELP=此數據庫的日誌增加總數。 1719 1720 1721 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_004_NAME=Log Shrinks 1722 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_004_HELP=此數據庫的日誌收縮總數。 1723 1724 1725 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_004_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec 1726 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_004_HELP=每秒發送的字節數 1727 1728 1729 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_004_NAME=Pages Sent/sec 1730 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_004_HELP=每秒發送的頁數 1731 1732 1733 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_004_NAME=Sends/sec 1734 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的發送數目 1735 1736 1737 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_004_NAME=Transaction Delay 1738 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_004_HELP=等待確認的事務終止操做的平均延遲時間 1739 1740 1741 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_004_NAME=Redo Queue KB 1742 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_004_HELP=鏡像數據庫的重作操做滯後於鏡像日誌的總字節數(KB) 1743 1744 1745 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_004_NAME=Redo Bytes/sec 1746 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_004_HELP=每秒由鏡像數據庫重作的日誌字節數 1747 1748 1749 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_004_NAME=Log Send Queue KB 1750 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_004_HELP=還沒有發送到鏡像服務器的日誌總字節數(KB) 1751 1752 1753 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_NAME=Bytes Received/sec 1754 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_HELP=每秒收到的字節數 1755 1756 1757 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_004_NAME=Receives/sec 1758 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_004_HELP=每秒收到的鏡像消息數 1759 1760 1761 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec 1762 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_HELP=每秒收到的日誌字節數 1763 1764 1765 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_004_NAME=Log Bytes Sent/sec 1766 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_004_HELP=每秒發送的日誌字節數 1767 1768 1769 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_004_NAME=Send/Receive Ack Time 1770 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_004_HELP=包每秒在流控制中等待的時間(毫秒)。 1771 1772 1773 LATCH_WAITS_NP_004_NAME=Latch Waits/sec 1774 LATCH_WAITS_NP_004_HELP=未能當即授予而不得不等待的閂鎖請求數。 1775 1776 1777 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_004_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time (ms) 1778 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_004_HELP=必須等待授予的閂鎖請求的平均等待時間(毫秒)。 1779 1780 1781 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_004_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time Base 1782 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_004_HELP=閂鎖平均等待時間的基數。 1783 1784 1785 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_004_NAME=Total Latch Wait Time (ms) 1786 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內必須等待授予的閂鎖請求的總等待時間(毫秒)。 1787 1788 1789 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_004_NAME=Number of SuperLatches 1790 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_004_HELP=目前是 SuperLatch 的閂鎖數。 1791 1792 1793 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_004_NAME=SuperLatch Promotions/sec 1794 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_004_HELP=已提高爲 SuperLatch 的閂鎖數 1795 1796 1797 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_004_NAME=SuperLatch Demotions/sec 1798 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_004_HELP=已降級爲常規閂鎖的 SuperLatch 數 1799 1800 1801 AM_FULL_SCAN_004_NAME=Full Scans/sec 1802 AM_FULL_SCAN_004_HELP=不受限制的徹底掃描數目。這些掃描能夠是基表掃描,也能夠是全文索引掃描。 1803 1804 1805 AM_RANGE_SCAN_004_NAME=Range Scans/sec 1806 AM_RANGE_SCAN_004_HELP=每秒經過索引進行的限定範圍掃描數。 1807 1808 1809 AM_PROBE_SCAN_004_NAME=Probe Scans/sec 1810 AM_PROBE_SCAN_004_HELP=每秒用於直接在索引或基表中查找最多一個單限定行的探測掃描的次數。 1811 1812 1813 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_004_NAME=Scan Point Revalidations/sec 1814 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_004_HELP=必須從新驗證掃描點才能繼續掃描的次數。 1815 1816 1817 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_004_NAME=Workfiles Created/sec 1818 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_004_HELP=每秒建立的工做文件數。例如,工做文件可用於存儲哈希聯接和哈希聚合的臨時結果。 1819 1820 1821 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_004_NAME=Worktables Created/sec 1822 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_004_HELP=每秒建立的工做表數。例如,工做表可用於存儲查詢假脫機操做、LOB 變量、XML 變量和遊標的臨時結果。 1823 1824 1825 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_004_NAME=Worktables From Cache Ratio 1826 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_004_HELP=在建立的工做表中,工做表的最初兩頁不是分配的,而是直接來自工做表緩存中的工做表所佔的百分比。 1827 1828 1829 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_004_NAME=Worktables From Cache Base 1830 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數。 1831 1832 1833 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_004_NAME=Forwarded Records/sec 1834 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_004_HELP=經過正向記錄指針提取的記錄數。 1835 1836 1837 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_004_NAME=Skipped Ghosted Records/sec 1838 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_004_HELP=掃描期間每秒跳過的虛影記錄數。 1839 1840 1841 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_004_NAME=Index Searches/sec 1842 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_004_HELP=索引搜索的數目。索引搜索用於啓動範圍掃描和單個索引記錄提取操做,也用於在索引中改變位置。 1843 1844 1845 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_004_NAME=FreeSpace Scans/sec 1846 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的掃描數目,掃描目的是搜索已分配給某分配單元的頁內的可用空間,以用於插入或修改記錄片斷。每次掃描可能查找多頁。 1847 1848 1849 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_004_NAME=FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec 1850 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_004_HELP=每秒由可用空間掃描提取的頁數。這些掃描搜索已分配給分配單元的頁內的可用空間,以知足插入或修改記錄片斷的請求。 1851 1852 1853 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Pages Allocated/sec 1854 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒分配的頁數。其中包括從混合區和統一區分配的頁數。 1855 1856 1857 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Extents Allocated/sec 1858 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒分配的區數。 1859 1860 1861 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_004_NAME=Mixed page allocations/sec 1862 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_004_HELP=每秒從混合區分配的頁數。這些頁可用於存儲 IAM 頁和分配給某分配單元的前八頁。 1863 1864 1865 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_004_NAME=Extent Deallocations/sec 1866 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒釋放的區數。 1867 1868 1869 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_004_NAME=Page Deallocations/sec 1870 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒釋放的區數。其中包括從混合區和統一區釋放的頁數。 1871 1872 1873 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_004_NAME=Page Splits/sec 1874 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_004_HELP=索引頁溢出時出現的每秒頁拆分數目。 1875 1876 1877 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_004_NAME=Table Lock Escalations/sec 1878 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_004_HELP=表上的鎖升級的次數。 1879 1880 1881 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_004_NAME=Deferred Dropped rowsets 1882 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_004_HELP=當已停止的聯機索引生成操做正在等待清除延遲刪除的行集的後臺任務刪除時建立的行集數。 1883 1884 1885 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_004_NAME=Dropped rowset cleanups/sec 1886 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_004_HELP=當清除延遲刪除的行集的後臺任務成功刪除了已停止的聯機索引生成操做時,每秒建立的行集數。 1887 1888 1889 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_004_NAME=Dropped rowsets skipped/sec 1890 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_004_HELP=當清除延遲刪除的行集的後臺任務跳過了已停止的聯機索引生成操做時,每秒建立的行集數。 1891 1892 1893 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_004_NAME=Deferred dropped AUs 1894 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_004_HELP=正在等待清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務刪除的分配單元數。 1895 1896 1897 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_004_NAME=AU cleanups/sec 1898 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_004_HELP=清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務每秒成功刪除的分配單元數。刪除每一個分配單元都須要多個批處理。 1899 1900 1901 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_004_NAME=AU cleanup batches/sec 1902 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_004_HELP=清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務每秒成功完成的批處理個數。 1903 1904 1905 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_004_NAME=Failed AU cleanup batches/sec 1906 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_004_HELP=清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務每秒失敗而須要重試的批處理個數。失敗的緣由多是內存或磁盤空間不足和硬件故障,也多是其餘緣由。 1907 1908 1909 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_NAME=Used tree page cookie 1910 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_HELP=自樹頁的父級未更改以來,在索引搜索期間成功使用了樹頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 1911 1912 1913 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_NAME=Failed tree page cookie 1914 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_HELP=自那些樹頁的父級發生更改以來,在索引搜索期間沒法使用樹頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 1915 1916 1917 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_NAME=Used leaf page cookie 1918 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_HELP=自葉級頁未更改以來,在索引搜索期間成功使用了葉級頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 1919 1920 1921 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_NAME=Failed leaf page cookie 1922 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_HELP=自葉級頁發生更改以來,在索引搜索期間沒法使用葉級頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 1923 1924 1925 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_004_NAME=LobSS Provider Create Count 1926 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_004_HELP=已建立的 LOB 存儲服務提供程序計數。對每一個 LOB 存儲服務提供程序建立了一個工做表。 1927 1928 1929 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_004_NAME=LobSS Provider Destroy Count 1930 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_004_HELP=已破壞的 LOB 存儲服務提供程序計數。 1931 1932 1933 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_004_NAME=LobSS Provider Truncation Count 1934 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_004_HELP=已截斷的 LOB 存儲服務提供程序計數。 1935 1936 1937 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_004_NAME=LobHandle Create Count 1938 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_004_HELP=已建立的臨時 LOB 計數。 1939 1940 1941 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_004_NAME=LobHandle Destroy Count 1942 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_004_HELP=已破壞的臨時 LOB 計數。 1943 1944 1945 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_004_NAME=By-reference Lob Create Count 1946 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_004_HELP=由引用傳遞的大型對象(LOB)值的計數。在某些大容量操做中使用由引用傳遞的 LOB,可免除按值傳遞它們時的開銷。 1947 1948 1949 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_004_NAME=By-reference Lob Use Count 1950 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_004_HELP=使用過的由引用傳遞的 LOB 值的計數。在某些大容量操做中使用由引用傳遞的 LOB,可免除按值傳遞它們時的開銷。 1951 1952 1953 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_004_NAME=Count Push Off Row 1954 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_004_HELP=已從行內推送到行外的值的計數。 1955 1956 1957 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_004_NAME=Count Pull In Row 1958 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_004_HELP=已從行外請求到行內的值的計數。 1959 1960 1961 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_004_NAME=Count Lob Readahead 1962 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_004_HELP=執行提早讀的 lob 頁計數。 1963 1964 1965 SQL_ERROR_RATE_004_NAME=Errors/sec 1966 SQL_ERROR_RATE_004_HELP=每秒的錯誤數 1967 1968 1969 SQL_BATCH_REQ_004_NAME=Batch Requests/sec 1970 SQL_BATCH_REQ_004_HELP=服務器收到的 SQL 批處理請求數。 1971 1972 1973 SQL_UNIVPARAM_004_NAME=Forced Parameterizations/sec 1974 SQL_UNIVPARAM_004_HELP=每秒由強制參數化致使參數化的語句數。 1975 1976 1977 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_004_NAME=Auto-Param Attempts/sec 1978 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_004_HELP=自動參數化嘗試次數。 1979 1980 1981 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_004_NAME=Failed Auto-Params/sec 1982 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_004_HELP=失敗的自動參數化數目。 1983 1984 1985 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_004_NAME=Safe Auto-Params/sec 1986 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_004_HELP=安全的自動參數化數目。 1987 1988 1989 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_004_NAME=Unsafe Auto-Params/sec 1990 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_004_HELP=不安全的自動參數化數目。 1991 1992 1993 SQL_COMPILES_004_NAME=SQL Compilations/sec 1994 SQL_COMPILES_004_HELP=SQL 編譯的數目。 1995 1996 1997 SQL_RECOMPILES_004_NAME=SQL Re-Compilations/sec 1998 SQL_RECOMPILES_004_HELP=SQL 從新編譯的數目。 1999 2000 2001 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_004_NAME=SQL Attention rate 2002 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_004_HELP=每秒發出關注信號的數目。 2003 2004 2005 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 2006 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=緩存命中次數與查找次數之比 2007 2008 2009 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 2010 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 2011 2012 2013 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_004_NAME=Cache Pages 2014 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_004_HELP=緩存對象使用的 8k 頁的數目 2015 2016 2017 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Object Counts 2018 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_004_HELP=緩存中的緩存對象數 2019 2020 2021 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Objects in use 2022 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_HELP=正在使用的緩存對象數 2023 2024 2025 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 2026 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=緩存命中次數與查找次數之比 2027 2028 2029 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 2030 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 2031 2032 2033 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_004_NAME=Cached Cursor Counts 2034 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩存中給定類型的遊標數 2035 2036 2037 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_NAME=Cursor Cache Use Counts/sec 2038 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_HELP=每種緩存的遊標的使用次數 2039 2040 2041 CURSOR_REQ_004_NAME=Cursor Requests/sec 2042 CURSOR_REQ_004_HELP=服務器收到的 SQL 遊標請求數。 2043 2044 2045 CURSOR_IN_USE_004_NAME=Active cursors 2046 CURSOR_IN_USE_004_HELP=活動遊標數。 2047 2048 2049 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_004_NAME=Cursor memory usage 2050 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_004_HELP=遊標佔用的內存量(KB)。 2051 2052 2053 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_004_NAME=Cursor worktable usage 2054 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_004_HELP=遊標使用的工做表數。 2055 2056 2057 CURSOR_PLANS_004_NAME=Number of active cursor plans 2058 CURSOR_PLANS_004_HELP=遊標計劃數。 2059 2060 2061 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_004_NAME=Cursor conversion rate 2062 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_004_HELP=遊標每秒轉換的次數。 2063 2064 2065 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_004_NAME=Async population count 2066 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_004_HELP=異步填充的遊標數。 2067 2068 2069 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_004_NAME=Cursor flushes 2070 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_004_HELP=遊標 xstmt 的刷新總次數。 2071 2072 2073 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_004_NAME=Connection Memory (KB) 2074 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於維護鏈接的動態內存總量 2075 2076 2077 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_004_NAME=Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 2078 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_004_HELP=授予用來執行進程的內存總量。這些內存用於哈希、排序和建立索引操做。 2079 2080 2081 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_004_NAME=Lock Memory (KB) 2082 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於鎖的動態內存總量 2083 2084 2085 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Lock Blocks Allocated 2086 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=分配的鎖塊的當前數目。 2087 2088 2089 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks Allocated 2090 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=分配的鎖全部者塊的當前數目。 2091 2092 2093 MEMORY_LOCKS_004_NAME=Lock Blocks 2094 MEMORY_LOCKS_004_HELP=服務器上正在使用的鎖塊的當前數目。已按期刷新。 2095 2096 2097 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_004_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks 2098 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_004_HELP=服務器上當前正在使用的鎖全部者塊的數目。已按期刷新。 2099 2100 2101 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_004_NAME=Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) 2102 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_004_HELP=授予用來執行進程的內存總量。這些內存主要用於哈希、排序和建立索引操做。 2103 2104 2105 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_004_NAME=Memory Grants Outstanding 2106 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_004_HELP=當前已成功得到工做區內存授予的進程數 2107 2108 2109 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_004_NAME=Memory Grants Pending 2110 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_004_HELP=當前正在等待工做區內存授予的進程數 2111 2112 2113 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_004_NAME=Optimizer Memory (KB) 2114 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於查詢優化的動態內存總量 2115 2116 2117 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_004_NAME=SQL Cache Memory (KB) 2118 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於動態 SQL 緩存的動態內存總量 2119 2120 2121 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_004_NAME=Target Server Memory (KB) 2122 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_004_HELP=服務器打算佔用的動態內存總量 2123 2124 2125 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_004_NAME=Total Server Memory (KB) 2126 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器當前佔用的動態內存總量 2127 2128 2129 QUERY_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Query 2130 QUERY_INSTANCE_004_HELP=與用戶定義的一致。 2131 2132 2133 RUNNING_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Running 2134 RUNNING_INSTANCE_004_HELP=當前正在運行的複製代理數。 2135 2136 2137 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Uploaded Changes/sec 2138 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒從訂閱服務器合併到發佈服務器的行數。 2139 2140 2141 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Downloaded Changes/sec 2142 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒從發佈服務器合併到訂閱服務器的行數。 2143 2144 2145 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Conflicts/sec 2146 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=在合併過程當中每秒出現的衝突數。 2147 2148 2149 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Logreader:Delivery Latency 2150 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_HELP=從將事務應用於發佈服務器到將它們傳遞到分發服務器所佔用的時間(毫秒)。 2151 2152 2153 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Cmds/sec 2154 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的命令數。 2155 2156 2157 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Trans/sec 2158 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的事務數。 2159 2160 2161 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Dist:Delivery Latency 2162 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_HELP=從將事務傳遞到分發服務器到將它們應用於訂閱服務器所佔用的時間(毫秒)。 2163 2164 2165 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Dist:Delivered Cmds/sec 2166 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到訂閱服務器的命令數。 2167 2168 2169 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Dist:Delivered Trans/sec 2170 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到訂閱服務器的事務數。 2171 2172 2173 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_004_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Cmds/sec 2174 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的命令數。 2175 2176 2177 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_004_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Trans/sec 2178 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的事務數。 2179 2180 2181 DB_BCK_DEV_THROUGHPUT_004_NAME=Device Throughput Bytes/sec 2182 DB_BCK_DEV_THROUGHPUT_004_HELP=備份設備的讀取/寫入吞吐量。 2183 2184 2185 XACT_NUM_004_NAME=Transactions 2186 XACT_NUM_004_HELP=活動事務的總數。 2187 2188 2189 XACT_SNP_NUM_004_NAME=Snapshot Transactions 2190 XACT_SNP_NUM_004_HELP=活動快照事務的總數。 2191 2192 2193 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_004_NAME=Update Snapshot Transactions 2194 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_004_HELP=執行更新操做的活動快照事務的總數。 2195 2196 2197 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_004_NAME=NonSnapshot Version Transactions 2198 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_004_HELP=生成版本記錄的活動非快照事務的總數。 2199 2200 2201 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_004_NAME=Longest Transaction Running Time 2202 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_004_HELP=任意事務的最長運行時間(秒)。 2203 2204 2205 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_004_NAME=Update conflict ratio 2206 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_004_HELP=存在更新衝突的更新快照事務與更新快照事務總數的比值。 2207 2208 2209 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Update conflict ratio base 2210 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=更新快照事務的總數。 2211 2212 2213 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_004_NAME=Free Space in tempdb (KB) 2214 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_004_HELP=tempdb 中的可用空間(KB)。 2215 2216 2217 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_004_NAME=Version Generation rate (KB/s) 2218 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_004_HELP=版本生成速率(KB/秒)。 2219 2220 2221 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_004_NAME=Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) 2222 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_004_HELP=版本清除速率(KB/秒)。 2223 2224 2225 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_004_NAME=Version Store Size (KB) 2226 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_004_HELP=版本存儲區的大小(KB)。 2227 2228 2229 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_004_NAME=Version Store unit count 2230 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_004_HELP=版本存儲區中的單元數。 2231 2232 2233 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_004_NAME=Version Store unit creation 2234 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_004_HELP=在版本存儲區中建立新單元。 2235 2236 2237 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_004_NAME=Version Store unit truncation 2238 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_004_HELP=截斷版本存儲區中的單元。 2239 2240 2241 BO_SEND_RATE_004_NAME=SQL SENDs/sec 2242 BO_SEND_RATE_004_HELP=Broker 每秒處理的 SQL SEND 命令數。 2243 2244 2245 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_004_NAME=SQL SEND Total 2246 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_004_HELP=Broker 處理的 SQL SEND 命令總數。 2247 2248 2249 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_004_NAME=SQL RECEIVEs/sec 2250 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_004_HELP=Broker 每秒處理的 SQL RECEIVE 命令數。 2251 2252 2253 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_004_NAME=SQL RECEIVE Total 2254 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_004_HELP=Broker 處理的 SQL RECEIVE 命令總數。 2255 2256 2257 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_004_NAME=Broker Transaction Rollbacks 2258 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_004_HELP=已回滾的 Service Broker 相關事務數。 2259 2260 2261 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_004_NAME=Dialog Timer Event Count 2262 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_004_HELP=Broker 中與對話框端點相關的計時器事件數。 2263 2264 2265 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Messages/sec 2266 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到隊列的就緒消息數。 2267 2268 2269 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages/sec 2270 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點傳遞到隊列的就緒消息數。 2271 2272 2273 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs/sec 2274 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從傳輸層傳遞到隊列的就緒消息數。 2275 2276 2277 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frags/sec 2278 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從傳輸層傳遞到隊列的消息片斷數。請注意,相應的消息可能仍不完整或者順序不對,所以該消息在隊列中處於禁用狀態。 2279 2280 2281 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_004_NAME=Enqueued Messages Total 2282 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到隊列的就緒消息片斷總數。 2283 2284 2285 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_004_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages Total 2286 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功地從本地端點傳遞到隊列的就緒消息片斷總數。 2287 2288 2289 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs Total 2290 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功地從傳輸層傳遞到隊列的就緒消息總數。 2291 2292 2293 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frag Tot 2294 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_004_HELP=成功地從傳輸層傳遞到隊列的消息片斷總數。請注意,相應的消息可能仍不完整或者順序不對,所以該消息在隊列中處於禁用狀態。 2295 2296 2297 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_004_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Count 2298 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_004_HELP=還沒有成功發送的轉發消息數。 2299 2300 2301 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_004_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Bytes 2302 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_004_HELP=還沒有成功發送的轉發消息字節數。 2303 2304 2305 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Forwarded Msgs Discarded/sec 2306 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒因轉發消息內存限制、保留時間限制等緣由而放棄的轉發消息數。 2307 2308 2309 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_NAME=Forwarded Msg Discarded Total 2310 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_HELP=因轉發消息內存限制、保留時間限制等緣由而放棄的轉發消息總數。 2311 2312 2313 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Forwarded Messages/sec 2314 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功發送的轉發消息數。 2315 2316 2317 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_NAME=Forwarded Messages Total 2318 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功發送的轉發消息總數。 2319 2320 2321 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_004_NAME=Forwarded Msg Bytes/sec 2322 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功發送的轉發消息字節數。 2323 2324 2325 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_004_NAME=Forwarded Msg Byte Total 2326 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功發送的轉發消息字節總數。 2327 2328 2329 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_004_NAME=Open Connection Count 2330 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_004_HELP=當前打開的傳輸鏈接總數。 2331 2332 2333 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_004_NAME=Send I/Os/sec 2334 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸發送 I/O 的數目。請注意,傳輸發送 I/O 可能包含一個以上的消息片斷。 2335 2336 2337 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_NAME=Send I/O bytes/sec 2338 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸發送 I/O 字節數。 2339 2340 2341 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_004_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg 2342 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_004_HELP=傳輸發送 I/O 操做的平均字節長度。 2343 2344 2345 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg Base 2346 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=傳輸發送 I/O 操做的平均字節長度的基數。 2347 2348 2349 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_004_NAME=Receive I/Os/sec 2350 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸接收 I/O 的數目。請注意,傳輸接收 I/O 可能包含一個以上的消息片斷。 2351 2352 2353 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_NAME=Receive I/O bytes/sec 2354 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸接收 I/O 字節數。 2355 2356 2357 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_004_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg 2358 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做的平均字節長度。 2359 2360 2361 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg Base 2362 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做的平均字節長度的基數。 2363 2364 2365 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_004_NAME=Message Fragment Sends/sec 2366 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的消息片斷數。 2367 2368 2369 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg 2370 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_HELP=在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的消息片斷的平均字節大小。 2371 2372 2373 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg Base 2374 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的消息片斷的平均字節大小的基數。 2375 2376 2377 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_004_NAME=Message Fragment Receives/sec 2378 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的消息片斷數。 2379 2380 2381 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg 2382 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_HELP=在傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的消息片斷的平均字節大小。 2383 2384 2385 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg Base 2386 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=在傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的消息片斷的平均字節大小的基數。 2387 2388 2389 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Send I/O 2390 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_HELP=當前正在封送或已封送好可經過傳輸層發送的消息片斷數。 2391 2392 2393 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_004_NAME=Current Msg Frags for Send I/O 2394 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_004_HELP=與當前還沒有完成的傳輸發送 I/O 操做相關的當前消息片斷數。 2395 2396 2397 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_NAME=Pending Bytes for Send I/O 2398 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_HELP=與正在封送或已封送好可經過發送 I/O 操做發送的消息片斷相關的緩衝區字節數。 2399 2400 2401 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_NAME=Current Bytes for Send I/O 2402 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_HELP=與當前還沒有完成的傳輸發送 I/O 操做相關的緩衝區字節數。 2403 2404 2405 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Recv I/O 2406 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_HELP=在還沒有排隊(或拒絕)的傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的當前消息片斷數。 2407 2408 2409 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_NAME=Current Bytes for Recv I/O 2410 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_HELP=與當前還沒有完成的傳輸接收 I/O 操做相關的字節數。 2411 2412 2413 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_NAME=Pending Bytes for Recv I/O 2414 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_HELP=與其消息片斷還沒有排隊(或拒絕)的未完成傳輸接收 I/O 操做相關的字節數。 2415 2416 2417 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_004_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies Count 2418 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做必須將緩衝區片斷移入內存的次數。 2419 2420 2421 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_004_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies bytes/sec 2422 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做必須將緩衝區片斷移入內存時的速率。 2423 2424 2425 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_004_NAME=Tasks Started/sec 2426 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_004_HELP=每秒正在啓動的已激活任務的數目。 2427 2428 2429 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_004_NAME=Tasks Running 2430 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_004_HELP=當前正在運行的已激活任務的總數。 2431 2432 2433 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_004_NAME=Tasks Aborted/sec 2434 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_004_HELP=每秒正在停止的已激活任務的數目。 2435 2436 2437 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_004_NAME=Task Limit Reached/sec 2438 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_004_HELP=每秒隊列中的已激活任務達到限額的次數。 2439 2440 2441 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_004_NAME=Task Limit Reached 2442 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_004_HELP=隊列中的已激活任務達到限額的總次數。 2443 2444 2445 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_004_NAME=Stored Procedures Invoked/sec 2446 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒正在調用的存儲過程數。 2447 2448 2449 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_004_NAME=Lock waits 2450 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_004_HELP=等待鎖的進程的統計信息。 2451 2452 2453 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_004_NAME=Memory grant queue waits 2454 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_004_HELP=等待內存授予的進程的統計信息。 2455 2456 2457 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_004_NAME=Thread-safe memory objects waits 2458 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_004_HELP=等待線程安全內存分配器的進程的統計信息。 2459 2460 2461 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_004_NAME=Log write waits 2462 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_004_HELP=等待寫入日誌緩衝區的進程的統計信息。 2463 2464 2465 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_004_NAME=Log buffer waits 2466 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_004_HELP=等待日誌緩衝區可用的進程的統計信息。 2467 2468 2469 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_004_NAME=Network IO waits 2470 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_004_HELP=與等待網絡 IO 相關的統計信息。 2471 2472 2473 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_004_NAME=Page IO latch waits 2474 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_004_HELP=與頁 IO 閂鎖相關的統計信息。 2475 2476 2477 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_004_NAME=Page latch waits 2478 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_004_HELP=與頁閂鎖(不包括 IO 閂鎖)相關的統計信息 2479 2480 2481 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_004_NAME=Non-Page latch waits 2482 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_004_HELP=與非頁閂鎖相關的統計信息。 2483 2484 2485 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_004_NAME=Wait for the worker 2486 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_004_HELP=與等待工做線程變得可用的進程相關的統計信息。 2487 2488 2489 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_004_NAME=Workspace synchronization waits 2490 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_004_HELP=與同步訪問工做區的進程相關的統計信息。 2491 2492 2493 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_004_NAME=Transaction ownership waits 2494 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_004_HELP=與同步訪問事務的進程相關的統計信息。 2495 2496 2497 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_004_NAME=Extended Procedures 2498 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_004_HELP=與執行 XP 調用相關的統計信息。 2499 2500 2501 EXECSTATS_DTC_004_NAME=DTC calls 2502 EXECSTATS_DTC_004_HELP=與執行 DTC 調用相關的統計信息。 2503 2504 2505 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_004_NAME=OLEDB calls 2506 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_004_HELP=與執行 OLEDB 調用相關的統計信息。 2507 2508 2509 EXECSTATS_DQ_004_NAME=Distributed Query 2510 EXECSTATS_DQ_004_HELP=與執行分佈式查詢相關的統計信息。 2511 2512 2513 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_004_NAME=CLR Execution 2514 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_004_HELP=在 CLR 中的總執行時間(微秒)。 2515 2516 2517 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 2518 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=目錄元數據緩存中命中次數和查找次數之比 2519 2520 2521 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 2522 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 2523 2524 2525 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Entries Count 2526 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_004_HELP=目錄元數據緩存中的項數 2527 2528 2529 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Entries Pinned Count 2530 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_004_HELP=目錄元數據緩存中已固定的項數
D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQL2012\MSSQL\Binn\sqlctr.ini SQL2012
