Progressive Web Apps 是漸進式Web應用程序,運行在現代瀏覽器並展示出超級能力。支持可發現,可安裝,離線運行,消息推送等APP特有的能力,本項目以最簡單的方式封裝了消息推送功能在nodejs端的實現。html
KOA2-PWA 是pwa推送服務器的簡單實現,使用 koa2 開發,使用 mysql 數據庫儲存,使用 pm2 管理進程和日誌。前端
查看 PWA前端項目實現node
pwa 消息推送功能依賴於Service Worker(簡稱sw),使用 VAPID 協議。 mysql
-> server端使用 web-push 生成vapidKeys(publicKey,privateKey)
-> server端保存publicKey,privateKey,前端保存publicKey
-> 前端sw使用加密後的publicKey去訂閱並得到訂閱對象,而後保存到server端
-> server端在須要推送時獲取訂閱對象便可推送git
// /db/config.js 保存數據庫登陸信息 const config = { host: ***, user: ***, password: ***, database: '***', // 數據庫名稱,自定義 port: *** } module.exports = config // /db/index.js 數據庫相關操做 const mysql = require('mysql') const config = require('./config') const pool = mysql.createPool(config) // some sql module.exports = { // some methods } 複製代碼
更多推送消息配置項 Notification optionsweb
const router = require('koa-router')() const webpush = require('web-push') const dbModel = require('../db/index') // VAPID keys should only be generated only once. // const vapidKeys = webpush.generateVAPIDKeys() const publicKey = '***' const privateKey = '***' const gcmapiKey = 'PWA_LITE_GCMAPIKey' // 自定義,保存在前端manifest.json const mailto = '' // send notification to client const sendNotification = (pushSubscription, body) => { return webpush.sendNotification(pushSubscription, JSON.stringify(body)) } webpush.setGCMAPIKey(gcmapiKey) webpush.setVapidDetails(mailto, publicKey, privateKey) // router prefix router.prefix('/api/notification') // user subscribe'/subscribe', async (ctx, next) => { let body = ctx.request.body let user = [body.authSecret, body.key, body.endpoint] let pushSubscription = { endpoint: body.endpoint, keys: { auth: body.authSecret, p256dh: body.key } } let body = { title: 'Congratulations', message: `Hello,Thank you for subscribtion!`, data: {} } sendNotification(pushSubscription, body) // do something }) module.exports = router 複製代碼
koa2須要nodejs 7.6以上版本。數據庫
# install pm2 npm install -g pm2 # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:3000 npm start # run with pm2 npm run prd # or pm2 start bin/www 複製代碼