1 [info] 2 drivername=[DRIVERNAME] 3 trusted= 4 symbolfile=[SYMBOLINSTALLPATH]\sqlctr.h 5 6 7 [languages] 8 009=English 9 004=Chinese (Simplified) 10 11 12 [text] 13 MB_CLERK_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Broker Clerks 14 MB_CLERK_009_HELP=Statistics related to memory broker clerks 15 16 17 BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Manager 18 BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Servers buffer manager 19 20 21 BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Node 22 BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server's buffer pool by NUMA node 23 24 25 GENERAL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:General Statistics 26 GENERAL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Server General Statistics 27 28 29 LOCKS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Locks 30 LOCKS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Describes statistics for individual lock server lock requests 31 32 33 DBMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Databases 34 DBMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database manager object for SQL Server 35 36 37 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Database Mirroring 38 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database Mirroring object for SQL Server 39 40 41 HADR_DB_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Database Replica 42 HADR_DB_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a HADR secondary database object for SQL Server 43 44 45 HADR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Availability Replica 46 HADR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a HADR availability replica object for SQL Server 47 48 49 LATCH_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Latches 50 LATCH_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with internal server latches 51 52 53 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Access Methods 54 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with the database server access methods 55 56 57 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Errors 58 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics about errors in SQL Server 59 60 61 SQL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Statistics 62 SQL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with SQL requests 63 64 65 PLAN_CACHE_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Plan Cache 66 PLAN_CACHE_009_HELP=This defines cache counters 67 68 69 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager by Type 70 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties grouped by type 71 72 73 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager Total 74 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties not grouped by type 75 76 77 MEMORY_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Manager 78 MEMORY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines memory usage. 79 80 81 MEMNODE_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Node 82 MEMNODE_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines memory usage per NUMA node. 83 84 85 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:User Settable 86 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines user definable counters 87 88 89 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Agents 90 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Summary 91 92 93 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Merge 94 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Merge Agent Statistics 95 96 97 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Logreader 98 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Logreader Agent Statistics 99 100 101 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Dist. 102 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Distribution Agent Statistics 103 104 105 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Snapshot 106 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Snapshot Agent Statistics 107 108 109 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Backup Device 110 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a backup device object for SQL Server 111 112 113 XACT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Transactions 114 XACT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server transactions. 115 116 117 BROKER_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Statistics 118 BROKER_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Statistics 119 120 121 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker/DBM Transport 122 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker/Database Mirroring Transport Statistics 123 124 125 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Activation 126 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Activation 127 128 129 BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker TO Statistics 130 BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Transmission Object Statistics 131 132 133 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Wait Statistics 134 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Wait Statistics 135 136 137 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Exec Statistics 138 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Execution statistics for external calls 139 140 141 SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CLR 142 SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_HELP=CLR Execution in SQL Server 143 144 145 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Catalog Metadata 146 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a catalog metadata manager object for SQL Server 147 148 149 CLOUD_MSG_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CloudDB Messaging 150 CLOUD_MSG_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines the counters for CloudDB messaging 151 152 153 CLOUD_REPL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CloudDB Replication 154 CLOUD_REPL_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines the counters for CloudDB replication 155 156 157 TRACE_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Statistics 158 TRACE_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics for traces 159 160 161 TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Event Statistics 162 TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics for separate SQL Trace events 163 164 165 DEPRECATED_FEATURES_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Deprecated Features 166 DEPRECATED_FEATURES_009_HELP=Statistics on deprecated feature usage 167 168 169 RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Workload Group Stats 170 RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with workload groups 171 172 173 RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Resource Pool Stats 174 RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with resource pools 175 176 177 TCM_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Transaction Manager 178 TCM_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with Transaction Coordination Manager (TCM) 179 180 181 TCMA_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:TCM Agents 182 TCMA_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with the agents of Transaction Coordination Manager 183 184 185 QE_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Query Execution 186 QE_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with Query Execution 187 188 189 FILETABLE_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:FileTable 190 FILETABLE_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with FileTable and non-transacted access 191 192 193 SQL_BATCH_RESPONSE_TIME_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Batch Resp Statistics 194 SQL_BATCH_RESPONSE_TIME_009_HELP=Counters to track SQL Batch Response times 195 196 197 MB_CLERK_SIZE_009_NAME=Memory broker clerk size 198 MB_CLERK_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the the clerk, in pages 199 200 201 MB_SIMULATION_BENEFIT_009_NAME=Simulation benefit 202 MB_SIMULATION_BENEFIT_009_HELP=The value of memory to the clerk, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer 203 204 205 MB_SIMULATION_SIZE_009_NAME=Simulation size 206 MB_SIMULATION_SIZE_009_HELP=The current size of the clerk simulation, in pages 207 208 209 MB_INTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_NAME=Internal benefit 210 MB_INTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_HELP=The internal value of memory for entry count pressure, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer 211 212 213 MB_PERIODIC_EVICTIONS_009_NAME=Periodic evictions (pages) 214 MB_PERIODIC_EVICTIONS_009_HELP=The number of pages evicted from the broker clerk by last periodic eviction 215 216 217 MB_PRESSURE_EVICTIONS_009_NAME=Pressure evictions (pages/sec) 218 MB_PRESSURE_EVICTIONS_009_HELP=The number of pages per second evicted from the broker clerk by memory pressure 219 220 221 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio 222 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk. 223 224 225 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio base 226 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 227 228 229 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Page lookups/sec 230 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of requests to find a page in the buffer pool. 231 232 233 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_NAME=Free list stalls/sec 234 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_HELP=Number of requests that had to wait for a free page. 235 236 237 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages 238 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages in the buffer pool with database content. 239 240 241 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Target pages 242 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Ideal number of pages in the buffer pool. 243 244 245 BUF_SLOPE_009_NAME=Integral Controller Slope 246 BUF_SLOPE_009_HELP=The slope that integral controller for the buffer pool last used, times -10 billion 247 248 249 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_NAME=Lazy writes/sec 250 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of buffers written by buffer manager's lazy writer. 251 252 253 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_NAME=Readahead pages/sec 254 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages read in anticipation of use. 255 256 257 BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_NAME=Page reads/sec 258 BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_HELP=Number of physical database page reads issued. 259 260 261 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_NAME=Page writes/sec 262 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of physical database page writes issued. 263 264 265 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_NAME=Checkpoint pages/sec 266 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of pages flushed by checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed. 267 268 269 BUF_RECOVERY_WRITES_009_NAME=Background writer pages/sec 270 BUF_RECOVERY_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of pages flushed to enforce the recovery interval settings. 271 272 273 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy 274 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. 275 276 277 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages 278 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Database pages on node. 279 280 281 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy 282 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. 283 284 285 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_009_NAME=Local node page lookups/sec 286 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_009_HELP=Number of lookup requests from this node which were satisfied from this node. 287 288 289 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_009_NAME=Remote node page lookups/sec 290 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_009_HELP=Number of lookup requests from this node which were satisfied from other nodes. 291 292 293 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active Temp Tables 294 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables in use 295 296 297 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_NAME=Temp Tables Creation Rate 298 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables created/sec 299 300 301 GO_LOGINS_009_NAME=Logins/sec 302 GO_LOGINS_009_HELP=Total number of logins started per second. 303 304 305 GO_RELOGINS_009_NAME=Connection Reset/sec 306 GO_RELOGINS_009_HELP=Total number of connection resets per second. 307 308 309 GO_LOGOUTS_009_NAME=Logouts/sec 310 GO_LOGOUTS_009_HELP=Total number of logouts started per second. 311 312 313 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=User Connections 314 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of users connected to the system. 315 316 317 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Logical Connections 318 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of logical connections to the system. 319 320 321 GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_NAME=Transactions 322 GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_HELP=Number of transaction enlistments (local, dtc, and bound). 323 324 325 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_NAME=Non-atomic yield rate 326 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_HELP=Number of non-atomic yields per second. 327 328 329 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_NAME=Mars Deadlocks 330 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_HELP=Number of Mars Deadlocks detected. 331 332 333 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_NAME=HTTP Authenticated Requests 334 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_HELP=Number of authenticated HTTP requests started per second. 335 336 337 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Empty Requests 338 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of empty SOAP requests started per second. 339 340 341 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP SQL Requests 342 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP SQL requests started per second. 343 344 345 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Method Invocations 346 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP method invocations started per second. 347 348 349 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP WSDL Requests 350 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Web Service Description Language requests started per second. 351 352 353 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Initiate Requests 354 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session initiate requests started per second. 355 356 357 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Terminate Requests 358 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session terminate requests started per second. 359 360 361 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_NAME=Processes blocked 362 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_HELP=Number of currently blocked processes. 363 364 365 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_NAME=Temp Tables For Destruction 366 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables waiting to be destroyed by the cleanup system thread 367 368 369 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_NAME=Event Notifications Delayed Drop 370 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_HELP=Number of event notifications waiting to be dropped by a system thread 371 372 373 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_NAME=Trace Event Notification Queue 374 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_HELP=Number of trace event notification instances waiting in the internal queue to be sent thru Service Broker 375 376 377 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_NAME=SQL Trace IO Provider Lock Waits 378 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_HELP=Number of waits for the File IO Provider lock per second 379 380 381 GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_009_NAME=Tempdb recovery unit id 382 GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_009_HELP=Number of duplicate tempdb recovery unit id generated 383 384 385 GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_009_NAME=Tempdb rowset id 386 GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_009_HELP=Number of duplicate tempdb rowset id generated 387 388 389 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Lock Requests/sec 390 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of new locks and lock conversions requested from the lock manager. 391 392 393 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts/sec 394 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks. 395 396 397 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_NAME=Number of Deadlocks/sec 398 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock. 399 400 401 LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_NAME=Lock Waits/sec 402 LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock. 403 404 405 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Lock Wait Time (ms) 406 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds) for locks in the last second. 407 408 409 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Average Wait Time (ms) 410 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_HELP=The average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait. 411 412 413 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average Wait Time Base 414 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Averate Wait Time. 415 416 417 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts (timeout > 0)/sec 418 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This does not include requests for NOWAIT locks. 419 420 421 DB_DATA_SIZE_009_NAME=Data File(s) Size (KB) 422 DB_DATA_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the data files in the database. 423 424 425 DB_LOG_SIZE_009_NAME=Log File(s) Size (KB) 426 DB_LOG_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the log files in the database. 427 428 429 DB_LOG_USED_009_NAME=Log File(s) Used Size (KB) 430 DB_LOG_USED_009_HELP=The cumulative used size of all the log files in the database. 431 432 433 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_NAME=Percent Log Used 434 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_HELP=The percent of space in the log that is in use. 435 436 437 DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_NAME=Active Transactions 438 DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of active update transactions for the database. 439 440 441 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_NAME=Transactions/sec 442 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions started for the database. 443 444 445 DB_REPLTRANS_009_NAME=Repl. Pending Xacts 446 DB_REPLTRANS_009_HELP=Number of pending replication transactions in the database. 447 448 449 DB_REPLCOUNT_009_NAME=Repl. Trans. Rate 450 DB_REPLCOUNT_009_HELP=Replication transaction rate (replicated transactions/sec.). 451 452 453 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_NAME=Log Cache Reads/sec 454 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_HELP=Reads performed through the log manager cache. 455 456 457 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio 458 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of log cache reads that were satisfied from the log cache. 459 460 461 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio Base 462 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Base for log cache calculations 463 464 465 DB_LOGPOOL_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Log Pool Requests/sec 466 DB_LOGPOOL_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Log block requests performed through log pool. 467 468 469 DB_LOGPOOL_CACHEMISSES_009_NAME=Log Pool Cache Misses/sec 470 DB_LOGPOOL_CACHEMISSES_009_HELP=Log block cache misses from log pool. 471 472 473 DB_LOGPOOL_DISKREADS_009_NAME=Log Pool Disk Reads/sec 474 DB_LOGPOOL_DISKREADS_009_HELP=Log disk reads via log pool. 475 476 477 DB_BULK_ROWS_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Rows/sec 478 DB_BULK_ROWS_009_HELP=Number of rows bulk copied. 479 480 481 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Throughput/sec 482 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_HELP=KiloBytes bulk copied. 483 484 485 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Backup/Restore Throughput/sec 486 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for backup/restore of a database. 487 488 489 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_NAME=DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec 490 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_HELP=Logical read scan rate for DBCC commands 491 492 493 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_NAME=Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec 494 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_HELP=The rate data is being moved by Autoshrink, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE or SHRINKFILE. 495 496 497 DB_FLUSHES_009_NAME=Log Flushes/sec 498 DB_FLUSHES_009_HELP=Number of log flushes. 499 500 501 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Flushed/sec 502 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_HELP=Total number of log bytes flushed. 503 504 505 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_NAME=Log Flush Waits/sec 506 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of commits waiting on log flush. 507 508 509 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_NAME=Log Flush Wait Time 510 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds). 511 512 513 DB_FLUSH_WRITE_TIME_009_NAME=Log Flush Write Time (ms) 514 DB_FLUSH_WRITE_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds it took to perform the writes of log flushes completed in the last second 515 516 517 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_NAME=Log Truncations 518 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_HELP=Total number of log truncations for this database. 519 520 521 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_NAME=Log Growths 522 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_HELP=Total number of log growths for this database. 523 524 525 DB_RECOVERY_DURATION_009_NAME=Recovery duration 526 DB_RECOVERY_DURATION_009_HELP=Duration of the recovery for this database in seconds 527 528 529 DB_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_009_NAME=Checkpoint duration 530 DB_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_009_HELP=Duration of the last checkpoint for this database 531 532 533 DB_FLUSH_FILE_BUFFER_CALLS_009_NAME=Flush file buffers/sec 534 DB_FLUSH_FILE_BUFFER_CALLS_009_HELP=Rate of flush file buffer calls for WAL enforcement 535 536 537 DB_CLOUDDB_PRIMARY_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Primary partitions 538 DB_CLOUDDB_PRIMARY_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of primary partitions 539 540 541 DB_CLOUDDB_SECONDARY_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Secondary partitions 542 DB_CLOUDDB_SECONDARY_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of secondary partitions 543 544 545 DB_CLOUDDB_FWDPEND_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Forwarder pending partitions 546 DB_CLOUDDB_FWDPEND_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of forwarder pending partitions 547 548 549 DB_CLOUDDB_FWD_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Forwarder partitions 550 DB_CLOUDDB_FWD_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of forwarder partitions 551 552 553 DB_CLOUDDB_CATCHUP_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Secondary catchup partitions 554 DB_CLOUDDB_CATCHUP_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of secondary/forwarder partitions in catchup 555 556 557 DB_CLOUDDB_INBUILD_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Secondary in-build partitions 558 DB_CLOUDDB_INBUILD_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of secondary/forwarder partitions in build 559 560 561 DB_CLOUDDB_NOTHING_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Nothing partitions 562 DB_CLOUDDB_NOTHING_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of nothing partitions 563 564 565 DB_CLOUDDB_WAITING_COPIES_009_NAME=Waiting replica copies 566 DB_CLOUDDB_WAITING_COPIES_009_HELP=Number of replica copy requests waiting 567 568 569 DB_CLOUDDB_DELETION_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=In-delete partitions 570 DB_CLOUDDB_DELETION_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of in-delete partitions 571 572 573 DB_CLOUDDB_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Partitions 574 DB_CLOUDDB_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of partitions 575 576 577 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_NAME=Log Shrinks 578 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_HELP=Total number of log shrinks for this database. 579 580 581 DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_009_NAME=Tracked transactions/sec 582 DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of committed transactions recorded in the commit table for the database. 583 584 585 DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Write Transactions/sec 586 DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the database in the last second. 587 588 589 DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_009_NAME=Commit table entries 590 DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the in-memory part of the commit table for the database. 591 592 593 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec 594 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes sent per second 595 596 597 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_NAME=Pages Sent/sec 598 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of pages sent per second 599 600 601 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_NAME=Sends/sec 602 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_HELP=Number of sends initiated per second 603 604 605 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_NAME=Transaction Delay 606 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_HELP=Number of milliseconds transaction termination waited for acknowledgement per second. 607 608 609 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_NAME=Redo Queue KB 610 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes that redo on the mirror database is behind the hardened log 611 612 613 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_NAME=Redo Bytes/sec 614 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log redone by the mirror database per second 615 616 617 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_NAME=Log Send Queue KB 618 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that have not been sent to the mirror server 619 620 621 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Bytes Received/sec 622 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes received per second 623 624 625 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_NAME=Receives/sec 626 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Number of mirroring message receives per second 627 628 629 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec 630 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log received per second 631 632 633 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Log Bytes Sent/sec 634 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log sent per second 635 636 637 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_NAME=Send/Receive Ack Time 638 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds messages waited for acknowledgement from the partner per second. 639 640 641 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Rcvd/sec 642 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of compressed bytes of log received in the last second. 643 644 645 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Sent/sec 646 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of compressed bytes of log sent in the last second. 647 648 649 DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Mirrored Write Transactions/sec 650 DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the mirrored database in the last second, that waited for log to be sent to the mirror. 651 652 653 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_009_NAME=Log Scanned for Undo KB 654 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that have been scanned by the new mirror server after failover. 655 656 657 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_009_NAME=Log Remaining for Undo KB 658 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that remain to be scanned by the new mirror server after failover. 659 660 661 DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Log Bytes Sent from Cache/sec 662 DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Number of sent log bytes which were sent from the Database Mirroring log cache in the last second. 663 664 665 DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Log Bytes Redone from Cache/sec 666 DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Number of log bytes which were redone from the Database Mirroring log cache per second. 667 668 669 DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_009_NAME=Log Send Flow Control Time (ms) 670 DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_009_HELP=Milliseconds log stream messages waited for send flow control in the last second. 671 672 673 DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_009_NAME=Log Harden Time (ms) 674 DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds log blocks waited to be hardened to disk in the last second. 675 676 677 HADR_DB_RECOVERY_QUEUE_009_NAME=Recovery Queue 678 HADR_DB_RECOVERY_QUEUE_009_HELP=Total number of hardened log in kilobytes that is waiting to be redone on the secondary 679 680 681 HADR_DB_LOG_REDONE_009_NAME=Redone Bytes/sec 682 HADR_DB_LOG_REDONE_009_HELP=Amount of log records redone in the last second to catch up the database replica 683 684 685 HADR_DB_LOG_QUEUE_009_NAME=Log Send Queue 686 HADR_DB_LOG_QUEUE_009_HELP=Amount of logs in kilobytes that is waiting to be send to the database replica 687 688 689 HADR_DB_LOG_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec 690 HADR_DB_LOG_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Amount of logs received by the availability replica for the database 691 692 693 HADR_DB_FILEBYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=File Bytes Received/sec 694 HADR_DB_FILEBYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Amount of filestream data received by the availability replica for the database 695 696 697 HADR_DB_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Mirrored Write Transactions/sec 698 HADR_DB_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the mirrored database in the last second, that waited for log to be sent to the mirror. 699 700 701 HADR_DB_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_NAME=Transaction Delay 702 HADR_DB_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_HELP=Number of milliseconds transaction termination waited for acknowledgement per second. 703 704 705 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Total Log requiring undo 706 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_TOTAL_009_HELP=The amount of log in kilobytes that need to be undone. 707 708 709 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_REMAINING_009_NAME=Log remaining for undo 710 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_REMAINING_009_HELP=The amount of log in kilobytes remaining to finish the undo phase. 711 712 713 HADR_DB_REDO_REMAINING_009_NAME=Redo Bytes Remaining 714 HADR_DB_REDO_REMAINING_009_HELP=The amount of log in kilobytes remaining to be redone to finish the reverting phase. 715 716 717 HADR_DB_REDO_BLOCKED_009_NAME=Redo blocked/sec 718 HADR_DB_REDO_BLOCKED_009_HELP=Number of times redo gets blocked in the last second 719 720 721 HADR_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent to Replica/sec 722 HADR_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Total bytes sent to the availabilty replica 723 724 725 HADR_SEND_009_NAME=Sends to Replica/sec 726 HADR_SEND_009_HELP=Total sends to the availability replica 727 728 729 HADR_BYTES_SENT_TRANSPORT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent to Transport/sec 730 HADR_BYTES_SENT_TRANSPORT_009_HELP=Total bytes sent to transport for the availabilty replica 731 732 733 HADR_SEND_TRANSPORT_009_NAME=Sends to Transport/sec 734 HADR_SEND_TRANSPORT_009_HELP=Total sends to transport for the availability replica 735 736 737 HADR_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Bytes Received from Replica/sec 738 HADR_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Total bytes receieved from the availability replica 739 740 741 HADR_RECEIVES_009_NAME=Receives from Replica/sec 742 HADR_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Total receives from the availability replica 743 744 745 HADR_FLOW_CONTROL_MS_009_NAME=Flow Control Time (ms/sec) 746 HADR_FLOW_CONTROL_MS_009_HELP=Time in milliseconds messages waited on flow control in the last second 747 748 749 HADR_FLOW_CONTROLS_009_NAME=Flow Control/sec 750 HADR_FLOW_CONTROLS_009_HELP=Number of flow control initiated in the last second 751 752 753 HADR_RESENDS_009_NAME=Resent Messages/sec 754 HADR_RESENDS_009_HELP=Number of messages being resent in the last second 755 756 757 LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_NAME=Latch Waits/sec 758 LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_HELP=Number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted. 759 760 761 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time (ms) 762 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait. 763 764 765 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time Base 766 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Average Latch Wait Time. 767 768 769 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Total Latch Wait Time (ms) 770 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Total latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait in the last second. 771 772 773 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_NAME=Number of SuperLatches 774 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_HELP=Number of latches that are currently SuperLatches. 775 776 777 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Promotions/sec 778 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of latches that have been promoted to SuperLatches 779 780 781 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Demotions/sec 782 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of SuperLatches that have been demoted to regular latches 783 784 785 AM_FULL_SCAN_009_NAME=Full Scans/sec 786 AM_FULL_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans. 787 788 789 AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_NAME=Range Scans/sec 790 AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of qualified range scans through indexes per second. 791 792 793 AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_NAME=Probe Scans/sec 794 AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of probe scans per second that are used to find at most one single qualified row in an index or base table directly. 795 796 797 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_NAME=Scan Point Revalidations/sec 798 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_HELP=Number of times the scan point had to be revalidated to continue the scan. 799 800 801 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_NAME=Workfiles Created/sec 802 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work files created per second. For example, work files could be used to store temporary results for hash joins and hash aggregates. 803 804 805 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_NAME=Worktables Created/sec 806 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work tables created per second. For example, work tables could be used to store temporary results for query spool, LOB variables, XML variables, and cursors. 807 808 809 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Ratio 810 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Percentage of work tables created where the initial two pages of the work table were not allocated but were immediately available from the work table cache. 811 812 813 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Base 814 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Percent of worktables from cache base. 815 816 817 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_NAME=Forwarded Records/sec 818 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_HELP=Number of records fetched through forwarded record pointers. 819 820 821 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_NAME=Skipped Ghosted Records/sec 822 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_HELP=Number of ghosted records per second skipped during scans. 823 824 825 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_NAME=Index Searches/sec 826 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_HELP=Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index. 827 828 829 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_NAME=FreeSpace Scans/sec 830 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of scans per second that were initiated to search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit to insert or modify record fragments. Each scan may find multiple pages. 831 832 833 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_NAME=FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec 834 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages fetched per second by free space scans. These scans search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit, to satisfy requests to insert or modify record fragments. 835 836 837 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Pages Allocated/sec 838 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages allocations from both mixed extents and uniform extents. 839 840 841 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extents Allocated/sec 842 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. 843 844 845 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_NAME=Mixed page allocations/sec 846 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second from mixed extents. These could be used for storing the IAM pages and the first eight pages that are allocated to an allocation unit. 847 848 849 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extent Deallocations/sec 850 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. 851 852 853 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_NAME=Page Deallocations/sec 854 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages from mixed extents and uniform extents. 855 856 857 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_NAME=Page Splits/sec 858 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_HELP=Number of page splits per second that occur as a result of overflowing index pages. 859 860 861 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_NAME=Table Lock Escalations/sec 862 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_HELP=The number of times locks on a table were escalated. 863 864 865 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred Dropped rowsets 866 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of rowsets created as a result of aborted online index build operations that are waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. 867 868 869 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_NAME=Dropped rowset cleanups/sec 870 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. 871 872 873 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_NAME=Dropped rowsets skipped/sec 874 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were skipped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets created. 875 876 877 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred dropped AUs 878 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of allocation units waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. 879 880 881 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_NAME=AU cleanups/sec 882 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of allocation units per second that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Each allocation unit drop requires multiple batches. 883 884 885 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_NAME=AU cleanup batches/sec 886 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_HELP=The number of batches that completed successfully per second by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. 887 888 889 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_NAME=Failed AU cleanup batches/sec 890 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_HELP=The number of batches per second that failed and required retry, by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Failure could be due to lack of memory or disk space, hardware failure and other reasons. 891 892 893 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used tree page cookie 894 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a tree page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the parent page of the tree page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 895 896 897 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed tree page cookie 898 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a tree page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the parent pages of those tree pages. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 899 900 901 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used leaf page cookie 902 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a leaf page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 903 904 905 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed leaf page cookie 906 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a leaf page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 907 908 909 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Create Count 910 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers created. One worktable created per LOB Storage Service Provider. 911 912 913 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Destroy Count 914 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers destroyed. 915 916 917 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Truncation Count 918 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers truncated. 919 920 921 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_NAME=LobHandle Create Count 922 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs created. 923 924 925 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobHandle Destroy Count 926 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs destroyed. 927 928 929 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Create Count 930 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of large object (LOB) values that were passed by reference. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. 931 932 933 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Use Count 934 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_HELP=Count of by-reference lob values that were used. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. 935 936 937 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_NAME=Count Push Off Row 938 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pushed from in-row to off-row. 939 940 941 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_NAME=Count Pull In Row 942 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pulled in-row from off-row. 943 944 945 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_NAME=Count Lob Readahead 946 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_HELP=Count of lob pages on which readahead was issued. 947 948 949 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_009_NAME=Page compression attempts/sec 950 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_009_HELP=Number of attempts to compress a database page per second 951 952 953 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_009_NAME=Pages compressed/sec 954 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_009_HELP=Number of times a database page was compressed 955 956 957 AM_INSYSXACT_WAITS_009_NAME=InSysXact waits/sec 958 AM_INSYSXACT_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of times a reader needs to wait for a page because the InSysXact bit is set 959 960 961 SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_NAME=Errors/sec 962 SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_HELP=Number of errors/sec 963 964 965 SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_NAME=Batch Requests/sec 966 SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL batch requests received by server. 967 968 969 SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_NAME=Forced Parameterizations/sec 970 SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_HELP=Number of statements parameterized by forced parameterization per second. 971 972 973 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_NAME=Auto-Param Attempts/sec 974 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_HELP=Number of auto-parameterization attempts. 975 976 977 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed Auto-Params/sec 978 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_HELP=Number of failed auto-parameterizations. 979 980 981 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_NAME=Safe Auto-Params/sec 982 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_HELP=Number of safe auto-parameterizations. 983 984 985 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_NAME=Unsafe Auto-Params/sec 986 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_HELP=Number of unsafe auto-parameterizations. 987 988 989 SQL_COMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Compilations/sec 990 SQL_COMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL compilations. 991 992 993 SQL_RECOMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Re-Compilations/sec 994 SQL_RECOMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL re-compiles. 995 996 997 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_NAME=SQL Attention rate 998 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of attentions per second. 999 1000 1001 PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_009_NAME=Guided plan executions/sec 1002 PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_009_HELP=Number of plan executions per second in which the query plan has been generated by using a plan guide. 1003 1004 1005 PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_009_NAME=Misguided plan executions/sec 1006 PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_009_HELP=Number of plan executions per second in which a plan guide could not be honored during plan generation. The plan guide was disregarded and normal compilation was used to generate the executed plan. 1007 1008 1009 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 1010 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups 1011 1012 1013 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 1014 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 1015 1016 1017 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_NAME=Cache Pages 1018 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of 8k pages used by cache objects 1019 1020 1021 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Object Counts 1022 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in the cache 1023 1024 1025 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Objects in use 1026 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in use 1027 1028 1029 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 1030 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups 1031 1032 1033 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 1034 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 1035 1036 1037 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cached Cursor Counts 1038 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cursors of a given type in the cache 1039 1040 1041 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cursor Cache Use Counts/sec 1042 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Times each type of cached cursor has been used 1043 1044 1045 CURSOR_REQ_009_NAME=Cursor Requests/sec 1046 CURSOR_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL cursor requests received by server. 1047 1048 1049 CURSOR_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active cursors 1050 CURSOR_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of active cursors. 1051 1052 1053 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor memory usage 1054 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_HELP=Amount of memory consumed by cursors (KB). 1055 1056 1057 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor worktable usage 1058 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_HELP=Number of worktables used by cursors. 1059 1060 1061 CURSOR_PLANS_009_NAME=Number of active cursor plans 1062 CURSOR_PLANS_009_HELP=Number of cursor plans. 1063 1064 1065 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_NAME=Cursor conversion rate 1066 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of cursor conversions/sec. 1067 1068 1069 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_NAME=Async population count 1070 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_HELP=Number of cursors being populated asynchronously. 1071 1072 1073 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_NAME=Cursor flushes 1074 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_HELP=Total number of times a flush for a cursor xstmt occured. 1075 1076 1077 MEMORY_EXTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_NAME=External benefit of memory 1078 MEMORY_EXTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_HELP=The external value of memory, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer 1079 1080 1081 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_NAME=Connection Memory (KB) 1082 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections 1083 1084 1085 MEMORY_SERVER_DATABASE_009_NAME=Database Cache Memory (KB) 1086 MEMORY_SERVER_DATABASE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is currently using for the database cache. 1087 1088 1089 MEMORY_SERVER_FREE_009_NAME=Free Memory (KB) 1090 MEMORY_SERVER_FREE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is currently not using. 1091 1092 1093 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_NAME=Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 1094 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_HELP=Total amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used for hash, sort and create index operations. 1095 1096 1097 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_NAME=Lock Memory (KB) 1098 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks 1099 1100 1101 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Blocks Allocated 1102 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock blocks. 1103 1104 1105 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks Allocated 1106 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock owner blocks. 1107 1108 1109 MEMORY_LOCKS_009_NAME=Lock Blocks 1110 MEMORY_LOCKS_009_HELP=The current number of lock blocks that are in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. 1111 1112 1113 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks 1114 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_HELP=The number of lock owner blocks that are currently in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. 1115 1116 1117 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_NAME=Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) 1118 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_HELP=Total amount of memory available for grants to executing processes. This memory is used primarily for hash, sort and create index operations. 1119 1120 1121 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_NAME=Memory Grants Outstanding 1122 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_HELP=Current number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant 1123 1124 1125 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_NAME=Memory Grants Pending 1126 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_HELP=Current number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant 1127 1128 1129 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Optimizer Memory (KB) 1130 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization 1131 1132 1133 MEMORY_SERVER_RESERVED_009_NAME=Reserved Server Memory (KB) 1134 MEMORY_SERVER_RESERVED_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server has reserved for future usage. This counter shows current unused amount of the initial grant shown in Granted Workspace Memory (KB). 1135 1136 1137 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_NAME=SQL Cache Memory (KB) 1138 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache 1139 1140 1141 MEMORY_SERVER_STOLEN_009_NAME=Stolen Server Memory (KB) 1142 MEMORY_SERVER_STOLEN_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is currently using for the purposes other than the database pages. 1143 1144 1145 MEMORY_LOG_POOL_MEMORY_009_NAME=Log Pool Memory (KB) 1146 MEMORY_LOG_POOL_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for Log Pool 1147 1148 1149 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Target Server Memory (KB) 1150 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Ideal amount of memory the server is willing to consume 1151 1152 1153 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Total Server Memory (KB) 1154 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming 1155 1156 1157 MEMNODE_DATABASE_009_NAME=Database Node Memory (KB) 1158 MEMNODE_DATABASE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is using on this node for database pages. 1159 1160 1161 MEMNODE_FREE_009_NAME=Free Node Memory (KB) 1162 MEMNODE_FREE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is not using on this node. 1163 1164 1165 MEMNODE_FOREIGN_009_NAME=Foreign Node Memory (KB) 1166 MEMNODE_FOREIGN_009_HELP=Non NUMA-local amount of memory on this node. 1167 1168 1169 MEMNODE_STOLEN_009_NAME=Stolen Node Memory (KB) 1170 MEMNODE_STOLEN_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is using on this node for the purposes other than database pages. 1171 1172 1173 MEMNODE_TARGET_009_NAME=Target Node Memory (KB) 1174 MEMNODE_TARGET_009_HELP=Ideal amount of memory for this node. 1175 1176 1177 MEMNODE_TOTAL_009_NAME=Total Node Memory (KB) 1178 MEMNODE_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total amount of memory the server has committed on this node. 1179 1180 1181 QUERY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Query 1182 QUERY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=As defined by the user. 1183 1184 1185 RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Running 1186 RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of replication agents currently running. 1187 1188 1189 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Uploaded Changes/sec 1190 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Subscriber to the Publisher. 1191 1192 1193 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Downloaded Changes/sec 1194 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Publisher to the Subscriber. 1195 1196 1197 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Conflicts/sec 1198 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of conflicts per second occurring during the merge process. 1199 1200 1201 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivery Latency 1202 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are applied at the Publisher to when they are delivered to the Distributor. 1203 1204 1205 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Cmds/sec 1206 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. 1207 1208 1209 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Trans/sec 1210 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. 1211 1212 1213 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivery Latency 1214 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are delivered to the Distributor to when they are applied at the Subscriber. 1215 1216 1217 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Cmds/sec 1218 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Subscriber. 1219 1220 1221 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Trans/sec 1222 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Subscriber. 1223 1224 1225 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Cmds/sec 1226 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. 1227 1228 1229 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Trans/sec 1230 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. 1231 1232 1233 BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Device Throughput Bytes/sec 1234 BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for a backup device. 1235 1236 1237 XACT_NUM_009_NAME=Transactions 1238 XACT_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active transactions. 1239 1240 1241 XACT_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Snapshot Transactions 1242 XACT_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions. 1243 1244 1245 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Update Snapshot Transactions 1246 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions that do updates. 1247 1248 1249 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_NAME=NonSnapshot Version Transactions 1250 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active non-snapshot transactions that generate version records. 1251 1252 1253 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_NAME=Longest Transaction Running Time 1254 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_HELP=The longest running time of any transcation in seconds. 1255 1256 1257 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio 1258 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_HELP=The fraction of update snapshot transactions that have update conflicts to the total number of update snapshot transactions. 1259 1260 1261 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio base 1262 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=The total number of update snapshot transactions. 1263 1264 1265 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_NAME=Free Space in tempdb (KB) 1266 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_HELP=The free space in tempdb in KB. 1267 1268 1269 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_NAME=Version Generation rate (KB/s) 1270 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_HELP=The version generation rate in KB per seconds. 1271 1272 1273 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_NAME=Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) 1274 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_HELP=The version cleanup rate in KB per seconds. 1275 1276 1277 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_NAME=Version Store Size (KB) 1278 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the version store in KB. 1279 1280 1281 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_NAME=Version Store unit count 1282 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of unit in Version Store. 1283 1284 1285 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit creation 1286 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_HELP=Creation of new unit in Version Store. 1287 1288 1289 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit truncation 1290 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_HELP=Truncation of unit in Version Store. 1291 1292 1293 BO_SEND_RATE_009_NAME=SQL SENDs/sec 1294 BO_SEND_RATE_009_HELP=The number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker per second. 1295 1296 1297 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_009_NAME=SQL SEND Total 1298 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_009_HELP=Total number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker. 1299 1300 1301 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_009_NAME=SQL RECEIVEs/sec 1302 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker per second. 1303 1304 1305 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_009_NAME=SQL RECEIVE Total 1306 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Total number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker. 1307 1308 1309 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_009_NAME=Broker Transaction Rollbacks 1310 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_009_HELP=The number of Service Broker related transactions that have rolled back. 1311 1312 1313 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_009_NAME=Dialog Timer Event Count 1314 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_009_HELP=The number of dialog endpoint related timer events in the Broker. 1315 1316 1317 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Messages/sec 1318 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1319 1320 1321 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI1_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P1 Messages/sec 1322 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI1_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 1 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1323 1324 1325 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI2_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P2 Messages/sec 1326 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI2_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 2 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1327 1328 1329 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI3_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P3 Messages/sec 1330 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI3_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 3 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1331 1332 1333 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI4_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P4 Messages/sec 1334 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI4_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 4 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1335 1336 1337 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI5_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P5 Messages/sec 1338 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI5_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 5 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1339 1340 1341 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI6_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P6 Messages/sec 1342 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI6_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 6 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1343 1344 1345 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI7_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P7 Messages/sec 1346 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI7_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 7 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1347 1348 1349 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI8_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P8 Messages/sec 1350 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI8_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 8 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1351 1352 1353 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI9_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P9 Messages/sec 1354 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI9_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 9 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1355 1356 1357 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI10_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P10 Messages/sec 1358 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI10_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 10 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. 1359 1360 1361 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages/sec 1362 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from local endpoints that are successfully delivered directly into local target queues per second. 1363 1364 1365 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs/sec 1366 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. This includes all messages from remote endpoints and messages from local endpoints which go through the transport. 1367 1368 1369 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frags/sec 1370 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. Note that the message can be marked as disabled if it is incomplete and/or out of order. 1371 1372 1373 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Messages Total 1374 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues. 1375 1376 1377 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages Total 1378 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of messages from local endpoints that are successfully delivered directly into local target queues. 1379 1380 1381 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs Total 1382 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of messages from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues. This includes all messages from remote endpoints and messages from local endpoints which go through the transport. 1383 1384 1385 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frag Tot 1386 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_009_HELP=Total number of message fragments from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues. Note that the message can be marked as disabled if it is incomplete and/or out of order. 1387 1388 1389 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_009_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Count 1390 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages that have not been successfully sent yet. 1391 1392 1393 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_009_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Bytes 1394 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of forwarded message bytes that have not been successfully sent yet. 1395 1396 1397 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Msgs Discarded/sec 1398 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages that were discarded per second due to forwarded message memory limits, age limits, etc. 1399 1400 1401 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Discarded Total 1402 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded messages discarded due to forwarded message memory limits, age limits, etc. 1403 1404 1405 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Messages/sec 1406 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages successfully sent per second. 1407 1408 1409 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Messages Total 1410 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded messages successfully sent. 1411 1412 1413 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Bytes/sec 1414 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded message bytes successfully sent per second. 1415 1416 1417 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Byte Total 1418 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded message bytes successfully sent. 1419 1420 1421 BO_XMITQ_ENQUEUE_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued TransmissionQ Msgs/sec 1422 BO_XMITQ_ENQUEUE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages that have been placed into the broker transmission queue per second. 1423 1424 1425 BO_XMITQ_DEQUEUE_RATE_009_NAME=Dequeued TransmissionQ Msgs/sec 1426 BO_XMITQ_DEQUEUE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages that have been removed from the broker transmission queue per second. 1427 1428 1429 BO_DROPPED_MSGS_009_NAME=Dropped Messages Total 1430 BO_DROPPED_MSGS_009_HELP=The number of messages that were received in the instance but could not be delivered. 1431 1432 1433 BO_CORRUPTED_MSGS_009_NAME=Corrupted Messages Total 1434 BO_CORRUPTED_MSGS_009_HELP=The number of corrupted messages that were received in the instance. 1435 1436 1437 BO_ACTIVATION_EXCEPTIONS_009_NAME=Activation Errors Total 1438 BO_ACTIVATION_EXCEPTIONS_009_HELP=The number of times an activation stored procedure exited with an error. 1439 1440 1441 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Open Connection Count 1442 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=The total number of transport connections currently open. 1443 1444 1445 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_009_NAME=Send I/Os/sec 1446 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment. 1447 1448 1449 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Send I/O bytes/sec 1450 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport send I/O bytes per second. 1451 1452 1453 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_009_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg 1454 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte length of transport send I/O operations. 1455 1456 1457 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg Base 1458 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte length of transport send I/O operations. 1459 1460 1461 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_009_NAME=Receive I/Os/sec 1462 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment. 1463 1464 1465 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Receive I/O bytes/sec 1466 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport receive I/O bytes per second. 1467 1468 1469 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_009_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg 1470 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte length of transport receive I/O operations. 1471 1472 1473 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg Base 1474 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte length of transport receive I/O operations. 1475 1476 1477 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Message Fragment Sends/sec 1478 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1479 1480 1481 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI1_009_NAME=Message Fragment P1 Sends/sec 1482 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI1_009_HELP=The number of priority 1 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1483 1484 1485 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI2_009_NAME=Message Fragment P2 Sends/sec 1486 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI2_009_HELP=The number of priority 2 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1487 1488 1489 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI3_009_NAME=Message Fragment P3 Sends/sec 1490 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI3_009_HELP=The number of priority 3 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1491 1492 1493 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI4_009_NAME=Message Fragment P4 Sends/sec 1494 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI4_009_HELP=The number of priority 4 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1495 1496 1497 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI5_009_NAME=Message Fragment P5 Sends/sec 1498 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI5_009_HELP=The number of priority 5 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1499 1500 1501 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI6_009_NAME=Message Fragment P6 Sends/sec 1502 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI6_009_HELP=The number of priority 6 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1503 1504 1505 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI7_009_NAME=Message Fragment P7 Sends/sec 1506 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI7_009_HELP=The number of priority 7 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1507 1508 1509 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI8_009_NAME=Message Fragment P8 Sends/sec 1510 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI8_009_HELP=The number of priority 8 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1511 1512 1513 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI9_009_NAME=Message Fragment P9 Sends/sec 1514 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI9_009_HELP=The number of priority 9 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1515 1516 1517 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI10_009_NAME=Message Fragment P10 Sends/sec 1518 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI10_009_HELP=The number of priority 10 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. 1519 1520 1521 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg 1522 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte size of message fragments sent in transport send I/O operations. 1523 1524 1525 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg Base 1526 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte size of message fragments sent in transport send I/O operations. 1527 1528 1529 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Message Fragment Receives/sec 1530 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments received per second in transport receive I/O operations. 1531 1532 1533 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg 1534 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte size of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations. 1535 1536 1537 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg Base 1538 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte size of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations. 1539 1540 1541 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Send I/O 1542 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments that are being marshalled, or marshalled and ready to be sent via the transport layer. 1543 1544 1545 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Current Msg Frags for Send I/O 1546 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments associated with current transport send I/O operations that haven't completed. 1547 1548 1549 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_NAME=Pending Bytes for Send I/O 1550 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of buffer bytes associated with message fragments being marshalled, or marshalled and ready to be sent with send I/O operations. 1551 1552 1553 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_NAME=Current Bytes for Send I/O 1554 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of buffer bytes associated with current transport send I/O operations that haven't completed. 1555 1556 1557 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Recv I/O 1558 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations that have not been enqueued (or rejected) yet. 1559 1560 1561 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_NAME=Current Bytes for Recv I/O 1562 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of bytes associated with current transport receive I/O operations that haven't completed. 1563 1564 1565 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_NAME=Pending Bytes for Recv I/O 1566 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of bytes associated with in completed transport receive I/O operations whose message fragments haven't been enqueued (or rejected) yet. 1567 1568 1569 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_009_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies Count 1570 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_009_HELP=The number of times when transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. 1571 1572 1573 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_009_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies bytes/sec 1574 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_009_HELP=The rate at which transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. 1575 1576 1577 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_009_NAME=Tasks Started/sec 1578 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_009_HELP=The number of activated tasks that are being started per second. 1579 1580 1581 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_009_NAME=Tasks Running 1582 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_009_HELP=The total number of activated tasks that are currently running. 1583 1584 1585 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_009_NAME=Tasks Aborted/sec 1586 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of activated tasks that are being aborted per second. 1587 1588 1589 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_009_NAME=Task Limit Reached/sec 1590 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached per second. 1591 1592 1593 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_009_NAME=Task Limit Reached 1594 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_009_HELP=The total number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached. 1595 1596 1597 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_009_NAME=Stored Procedures Invoked/sec 1598 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of stored procedures that are being invoked per second. 1599 1600 1601 BTO_GET_RATE_009_NAME=Transmission Obj Gets/Sec 1602 BTO_GET_RATE_009_HELP=The number of Transmission Objects requested per second. 1603 1604 1605 BTO_DIRTY_RATE_009_NAME=Transmission Obj Set Dirty/Sec 1606 BTO_DIRTY_RATE_009_HELP=The number of Transmission Objects marked dirty per second. 1607 1608 1609 BTO_WRITE_RATE_009_NAME=Transmission Obj Writes/Sec 1610 BTO_WRITE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of Transmission Objects saved per second. 1611 1612 1613 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_009_NAME=Avg. Length of Batched Writes 1614 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_009_HELP=Average Number of Transmission Objects saved in a batch. 1615 1616 1617 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_BASE_009_NAME=Avg. Length of Batched Writes BS 1618 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_BASE_009_HELP=Average Number of Transmission Objects saved in a batch. 1619 1620 1621 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. Time to Write Batch (ms) 1622 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_009_HELP=Average time to save a Transmission Object batch. 1623 1624 1625 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Avg. Time to Write Batch Base 1626 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time to save a Transmission Object batch. 1627 1628 1629 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. Time Between Batches (ms) 1630 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_009_HELP=Average time between Transmission Object batch flushes. 1631 1632 1633 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Avg. Time Between Batches Base 1634 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time between Transmission Object batch flushes. 1635 1636 1637 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_009_NAME=Lock waits 1638 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting on a lock. 1639 1640 1641 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_009_NAME=Memory grant queue waits 1642 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for memory grant to become available. 1643 1644 1645 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_009_NAME=Thread-safe memory objects waits 1646 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting on thread-safe memory allocators. 1647 1648 1649 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_009_NAME=Log write waits 1650 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for log buffer to be written. 1651 1652 1653 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_009_NAME=Log buffer waits 1654 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for log buffer to be available. 1655 1656 1657 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_009_NAME=Network IO waits 1658 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to wait on network IO. 1659 1660 1661 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_009_NAME=Page IO latch waits 1662 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to page IO latches. 1663 1664 1665 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_009_NAME=Page latch waits 1666 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to page latches, not including IO latches 1667 1668 1669 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_009_NAME=Non-Page latch waits 1670 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to non-page latches. 1671 1672 1673 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_009_NAME=Wait for the worker 1674 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes waiting for worker to become available. 1675 1676 1677 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_009_NAME=Workspace synchronization waits 1678 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes synchronizing access to workspace. 1679 1680 1681 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_009_NAME=Transaction ownership waits 1682 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes synchronizing access to transaction. 1683 1684 1685 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_009_NAME=Extended Procedures 1686 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of XP calls. 1687 1688 1689 EXECSTATS_DTC_009_NAME=DTC calls 1690 EXECSTATS_DTC_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of DTC calls. 1691 1692 1693 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_009_NAME=OLEDB calls 1694 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of OLEDB calls. 1695 1696 1697 EXECSTATS_DQ_009_NAME=Distributed Query 1698 EXECSTATS_DQ_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of distributed queries. 1699 1700 1701 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_009_NAME=CLR Execution 1702 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_009_HELP=Total Execution time in CLR ( microseconds ). 1703 1704 1705 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 1706 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between catalog metadata cache hits and lookups 1707 1708 1709 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 1710 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 1711 1712 1713 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Entries Count 1714 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of entries in the catalog metadata cache 1715 1716 1717 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Entries Pinned Count 1718 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of catalog metadata cache entries that are pinned 1719 1720 1721 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_RATE_009_NAME=Sent messages rate (#/s) 1722 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages sent per second. 1723 1724 1725 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_BYTES_RATE_009_NAME=Sent messages rate (bytes/s) 1726 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_BYTES_RATE_009_HELP=The number of bytes sent per second. 1727 1728 1729 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_RATE_009_NAME=Received messages rate (#/s) 1730 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages received per second. 1731 1732 1733 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_BYTES_RATE_009_NAME=Received messages rate (bytes/s) 1734 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_BYTES_RATE_009_HELP=The number of bytes received per second. 1735 1736 1737 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_PRIMARY_009_NAME=Primary committed trans rate 1738 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_PRIMARY_009_HELP=The number of transactions committed per second on the primary. 1739 1740 1741 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_SECONDARY_009_NAME=Secondary committed trans rate 1742 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_SECONDARY_009_HELP=The number of transactions committed per second on the secondary. 1743 1744 1745 CLOUD_REPL_QUEUE_SIZE_009_NAME=Combined queues size (bytes) 1746 CLOUD_REPL_QUEUE_SIZE_009_HELP=The combined size of all the queues on this node. 1747 1748 1749 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_COPY_SCANS_009_NAME=Active partition copy scans 1750 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_COPY_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently active partition copy scans 1751 1752 1753 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_DELETE_SCANS_009_NAME=Active partition delete scans 1754 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_DELETE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently active partition delete scans 1755 1756 1757 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_CATCHUP_SCANS_009_NAME=Active log catchup scans 1758 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_CATCHUP_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently active partition catchup log scans 1759 1760 1761 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_COPY_SCANS_009_NAME=Pending partition copy scans 1762 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_COPY_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently pending partition copy scans 1763 1764 1765 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_DELETE_SCANS_009_NAME=Pending partition delete scans 1766 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_DELETE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently pending partition delete scans 1767 1768 1769 TS_EVENTS_FIRED_009_NAME=Events Fired/sec 1770 TS_EVENTS_FIRED_009_HELP=Events fired by this trace per second 1771 1772 1773 TS_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_NAME=Events Filtered/sec 1774 TS_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_HELP=Events filtered per second 1775 1776 1777 TS_DROPPED_EVENTS_009_NAME=Dropped events/sec 1778 TS_DROPPED_EVENTS_009_HELP=Events dropped by this trace per second 1779 1780 1781 TS_BYTES_009_NAME=Bytes/sec 1782 TS_BYTES_009_HELP=Bytes transferred by this trace per second 1783 1784 1785 TES_EVENTS_FIRED_009_NAME=Events Fired/sec 1786 TES_EVENTS_FIRED_009_HELP=Events fired per second 1787 1788 1789 TES_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_NAME=Events Filtered/sec 1790 TES_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_HELP=Filtered events per second 1791 1792 1793 TES_EVENTS_PREFILTERED_009_NAME=Events Prefiltered/sec 1794 TES_EVENTS_PREFILTERED_009_HELP=Prefiltered events per second 1795 1796 1797 TES_BYTES_009_NAME=Bytes/sec 1798 TES_BYTES_009_HELP=Bytes transferred per second 1799 1800 1801 TES_CPU_USAGE_009_NAME=CPU Ticks/sec 1802 TES_CPU_USAGE_009_HELP=CPU usage per second (Requires -T1904) 1803 1804 1805 DEPR_USAGE_009_NAME=Usage 1806 DEPR_USAGE_009_HELP=Feature usage since last SQL Server startup 1807 1808 1809 RGS_CPU_USAGE_009_NAME=CPU usage % 1810 RGS_CPU_USAGE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. 1811 1812 1813 RGS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_NAME=CPU usage % base 1814 RGS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. 1815 1816 1817 RGS_QUEUED_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Queued requests 1818 RGS_QUEUED_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of requests waiting in the queue due to resource governor limits in the workload group. 1819 1820 1821 RGS_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Active requests 1822 RGS_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of currently running requests in the workload group. 1823 1824 1825 RGS_REQUESTS_COMPLETED_009_NAME=Requests completed/sec 1826 RGS_REQUESTS_COMPLETED_009_HELP=Number of completed requests per second in the workload group. 1827 1828 1829 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_CPU_009_NAME=Max request cpu time (ms) 1830 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_CPU_009_HELP=Maximum CPU time in milliseconds used by a request in the workload group. 1831 1832 1833 RGS_BLOCKED_TASKS_009_NAME=Blocked tasks 1834 RGS_BLOCKED_TASKS_009_HELP=Number of blocked tasks in the workload group. 1835 1836 1837 RGS_REDUCED_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_NAME=Reduced memory grants/sec 1838 RGS_REDUCED_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of queries per second getting less than ideal amount of memory in the workload group. 1839 1840 1841 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_MEMGRANT_009_NAME=Max request memory grant (KB) 1842 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_MEMGRANT_009_HELP=Maximum value of memory grant in kilobytes used by a query in the workload group. 1843 1844 1845 RGS_QUERY_OPTIMIZATIONS_009_NAME=Query optimizations/sec 1846 RGS_QUERY_OPTIMIZATIONS_009_HELP=Number of query optimizations per second occurring in the workload group. 1847 1848 1849 RGS_SUBOPTIMAL_PLANS_009_NAME=Suboptimal plans/sec 1850 RGS_SUBOPTIMAL_PLANS_009_HELP=Number of suboptimal query plans generated per second in the workload group. 1851 1852 1853 RGS_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_THREADS_009_NAME=Active parallel threads 1854 RGS_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_THREADS_009_HELP=Number of threads used by parallel queries in the workload group. Serial queries and the main thread of parallel queries are not included in this number. 1855 1856 1857 RPS_CPU_USAGE_009_NAME=CPU usage % 1858 RPS_CPU_USAGE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. 1859 1860 1861 RPS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_NAME=CPU usage % base 1862 RPS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. 1863 1864 1865 RPS_CPU_USAGE_PROJECTED_009_NAME=CPU usage target % 1866 RPS_CPU_USAGE_PROJECTED_009_HELP=Target value of 'CPU usage %' for the resource pool based on the configuration settings and the system load. 1867 1868 1869 RPS_CPU_USAGE_NONGOVERNED_009_NAME=CPU control effect % 1870 RPS_CPU_USAGE_NONGOVERNED_009_HELP=Effect of the resource governor on the resource pool calculated as (CPU usage %) / (CPU usage % without RG). 1871 1872 1873 RPS_COMPILE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Compile memory target (KB) 1874 RPS_COMPILE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Current memory target for query compile in kilobytes. 1875 1876 1877 RPS_CACHE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Cache memory target (KB) 1878 RPS_CACHE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Current memory target for cache memory in kilobytes. 1879 1880 1881 RPS_QUERY_EXEC_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Query exec memory target (KB) 1882 RPS_QUERY_EXEC_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Current memory target for query execution memory grant in kilobytes. 1883 1884 1885 RPS_MEMORY_GRANTS_COUNT_009_NAME=Memory grants/sec 1886 RPS_MEMORY_GRANTS_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of query memory grants per second occurring in the resource pool. 1887 1888 1889 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_NAME=Active memory grants count 1890 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of query memory grants in the resource pool. 1891 1892 1893 RPS_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_009_NAME=Memory grant timeouts/sec 1894 RPS_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_009_HELP=Number of query memory grant timeouts per second occurring in the resource pool. 1895 1896 1897 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANT_009_NAME=Active memory grant amount (KB) 1898 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANT_009_HELP=Total amount of granted memory in kilobytes in the resource pool. 1899 1900 1901 RPS_PENDING_MEMGRANTS_009_NAME=Pending memory grants count 1902 RPS_PENDING_MEMGRANTS_009_HELP=Number of queries waiting for memory grants in the resource pool. 1903 1904 1905 RPS_MAX_MEMORY_009_NAME=Max memory (KB) 1906 RPS_MAX_MEMORY_009_HELP=Maximum amount of memory in kilobytes the resource pool can have based on the settings and server state. 1907 1908 1909 RPS_MEMORY_USAGE_009_NAME=Used memory (KB) 1910 RPS_MEMORY_USAGE_009_HELP=Used amount of memory in kilobytes in the resource pool. 1911 1912 1913 RPS_TARGET_MEMORY_009_NAME=Target memory (KB) 1914 RPS_TARGET_MEMORY_009_HELP=Target amount of memory in kilobytes the resource pool is trying to attain based on the settings and server state. 1915 1916 1917 AGE_BROADCASTS_009_NAME=Number of AGE broadcasts/sec 1918 AGE_BROADCASTS_009_HELP=Total number of AGE broadcasts from TCM per second 1919 1920 1921 ORDERS_BROADCAST_009_NAME=Orders broadcast/sec 1922 ORDERS_BROADCAST_009_HELP=Number of transaction orders broadcast from TCM per second 1923 1924 1925 AGE_RESPONSES_009_NAME=AGE responses received/sec 1926 AGE_RESPONSES_009_HELP=Number of AGE responses received per second 1927 1928 1929 AGE_LIFETIME_009_NAME=Average life of AGE broadcast 1930 AGE_LIFETIME_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) for which an AGE broadcast waited to receive the responses from all agent bricks 1931 1932 1933 AGE_LIFETIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average life of AGE Base 1934 AGE_LIFETIME_BASE_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) for which an AGE broadcast waited to receive the responses from all agent bricks 1935 1936 1937 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. AGE hardening time 1938 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) it takes to persist an AGE message 1939 1940 1941 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=AGE hardening time Base 1942 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) it takes to persist an AGE message 1943 1944 1945 AGE_SIZE_009_NAME=Avg. size of AGE Message 1946 AGE_SIZE_009_HELP=The average size of an AGE message broadcasted from TCM 1947 1948 1949 AGE_SIZE_BASE_009_NAME=Size of AGE Message Base 1950 AGE_SIZE_BASE_009_HELP=The average size of an AGE message broadcasted from TCM 1951 1952 1953 MATRIX_XACT_STARTED_009_NAME=Transactions Started/sec 1954 MATRIX_XACT_STARTED_009_HELP=Total number of federated transactions started locally per second 1955 1956 1957 MATRIX_XACT_COMMITTED_009_NAME=Transactions committed/sec 1958 MATRIX_XACT_COMMITTED_009_HELP=Total number of federated transactions committed locally per second 1959 1960 1961 MATRIX_XACT_ROLLEDBACK_009_NAME=Transactions rolled back/sec 1962 MATRIX_XACT_ROLLEDBACK_009_HELP=Total number of federated transactions rolled back locally per second 1963 1964 1965 COMMIT_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Average commit wait time 1966 COMMIT_WAITTIME_009_HELP=Average wait time (in milliseconds) for committing a transaction 1967 1968 1969 COMMIT_WAITTIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average commit wait time Base 1970 COMMIT_WAITTIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average wait time (in milliseconds) for committing a transaction 1971 1972 1973 MXACT_BRANCHES_009_NAME=Transaction branches/sec 1974 MXACT_BRANCHES_009_HELP=Number of federated transaction branches created per second 1975 1976 1977 MXACT_PARTICIPANTS_009_NAME=Transaction participants/sec 1978 MXACT_PARTICIPANTS_009_HELP=The number of bricks participating in a federated transaction per second 1979 1980 1981 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_009_NAME=Average tran prepare time 1982 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) it takes to prepare a federated transaction for commit 1983 1984 1985 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average tran prepare time Base 1986 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) it takes to prepare a transaction for commit (BASE) 1987 1988 1989 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. AGE processing time 1990 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken by a TCM Agent to process an AGE message 1991 1992 1993 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=AGE processing time BASE 1994 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken by a TCM Agent to process an AGE message 1995 1996 1997 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_009_NAME=Transaction requests per AGE 1998 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_009_HELP=Average transaction requests sent to TCM per AGE message 1999 2000 2001 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_BASE_009_NAME=Xaction requests per AGE Base 2002 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_BASE_009_HELP=Average transaction requests sent to TCM per AGE message 2003 2004 2005 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_009_NAME=Transactions committed per AGE 2006 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_009_HELP=Average number of transactions committed or aborted per AGE 2007 2008 2009 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_BASE_009_NAME=Xactions committed per AGE Base 2010 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_BASE_009_HELP=Average number of transactions committed or aborted per AGE 2011 2012 2013 RPC_REQUEST_009_NAME=Remote requests/sec 2014 RPC_REQUEST_009_HELP=Total number of remote request per second 2015 2016 2017 RPC_RESEND_REQUEST_009_NAME=Remote resend requests/sec 2018 RPC_RESEND_REQUEST_009_HELP=Total number of remote resend request per second 2019 2020 2021 RX_ACTIVATION_009_NAME=Remote activations/sec 2022 RX_ACTIVATION_009_HELP=Total number of remote activations per second 2023 2024 2025 LOCAL_DATA_ACCESS_009_NAME=Local data access/sec 2026 LOCAL_DATA_ACCESS_009_HELP=Total number of local data access per second 2027 2028 2029 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Rem Req Cache Hit Ratio 2030 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups 2031 2032 2033 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Rem Req Cache Hit Ratio Base 2034 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 2035 2036 2037 FILETABLE_DATABASE_OPERATIONS_009_NAME=FileTable db operations/sec 2038 FILETABLE_DATABASE_OPERATIONS_009_HELP=Total number of database operational events processed by the FileTable store component per second. 2039 2040 2041 FILETABLE_TABLE_OPERATIONS_009_NAME=FileTable table operations/sec 2042 FILETABLE_TABLE_OPERATIONS_009_HELP=Total number of table operational events processed by the FileTable store component per second. 2043 2044 2045 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item get requests/sec 2046 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable retrieve item requests per second. 2047 2048 2049 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time to get FileTable item 2050 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to retrieve a FileTable item. 2051 2052 2053 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time to get FileTable item BASE 2054 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to retrieve a FileTable item (BASE). 2055 2056 2057 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item delete reqs/sec 2058 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable delete item requests per second. 2059 2060 2061 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time delete FileTable item 2062 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to delete a FileTable item. 2063 2064 2065 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time delete FileTable item BASE 2066 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to delete a FileTable item (BASE). 2067 2068 2069 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item update reqs/sec 2070 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable update item requests per second. 2071 2072 2073 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time update FileTable item 2074 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to update a FileTable item. 2075 2076 2077 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time update FileTable item BASE 2078 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to update a FileTable item (BASE). 2079 2080 2081 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item move reqs/sec 2082 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable move item requests per second. 2083 2084 2085 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time move FileTable item 2086 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to move a FileTable item. 2087 2088 2089 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time move FileTable item BASE 2090 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to move a FileTable item (BASE). 2091 2092 2093 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item rename reqs/sec 2094 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable rename item requests per second. 2095 2096 2097 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time rename FileTable item 2098 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to rename a FileTable item. 2099 2100 2101 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time rename FileTable item BASE 2102 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to rename a FileTable item (BASE). 2103 2104 2105 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable enumeration reqs/sec 2106 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable enumeration requests per second. 2107 2108 2109 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time FileTable enumeration 2110 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken for a FileTable enumeration request. 2111 2112 2113 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time FileTable enumeration BASE 2114 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken for a FileTable enumeration request (BASE). 2115 2116 2117 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable file I/O requests/sec 2118 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of incoming FileTable file I/O requests per second. 2119 2120 2121 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time per file I/O request 2122 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an incoming file I/O request. 2123 2124 2125 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time per file I/O request BASE 2126 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an incoming file I/O request (BASE). 2127 2128 2129 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESPONSES_009_NAME=FileTable file I/O response/sec 2130 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESPONSES_009_HELP=Total number of outgoing file I/O responses per second. 2131 2132 2133 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time per file I/O response 2134 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an outgoing file I/O response. 2135 2136 2137 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time per file I/O response BASE 2138 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an outgoing file I/O response (BASE). 2139 2140 2141 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_OPERATIONS_009_NAME=FileTable kill handle ops/sec 2142 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_OPERATIONS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable handle kill operations per second. 2143 2144 2145 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time FileTable handle kill 2146 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to kill a FileTable handle. 2147 2148 2149 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time FileTable handle kill BASE 2150 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to kill a FileTable handle (BASE). 2151 2152 2153 SQL_BATCH_RES_0_009_NAME=Batches >=000000ms & <000001ms 2154 SQL_BATCH_RES_0_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 0ms but less than 1ms 2155 2156 2157 SQL_BATCH_RES_1_009_NAME=Batches >=000001ms & <000002ms 2158 SQL_BATCH_RES_1_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 1ms but less than 2ms 2159 2160 2161 SQL_BATCH_RES_2_009_NAME=Batches >=000002ms & <000005ms 2162 SQL_BATCH_RES_2_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 2ms but less than 5ms 2163 2164 2165 SQL_BATCH_RES_5_009_NAME=Batches >=000005ms & <000010ms 2166 SQL_BATCH_RES_5_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 5ms but less than 10ms 2167 2168 2169 SQL_BATCH_RES_10_009_NAME=Batches >=000010ms & <000020ms 2170 SQL_BATCH_RES_10_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 10ms but less than 20ms 2171 2172 2173 SQL_BATCH_RES_20_009_NAME=Batches >=000020ms & <000050ms 2174 SQL_BATCH_RES_20_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 20ms but less than 50ms 2175 2176 2177 SQL_BATCH_RES_50_009_NAME=Batches >=000050ms & <000100ms 2178 SQL_BATCH_RES_50_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 50ms but less than 100ms 2179 2180 2181 SQL_BATCH_RES_100_009_NAME=Batches >=000100ms & <000200ms 2182 SQL_BATCH_RES_100_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 100ms but less than 200ms 2183 2184 2185 SQL_BATCH_RES_200_009_NAME=Batches >=000200ms & <000500ms 2186 SQL_BATCH_RES_200_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 200ms but less than 500ms 2187 2188 2189 SQL_BATCH_RES_500_009_NAME=Batches >=000500ms & <001000ms 2190 SQL_BATCH_RES_500_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 500ms but less than 1,000ms 2191 2192 2193 SQL_BATCH_RES_1S_009_NAME=Batches >=001000ms & <002000ms 2194 SQL_BATCH_RES_1S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 1,000ms but less than 2,000ms 2195 2196 2197 SQL_BATCH_RES_2S_009_NAME=Batches >=002000ms & <005000ms 2198 SQL_BATCH_RES_2S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 2,000ms but less than 5,000ms 2199 2200 2201 SQL_BATCH_RES_5S_009_NAME=Batches >=005000ms & <010000ms 2202 SQL_BATCH_RES_5S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 5,000ms but less than 10,000ms 2203 2204 2205 SQL_BATCH_RES_10S_009_NAME=Batches >=010000ms & <020000ms 2206 SQL_BATCH_RES_10S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 10,000ms but less than 20,000ms 2207 2208 2209 SQL_BATCH_RES_20S_009_NAME=Batches >=020000ms & <050000ms 2210 SQL_BATCH_RES_20S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 20,000ms but less than 50,000ms 2211 2212 2213 SQL_BATCH_RES_50S_009_NAME=Batches >=050000ms & <100000ms 2214 SQL_BATCH_RES_50S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 50,000ms but less than 100,000ms 2215 2216 2217 SQL_BATCH_RES_100S_009_NAME=Batches >=100000ms 2218 SQL_BATCH_RES_100S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 100,000ms 2219 2220 2221 MB_CLERK_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Broker Clerks 2222 MB_CLERK_004_HELP=與 Memory Broker Clerk 相關的統計信息 2223 2224 2225 BUFMGR_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Manager 2226 BUFMGR_OBJECT_004_HELP=與 SQL Server 緩衝區管理器有關的統計信息 2227 2228 2229 BUFNODE_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Node 2230 BUFNODE_OBJECT_004_HELP=按 NUMA 節點列出的與 SQL Server 的緩衝池相關的統計信息 2231 2232 2233 GENERAL_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:General Statistics 2234 GENERAL_OBJECT_004_HELP=服務器常規統計信息 2235 2236 2237 LOCKS_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Locks 2238 LOCKS_OBJECT_004_HELP=描述鎖定服務器的各個鎖請求的統計信息 2239 2240 2241 DBMGR_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Databases 2242 DBMGR_OBJECT_004_HELP=它爲 SQL Server 定義數據庫管理器對象 2243 2244 2245 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Database Mirroring 2246 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_004_HELP=它爲 SQL Server 定義數據庫鏡像對象 2247 2248 2249 HADR_DB_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Database Replica 2250 HADR_DB_OBJECT_004_HELP=這將爲 SQL Server 定義 HADR 輔助數據庫對象 2251 2252 2253 HADR_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Availability Replica 2254 HADR_OBJECT_004_HELP=這將爲 SQL Server 定義 HADR 可用性副本對象 2255 2256 2257 LATCH_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Latches 2258 LATCH_OBJECT_004_HELP=收集與內部服務器閂鎖相關的統計信息 2259 2260 2261 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Access Methods 2262 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_004_HELP=收集與數據庫服務器訪問方法相關的統計信息 2263 2264 2265 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Errors 2266 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_004_HELP=有關 SQL Server 中錯誤的統計信息 2267 2268 2269 SQL_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Statistics 2270 SQL_OBJECT_004_HELP=收集與 SQL 請求相關的統計信息 2271 2272 2273 PLAN_CACHE_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Plan Cache 2274 PLAN_CACHE_004_HELP=它定義緩存計數器 2275 2276 2277 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager by Type 2278 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_004_HELP=按類型分組的遊標屬性的計數器 2279 2280 2281 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager Total 2282 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_004_HELP=未按類型分組的遊標屬性的計數器 2283 2284 2285 MEMORY_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Manager 2286 MEMORY_OBJECT_004_HELP=它定義內存的使用狀況。 2287 2288 2289 MEMNODE_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Node 2290 MEMNODE_OBJECT_004_HELP=它定義每一個 NUMA 節點的內存使用率。 2291 2292 2293 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:User Settable 2294 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_004_HELP=它定義用戶可定義的計數器 2295 2296 2297 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Agents 2298 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製摘要 2299 2300 2301 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Merge 2302 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製合併代理統計信息 2303 2304 2305 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Logreader 2306 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製日誌讀取器代理統計信息 2307 2308 2309 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Dist. 2310 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製分發代理統計信息 2311 2312 2313 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Snapshot 2314 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_004_HELP=複製快照代理統計信息 2315 2316 2317 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Backup Device 2318 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_004_HELP=它定義 SQL Server 的備份設備對象 2319 2320 2321 XACT_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Transactions 2322 XACT_OBJECT_004_HELP=與 SQL Server 事務有關的統計信息。 2323 2324 2325 BROKER_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Statistics 2326 BROKER_OBJECT_004_HELP=Service Broker 統計信息 2327 2328 2329 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker/DBM Transport 2330 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_004_HELP=Service Broker/數據庫鏡像傳輸統計信息 2331 2332 2333 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Activation 2334 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_004_HELP=Service Broker 激活 2335 2336 2337 BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker TO Statistics 2338 BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_004_HELP=Service Broker 傳輸對象統計信息 2339 2340 2341 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Wait Statistics 2342 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_004_HELP=等待統計信息 2343 2344 2345 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Exec Statistics 2346 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_004_HELP=外部調用的執行統計信息 2347 2348 2349 SQLCLR_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CLR 2350 SQLCLR_OBJECT_004_HELP=在 SQL Server 中執行 CLR 2351 2352 2353 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Catalog Metadata 2354 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_004_HELP=定義 SQL Server 的目錄元數據管理器對象 2355 2356 2357 CLOUD_MSG_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CloudDB Messaging 2358 CLOUD_MSG_OBJECT_004_HELP=這將定義 CloudDB 消息處理的計數器 2359 2360 2361 CLOUD_REPL_OBJECT_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CloudDB Replication 2362 CLOUD_REPL_OBJECT_004_HELP=這將定義 CloudDB 複製的計數器 2363 2364 2365 TRACE_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Statistics 2366 TRACE_STATISTICS_004_HELP=跟蹤統計信息 2367 2368 2369 TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Event Statistics 2370 TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_004_HELP=單獨的 SQL 跟蹤事件的統計信息 2371 2372 2373 DEPRECATED_FEATURES_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Deprecated Features 2374 DEPRECATED_FEATURES_004_HELP=不推薦使用的功能其使用狀況的統計信息 2375 2376 2377 RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Workload Group Stats 2378 RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_004_HELP=與工做負荷組相關的統計信息 2379 2380 2381 RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Resource Pool Stats 2382 RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_004_HELP=與資源池相關的統計信息 2383 2384 2385 TCM_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Transaction Manager 2386 TCM_STATISTICS_004_HELP=與事務協調管理器(TCM)相關聯的統計信息 2387 2388 2389 TCMA_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:TCM Agents 2390 TCMA_STATISTICS_004_HELP=與事務協調管理器的代理相關聯的統計信息 2391 2392 2393 QE_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Query Execution 2394 QE_STATISTICS_004_HELP=與查詢執行關聯的統計信息 2395 2396 2397 FILETABLE_STATISTICS_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:FileTable 2398 FILETABLE_STATISTICS_004_HELP=與 FileTable 和非事務訪問關聯的統計信息 2399 2400 2401 SQL_BATCH_RESPONSE_TIME_004_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Batch Resp Statistics 2402 SQL_BATCH_RESPONSE_TIME_004_HELP=用於跟蹤 SQL 批處理響應時間的計數器 2403 2404 2405 MB_CLERK_SIZE_004_NAME=Memory broker clerk size 2406 MB_CLERK_SIZE_004_HELP=Clerk 的大小(頁數) 2407 2408 2409 MB_SIMULATION_BENEFIT_004_NAME=Simulation benefit 2410 MB_SIMULATION_BENEFIT_004_HELP=分配給 Clerk 的內存值(毫秒/頁/毫秒,乘以 100 億並截斷爲整數) 2411 2412 2413 MB_SIMULATION_SIZE_004_NAME=Simulation size 2414 MB_SIMULATION_SIZE_004_HELP=Clerk 模擬的當前大小(頁數) 2415 2416 2417 MB_INTERNAL_BENEFIT_004_NAME=Internal benefit 2418 MB_INTERNAL_BENEFIT_004_HELP=條目計數壓力的內部內存值(毫秒/頁/毫秒,乘以 100 億並截斷爲整數) 2419 2420 2421 MB_PERIODIC_EVICTIONS_004_NAME=Periodic evictions (pages) 2422 MB_PERIODIC_EVICTIONS_004_HELP=上一次按期逐出從 Broker Clerk 中逐出的頁數 2423 2424 2425 MB_PRESSURE_EVICTIONS_004_NAME=Pressure evictions (pages/sec) 2426 MB_PRESSURE_EVICTIONS_004_HELP=內存壓力從 Broker Clerk 中每秒逐出的頁數 2427 2428 2429 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio 2430 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=可在緩衝池中找到而沒必要從磁盤讀取的頁所佔的百分比。 2431 2432 2433 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio base 2434 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 2435 2436 2437 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_004_NAME=Page lookups/sec 2438 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_004_HELP=要求在緩衝池中查找頁的請求數。 2439 2440 2441 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_004_NAME=Free list stalls/sec 2442 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_004_HELP=必須等待可用頁的請求數。 2443 2444 2445 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Database pages 2446 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩衝池中有數據庫內容的頁數。 2447 2448 2449 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Target pages 2450 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩衝池中的理想頁數。 2451 2452 2453 BUF_SLOPE_004_NAME=Integral Controller Slope 2454 BUF_SLOPE_004_HELP=緩衝池的集成控制器上次使用的斜率,乘以 -100 億 2455 2456 2457 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_004_NAME=Lazy writes/sec 2458 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_004_HELP=緩衝區管理器的惰性編寫器寫入的緩衝區數。 2459 2460 2461 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_004_NAME=Readahead pages/sec 2462 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_004_HELP=爲預期使用讀取的頁數。 2463 2464 2465 BUF_BLOCK_READS_004_NAME=Page reads/sec 2466 BUF_BLOCK_READS_004_HELP=執行的物理數據庫頁讀取數。 2467 2468 2469 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_004_NAME=Page writes/sec 2470 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_004_HELP=執行的物理數據庫頁寫入數。 2471 2472 2473 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_004_NAME=Checkpoint pages/sec 2474 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_004_HELP=檢查點或其餘要求刷新所有髒頁的操做所刷新的頁數。 2475 2476 2477 BUF_RECOVERY_WRITES_004_NAME=Background writer pages/sec 2478 BUF_RECOVERY_WRITES_004_HELP=爲強制恢復間隔設置而刷新的頁數。 2479 2480 2481 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_NAME=Page life expectancy 2482 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_HELP=沒有引用的頁停留在緩衝池中的時間(秒)。 2483 2484 2485 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_NAME=Database pages 2486 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_004_HELP=節點上的數據庫頁數。 2487 2488 2489 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_NAME=Page life expectancy 2490 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_004_HELP=沒有引用的頁停留在緩衝池中的時間(秒)。 2491 2492 2493 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_004_NAME=Local node page lookups/sec 2494 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_004_HELP=此節點所知足的此節點的查找請求數。 2495 2496 2497 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_004_NAME=Remote node page lookups/sec 2498 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_004_HELP=其餘節點所知足的此節點的查找請求數。 2499 2500 2501 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_004_NAME=Active Temp Tables 2502 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_004_HELP=正在使用的臨時表/表變量的數目 2503 2504 2505 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_004_NAME=Temp Tables Creation Rate 2506 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_004_HELP=每秒建立的臨時表/表變量的數目 2507 2508 2509 GO_LOGINS_004_NAME=Logins/sec 2510 GO_LOGINS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的登陸總數。 2511 2512 2513 GO_RELOGINS_004_NAME=Connection Reset/sec 2514 GO_RELOGINS_004_HELP=每秒重置的鏈接總數。 2515 2516 2517 GO_LOGOUTS_004_NAME=Logouts/sec 2518 GO_LOGOUTS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的註銷總數。 2519 2520 2521 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_004_NAME=User Connections 2522 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_004_HELP=鏈接到系統的用戶數。 2523 2524 2525 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_004_NAME=Logical Connections 2526 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_004_HELP=與系統創建的邏輯鏈接數。 2527 2528 2529 GO_TRANSACTIONS_004_NAME=Transactions 2530 GO_TRANSACTIONS_004_HELP=事務登記(本地、dtc 和綁定的事務)的數目。 2531 2532 2533 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_004_NAME=Non-atomic yield rate 2534 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_004_HELP=每秒的非原子生成數。 2535 2536 2537 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_004_NAME=Mars Deadlocks 2538 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_004_HELP=檢測到的 Mars 死鎖數。 2539 2540 2541 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_004_NAME=HTTP Authenticated Requests 2542 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的驗證過的 HTTP 請求數。 2543 2544 2545 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP Empty Requests 2546 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的空 SOAP 請求數。 2547 2548 2549 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP SQL Requests 2550 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP SQL 請求數。 2551 2552 2553 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP Method Invocations 2554 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP 方法調用數。 2555 2556 2557 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_004_NAME=SOAP WSDL Requests 2558 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP Web 服務描述語言請求數。 2559 2560 2561 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_004_NAME=SOAP Session Initiate Requests 2562 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP 會話啓動請求數。 2563 2564 2565 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_004_NAME=SOAP Session Terminate Requests 2566 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_004_HELP=每秒啓動的 SOAP 會話終止請求數。 2567 2568 2569 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_004_NAME=Processes blocked 2570 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_004_HELP=當前阻塞的進程數。 2571 2572 2573 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_004_NAME=Temp Tables For Destruction 2574 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_004_HELP=等待被清除系統線程破壞的臨時表/表變量數 2575 2576 2577 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_004_NAME=Event Notifications Delayed Drop 2578 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_004_HELP=等待某個系統線程刪除的事件通知數 2579 2580 2581 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_004_NAME=Trace Event Notification Queue 2582 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_004_HELP=在內部隊列中等待經過 Service Broker 發送的跟蹤事件通知實例數 2583 2584 2585 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_004_NAME=SQL Trace IO Provider Lock Waits 2586 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_004_HELP=每秒等待 File IO Provider 鎖的次數 2587 2588 2589 GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_004_NAME=Tempdb recovery unit id 2590 GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_004_HELP=生成的重複 tempdb 恢復單元 ID 的數目 2591 2592 2593 GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_004_NAME=Tempdb rowset id 2594 GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_004_HELP=生成的重複 tempdb 行集 ID 的數目 2595 2596 2597 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_004_NAME=Lock Requests/sec 2598 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_004_HELP=從鎖管理器請求的新鎖和鎖轉換的數目。 2599 2600 2601 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_004_NAME=Lock Timeouts/sec 2602 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_004_HELP=超時的鎖請求數。這包括對 NOWAIT 鎖的請求。 2603 2604 2605 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_004_NAME=Number of Deadlocks/sec 2606 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_004_HELP=致使死鎖的鎖請求數。 2607 2608 2609 LCK_NUM_WAITS_004_NAME=Lock Waits/sec 2610 LCK_NUM_WAITS_004_HELP=不能當即知足而要求調用方等待授予鎖的鎖請求數。 2611 2612 2613 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_004_NAME=Lock Wait Time (ms) 2614 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內鎖的總等待時間(毫秒)。 2615 2616 2617 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_004_NAME=Average Wait Time (ms) 2618 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_004_HELP=致使等待的每一個鎖請求的平均等待時間(毫秒)。 2619 2620 2621 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_004_NAME=Average Wait Time Base 2622 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_004_HELP=平均等待時間的基數。 2623 2624 2625 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_004_NAME=Lock Timeouts (timeout > 0)/sec 2626 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_004_HELP=超時的鎖請求數。這不包括對 NOWAIT 鎖的請求。 2627 2628 2629 DB_DATA_SIZE_004_NAME=Data File(s) Size (KB) 2630 DB_DATA_SIZE_004_HELP=數據庫中全部數據文件的累積大小。 2631 2632 2633 DB_LOG_SIZE_004_NAME=Log File(s) Size (KB) 2634 DB_LOG_SIZE_004_HELP=數據庫中全部日誌文件的累積大小。 2635 2636 2637 DB_LOG_USED_004_NAME=Log File(s) Used Size (KB) 2638 DB_LOG_USED_004_HELP=數據庫中全部日誌文件的累積已用大小。 2639 2640 2641 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_004_NAME=Percent Log Used 2642 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_004_HELP=日誌中已用空間所佔的百分比。 2643 2644 2645 DB_ACT_XTRAN_004_NAME=Active Transactions 2646 DB_ACT_XTRAN_004_HELP=數據庫的活動更新事務數。 2647 2648 2649 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_004_NAME=Transactions/sec 2650 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_004_HELP=爲數據庫啓動的事務數。 2651 2652 2653 DB_REPLTRANS_004_NAME=Repl. Pending Xacts 2654 DB_REPLTRANS_004_HELP=數據庫中掛起的複製事務數。 2655 2656 2657 DB_REPLCOUNT_004_NAME=Repl. Trans. Rate 2658 DB_REPLCOUNT_004_HELP=複製事務速率(每秒的複製事務數)。 2659 2660 2661 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_004_NAME=Log Cache Reads/sec 2662 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_004_HELP=經過日誌管理器緩存執行的讀取數。 2663 2664 2665 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_004_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio 2666 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_004_HELP=日誌緩存所知足的日誌緩存讀取數所佔的百分比。 2667 2668 2669 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_004_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio Base 2670 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_004_HELP=日誌緩存的計算基數 2671 2672 2673 DB_LOGPOOL_REQUESTS_004_NAME=Log Pool Requests/sec 2674 DB_LOGPOOL_REQUESTS_004_HELP=經過日誌池執行的日誌塊請求。 2675 2676 2677 DB_LOGPOOL_CACHEMISSES_004_NAME=Log Pool Cache Misses/sec 2678 DB_LOGPOOL_CACHEMISSES_004_HELP=從日誌池日誌塊緩存未命中數。 2679 2680 2681 DB_LOGPOOL_DISKREADS_004_NAME=Log Pool Disk Reads/sec 2682 DB_LOGPOOL_DISKREADS_004_HELP=日誌磁盤經過日誌池的讀取次數。 2683 2684 2685 DB_BULK_ROWS_004_NAME=Bulk Copy Rows/sec 2686 DB_BULK_ROWS_004_HELP=大容量複製的行數。 2687 2688 2689 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_004_NAME=Bulk Copy Throughput/sec 2690 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_004_HELP=大容量複製的千字節數。 2691 2692 2693 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_004_NAME=Backup/Restore Throughput/sec 2694 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_004_HELP=數據庫備份/還原的讀取/寫入吞吐量。 2695 2696 2697 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_004_NAME=DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec 2698 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_004_HELP=DBCC 命令的邏輯讀取掃描速率 2699 2700 2701 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_004_NAME=Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec 2702 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_004_HELP=Autoshrink、DBCC SHRINKDATABASE 或 SHRINKFILE 移動數據的速率。 2703 2704 2705 DB_FLUSHES_004_NAME=Log Flushes/sec 2706 DB_FLUSHES_004_HELP=日誌刷新數目。 2707 2708 2709 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_004_NAME=Log Bytes Flushed/sec 2710 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_004_HELP=刷新的日誌字節總數。 2711 2712 2713 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_004_NAME=Log Flush Waits/sec 2714 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_004_HELP=等待日誌刷新的提交數目。 2715 2716 2717 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_004_NAME=Log Flush Wait Time 2718 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_004_HELP=總等待時間(毫秒)。 2719 2720 2721 DB_FLUSH_WRITE_TIME_004_NAME=Log Flush Write Time (ms) 2722 DB_FLUSH_WRITE_TIME_004_HELP=執行在上一秒中完成的日誌刷新寫入所用的時間(毫秒) 2723 2724 2725 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_004_NAME=Log Truncations 2726 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_004_HELP=此數據庫的日誌截斷總數。 2727 2728 2729 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_004_NAME=Log Growths 2730 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_004_HELP=此數據庫的日誌增加總數。 2731 2732 2733 DB_RECOVERY_DURATION_004_NAME=Recovery duration 2734 DB_RECOVERY_DURATION_004_HELP=恢復此數據庫的持續時間(秒) 2735 2736 2737 DB_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_004_NAME=Checkpoint duration 2738 DB_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_004_HELP=此數據庫的最後一個檢查點的持續時間 2739 2740 2741 DB_FLUSH_FILE_BUFFER_CALLS_004_NAME=Flush file buffers/sec 2742 DB_FLUSH_FILE_BUFFER_CALLS_004_HELP=用於實施 WAL 的刷新文件緩衝區調用的速率 2743 2744 2745 DB_CLOUDDB_PRIMARY_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Primary partitions 2746 DB_CLOUDDB_PRIMARY_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=主分區數 2747 2748 2749 DB_CLOUDDB_SECONDARY_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Secondary partitions 2750 DB_CLOUDDB_SECONDARY_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=輔助分區數 2751 2752 2753 DB_CLOUDDB_FWDPEND_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Forwarder pending partitions 2754 DB_CLOUDDB_FWDPEND_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=轉發器掛起分區數 2755 2756 2757 DB_CLOUDDB_FWD_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Forwarder partitions 2758 DB_CLOUDDB_FWD_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=轉發器分區數 2759 2760 2761 DB_CLOUDDB_CATCHUP_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Secondary catchup partitions 2762 DB_CLOUDDB_CATCHUP_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=捕獲過程當中的輔助/轉發器分區數 2763 2764 2765 DB_CLOUDDB_INBUILD_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Secondary in-build partitions 2766 DB_CLOUDDB_INBUILD_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=生成過程當中的輔助/轉發器分區數 2767 2768 2769 DB_CLOUDDB_NOTHING_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Nothing partitions 2770 DB_CLOUDDB_NOTHING_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=空分區數 2771 2772 2773 DB_CLOUDDB_WAITING_COPIES_004_NAME=Waiting replica copies 2774 DB_CLOUDDB_WAITING_COPIES_004_HELP=正在等待的複製副本請求的數量 2775 2776 2777 DB_CLOUDDB_DELETION_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=In-delete partitions 2778 DB_CLOUDDB_DELETION_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=正在刪除的分區數 2779 2780 2781 DB_CLOUDDB_PARTITIONS_004_NAME=Partitions 2782 DB_CLOUDDB_PARTITIONS_004_HELP=分區數 2783 2784 2785 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_004_NAME=Log Shrinks 2786 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_004_HELP=此數據庫的日誌收縮總數。 2787 2788 2789 DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_004_NAME=Tracked transactions/sec 2790 DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_004_HELP=記錄在數據庫提交表中的已提交事件數。 2791 2792 2793 DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_004_NAME=Write Transactions/sec 2794 DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內寫入數據庫的事務數。 2795 2796 2797 DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_004_NAME=Commit table entries 2798 DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_004_HELP=數據庫提交表位於內存中的部分的大小。 2799 2800 2801 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_004_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec 2802 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_004_HELP=每秒發送的字節數 2803 2804 2805 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_004_NAME=Pages Sent/sec 2806 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_004_HELP=每秒發送的頁數 2807 2808 2809 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_004_NAME=Sends/sec 2810 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的發送數目 2811 2812 2813 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_004_NAME=Transaction Delay 2814 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_004_HELP=事務終止每秒鐘等待確認的毫秒數。 2815 2816 2817 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_004_NAME=Redo Queue KB 2818 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_004_HELP=鏡像數據庫的重作操做滯後於鏡像日誌的總字節數(KB) 2819 2820 2821 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_004_NAME=Redo Bytes/sec 2822 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_004_HELP=每秒由鏡像數據庫重作的日誌字節數 2823 2824 2825 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_004_NAME=Log Send Queue KB 2826 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_004_HELP=還沒有發送到鏡像服務器的日誌總字節數(KB) 2827 2828 2829 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_NAME=Bytes Received/sec 2830 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_HELP=每秒收到的字節數 2831 2832 2833 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_004_NAME=Receives/sec 2834 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_004_HELP=每秒收到的鏡像消息數 2835 2836 2837 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec 2838 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_HELP=每秒收到的日誌字節數 2839 2840 2841 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_004_NAME=Log Bytes Sent/sec 2842 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_004_HELP=每秒發送的日誌字節數 2843 2844 2845 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_004_NAME=Send/Receive Ack Time 2846 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_004_HELP=消息每秒鐘等待夥伴確認的毫秒數。 2847 2848 2849 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Rcvd/sec 2850 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內接收日誌的壓縮字節數。 2851 2852 2853 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_004_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Sent/sec 2854 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內發送日誌的壓縮字節數。 2855 2856 2857 DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_004_NAME=Mirrored Write Transactions/sec 2858 DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內寫入鏡像數據庫的事務數,這些事務等待將日誌發送到鏡像數據庫。 2859 2860 2861 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_004_NAME=Log Scanned for Undo KB 2862 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_004_HELP=新的鏡像服務器在故障轉移以後已掃描的日誌總字節數(KB)。 2863 2864 2865 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_004_NAME=Log Remaining for Undo KB 2866 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_004_HELP=新的鏡像服務器在故障轉移以後將掃描的日誌總字節數(KB)。 2867 2868 2869 DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_004_NAME=Log Bytes Sent from Cache/sec 2870 DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內從數據庫鏡像日誌緩存中發送的日誌字節數。 2871 2872 2873 DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_004_NAME=Log Bytes Redone from Cache/sec 2874 DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_004_HELP=每秒鐘從數據庫鏡像日誌緩存重作的日誌字節數。 2875 2876 2877 DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_004_NAME=Log Send Flow Control Time (ms) 2878 DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_004_HELP=日誌流消息在上一秒鐘內等待發送流控制的時間(毫秒)。 2879 2880 2881 DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_004_NAME=Log Harden Time (ms) 2882 DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_004_HELP=日誌塊在上一秒鐘內等待強制寫入磁盤的時間(毫秒)。 2883 2884 2885 HADR_DB_RECOVERY_QUEUE_004_NAME=Recovery Queue 2886 HADR_DB_RECOVERY_QUEUE_004_HELP=等待要對輔助對象重作的硬編碼日誌的總字節數(KB) 2887 2888 2889 HADR_DB_LOG_REDONE_004_NAME=Redone Bytes/sec 2890 HADR_DB_LOG_REDONE_004_HELP=爲遇上數據庫副本而在上一秒重作的日誌記錄量 2891 2892 2893 HADR_DB_LOG_QUEUE_004_NAME=Log Send Queue 2894 HADR_DB_LOG_QUEUE_004_HELP=正在等待發送到數據庫副本的日誌量(KB) 2895 2896 2897 HADR_DB_LOG_RECEIVED_004_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec 2898 HADR_DB_LOG_RECEIVED_004_HELP=數據庫的可用性副本接收的日誌量 2899 2900 2901 HADR_DB_FILEBYTES_RECEIVED_004_NAME=File Bytes Received/sec 2902 HADR_DB_FILEBYTES_RECEIVED_004_HELP=數據庫的可用性副本接收的文件流數據量 2903 2904 2905 HADR_DB_UPDATE_XTRAN_004_NAME=Mirrored Write Transactions/sec 2906 HADR_DB_UPDATE_XTRAN_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內寫入鏡像數據庫的事務數,這些事務等待將日誌發送到鏡像數據庫。 2907 2908 2909 HADR_DB_TRANSACTION_DELAY_004_NAME=Transaction Delay 2910 HADR_DB_TRANSACTION_DELAY_004_HELP=每秒等待確認的事務終止的毫秒數。 2911 2912 2913 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_TOTAL_004_NAME=Total Log requiring undo 2914 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_TOTAL_004_HELP=須要撤消的日誌量(KB)。 2915 2916 2917 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_REMAINING_004_NAME=Log remaining for undo 2918 HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_REMAINING_004_HELP=爲完成撤消階段尚剩餘的日誌量(KB)。 2919 2920 2921 HADR_DB_REDO_REMAINING_004_NAME=Redo Bytes Remaining 2922 HADR_DB_REDO_REMAINING_004_HELP=爲完成恢復階段而要重作的剩餘的日誌量(KB)。 2923 2924 2925 HADR_DB_REDO_BLOCKED_004_NAME=Redo blocked/sec 2926 HADR_DB_REDO_BLOCKED_004_HELP=最後一秒內阻塞的重作獲取次數 2927 2928 2929 HADR_BYTES_SENT_004_NAME=Bytes Sent to Replica/sec 2930 HADR_BYTES_SENT_004_HELP=發送到可用性副本的總字節數 2931 2932 2933 HADR_SEND_004_NAME=Sends to Replica/sec 2934 HADR_SEND_004_HELP=發送到可用性副本的總數 2935 2936 2937 HADR_BYTES_SENT_TRANSPORT_004_NAME=Bytes Sent to Transport/sec 2938 HADR_BYTES_SENT_TRANSPORT_004_HELP=爲可用性副本發送以便傳輸的總字節數 2939 2940 2941 HADR_SEND_TRANSPORT_004_NAME=Sends to Transport/sec 2942 HADR_SEND_TRANSPORT_004_HELP=爲可用性副本發送以便傳輸的總數 2943 2944 2945 HADR_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_NAME=Bytes Received from Replica/sec 2946 HADR_BYTES_RECEIVED_004_HELP=從可用性副本接收的總字節數 2947 2948 2949 HADR_RECEIVES_004_NAME=Receives from Replica/sec 2950 HADR_RECEIVES_004_HELP=從可用性副本接收的總數 2951 2952 2953 HADR_FLOW_CONTROL_MS_004_NAME=Flow Control Time (ms/sec) 2954 HADR_FLOW_CONTROL_MS_004_HELP=在上一秒在流控制上等待的消息所用的時間(毫秒) 2955 2956 2957 HADR_FLOW_CONTROLS_004_NAME=Flow Control/sec 2958 HADR_FLOW_CONTROLS_004_HELP=在上一秒啓動的流控制的數目 2959 2960 2961 HADR_RESENDS_004_NAME=Resent Messages/sec 2962 HADR_RESENDS_004_HELP=在上一秒從新發送的消息數 2963 2964 2965 LATCH_WAITS_NP_004_NAME=Latch Waits/sec 2966 LATCH_WAITS_NP_004_HELP=未能當即授予而不得不等待的閂鎖請求數。 2967 2968 2969 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_004_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time (ms) 2970 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_004_HELP=必須等待授予的閂鎖請求的平均等待時間(毫秒)。 2971 2972 2973 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_004_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time Base 2974 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_004_HELP=閂鎖平均等待時間的基數。 2975 2976 2977 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_004_NAME=Total Latch Wait Time (ms) 2978 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_004_HELP=在上一秒鐘內必須等待授予的閂鎖請求的總等待時間(毫秒)。 2979 2980 2981 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_004_NAME=Number of SuperLatches 2982 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_004_HELP=目前是 SuperLatch 的閂鎖數。 2983 2984 2985 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_004_NAME=SuperLatch Promotions/sec 2986 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_004_HELP=已提高爲 SuperLatch 的閂鎖數 2987 2988 2989 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_004_NAME=SuperLatch Demotions/sec 2990 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_004_HELP=已降級爲常規閂鎖的 SuperLatch 數 2991 2992 2993 AM_FULL_SCAN_004_NAME=Full Scans/sec 2994 AM_FULL_SCAN_004_HELP=不受限制的徹底掃描數目。這些掃描能夠是基表掃描,也能夠是全文索引掃描。 2995 2996 2997 AM_RANGE_SCAN_004_NAME=Range Scans/sec 2998 AM_RANGE_SCAN_004_HELP=每秒經過索引進行的限定範圍掃描數。 2999 3000 3001 AM_PROBE_SCAN_004_NAME=Probe Scans/sec 3002 AM_PROBE_SCAN_004_HELP=每秒用於直接在索引或基表中查找最多一個單限定行的探測掃描的次數。 3003 3004 3005 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_004_NAME=Scan Point Revalidations/sec 3006 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_004_HELP=必須從新驗證掃描點才能繼續掃描的次數。 3007 3008 3009 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_004_NAME=Workfiles Created/sec 3010 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_004_HELP=每秒建立的工做文件數。例如,工做文件可用於存儲哈希聯接和哈希聚合的臨時結果。 3011 3012 3013 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_004_NAME=Worktables Created/sec 3014 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_004_HELP=每秒建立的工做表數。例如,工做表可用於存儲查詢假脫機操做、LOB 變量、XML 變量和遊標的臨時結果。 3015 3016 3017 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_004_NAME=Worktables From Cache Ratio 3018 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_004_HELP=在建立的工做表中,工做表的最初兩頁不是分配的,而是直接來自工做表緩存中的工做表所佔的百分比。 3019 3020 3021 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_004_NAME=Worktables From Cache Base 3022 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數。 3023 3024 3025 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_004_NAME=Forwarded Records/sec 3026 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_004_HELP=經過正向記錄指針提取的記錄數。 3027 3028 3029 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_004_NAME=Skipped Ghosted Records/sec 3030 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_004_HELP=掃描期間每秒跳過的虛影記錄數。 3031 3032 3033 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_004_NAME=Index Searches/sec 3034 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_004_HELP=索引搜索的數目。索引搜索用於啓動範圍掃描和單個索引記錄提取操做,也用於在索引中改變位置。 3035 3036 3037 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_004_NAME=FreeSpace Scans/sec 3038 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_004_HELP=每秒啓動的掃描數目,掃描目的是搜索已分配給某分配單元的頁內的可用空間,以用於插入或修改記錄片斷。每次掃描可能查找多頁。 3039 3040 3041 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_004_NAME=FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec 3042 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_004_HELP=每秒由可用空間掃描提取的頁數。這些掃描搜索已分配給分配單元的頁內的可用空間,以知足插入或修改記錄片斷的請求。 3043 3044 3045 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Pages Allocated/sec 3046 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒分配的頁數。其中包括從混合區和統一區分配的頁數。 3047 3048 3049 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Extents Allocated/sec 3050 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒分配的區數。 3051 3052 3053 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_004_NAME=Mixed page allocations/sec 3054 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_004_HELP=每秒從混合區分配的頁數。這些頁可用於存儲 IAM 頁和分配給某分配單元的前八頁。 3055 3056 3057 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_004_NAME=Extent Deallocations/sec 3058 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒釋放的區數。 3059 3060 3061 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_004_NAME=Page Deallocations/sec 3062 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_004_HELP=此 SQL Server 實例的全部數據庫中每秒釋放的區數。其中包括從混合區和統一區釋放的頁數。 3063 3064 3065 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_004_NAME=Page Splits/sec 3066 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_004_HELP=索引頁溢出時出現的每秒頁拆分數目。 3067 3068 3069 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_004_NAME=Table Lock Escalations/sec 3070 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_004_HELP=表上的鎖升級的次數。 3071 3072 3073 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_004_NAME=Deferred Dropped rowsets 3074 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_004_HELP=當已停止的聯機索引生成操做正在等待清除延遲刪除的行集的後臺任務刪除時建立的行集數。 3075 3076 3077 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_004_NAME=Dropped rowset cleanups/sec 3078 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_004_HELP=當清除延遲刪除的行集的後臺任務成功刪除了已停止的聯機索引生成操做時,每秒建立的行集數。 3079 3080 3081 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_004_NAME=Dropped rowsets skipped/sec 3082 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_004_HELP=當清除延遲刪除的行集的後臺任務跳過了已停止的聯機索引生成操做時,每秒建立的行集數。 3083 3084 3085 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_004_NAME=Deferred dropped AUs 3086 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_004_HELP=正在等待清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務刪除的分配單元數。 3087 3088 3089 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_004_NAME=AU cleanups/sec 3090 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_004_HELP=清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務每秒成功刪除的分配單元數。刪除每一個分配單元都須要多個批處理。 3091 3092 3093 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_004_NAME=AU cleanup batches/sec 3094 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_004_HELP=清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務每秒成功完成的批處理個數。 3095 3096 3097 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_004_NAME=Failed AU cleanup batches/sec 3098 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_004_HELP=清除延遲刪除的分配單元的後臺任務每秒失敗而須要重試的批處理個數。失敗的緣由多是內存或磁盤空間不足和硬件故障,也多是其餘緣由。 3099 3100 3101 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_NAME=Used tree page cookie 3102 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_HELP=自樹頁的父級未更改以來,在索引搜索期間成功使用了樹頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 3103 3104 3105 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_NAME=Failed tree page cookie 3106 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_HELP=自那些樹頁的父級發生更改以來,在索引搜索期間沒法使用樹頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 3107 3108 3109 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_NAME=Used leaf page cookie 3110 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_004_HELP=自葉級頁未更改以來,在索引搜索期間成功使用了葉級頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 3111 3112 3113 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_NAME=Failed leaf page cookie 3114 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_004_HELP=自葉級頁發生更改以來,在索引搜索期間沒法使用葉級頁 cookie 的次數。該 cookie 用於加快索引搜索速度。 3115 3116 3117 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_004_NAME=LobSS Provider Create Count 3118 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_004_HELP=已建立的 LOB 存儲服務提供程序計數。對每一個 LOB 存儲服務提供程序建立了一個工做表。 3119 3120 3121 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_004_NAME=LobSS Provider Destroy Count 3122 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_004_HELP=已破壞的 LOB 存儲服務提供程序計數。 3123 3124 3125 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_004_NAME=LobSS Provider Truncation Count 3126 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_004_HELP=已截斷的 LOB 存儲服務提供程序計數。 3127 3128 3129 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_004_NAME=LobHandle Create Count 3130 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_004_HELP=已建立的臨時 LOB 計數。 3131 3132 3133 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_004_NAME=LobHandle Destroy Count 3134 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_004_HELP=已破壞的臨時 LOB 計數。 3135 3136 3137 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_004_NAME=By-reference Lob Create Count 3138 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_004_HELP=由引用傳遞的大型對象(LOB)值的計數。在某些大容量操做中使用由引用傳遞的 LOB,可免除按值傳遞它們時的開銷。 3139 3140 3141 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_004_NAME=By-reference Lob Use Count 3142 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_004_HELP=使用過的由引用傳遞的 LOB 值的計數。在某些大容量操做中使用由引用傳遞的 LOB,可免除按值傳遞它們時的開銷。 3143 3144 3145 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_004_NAME=Count Push Off Row 3146 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_004_HELP=已從行內推送到行外的值的計數。 3147 3148 3149 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_004_NAME=Count Pull In Row 3150 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_004_HELP=已從行外請求到行內的值的計數。 3151 3152 3153 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_004_NAME=Count Lob Readahead 3154 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_004_HELP=執行提早讀的 lob 頁計數。 3155 3156 3157 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_004_NAME=Page compression attempts/sec 3158 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_004_HELP=每秒嘗試壓縮數據庫頁的次數 3159 3160 3161 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_004_NAME=Pages compressed/sec 3162 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_004_HELP=數據庫頁被壓縮的次數 3163 3164 3165 AM_INSYSXACT_WAITS_004_NAME=InSysXact waits/sec 3166 AM_INSYSXACT_WAITS_004_HELP=讀取器由於設置 InSysXact 位而須要等待某一頁的次數 3167 3168 3169 SQL_ERROR_RATE_004_NAME=Errors/sec 3170 SQL_ERROR_RATE_004_HELP=每秒的錯誤數 3171 3172 3173 SQL_BATCH_REQ_004_NAME=Batch Requests/sec 3174 SQL_BATCH_REQ_004_HELP=服務器收到的 SQL 批處理請求數。 3175 3176 3177 SQL_UNIVPARAM_004_NAME=Forced Parameterizations/sec 3178 SQL_UNIVPARAM_004_HELP=每秒由強制參數化致使參數化的語句數。 3179 3180 3181 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_004_NAME=Auto-Param Attempts/sec 3182 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_004_HELP=自動參數化嘗試次數。 3183 3184 3185 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_004_NAME=Failed Auto-Params/sec 3186 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_004_HELP=失敗的自動參數化數目。 3187 3188 3189 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_004_NAME=Safe Auto-Params/sec 3190 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_004_HELP=安全的自動參數化數目。 3191 3192 3193 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_004_NAME=Unsafe Auto-Params/sec 3194 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_004_HELP=不安全的自動參數化數目。 3195 3196 3197 SQL_COMPILES_004_NAME=SQL Compilations/sec 3198 SQL_COMPILES_004_HELP=SQL 編譯的數目。 3199 3200 3201 SQL_RECOMPILES_004_NAME=SQL Re-Compilations/sec 3202 SQL_RECOMPILES_004_HELP=SQL 從新編譯的數目。 3203 3204 3205 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_004_NAME=SQL Attention rate 3206 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_004_HELP=每秒發出關注信號的數目。 3207 3208 3209 PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_004_NAME=Guided plan executions/sec 3210 PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_004_HELP=每秒執行的計劃數,其中的查詢計劃是經過使用計劃指南生成的。 3211 3212 3213 PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_004_NAME=Misguided plan executions/sec 3214 PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_004_HELP=每秒執行的計劃數,其中的查詢計劃沒法使用計劃指南生成。系統將忽略計劃指南並使用正常的編譯過程生成執行計劃。 3215 3216 3217 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 3218 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=緩存命中次數與查找次數之比 3219 3220 3221 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 3222 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 3223 3224 3225 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_004_NAME=Cache Pages 3226 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_004_HELP=緩存對象使用的 8k 頁的數目 3227 3228 3229 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Object Counts 3230 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_004_HELP=緩存中的緩存對象數 3231 3232 3233 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Objects in use 3234 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_HELP=正在使用的緩存對象數 3235 3236 3237 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 3238 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=緩存命中次數與查找次數之比 3239 3240 3241 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 3242 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 3243 3244 3245 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_004_NAME=Cached Cursor Counts 3246 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_004_HELP=緩存中給定類型的遊標數 3247 3248 3249 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_NAME=Cursor Cache Use Counts/sec 3250 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_004_HELP=每種緩存的遊標的使用次數 3251 3252 3253 CURSOR_REQ_004_NAME=Cursor Requests/sec 3254 CURSOR_REQ_004_HELP=服務器收到的 SQL 遊標請求數。 3255 3256 3257 CURSOR_IN_USE_004_NAME=Active cursors 3258 CURSOR_IN_USE_004_HELP=活動遊標數。 3259 3260 3261 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_004_NAME=Cursor memory usage 3262 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_004_HELP=遊標佔用的內存量(KB)。 3263 3264 3265 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_004_NAME=Cursor worktable usage 3266 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_004_HELP=遊標使用的工做表數。 3267 3268 3269 CURSOR_PLANS_004_NAME=Number of active cursor plans 3270 CURSOR_PLANS_004_HELP=遊標計劃數。 3271 3272 3273 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_004_NAME=Cursor conversion rate 3274 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_004_HELP=遊標每秒轉換的次數。 3275 3276 3277 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_004_NAME=Async population count 3278 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_004_HELP=異步填充的遊標數。 3279 3280 3281 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_004_NAME=Cursor flushes 3282 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_004_HELP=遊標 xstmt 的刷新總次數。 3283 3284 3285 MEMORY_EXTERNAL_BENEFIT_004_NAME=External benefit of memory 3286 MEMORY_EXTERNAL_BENEFIT_004_HELP=內存的外部值(毫秒/頁/毫秒,乘以 100 億並截斷爲整數) 3287 3288 3289 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_004_NAME=Connection Memory (KB) 3290 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於維護鏈接的動態內存總量 3291 3292 3293 MEMORY_SERVER_DATABASE_004_NAME=Database Cache Memory (KB) 3294 MEMORY_SERVER_DATABASE_004_HELP=服務器當前用於數據庫緩存的內存量。 3295 3296 3297 MEMORY_SERVER_FREE_004_NAME=Free Memory (KB) 3298 MEMORY_SERVER_FREE_004_HELP=服務器當前未使用的內存量。 3299 3300 3301 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_004_NAME=Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 3302 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_004_HELP=授予用來執行進程的內存總量。這些內存用於哈希、排序和建立索引操做。 3303 3304 3305 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_004_NAME=Lock Memory (KB) 3306 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於鎖的動態內存總量 3307 3308 3309 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Lock Blocks Allocated 3310 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=分配的鎖塊的當前數目。 3311 3312 3313 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_004_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks Allocated 3314 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_004_HELP=分配的鎖全部者塊的當前數目。 3315 3316 3317 MEMORY_LOCKS_004_NAME=Lock Blocks 3318 MEMORY_LOCKS_004_HELP=服務器上正在使用的鎖塊的當前數目。已按期刷新。 3319 3320 3321 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_004_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks 3322 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_004_HELP=服務器上當前正在使用的鎖全部者塊的數目。已按期刷新。 3323 3324 3325 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_004_NAME=Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) 3326 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_004_HELP=可授予用來執行進程的內存總量。這些內存主要用於哈希、排序和建立索引操做。 3327 3328 3329 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_004_NAME=Memory Grants Outstanding 3330 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_004_HELP=當前已成功得到工做區內存授予的進程數 3331 3332 3333 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_004_NAME=Memory Grants Pending 3334 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_004_HELP=當前正在等待工做區內存授予的進程數 3335 3336 3337 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_004_NAME=Optimizer Memory (KB) 3338 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於查詢優化的動態內存總量 3339 3340 3341 MEMORY_SERVER_RESERVED_004_NAME=Reserved Server Memory (KB) 3342 MEMORY_SERVER_RESERVED_004_HELP=服務器爲未來使用保留的內存量。此計數器顯示在 Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 中顯示的初始授予的當前未使用內存量。 3343 3344 3345 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_004_NAME=SQL Cache Memory (KB) 3346 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器用於動態 SQL 緩存的動態內存總量 3347 3348 3349 MEMORY_SERVER_STOLEN_004_NAME=Stolen Server Memory (KB) 3350 MEMORY_SERVER_STOLEN_004_HELP=服務器當前用於除數據庫頁外的其餘用途的內存量。 3351 3352 3353 MEMORY_LOG_POOL_MEMORY_004_NAME=Log Pool Memory (KB) 3354 MEMORY_LOG_POOL_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器正用於日誌池的動態內存的總量 3355 3356 3357 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_004_NAME=Target Server Memory (KB) 3358 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_004_HELP=服務器打算佔用的理想內存量 3359 3360 3361 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_004_NAME=Total Server Memory (KB) 3362 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_004_HELP=服務器當前佔用的動態內存總量 3363 3364 3365 MEMNODE_DATABASE_004_NAME=Database Node Memory (KB) 3366 MEMNODE_DATABASE_004_HELP=服務器在此節點上用於數據庫頁的內存量。 3367 3368 3369 MEMNODE_FREE_004_NAME=Free Node Memory (KB) 3370 MEMNODE_FREE_004_HELP=服務器在此節點上未使用的內存量。 3371 3372 3373 MEMNODE_FOREIGN_004_NAME=Foreign Node Memory (KB) 3374 MEMNODE_FOREIGN_004_HELP=此節點上的非 NUMA 本地內存量。 3375 3376 3377 MEMNODE_STOLEN_004_NAME=Stolen Node Memory (KB) 3378 MEMNODE_STOLEN_004_HELP=服務器在此節點上用於其餘用途而非用於數據庫頁的內存量。 3379 3380 3381 MEMNODE_TARGET_004_NAME=Target Node Memory (KB) 3382 MEMNODE_TARGET_004_HELP=用於此節點的理想內存量。 3383 3384 3385 MEMNODE_TOTAL_004_NAME=Total Node Memory (KB) 3386 MEMNODE_TOTAL_004_HELP=服務器專用於此節點的總內存量。 3387 3388 3389 QUERY_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Query 3390 QUERY_INSTANCE_004_HELP=與用戶定義的一致。 3391 3392 3393 RUNNING_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Running 3394 RUNNING_INSTANCE_004_HELP=當前正在運行的複製代理數。 3395 3396 3397 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Uploaded Changes/sec 3398 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒從訂閱服務器合併到發佈服務器的行數。 3399 3400 3401 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Downloaded Changes/sec 3402 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒從發佈服務器合併到訂閱服務器的行數。 3403 3404 3405 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Conflicts/sec 3406 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=在合併過程當中每秒出現的衝突數。 3407 3408 3409 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Logreader:Delivery Latency 3410 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_HELP=從將事務應用於發佈服務器到將它們傳遞到分發服務器所佔用的時間(毫秒)。 3411 3412 3413 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Cmds/sec 3414 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的命令數。 3415 3416 3417 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Trans/sec 3418 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的事務數。 3419 3420 3421 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Dist:Delivery Latency 3422 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_004_HELP=從將事務傳遞到分發服務器到將它們應用於訂閱服務器所佔用的時間(毫秒)。 3423 3424 3425 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Dist:Delivered Cmds/sec 3426 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到訂閱服務器的命令數。 3427 3428 3429 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_004_NAME=Dist:Delivered Trans/sec 3430 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到訂閱服務器的事務數。 3431 3432 3433 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_004_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Cmds/sec 3434 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的命令數。 3435 3436 3437 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_004_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Trans/sec 3438 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_004_HELP=每秒傳遞到分發服務器的事務數。 3439 3440 3441 BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_004_NAME=Device Throughput Bytes/sec 3442 BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_004_HELP=備份設備的讀取/寫入吞吐量。 3443 3444 3445 XACT_NUM_004_NAME=Transactions 3446 XACT_NUM_004_HELP=活動事務的總數。 3447 3448 3449 XACT_SNP_NUM_004_NAME=Snapshot Transactions 3450 XACT_SNP_NUM_004_HELP=活動快照事務的總數。 3451 3452 3453 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_004_NAME=Update Snapshot Transactions 3454 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_004_HELP=執行更新操做的活動快照事務的總數。 3455 3456 3457 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_004_NAME=NonSnapshot Version Transactions 3458 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_004_HELP=生成版本記錄的活動非快照事務的總數。 3459 3460 3461 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_004_NAME=Longest Transaction Running Time 3462 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_004_HELP=任意事務的最長運行時間(秒)。 3463 3464 3465 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_004_NAME=Update conflict ratio 3466 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_004_HELP=存在更新衝突的更新快照事務與更新快照事務總數的比值。 3467 3468 3469 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Update conflict ratio base 3470 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=更新快照事務的總數。 3471 3472 3473 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_004_NAME=Free Space in tempdb (KB) 3474 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_004_HELP=tempdb 中的可用空間(KB)。 3475 3476 3477 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_004_NAME=Version Generation rate (KB/s) 3478 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_004_HELP=版本生成速率(KB/秒)。 3479 3480 3481 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_004_NAME=Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) 3482 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_004_HELP=版本清除速率(KB/秒)。 3483 3484 3485 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_004_NAME=Version Store Size (KB) 3486 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_004_HELP=版本存儲區的大小(KB)。 3487 3488 3489 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_004_NAME=Version Store unit count 3490 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_004_HELP=版本存儲區中的單元數。 3491 3492 3493 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_004_NAME=Version Store unit creation 3494 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_004_HELP=在版本存儲區中建立新單元。 3495 3496 3497 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_004_NAME=Version Store unit truncation 3498 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_004_HELP=截斷版本存儲區中的單元。 3499 3500 3501 BO_SEND_RATE_004_NAME=SQL SENDs/sec 3502 BO_SEND_RATE_004_HELP=Broker 每秒處理的 SQL SEND 命令數。 3503 3504 3505 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_004_NAME=SQL SEND Total 3506 BO_TOTAL_SENDS_004_HELP=Broker 處理的 SQL SEND 命令總數。 3507 3508 3509 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_004_NAME=SQL RECEIVEs/sec 3510 BO_RECEIVE_RATE_004_HELP=Broker 每秒處理的 SQL RECEIVE 命令數。 3511 3512 3513 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_004_NAME=SQL RECEIVE Total 3514 BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_004_HELP=Broker 處理的 SQL RECEIVE 命令總數。 3515 3516 3517 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_004_NAME=Broker Transaction Rollbacks 3518 BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_004_HELP=已回滾的 Service Broker 相關事務數。 3519 3520 3521 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_004_NAME=Dialog Timer Event Count 3522 BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_004_HELP=Broker 中與對話框端點相關的計時器事件數。 3523 3524 3525 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Messages/sec 3526 BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息數。 3527 3528 3529 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI1_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P1 Messages/sec 3530 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI1_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 1 的消息數。 3531 3532 3533 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI2_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P2 Messages/sec 3534 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI2_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 2 的消息數。 3535 3536 3537 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI3_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P3 Messages/sec 3538 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI3_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 3 的消息數。 3539 3540 3541 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI4_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P4 Messages/sec 3542 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI4_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 4 的消息數。 3543 3544 3545 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI5_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P5 Messages/sec 3546 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI5_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 5 的消息數。 3547 3548 3549 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI6_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P6 Messages/sec 3550 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI6_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 6 的消息數。 3551 3552 3553 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI7_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P7 Messages/sec 3554 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI7_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 7 的消息數。 3555 3556 3557 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI8_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P8 Messages/sec 3558 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI8_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 8 的消息數。 3559 3560 3561 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI9_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P9 Messages/sec 3562 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI9_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 9 的消息數。 3563 3564 3565 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI10_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued P10 Messages/sec 3566 BO_ENQUEUED_PRI10_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的優先級爲 10 的消息數。 3567 3568 3569 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages/sec 3570 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從本地端點直接傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息數。 3571 3572 3573 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs/sec 3574 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息數。這包括來自遠程端點的全部消息以及經過傳輸層來自本地端點的消息。 3575 3576 3577 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frags/sec 3578 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功地從傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息碎片數。請注意,若是消息不完整或者順序不對,該消息將標記爲禁用狀態。 3579 3580 3581 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_004_NAME=Enqueued Messages Total 3582 BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功地從本地端點和傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息總數。 3583 3584 3585 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_004_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages Total 3586 BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功地從本地端點直接傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息總數。 3587 3588 3589 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs Total 3590 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功地從傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息總數。這包括來自遠程端點的全部消息以及經過傳輸層來自本地端點的消息。 3591 3592 3593 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_004_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frag Tot 3594 BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_004_HELP=成功地從傳輸層傳遞到本地目標隊列的消息碎片總數。請注意,若是消息不完整或者順序不對,該消息將標記爲禁用狀態。 3595 3596 3597 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_004_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Count 3598 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_004_HELP=還沒有成功發送的轉發消息數。 3599 3600 3601 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_004_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Bytes 3602 BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_004_HELP=還沒有成功發送的轉發消息字節數。 3603 3604 3605 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Forwarded Msgs Discarded/sec 3606 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒因轉發消息內存限制、保留時間限制等緣由而放棄的轉發消息數。 3607 3608 3609 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_NAME=Forwarded Msg Discarded Total 3610 BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_HELP=因轉發消息內存限制、保留時間限制等緣由而放棄的轉發消息總數。 3611 3612 3613 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_004_NAME=Forwarded Messages/sec 3614 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功發送的轉發消息數。 3615 3616 3617 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_NAME=Forwarded Messages Total 3618 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功發送的轉發消息總數。 3619 3620 3621 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_004_NAME=Forwarded Msg Bytes/sec 3622 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒成功發送的轉發消息字節數。 3623 3624 3625 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_004_NAME=Forwarded Msg Byte Total 3626 BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_004_HELP=成功發送的轉發消息字節總數。 3627 3628 3629 BO_XMITQ_ENQUEUE_RATE_004_NAME=Enqueued TransmissionQ Msgs/sec 3630 BO_XMITQ_ENQUEUE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒放入 Broker 傳輸隊列中的消息數。 3631 3632 3633 BO_XMITQ_DEQUEUE_RATE_004_NAME=Dequeued TransmissionQ Msgs/sec 3634 BO_XMITQ_DEQUEUE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒從 Broker 傳輸隊列中刪除的消息數。 3635 3636 3637 BO_DROPPED_MSGS_004_NAME=Dropped Messages Total 3638 BO_DROPPED_MSGS_004_HELP=實例中接收到但沒法傳遞的消息數。 3639 3640 3641 BO_CORRUPTED_MSGS_004_NAME=Corrupted Messages Total 3642 BO_CORRUPTED_MSGS_004_HELP=實例中接收到的已損壞消息數。 3643 3644 3645 BO_ACTIVATION_EXCEPTIONS_004_NAME=Activation Errors Total 3646 BO_ACTIVATION_EXCEPTIONS_004_HELP=激活存儲過程出錯退出的次數。 3647 3648 3649 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_004_NAME=Open Connection Count 3650 BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_004_HELP=當前打開的傳輸鏈接總數。 3651 3652 3653 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_004_NAME=Send I/Os/sec 3654 BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸發送 I/O 的數目。請注意,傳輸發送 I/O 可能包含一個以上的消息片斷。 3655 3656 3657 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_NAME=Send I/O bytes/sec 3658 BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸發送 I/O 字節數。 3659 3660 3661 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_004_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg 3662 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_004_HELP=傳輸發送 I/O 操做的平均字節長度。 3663 3664 3665 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg Base 3666 BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=傳輸發送 I/O 操做的平均字節長度的基數。 3667 3668 3669 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_004_NAME=Receive I/Os/sec 3670 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸接收 I/O 的數目。請注意,傳輸接收 I/O 可能包含一個以上的消息片斷。 3671 3672 3673 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_NAME=Receive I/O bytes/sec 3674 BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒傳輸接收 I/O 字節數。 3675 3676 3677 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_004_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg 3678 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做的平均字節長度。 3679 3680 3681 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg Base 3682 BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做的平均字節長度的基數。 3683 3684 3685 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_004_NAME=Message Fragment Sends/sec 3686 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的消息片斷數。 3687 3688 3689 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI1_004_NAME=Message Fragment P1 Sends/sec 3690 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI1_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 1 的消息片斷數。 3691 3692 3693 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI2_004_NAME=Message Fragment P2 Sends/sec 3694 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI2_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 2 的消息片斷數。 3695 3696 3697 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI3_004_NAME=Message Fragment P3 Sends/sec 3698 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI3_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 3 的消息片斷數。 3699 3700 3701 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI4_004_NAME=Message Fragment P4 Sends/sec 3702 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI4_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 4 的消息片斷數。 3703 3704 3705 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI5_004_NAME=Message Fragment P5 Sends/sec 3706 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI5_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 5 的消息片斷數。 3707 3708 3709 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI6_004_NAME=Message Fragment P6 Sends/sec 3710 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI6_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 6 的消息片斷數。 3711 3712 3713 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI7_004_NAME=Message Fragment P7 Sends/sec 3714 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI7_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 7 的消息片斷數。 3715 3716 3717 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI8_004_NAME=Message Fragment P8 Sends/sec 3718 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI8_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 8 的消息片斷數。 3719 3720 3721 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI9_004_NAME=Message Fragment P9 Sends/sec 3722 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI9_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 9 的消息片斷數。 3723 3724 3725 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI10_004_NAME=Message Fragment P10 Sends/sec 3726 BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI10_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的優先級爲 10 的消息片斷數。 3727 3728 3729 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg 3730 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_HELP=在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的消息片斷的平均字節大小。 3731 3732 3733 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg Base 3734 BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=在傳輸發送 I/O 操做中發送的消息片斷的平均字節大小的基數。 3735 3736 3737 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_004_NAME=Message Fragment Receives/sec 3738 BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_004_HELP=每秒在傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的消息片斷數。 3739 3740 3741 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg 3742 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_004_HELP=在傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的消息片斷的平均字節大小。 3743 3744 3745 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg Base 3746 BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_004_HELP=在傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的消息片斷的平均字節大小的基數。 3747 3748 3749 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Send I/O 3750 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_HELP=當前正在封送或已封送好可經過傳輸層發送的消息片斷數。 3751 3752 3753 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_004_NAME=Current Msg Frags for Send I/O 3754 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_004_HELP=與當前還沒有完成的傳輸發送 I/O 操做相關的當前消息片斷數。 3755 3756 3757 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_NAME=Pending Bytes for Send I/O 3758 BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_HELP=與正在封送或已封送好可經過發送 I/O 操做發送的消息片斷相關的緩衝區字節數。 3759 3760 3761 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_NAME=Current Bytes for Send I/O 3762 BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_HELP=與當前還沒有完成的傳輸發送 I/O 操做相關的緩衝區字節數。 3763 3764 3765 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Recv I/O 3766 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_004_HELP=在還沒有排隊(或拒絕)的傳輸接收 I/O 操做中接收的當前消息片斷數。 3767 3768 3769 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_NAME=Current Bytes for Recv I/O 3770 BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_004_HELP=與當前還沒有完成的傳輸接收 I/O 操做相關的字節數。 3771 3772 3773 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_NAME=Pending Bytes for Recv I/O 3774 BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_004_HELP=與其消息片斷還沒有排隊(或拒絕)的未完成傳輸接收 I/O 操做相關的字節數。 3775 3776 3777 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_004_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies Count 3778 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做必須將緩衝區片斷移入內存的次數。 3779 3780 3781 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_004_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies bytes/sec 3782 BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_004_HELP=傳輸接收 I/O 操做必須將緩衝區片斷移入內存時的速率。 3783 3784 3785 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_004_NAME=Tasks Started/sec 3786 BAO_TASK_START_RATE_004_HELP=每秒正在啓動的已激活任務的數目。 3787 3788 3789 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_004_NAME=Tasks Running 3790 BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_004_HELP=當前正在運行的已激活任務的總數。 3791 3792 3793 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_004_NAME=Tasks Aborted/sec 3794 BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_004_HELP=每秒正在停止的已激活任務的數目。 3795 3796 3797 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_004_NAME=Task Limit Reached/sec 3798 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_004_HELP=每秒隊列中的已激活任務達到限額的次數。 3799 3800 3801 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_004_NAME=Task Limit Reached 3802 BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_004_HELP=隊列中的已激活任務達到限額的總次數。 3803 3804 3805 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_004_NAME=Stored Procedures Invoked/sec 3806 BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒正在調用的存儲過程數。 3807 3808 3809 BTO_GET_RATE_004_NAME=Transmission Obj Gets/Sec 3810 BTO_GET_RATE_004_HELP=每秒請求的傳輸對象數。 3811 3812 3813 BTO_DIRTY_RATE_004_NAME=Transmission Obj Set Dirty/Sec 3814 BTO_DIRTY_RATE_004_HELP=每秒標記爲髒的傳輸對象數。 3815 3816 3817 BTO_WRITE_RATE_004_NAME=Transmission Obj Writes/Sec 3818 BTO_WRITE_RATE_004_HELP=每秒保存的傳輸對象數。 3819 3820 3821 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_004_NAME=Avg. Length of Batched Writes 3822 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_004_HELP=批處理中保存的平均傳輸對象數。 3823 3824 3825 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_BASE_004_NAME=Avg. Length of Batched Writes BS 3826 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_BASE_004_HELP=批處理中保存的平均傳輸對象數。 3827 3828 3829 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_004_NAME=Avg. Time to Write Batch (ms) 3830 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_004_HELP=保存傳輸對象批處理的平均時間。 3831 3832 3833 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Avg. Time to Write Batch Base 3834 BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=保存傳輸對象批處理的平均時間。 3835 3836 3837 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_004_NAME=Avg. Time Between Batches (ms) 3838 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_004_HELP=傳輸對象批處理刷新的平均時間間隔。 3839 3840 3841 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Avg. Time Between Batches Base 3842 BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=傳輸對象批處理刷新的平均時間間隔。 3843 3844 3845 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_004_NAME=Lock waits 3846 WAITSTATS_LOCKS_004_HELP=等待鎖的進程的統計信息。 3847 3848 3849 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_004_NAME=Memory grant queue waits 3850 WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_004_HELP=等待內存授予的進程的統計信息。 3851 3852 3853 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_004_NAME=Thread-safe memory objects waits 3854 WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_004_HELP=等待線程安全內存分配器的進程的統計信息。 3855 3856 3857 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_004_NAME=Log write waits 3858 WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_004_HELP=等待寫入日誌緩衝區的進程的統計信息。 3859 3860 3861 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_004_NAME=Log buffer waits 3862 WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_004_HELP=等待日誌緩衝區可用的進程的統計信息。 3863 3864 3865 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_004_NAME=Network IO waits 3866 WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_004_HELP=與等待網絡 IO 相關的統計信息。 3867 3868 3869 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_004_NAME=Page IO latch waits 3870 WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_004_HELP=與頁 IO 閂鎖相關的統計信息。 3871 3872 3873 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_004_NAME=Page latch waits 3874 WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_004_HELP=與頁閂鎖(不包括 IO 閂鎖)相關的統計信息 3875 3876 3877 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_004_NAME=Non-Page latch waits 3878 WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_004_HELP=與非頁閂鎖相關的統計信息。 3879 3880 3881 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_004_NAME=Wait for the worker 3882 WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_004_HELP=與等待工做線程變得可用的進程相關的統計信息。 3883 3884 3885 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_004_NAME=Workspace synchronization waits 3886 WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_004_HELP=與同步訪問工做區的進程相關的統計信息。 3887 3888 3889 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_004_NAME=Transaction ownership waits 3890 WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_004_HELP=與同步訪問事務的進程相關的統計信息。 3891 3892 3893 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_004_NAME=Extended Procedures 3894 EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_004_HELP=與執行 XP 調用相關的統計信息。 3895 3896 3897 EXECSTATS_DTC_004_NAME=DTC calls 3898 EXECSTATS_DTC_004_HELP=與執行 DTC 調用相關的統計信息。 3899 3900 3901 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_004_NAME=OLEDB calls 3902 EXECSTATS_OLEDB_004_HELP=與執行 OLEDB 調用相關的統計信息。 3903 3904 3905 EXECSTATS_DQ_004_NAME=Distributed Query 3906 EXECSTATS_DQ_004_HELP=與執行分佈式查詢相關的統計信息。 3907 3908 3909 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_004_NAME=CLR Execution 3910 SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_004_HELP=在 CLR 中的總執行時間(微秒)。 3911 3912 3913 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 3914 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=目錄元數據緩存中命中次數和查找次數之比 3915 3916 3917 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 3918 MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=優先項的基數 3919 3920 3921 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Entries Count 3922 MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_004_HELP=目錄元數據緩存中的項數 3923 3924 3925 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_004_NAME=Cache Entries Pinned Count 3926 MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_004_HELP=目錄元數據緩存中已固定的項數 3927 3928 3929 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_RATE_004_NAME=Sent messages rate (#/s) 3930 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_RATE_004_HELP=每秒發送的消息數。 3931 3932 3933 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_BYTES_RATE_004_NAME=Sent messages rate (bytes/s) 3934 CLOUD_MSG_SENT_BYTES_RATE_004_HELP=每秒發送的字節數。 3935 3936 3937 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_RATE_004_NAME=Received messages rate (#/s) 3938 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_RATE_004_HELP=每秒接收的消息數。 3939 3940 3941 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_BYTES_RATE_004_NAME=Received messages rate (bytes/s) 3942 CLOUD_MSG_RECV_BYTES_RATE_004_HELP=每秒接收的字節數。 3943 3944 3945 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_PRIMARY_004_NAME=Primary committed trans rate 3946 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_PRIMARY_004_HELP=主設備上每秒提交的事務數。 3947 3948 3949 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_SECONDARY_004_NAME=Secondary committed trans rate 3950 CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_SECONDARY_004_HELP=輔助設備上每秒提交的事務數。 3951 3952 3953 CLOUD_REPL_QUEUE_SIZE_004_NAME=Combined queues size (bytes) 3954 CLOUD_REPL_QUEUE_SIZE_004_HELP=此節點上全部隊列的組合大小。 3955 3956 3957 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_COPY_SCANS_004_NAME=Active partition copy scans 3958 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_COPY_SCANS_004_HELP=當前活動的分區複製掃描數 3959 3960 3961 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_DELETE_SCANS_004_NAME=Active partition delete scans 3962 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_DELETE_SCANS_004_HELP=當前活動的分區刪除掃描數 3963 3964 3965 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_CATCHUP_SCANS_004_NAME=Active log catchup scans 3966 CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_CATCHUP_SCANS_004_HELP=當前活動的分區捕獲日誌掃描數 3967 3968 3969 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_COPY_SCANS_004_NAME=Pending partition copy scans 3970 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_COPY_SCANS_004_HELP=當前掛起的分區複製掃描數 3971 3972 3973 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_DELETE_SCANS_004_NAME=Pending partition delete scans 3974 CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_DELETE_SCANS_004_HELP=當前掛起的分區刪除掃描數 3975 3976 3977 TS_EVENTS_FIRED_004_NAME=Events Fired/sec 3978 TS_EVENTS_FIRED_004_HELP=此跟蹤每秒所觸發的事件數 3979 3980 3981 TS_EVENTS_FILTERED_004_NAME=Events Filtered/sec 3982 TS_EVENTS_FILTERED_004_HELP=每秒篩選出的事件數 3983 3984 3985 TS_DROPPED_EVENTS_004_NAME=Dropped events/sec 3986 TS_DROPPED_EVENTS_004_HELP=此跟蹤每秒刪除的事件數 3987 3988 3989 TS_BYTES_004_NAME=Bytes/sec 3990 TS_BYTES_004_HELP=此跟蹤每秒所傳輸的字節數 3991 3992 3993 TES_EVENTS_FIRED_004_NAME=Events Fired/sec 3994 TES_EVENTS_FIRED_004_HELP=每秒觸發的事件數 3995 3996 3997 TES_EVENTS_FILTERED_004_NAME=Events Filtered/sec 3998 TES_EVENTS_FILTERED_004_HELP=每秒篩選出的事件數 3999 4000 4001 TES_EVENTS_PREFILTERED_004_NAME=Events Prefiltered/sec 4002 TES_EVENTS_PREFILTERED_004_HELP=每秒預篩選的事件數 4003 4004 4005 TES_BYTES_004_NAME=Bytes/sec 4006 TES_BYTES_004_HELP=每秒傳輸的字節數 4007 4008 4009 TES_CPU_USAGE_004_NAME=CPU Ticks/sec 4010 TES_CPU_USAGE_004_HELP=每秒 CPU 使用量(要求 -T1904) 4011 4012 4013 DEPR_USAGE_004_NAME=Usage 4014 DEPR_USAGE_004_HELP=SQL Server 自上次啓動以來的功能使用狀況 4015 4016 4017 RGS_CPU_USAGE_004_NAME=CPU usage % 4018 RGS_CPU_USAGE_004_HELP=性能對象的指定實例中全部請求的系統 CPU 使用率。 4019 4020 4021 RGS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_004_NAME=CPU usage % base 4022 RGS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_004_HELP=性能對象的指定實例中全部請求的系統 CPU 使用率。 4023 4024 4025 RGS_QUEUED_REQUESTS_004_NAME=Queued requests 4026 RGS_QUEUED_REQUESTS_004_HELP=因爲工做負荷組中的資源調控器限制而在隊列中等待的請求數。 4027 4028 4029 RGS_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_004_NAME=Active requests 4030 RGS_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_004_HELP=工做負荷組中當前正在運行的請求數。 4031 4032 4033 RGS_REQUESTS_COMPLETED_004_NAME=Requests completed/sec 4034 RGS_REQUESTS_COMPLETED_004_HELP=工做負荷組中每秒完成的請求數。 4035 4036 4037 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_CPU_004_NAME=Max request cpu time (ms) 4038 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_CPU_004_HELP=工做負荷組中一個請求使用的最大 CPU 時間(毫秒)。 4039 4040 4041 RGS_BLOCKED_TASKS_004_NAME=Blocked tasks 4042 RGS_BLOCKED_TASKS_004_HELP=工做負荷組中阻塞的任務數。 4043 4044 4045 RGS_REDUCED_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_004_NAME=Reduced memory grants/sec 4046 RGS_REDUCED_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_004_HELP=每秒查詢數與工做負荷組中的理想內存量的差值。 4047 4048 4049 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_MEMGRANT_004_NAME=Max request memory grant (KB) 4050 RGS_MAX_REQUEST_MEMGRANT_004_HELP=工做負荷組中的一個查詢使用的最大內存授予量(KB)。 4051 4052 4053 RGS_QUERY_OPTIMIZATIONS_004_NAME=Query optimizations/sec 4054 RGS_QUERY_OPTIMIZATIONS_004_HELP=工做負荷組中每秒發生的查詢優化數。 4055 4056 4057 RGS_SUBOPTIMAL_PLANS_004_NAME=Suboptimal plans/sec 4058 RGS_SUBOPTIMAL_PLANS_004_HELP=工做負荷組中每秒生成的非最優查詢計劃數。 4059 4060 4061 RGS_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_THREADS_004_NAME=Active parallel threads 4062 RGS_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_THREADS_004_HELP=工做負荷組中並行查詢使用的線程數。該數字不包括串行查詢使用的線程和並行查詢的主線程。 4063 4064 4065 RPS_CPU_USAGE_004_NAME=CPU usage % 4066 RPS_CPU_USAGE_004_HELP=性能對象的指定實例中全部請求的系統 CPU 使用率。 4067 4068 4069 RPS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_004_NAME=CPU usage % base 4070 RPS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_004_HELP=性能對象的指定實例中全部請求的系統 CPU 使用率。 4071 4072 4073 RPS_CPU_USAGE_PROJECTED_004_NAME=CPU usage target % 4074 RPS_CPU_USAGE_PROJECTED_004_HELP=基於配置設置和系統負荷的資源池的「CPU 使用率 %」目標值。 4075 4076 4077 RPS_CPU_USAGE_NONGOVERNED_004_NAME=CPU control effect % 4078 RPS_CPU_USAGE_NONGOVERNED_004_HELP=資源調控器對資源池的效果,計算方式爲(CPU 使用率 %) / (無 RG 的 CPU 使用率 %)。 4079 4080 4081 RPS_COMPILE_MEMORY_TARGET_004_NAME=Compile memory target (KB) 4082 RPS_COMPILE_MEMORY_TARGET_004_HELP=查詢編譯的當前內存目標(KB)。 4083 4084 4085 RPS_CACHE_MEMORY_TARGET_004_NAME=Cache memory target (KB) 4086 RPS_CACHE_MEMORY_TARGET_004_HELP=緩存內存的當前內存目標(KB)。 4087 4088 4089 RPS_QUERY_EXEC_MEMORY_TARGET_004_NAME=Query exec memory target (KB) 4090 RPS_QUERY_EXEC_MEMORY_TARGET_004_HELP=查詢執行內存授予的當前內存目標(KB)。 4091 4092 4093 RPS_MEMORY_GRANTS_COUNT_004_NAME=Memory grants/sec 4094 RPS_MEMORY_GRANTS_COUNT_004_HELP=資源池中發生的每秒查詢內存授予數。 4095 4096 4097 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_004_NAME=Active memory grants count 4098 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_004_HELP=資源池中的查詢內存授予數。 4099 4100 4101 RPS_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_004_NAME=Memory grant timeouts/sec 4102 RPS_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_004_HELP=資源池中發生的每秒查詢內存授予超時數。 4103 4104 4105 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANT_004_NAME=Active memory grant amount (KB) 4106 RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANT_004_HELP=資源池中授予的內存總量(KB)。 4107 4108 4109 RPS_PENDING_MEMGRANTS_004_NAME=Pending memory grants count 4110 RPS_PENDING_MEMGRANTS_004_HELP=資源池中等待內存授予的查詢數。 4111 4112 4113 RPS_MAX_MEMORY_004_NAME=Max memory (KB) 4114 RPS_MAX_MEMORY_004_HELP=根據設置和服務器狀態,資源池能夠具備的最大內存量(KB)。 4115 4116 4117 RPS_MEMORY_USAGE_004_NAME=Used memory (KB) 4118 RPS_MEMORY_USAGE_004_HELP=資源池中已使用的內存量(KB)。 4119 4120 4121 RPS_TARGET_MEMORY_004_NAME=Target memory (KB) 4122 RPS_TARGET_MEMORY_004_HELP=根據設置和服務器狀態,資源池嘗試獲取的目標內存量(KB)。 4123 4124 4125 AGE_BROADCASTS_004_NAME=Number of AGE broadcasts/sec 4126 AGE_BROADCASTS_004_HELP=每秒來自 TCM 的 AGE 廣播的總數 4127 4128 4129 ORDERS_BROADCAST_004_NAME=Orders broadcast/sec 4130 ORDERS_BROADCAST_004_HELP=每秒來自 TCM 的事務訂單廣播的數目 4131 4132 4133 AGE_RESPONSES_004_NAME=AGE responses received/sec 4134 AGE_RESPONSES_004_HELP=每秒接收的 AGE 響應的數目 4135 4136 4137 AGE_LIFETIME_004_NAME=Average life of AGE broadcast 4138 AGE_LIFETIME_004_HELP=AGE 廣播等待接收來自全部代理塊的響應的平均時間(毫秒) 4139 4140 4141 AGE_LIFETIME_BASE_004_NAME=Average life of AGE Base 4142 AGE_LIFETIME_BASE_004_HELP=AGE 廣播等待接收來自全部代理塊的響應的平均時間(毫秒) 4143 4144 4145 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_004_NAME=Avg. AGE hardening time 4146 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_004_HELP=保留 AGE 消息所用的平均時間(毫秒) 4147 4148 4149 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=AGE hardening time Base 4150 AGE_HARDEN_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=保留 AGE 消息所用的平均時間(毫秒) 4151 4152 4153 AGE_SIZE_004_NAME=Avg. size of AGE Message 4154 AGE_SIZE_004_HELP=從 TCM 廣播的 AGE 消息的平均大小 4155 4156 4157 AGE_SIZE_BASE_004_NAME=Size of AGE Message Base 4158 AGE_SIZE_BASE_004_HELP=從 TCM 廣播的 AGE 消息的平均大小 4159 4160 4161 MATRIX_XACT_STARTED_004_NAME=Transactions Started/sec 4162 MATRIX_XACT_STARTED_004_HELP=每秒從本地啓動的聯合事務的總數 4163 4164 4165 MATRIX_XACT_COMMITTED_004_NAME=Transactions committed/sec 4166 MATRIX_XACT_COMMITTED_004_HELP=每秒從本地提交的聯合事務的總數 4167 4168 4169 MATRIX_XACT_ROLLEDBACK_004_NAME=Transactions rolled back/sec 4170 MATRIX_XACT_ROLLEDBACK_004_HELP=每秒從本地回滾的聯合事務的總數 4171 4172 4173 COMMIT_WAITTIME_004_NAME=Average commit wait time 4174 COMMIT_WAITTIME_004_HELP=用於提交事務的平均等待時間(毫秒) 4175 4176 4177 COMMIT_WAITTIME_BASE_004_NAME=Average commit wait time Base 4178 COMMIT_WAITTIME_BASE_004_HELP=用於提交事務的平均等待時間(毫秒) 4179 4180 4181 MXACT_BRANCHES_004_NAME=Transaction branches/sec 4182 MXACT_BRANCHES_004_HELP=每秒建立的聯合事務分支的數目 4183 4184 4185 MXACT_PARTICIPANTS_004_NAME=Transaction participants/sec 4186 MXACT_PARTICIPANTS_004_HELP=每秒參與聯合事務的塊數 4187 4188 4189 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_004_NAME=Average tran prepare time 4190 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_004_HELP=準備聯合事務以便提交所用的平均時間(毫秒) 4191 4192 4193 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Average tran prepare time Base 4194 TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=準備事務以便提交所用的平均時間(毫秒) (基數) 4195 4196 4197 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_004_NAME=Avg. AGE processing time 4198 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_004_HELP=TCM 代理爲處理 AGE 消息所用的平均時間(毫秒) 4199 4200 4201 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=AGE processing time BASE 4202 AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=TCM 代理爲處理 AGE 消息所用的平均時間(毫秒) 4203 4204 4205 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_004_NAME=Transaction requests per AGE 4206 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_004_HELP=每一個 AGE 消息發送到 TCM 的平均事務請求數目 4207 4208 4209 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_BASE_004_NAME=Xaction requests per AGE Base 4210 XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_BASE_004_HELP=每一個 AGE 消息發送到 TCM 的平均事務請求數目 4211 4212 4213 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_004_NAME=Transactions committed per AGE 4214 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_004_HELP=每一個 AGE 提交或停止的事務的平均數目 4215 4216 4217 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_BASE_004_NAME=Xactions committed per AGE Base 4218 XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_BASE_004_HELP=每一個 AGE 提交或停止的事務的平均數目 4219 4220 4221 RPC_REQUEST_004_NAME=Remote requests/sec 4222 RPC_REQUEST_004_HELP=每秒遠程請求總數 4223 4224 4225 RPC_RESEND_REQUEST_004_NAME=Remote resend requests/sec 4226 RPC_RESEND_REQUEST_004_HELP=每秒遠程從新發送請求總數 4227 4228 4229 RX_ACTIVATION_004_NAME=Remote activations/sec 4230 RX_ACTIVATION_004_HELP=每秒遠程激活總數 4231 4232 4233 LOCAL_DATA_ACCESS_004_NAME=Local data access/sec 4234 LOCAL_DATA_ACCESS_004_HELP=每秒本地數據訪問總數 4235 4236 4237 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_004_NAME=Rem Req Cache Hit Ratio 4238 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_004_HELP=緩存命中次數與查找次數之比 4239 4240 4241 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_NAME=Rem Req Cache Hit Ratio Base 4242 RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_BASE_004_HELP=之前項的基數 4243 4244 4245 FILETABLE_DATABASE_OPERATIONS_004_NAME=FileTable db operations/sec 4246 FILETABLE_DATABASE_OPERATIONS_004_HELP=FileTable 存儲組件每秒處理的數據庫操做事件總數。 4247 4248 4249 FILETABLE_TABLE_OPERATIONS_004_NAME=FileTable table operations/sec 4250 FILETABLE_TABLE_OPERATIONS_004_HELP=FileTable 存儲組件每秒處理的表操做事件總數。 4251 4252 4253 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQUESTS_004_NAME=FileTable item get requests/sec 4254 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQUESTS_004_HELP=每秒 FileTable 檢索項請求總數。 4255 4256 4257 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time to get FileTable item 4258 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_004_HELP=檢索一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4259 4260 4261 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time to get FileTable item BASE 4262 FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=檢索一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4263 4264 4265 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_REQUESTS_004_NAME=FileTable item delete reqs/sec 4266 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_REQUESTS_004_HELP=每秒 FileTable 刪除項請求總數。 4267 4268 4269 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time delete FileTable item 4270 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_004_HELP=刪除一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4271 4272 4273 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time delete FileTable item BASE 4274 FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=刪除一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4275 4276 4277 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_REQUESTS_004_NAME=FileTable item update reqs/sec 4278 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_REQUESTS_004_HELP=每秒 FileTable 更新項請求總數。 4279 4280 4281 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time update FileTable item 4282 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_004_HELP=更新一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4283 4284 4285 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time update FileTable item BASE 4286 FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=更新一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4287 4288 4289 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_REQUESTS_004_NAME=FileTable item move reqs/sec 4290 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_REQUESTS_004_HELP=每秒 FileTable 移動項請求總數。 4291 4292 4293 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time move FileTable item 4294 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_004_HELP=移動一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4295 4296 4297 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time move FileTable item BASE 4298 FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=移動一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4299 4300 4301 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_REQUESTS_004_NAME=FileTable item rename reqs/sec 4302 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_REQUESTS_004_HELP=每秒 FileTable 重命名項請求總數。 4303 4304 4305 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time rename FileTable item 4306 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_004_HELP=重命名一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4307 4308 4309 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time rename FileTable item BASE 4310 FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=重命名一個 FileTable 項所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4311 4312 4313 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_REQUESTS_004_NAME=FileTable enumeration reqs/sec 4314 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_REQUESTS_004_HELP=每秒 FileTable 枚舉項請求總數。 4315 4316 4317 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time FileTable enumeration 4318 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_004_HELP=一個 FileTable 枚舉請求所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4319 4320 4321 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time FileTable enumeration BASE 4322 FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=一個 FileTable 枚舉請求所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4323 4324 4325 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQUESTS_004_NAME=FileTable file I/O requests/sec 4326 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQUESTS_004_HELP=每秒傳入的 FileTable 文件 I/O 請求總數。 4327 4328 4329 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time per file I/O request 4330 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_004_HELP=處理一個傳入的文件 I/O 請求所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4331 4332 4333 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time per file I/O request BASE 4334 FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=處理一個傳入的文件 I/O 請求所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4335 4336 4337 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESPONSES_004_NAME=FileTable file I/O response/sec 4338 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESPONSES_004_HELP=每秒傳出的文件 I/O 響應的總數。 4339 4340 4341 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time per file I/O response 4342 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_004_HELP=處理一個傳出的文件 I/O 響應所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4343 4344 4345 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time per file I/O response BASE 4346 FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=處理一個傳出的文件 I/O 響應所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4347 4348 4349 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_OPERATIONS_004_NAME=FileTable kill handle ops/sec 4350 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_OPERATIONS_004_HELP=每秒 FileTable 句柄終止操做的總數。 4351 4352 4353 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_004_NAME=Avg time FileTable handle kill 4354 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_004_HELP=終止一個 FileTable 句柄所花的平均時間(毫秒)。 4355 4356 4357 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_BASE_004_NAME=Time FileTable handle kill BASE 4358 FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_BASE_004_HELP=終止一個 FileTable 句柄所花的平均時間(毫秒) (基數)。 4359 4360 4361 SQL_BATCH_RES_0_004_NAME=Batches >=000000ms & <000001ms 4362 SQL_BATCH_RES_0_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 0ms 但小於 1ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4363 4364 4365 SQL_BATCH_RES_1_004_NAME=Batches >=000001ms & <000002ms 4366 SQL_BATCH_RES_1_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 1ms 但小於 2ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4367 4368 4369 SQL_BATCH_RES_2_004_NAME=Batches >=000002ms & <000005ms 4370 SQL_BATCH_RES_2_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 2ms 但小於 5ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4371 4372 4373 SQL_BATCH_RES_5_004_NAME=Batches >=000005ms & <000010ms 4374 SQL_BATCH_RES_5_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 5ms 但小於 10ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4375 4376 4377 SQL_BATCH_RES_10_004_NAME=Batches >=000010ms & <000020ms 4378 SQL_BATCH_RES_10_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 10ms 但小於 20ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4379 4380 4381 SQL_BATCH_RES_20_004_NAME=Batches >=000020ms & <000050ms 4382 SQL_BATCH_RES_20_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 20ms 但小於 50ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4383 4384 4385 SQL_BATCH_RES_50_004_NAME=Batches >=000050ms & <000100ms 4386 SQL_BATCH_RES_50_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 50ms 但小於 100ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4387 4388 4389 SQL_BATCH_RES_100_004_NAME=Batches >=000100ms & <000200ms 4390 SQL_BATCH_RES_100_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 100ms 但小於 200ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4391 4392 4393 SQL_BATCH_RES_200_004_NAME=Batches >=000200ms & <000500ms 4394 SQL_BATCH_RES_200_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 200ms 但小於 500ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4395 4396 4397 SQL_BATCH_RES_500_004_NAME=Batches >=000500ms & <001000ms 4398 SQL_BATCH_RES_500_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 500ms 但小於 1,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4399 4400 4401 SQL_BATCH_RES_1S_004_NAME=Batches >=001000ms & <002000ms 4402 SQL_BATCH_RES_1S_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 1,000ms 但小於 2,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4403 4404 4405 SQL_BATCH_RES_2S_004_NAME=Batches >=002000ms & <005000ms 4406 SQL_BATCH_RES_2S_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 2,000ms 但小於 5,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4407 4408 4409 SQL_BATCH_RES_5S_004_NAME=Batches >=005000ms & <010000ms 4410 SQL_BATCH_RES_5S_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 5,000ms 但小於 10,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4411 4412 4413 SQL_BATCH_RES_10S_004_NAME=Batches >=010000ms & <020000ms 4414 SQL_BATCH_RES_10S_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 10,000ms 但小於 20,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4415 4416 4417 SQL_BATCH_RES_20S_004_NAME=Batches >=020000ms & <050000ms 4418 SQL_BATCH_RES_20S_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 20,000ms 但小於 50,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4419 4420 4421 SQL_BATCH_RES_50S_004_NAME=Batches >=050000ms & <100000ms 4422 SQL_BATCH_RES_50S_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 50,000ms 但小於 100,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目 4423 4424 4425 SQL_BATCH_RES_100S_004_NAME=Batches >=100000ms 4426 SQL_BATCH_RES_100S_004_HELP=其響應時間大於或等於 100,000ms 的 SQL 批處理的數目
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Binn\sqlctr.ini SQL2008 SQLEXPRESS版本
1 [info] 2 drivername=[DRIVERNAME] 3 trusted= 4 symbolfile=[SYMBOLINSTALLPATH]\sqlctr.h 5 6 7 [languages] 8 009=English 9 10 11 [text] 12 BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Manager 13 BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Servers buffer manager 14 15 16 BUFPART_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Partition 17 BUFPART_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server's buffer partitions 18 19 20 BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Node 21 BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server's buffer pool by NUMA node 22 23 24 GENERAL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:General Statistics 25 GENERAL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Server General Statistics 26 27 28 LOCKS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Locks 29 LOCKS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Describes statistics for individual lock server lock requests 30 31 32 DBMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Databases 33 DBMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database manager object for SQL Server 34 35 36 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Database Mirroring 37 DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database Mirroring object for SQL Server 38 39 40 LATCH_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Latches 41 LATCH_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with internal server latches 42 43 44 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Access Methods 45 ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with the database server access methods 46 47 48 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Errors 49 SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics about errors in SQL Server 50 51 52 SQL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Statistics 53 SQL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with SQL requests 54 55 56 PLAN_CACHE_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Plan Cache 57 PLAN_CACHE_009_HELP=This defines cache counters 58 59 60 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager by Type 61 CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties grouped by type 62 63 64 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager Total 65 CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties not grouped by type 66 67 68 MEMORY_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Manager 69 MEMORY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines memory usage. 70 71 72 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:User Settable 73 USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines user definable counters 74 75 76 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Agents 77 REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Summary 78 79 80 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Merge 81 MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Merge Agent Statistics 82 83 84 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Logreader 85 LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Logreader Agent Statistics 86 87 88 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Dist. 89 DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Distribution Agent Statistics 90 91 92 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Snapshot 93 SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Snapshot Agent Statistics 94 95 96 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Backup Device 97 BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a backup device object for SQL Server 98 99 100 XACT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Transactions 101 XACT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server transactions. 102 103 104 BROKER_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Statistics 105 BROKER_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Statistics 106 107 108 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker/DBM Transport 109 BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker/Database Mirroring Transport Statistics 110 111 112 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Activation 113 BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Activation 114 115 116 BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker TO Statistics 117 BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Transmission Object Statistics 118 119 120 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Wait Statistics 121 WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Wait Statistics 122 123 124 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Exec Statistics 125 EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Execution statistics for external calls 126 127 128 SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CLR 129 SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_HELP=CLR Execution in SQL Server 130 131 132 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Catalog Metadata 133 METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a catalog metadata manager object for SQL Server 134 135 136 TRACE_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Statistics 137 TRACE_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics for traces 138 139 140 TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Event Statistics 141 TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics for separate SQL Trace events 142 143 144 DEPRECATED_FEATURES_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Deprecated Features 145 DEPRECATED_FEATURES_009_HELP=Statistics on deprecated feature usage 146 147 148 RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Workload Group Stats 149 RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with workload groups 150 151 152 RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Resource Pool Stats 153 RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with resource pools 154 155 156 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio 157 BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk. 158 159 160 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio base 161 BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 162 163 164 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Page lookups/sec 165 BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of requests to find a page in the buffer pool. 166 167 168 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_NAME=Free list stalls/sec 169 BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_HELP=Number of requests that had to wait for a free page. 170 171 172 BUF_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_NAME=Free pages 173 BUF_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_HELP=Total number of pages on all free lists. 174 175 176 BUF_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Total pages 177 BUF_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages in the buffer pool (includes database, free, and stolen). 178 179 180 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Target pages 181 BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Ideal number of pages in the buffer pool. 182 183 184 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages 185 BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages in the buffer pool with database content. 186 187 188 BUF_RESERVED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Reserved pages 189 BUF_RESERVED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of buffer pool reserved pages. 190 191 192 BUF_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Stolen pages 193 BUF_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including procedure cache). 194 195 196 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_NAME=Lazy writes/sec 197 BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of buffers written by buffer manager's lazy writer. 198 199 200 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_NAME=Readahead pages/sec 201 BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages read in anticipation of use. 202 203 204 BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_NAME=Page reads/sec 205 BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_HELP=Number of physical database page reads issued. 206 207 208 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_NAME=Page writes/sec 209 BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of physical database page writes issued. 210 211 212 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_NAME=Checkpoint pages/sec 213 BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of pages flushed by checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed. 214 215 216 BUF_AWE_LOOKUP_MAPS_009_NAME=AWE lookup maps/sec 217 BUF_AWE_LOOKUP_MAPS_009_HELP=Number of AWE map calls made for pages found in the buffer pool. 218 219 220 BUF_AWE_STOLEN_MAPS_009_NAME=AWE stolen maps/sec 221 BUF_AWE_STOLEN_MAPS_009_HELP=Number of AWE map calls made for pages stolen from the buffer pool. 222 223 224 BUF_AWE_WRITE_MAPS_009_NAME=AWE write maps/sec 225 BUF_AWE_WRITE_MAPS_009_HELP=Number of AWE map calls made for pages to be written to disk. 226 227 228 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_CALLS_009_NAME=AWE unmap calls/sec 229 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_CALLS_009_HELP=Number of AWE unmap calls. 230 231 232 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_PAGES_009_NAME=AWE unmap pages/sec 233 BUF_AWE_UNMAP_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of AWE pages unmapped. 234 235 236 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy 237 BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. 238 239 240 BUFPART_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_NAME=Free pages 241 BUFPART_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_HELP=Number of pages on partition free list. 242 243 244 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_USED_009_NAME=Free list requests/sec 245 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_USED_009_HELP=Number of times a free page was requested. 246 247 248 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_EMPTY_009_NAME=Free list empty/sec 249 BUFPART_FREE_BUFFERS_EMPTY_009_HELP=Number of times a free page was requested and none were available. 250 251 252 BUFNODE_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_NAME=Free pages 253 BUFNODE_NUM_FREE_BUFFERS_009_HELP=Free pages on node. 254 255 256 BUFNODE_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Total pages 257 BUFNODE_COMMITTED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Committed pages on node. 258 259 260 BUFNODE_FOREIGN_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Foreign pages 261 BUFNODE_FOREIGN_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages which are not from NUMA-local memory. 262 263 264 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages 265 BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Database pages on node. 266 267 268 BUFNODE_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Stolen pages 269 BUFNODE_STOLEN_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Stolen pages on node. 270 271 272 BUFNODE_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Target pages 273 BUFNODE_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Target pages on node. 274 275 276 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy 277 BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. 278 279 280 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_009_NAME=Local node page lookups/sec 281 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_009_HELP=Number of lookup requests from this node which were satisfied from this node. 282 283 284 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_009_NAME=Remote node page lookups/sec 285 BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_009_HELP=Number of lookup requests from this node which were satisfied from other nodes. 286 287 288 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active Temp Tables 289 GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables in use 290 291 292 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_NAME=Temp Tables Creation Rate 293 GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables created/sec 294 295 296 GO_LOGINS_009_NAME=Logins/sec 297 GO_LOGINS_009_HELP=Total number of logins started per second. 298 299 300 GO_RELOGINS_009_NAME=Connection Reset/sec 301 GO_RELOGINS_009_HELP=Total number of connection resets per second. 302 303 304 GO_LOGOUTS_009_NAME=Logouts/sec 305 GO_LOGOUTS_009_HELP=Total number of logouts started per second. 306 307 308 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=User Connections 309 GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of users connected to the system. 310 311 312 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Logical Connections 313 GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of logical connections to the system. 314 315 316 GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_NAME=Transactions 317 GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_HELP=Number of transaction enlistments (local, dtc, and bound). 318 319 320 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_NAME=Non-atomic yield rate 321 GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_HELP=Number of non-atomic yields per second. 322 323 324 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_NAME=Mars Deadlocks 325 GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_HELP=Number of Mars Deadlocks detected. 326 327 328 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_NAME=HTTP Authenticated Requests 329 GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_HELP=Number of authenticated HTTP requests started per second. 330 331 332 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Empty Requests 333 GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of empty SOAP requests started per second. 334 335 336 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP SQL Requests 337 GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP SQL requests started per second. 338 339 340 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Method Invocations 341 GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP method invocations started per second. 342 343 344 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP WSDL Requests 345 GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Web Service Description Language requests started per second. 346 347 348 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Initiate Requests 349 GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session initiate requests started per second. 350 351 352 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Terminate Requests 353 GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session terminate requests started per second. 354 355 356 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_NAME=Processes blocked 357 GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_HELP=Number of currently blocked processes. 358 359 360 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_NAME=Temp Tables For Destruction 361 GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables waiting to be destroyed by the cleanup system thread 362 363 364 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_NAME=Event Notifications Delayed Drop 365 GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_HELP=Number of event notifications waiting to be dropped by a system thread 366 367 368 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_NAME=Trace Event Notification Queue 369 GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_HELP=Number of trace event notification instances waiting in the internal queue to be sent thru Service Broker 370 371 372 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_NAME=SQL Trace IO Provider Lock Waits 373 GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_HELP=Number of waits for the File IO Provider lock per second 374 375 376 GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_009_NAME=Tempdb recovery unit id 377 GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_009_HELP=Number of duplicate tempdb recovery unit id generated 378 379 380 GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_009_NAME=Tempdb rowset id 381 GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_009_HELP=Number of duplicate tempdb rowset id generated 382 383 384 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Lock Requests/sec 385 LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of new locks and lock conversions requested from the lock manager. 386 387 388 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts/sec 389 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks. 390 391 392 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_NAME=Number of Deadlocks/sec 393 LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock. 394 395 396 LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_NAME=Lock Waits/sec 397 LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock. 398 399 400 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Lock Wait Time (ms) 401 LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds) for locks in the last second. 402 403 404 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Average Wait Time (ms) 405 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_HELP=The average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait. 406 407 408 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average Wait Time Base 409 LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Averate Wait Time. 410 411 412 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts (timeout > 0)/sec 413 LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This does not include requests for NOWAIT locks. 414 415 416 DB_DATA_SIZE_009_NAME=Data File(s) Size (KB) 417 DB_DATA_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the data files in the database. 418 419 420 DB_LOG_SIZE_009_NAME=Log File(s) Size (KB) 421 DB_LOG_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the log files in the database. 422 423 424 DB_LOG_USED_009_NAME=Log File(s) Used Size (KB) 425 DB_LOG_USED_009_HELP=The cumulative used size of all the log files in the database. 426 427 428 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_NAME=Percent Log Used 429 DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_HELP=The percent of space in the log that is in use. 430 431 432 DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_NAME=Active Transactions 433 DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of active update transactions for the database. 434 435 436 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_NAME=Transactions/sec 437 DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions started for the database. 438 439 440 DB_REPLTRANS_009_NAME=Repl. Pending Xacts 441 DB_REPLTRANS_009_HELP=Number of pending replication transactions in the database. 442 443 444 DB_REPLCOUNT_009_NAME=Repl. Trans. Rate 445 DB_REPLCOUNT_009_HELP=Replication transaction rate (replicated transactions/sec.). 446 447 448 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_NAME=Log Cache Reads/sec 449 DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_HELP=Reads performed through the log manager cache. 450 451 452 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio 453 DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of log cache reads that were satisfied from the log cache. 454 455 456 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio Base 457 DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Base for log cache calculations 458 459 460 DB_BULK_ROWS_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Rows/sec 461 DB_BULK_ROWS_009_HELP=Number of rows bulk copied. 462 463 464 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Throughput/sec 465 DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_HELP=KiloBytes bulk copied. 466 467 468 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Backup/Restore Throughput/sec 469 DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for backup/restore of a database. 470 471 472 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_NAME=DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec 473 DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_HELP=Logical read scan rate for DBCC commands 474 475 476 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_NAME=Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec 477 DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_HELP=The rate data is being moved by Autoshrink, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE or SHRINKFILE. 478 479 480 DB_FLUSHES_009_NAME=Log Flushes/sec 481 DB_FLUSHES_009_HELP=Number of log flushes. 482 483 484 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Flushed/sec 485 DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_HELP=Total number of log bytes flushed. 486 487 488 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_NAME=Log Flush Waits/sec 489 DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of commits waiting on log flush. 490 491 492 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_NAME=Log Flush Wait Time 493 DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds). 494 495 496 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_NAME=Log Truncations 497 DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_HELP=Total number of log truncations for this database. 498 499 500 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_NAME=Log Growths 501 DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_HELP=Total number of log growths for this database. 502 503 504 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_NAME=Log Shrinks 505 DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_HELP=Total number of log shrinks for this database. 506 507 508 DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_009_NAME=Tracked transactions/sec 509 DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of committed transactions recorded in the commit table for the database. 510 511 512 DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Write Transactions/sec 513 DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the database in the last second. 514 515 516 DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_009_NAME=Commit table entries 517 DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the in-memory part of the commit table for the database. 518 519 520 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec 521 DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes sent per second 522 523 524 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_NAME=Pages Sent/sec 525 DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of pages sent per second 526 527 528 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_NAME=Sends/sec 529 DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_HELP=Number of sends initiated per second 530 531 532 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_NAME=Transaction Delay 533 DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_HELP=Number of milliseconds transaction termination waited for acknowledgement per second. 534 535 536 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_NAME=Redo Queue KB 537 DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes that redo on the mirror database is behind the hardened log 538 539 540 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_NAME=Redo Bytes/sec 541 DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log redone by the mirror database per second 542 543 544 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_NAME=Log Send Queue KB 545 DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that have not been sent to the mirror server 546 547 548 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Bytes Received/sec 549 DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes received per second 550 551 552 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_NAME=Receives/sec 553 DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Number of mirroring message receives per second 554 555 556 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec 557 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log received per second 558 559 560 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Log Bytes Sent/sec 561 DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log sent per second 562 563 564 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_NAME=Send/Receive Ack Time 565 DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds messages waited for acknowledgement from the partner per second. 566 567 568 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Rcvd/sec 569 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of compressed bytes of log received in the last second. 570 571 572 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Sent/sec 573 DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of compressed bytes of log sent in the last second. 574 575 576 DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Mirrored Write Transactions/sec 577 DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the mirrored database in the last second, that waited for log to be sent to the mirror. 578 579 580 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_009_NAME=Log Scanned for Undo KB 581 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that have been scanned by the new mirror server after failover. 582 583 584 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_009_NAME=Log Remaining for Undo KB 585 DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that remain to be scanned by the new mirror server after failover. 586 587 588 DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Log Bytes Sent from Cache/sec 589 DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Number of sent log bytes which were sent from the Database Mirroring log cache in the last second. 590 591 592 DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Log Bytes Redone from Cache/sec 593 DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Number of log bytes which were redone from the Database Mirroring log cache per second. 594 595 596 DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_009_NAME=Log Send Flow Control Time (ms) 597 DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_009_HELP=Milliseconds log stream messages waited for send flow control in the last second. 598 599 600 DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_009_NAME=Log Harden Time (ms) 601 DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds log blocks waited to be hardened to disk in the last second. 602 603 604 LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_NAME=Latch Waits/sec 605 LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_HELP=Number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted. 606 607 608 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time (ms) 609 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait. 610 611 612 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time Base 613 LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Average Latch Wait Time. 614 615 616 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Total Latch Wait Time (ms) 617 LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Total latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait in the last second. 618 619 620 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_NAME=Number of SuperLatches 621 LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_HELP=Number of latches that are currently SuperLatches. 622 623 624 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Promotions/sec 625 LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of latches that have been promoted to SuperLatches 626 627 628 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Demotions/sec 629 LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of SuperLatches that have been demoted to regular latches 630 631 632 AM_FULL_SCAN_009_NAME=Full Scans/sec 633 AM_FULL_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans. 634 635 636 AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_NAME=Range Scans/sec 637 AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of qualified range scans through indexes per second. 638 639 640 AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_NAME=Probe Scans/sec 641 AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of probe scans per second that are used to find at most one single qualified row in an index or base table directly. 642 643 644 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_NAME=Scan Point Revalidations/sec 645 AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_HELP=Number of times the scan point had to be revalidated to continue the scan. 646 647 648 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_NAME=Workfiles Created/sec 649 AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work files created per second. For example, work files could be used to store temporary results for hash joins and hash aggregates. 650 651 652 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_NAME=Worktables Created/sec 653 AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work tables created per second. For example, work tables could be used to store temporary results for query spool, LOB variables, XML variables, and cursors. 654 655 656 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Ratio 657 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Percentage of work tables created where the initial two pages of the work table were not allocated but were immediately available from the work table cache. 658 659 660 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Base 661 AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Percent of worktables from cache base. 662 663 664 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_NAME=Forwarded Records/sec 665 AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_HELP=Number of records fetched through forwarded record pointers. 666 667 668 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_NAME=Skipped Ghosted Records/sec 669 AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_HELP=Number of ghosted records per second skipped during scans. 670 671 672 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_NAME=Index Searches/sec 673 AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_HELP=Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index. 674 675 676 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_NAME=FreeSpace Scans/sec 677 AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of scans per second that were initiated to search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit to insert or modify record fragments. Each scan may find multiple pages. 678 679 680 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_NAME=FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec 681 AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages fetched per second by free space scans. These scans search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit, to satisfy requests to insert or modify record fragments. 682 683 684 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Pages Allocated/sec 685 AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages allocations from both mixed extents and uniform extents. 686 687 688 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extents Allocated/sec 689 AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. 690 691 692 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_NAME=Mixed page allocations/sec 693 AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second from mixed extents. These could be used for storing the IAM pages and the first eight pages that are allocated to an allocation unit. 694 695 696 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extent Deallocations/sec 697 AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. 698 699 700 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_NAME=Page Deallocations/sec 701 AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages from mixed extents and uniform extents. 702 703 704 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_NAME=Page Splits/sec 705 AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_HELP=Number of page splits per second that occur as a result of overflowing index pages. 706 707 708 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_NAME=Table Lock Escalations/sec 709 AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_HELP=The number of times locks on a table were escalated. 710 711 712 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred Dropped rowsets 713 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of rowsets created as a result of aborted online index build operations that are waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. 714 715 716 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_NAME=Dropped rowset cleanups/sec 717 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. 718 719 720 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_NAME=Dropped rowsets skipped/sec 721 AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were skipped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets created. 722 723 724 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred dropped AUs 725 AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of allocation units waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. 726 727 728 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_NAME=AU cleanups/sec 729 AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of allocation units per second that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Each allocation unit drop requires multiple batches. 730 731 732 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_NAME=AU cleanup batches/sec 733 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_HELP=The number of batches that completed successfully per second by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. 734 735 736 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_NAME=Failed AU cleanup batches/sec 737 AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_HELP=The number of batches per second that failed and required retry, by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Failure could be due to lack of memory or disk space, hardware failure and other reasons. 738 739 740 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used tree page cookie 741 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a tree page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the parent page of the tree page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 742 743 744 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed tree page cookie 745 TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a tree page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the parent pages of those tree pages. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 746 747 748 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used leaf page cookie 749 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a leaf page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 750 751 752 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed leaf page cookie 753 LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a leaf page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. 754 755 756 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Create Count 757 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers created. One worktable created per LOB Storage Service Provider. 758 759 760 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Destroy Count 761 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers destroyed. 762 763 764 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Truncation Count 765 AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers truncated. 766 767 768 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_NAME=LobHandle Create Count 769 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs created. 770 771 772 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobHandle Destroy Count 773 AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs destroyed. 774 775 776 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Create Count 777 AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of large object (LOB) values that were passed by reference. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. 778 779 780 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Use Count 781 AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_HELP=Count of by-reference lob values that were used. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. 782 783 784 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_NAME=Count Push Off Row 785 AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pushed from in-row to off-row. 786 787 788 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_NAME=Count Pull In Row 789 AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pulled in-row from off-row. 790 791 792 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_NAME=Count Lob Readahead 793 AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_HELP=Count of lob pages on which readahead was issued. 794 795 796 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_009_NAME=Page compression attempts/sec 797 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_009_HELP=Number of attempts to compress a database page per second 798 799 800 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_009_NAME=Pages compressed/sec 801 AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_009_HELP=Number of times a database page was compressed 802 803 804 SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_NAME=Errors/sec 805 SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_HELP=Number of errors/sec 806 807 808 SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_NAME=Batch Requests/sec 809 SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL batch requests received by server. 810 811 812 SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_NAME=Forced Parameterizations/sec 813 SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_HELP=Number of statements parameterized by forced parameterization per second. 814 815 816 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_NAME=Auto-Param Attempts/sec 817 SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_HELP=Number of auto-parameterization attempts. 818 819 820 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed Auto-Params/sec 821 SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_HELP=Number of failed auto-parameterizations. 822 823 824 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_NAME=Safe Auto-Params/sec 825 SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_HELP=Number of safe auto-parameterizations. 826 827 828 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_NAME=Unsafe Auto-Params/sec 829 SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_HELP=Number of unsafe auto-parameterizations. 830 831 832 SQL_COMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Compilations/sec 833 SQL_COMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL compilations. 834 835 836 SQL_RECOMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Re-Compilations/sec 837 SQL_RECOMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL re-compiles. 838 839 840 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_NAME=SQL Attention rate 841 SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of attentions per second. 842 843 844 PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_009_NAME=Guided plan executions/sec 845 PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_009_HELP=Number of plan executions per second in which the query plan has been generated by using a plan guide. 846 847 848 PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_009_NAME=Misguided plan executions/sec 849 PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_009_HELP=Number of plan executions per second in which a plan guide could not be honored during plan generation. The plan guide was disregarded and normal compilation was used to generate the executed plan. 850 851 852 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 853 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups 854 855 856 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 857 PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 858 859 860 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_NAME=Cache Pages 861 PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of 8k pages used by cache objects 862 863 864 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Object Counts 865 PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in the cache 866 867 868 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Objects in use 869 PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in use 870 871 872 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio 873 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups 874 875 876 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base 877 CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry 878 879 880 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cached Cursor Counts 881 CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cursors of a given type in the cache 882 883 884 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cursor Cache Use Counts/sec 885 CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Times each type of cached cursor has been used 886 887 888 CURSOR_REQ_009_NAME=Cursor Requests/sec 889 CURSOR_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL cursor requests received by server. 890 891 892 CURSOR_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active cursors 893 CURSOR_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of active cursors. 894 895 896 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor memory usage 897 CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_HELP=Amount of memory consumed by cursors (KB). 898 899 900 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor worktable usage 901 CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_HELP=Number of worktables used by cursors. 902 903 904 CURSOR_PLANS_009_NAME=Number of active cursor plans 905 CURSOR_PLANS_009_HELP=Number of cursor plans. 906 907 908 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_NAME=Cursor conversion rate 909 CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of cursor conversions/sec. 910 911 912 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_NAME=Async population count 913 CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_HELP=Number of cursors being populated asynchronously. 914 915 916 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_NAME=Cursor flushes 917 CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_HELP=Total number of times a flush for a cursor xstmt occured. 918 919 920 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_NAME=Connection Memory (KB) 921 MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections 922 923 924 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_NAME=Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 925 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_HELP=Total amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used for hash, sort and create index operations. 926 927 928 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_NAME=Lock Memory (KB) 929 MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks 930 931 932 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Blocks Allocated 933 MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock blocks. 934 935 936 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks Allocated 937 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock owner blocks. 938 939 940 MEMORY_LOCKS_009_NAME=Lock Blocks 941 MEMORY_LOCKS_009_HELP=The current number of lock blocks that are in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. 942 943 944 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks 945 MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_HELP=The number of lock owner blocks that are currently in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. 946 947 948 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_NAME=Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) 949 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_HELP=Total amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used primarily for hash, sort and create index operations. 950 951 952 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_NAME=Memory Grants Outstanding 953 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_HELP=Current number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant 954 955 956 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_NAME=Memory Grants Pending 957 MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_HELP=Current number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant 958 959 960 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Optimizer Memory (KB) 961 MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization 962 963 964 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_NAME=SQL Cache Memory (KB) 965 MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache 966 967 968 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Target Server Memory (KB) 969 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is willing to consume 970 971 972 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Total Server Memory (KB) 973 MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming 974 975 976 QUERY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Query 977 QUERY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=As defined by the user. 978 979 980 RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Running 981 RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of replication agents currently running. 982 983 984 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Uploaded Changes/sec 985 UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Subscriber to the Publisher. 986 987 988 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Downloaded Changes/sec 989 DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Publisher to the Subscriber. 990 991 992 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Conflicts/sec 993 MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of conflicts per second occurring during the merge process. 994 995 996 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivery Latency 997 LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are applied at the Publisher to when they are delivered to the Distributor. 998 999 1000 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Cmds/sec 1001 LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. 1002 1003 1004 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Trans/sec 1005 LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. 1006 1007 1008 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivery Latency 1009 DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are delivered to the Distributor to when they are applied at the Subscriber. 1010 1011 1012 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Cmds/sec 1013 DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Subscriber. 1014 1015 1016 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Trans/sec 1017 DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Subscriber. 1018 1019 1020 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Cmds/sec 1021 SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. 1022 1023 1024 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Trans/sec 1025 SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. 1026 1027 1028 BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Device Throughput Bytes/sec 1029 BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for a backup device. 1030 1031 1032 XACT_NUM_009_NAME=Transactions 1033 XACT_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active transactions. 1034 1035 1036 XACT_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Snapshot Transactions 1037 XACT_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions. 1038 1039 1040 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Update Snapshot Transactions 1041 XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions that do updates. 1042 1043 1044 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_NAME=NonSnapshot Version Transactions 1045 XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active non-snapshot transactions that generate version records. 1046 1047 1048 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_NAME=Longest Transaction Running Time 1049 XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_HELP=The longest running time of any transcation in seconds. 1050 1051 1052 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio 1053 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_HELP=The fraction of update snapshot transactions that have update conflicts to the total number of update snapshot transactions. 1054 1055 1056 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio base 1057 XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=The total number of update snapshot transactions. 1058 1059 1060 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_NAME=Free Space in tempdb (KB) 1061 XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_HELP=The free space in tempdb in KB. 1062 1063 1064 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_NAME=Version Generation rate (KB/s) 1065 XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_HELP=The version generation rate in KB per seconds. 1066 1067 1068 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_NAME=Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) 1069 XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_HELP=The version cleanup rate in KB per seconds. 1070 1071 1072 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_NAME=Version Store Size (KB) 1073 XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the version store in KB. 1074 1075 1076 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_NAME=Version Store unit count 1077 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of unit in Version Store. 1078 1079 1080 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit creation 1081 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_HELP=Creation of new unit in Version Store. 1082 1083 1084 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit truncation 1085 XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_HELP=Truncation of unit in Version Store. 1086 1087 1088