


    // 任意合併兩個不相交集合
    void unionSets( int root1, int root2 )
        s[ root2 ] = root1;



    // 尋找 x 所在集合
    int find( int x )   const
        if( s[ x ] < 0 )
            return x;
            return find( s[ x ] );



    // 按樹大小合併
    void unionSetsBySzie( int root1, int root2 )
        if( s[ root2 ] < s[ root1 ] )           // 若是 root2 比 root1大
            s[ root2 ] += s[ root1 ];
            s[ root1 ] = root2;                 // 使 root2 爲新的根
            s[ root1 ] += s[ root2 ];
            s[ root2 ] = root1;                 // 使 root1 爲新根      



 // 按根深合併
    void unionSetsByHight( int root1, int root2 )
        if( s[ root2 ] < s[ root1 ] )           // 若是 root2 比 root1深
            s[ root1 ] = root2;                 // 使 root2 爲新的根
            if( s[ root1 ] == s[ root2 ] )      // 若是相同 , 則更新高度 
                --s[ root1 ];
            s[ root2 ] = root1;                 // 使 root1 爲新根





    // 尋找 x 所在集合 壓縮路徑
    int PathCompressionfind( int x )   
        if( s[ x ] < 0 )
            return x;
            return s[ x ] = PathCompressionfind( s[ x ] );



 * @Author: lsyy
 * @Date: 2020-02-28 11:37:49
 * @LastEditTime: 2020-02-29 19:59:58
 * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
 * @Description: 迷宮
 * @FilePath: \DisjSets\Src\main.cpp

#include <iostream>  
#include <vector>  
#include "DisjSets.h"
#include "UniformRandom.h"

#define N 15

bool wallrow[ N + 1 ][ N ] = { 0 };       // 行 _
bool wallcol[ N ][ N + 1 ] = { 0 };       // 列 |  

 * @description: 得到二維座標
 * @param {type} Pos 一維座標 PosX PosY 二維座標
 * @return: null
inline void GetPos( int Pos, int & PosX, int & PosY )
    PosX = Pos / N;
    PosY = Pos % N;
 * @description: 打印迷宮
 * @param {type} null
 * @return: null
void print( )

    for( int i = 0; i < N + 1 ; i++ )
        if( i == 0 )                    // 打印第一行
            std::cout << " " << " ";
            for (size_t i = 1; i < N; i++)
                std::cout << " " << "_";
            for( int j = 0; j < N + 1; j++ )
                if( ( ( i - 1 ) == 0 && j == 0 ) || 
                    ( ( i - 1 ) == ( N - 1 ) && j == N ) )
                    std::cout << " ";               // 出入口部分
                    wallcol[ i - 1 ][ j ] ? std::cout << " " : std::cout << "|";
                if( j < N )
                    if( i == N && j == ( N - 1 ) )
                        std::cout << " ";           // 出入口部分
                        wallrow[ i ][ j ] ? std::cout << " " : std::cout << "_";
        std::cout << std::endl;
int main( )

    UniformRandom random;
    DisjSets ds( N * N );
    while ( !ds.connect( 0, N * N - 1 ) )
        int PosX, PosY = 0;
        int element = random.nextInt( 0, N * N - 1 );
        GetPos( element, PosX, PosY );
        // 0爲列 1爲行
        if( random.nextInt( 2 ) )               // 行 _
            if( element < ( N * ( N - 1 ) ) && ! ( ds.connect( element, element + N ) ) )
                ds.unionSets( element, element + N );
                wallrow[ PosX + 1 ][ PosY ] = true;
        else                                    // 列 |
            if( element % N != ( N - 1 ) && ( ! ds.connect( element, element + 1 ) ) )
                ds.unionSets( element, element + 1 );
                wallcol[ PosX ][ PosY + 1 ] = true;
    print( );
    return 0;

View Code
 * @Author: lsyy
 * @Date: 2020-02-28 11:42:01
 * @LastEditTime: 2020-02-29 16:28:29
 * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
 * @Description: 不相交集類
 * @FilePath: \DisjSets\Inc\DisjSets.h

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class DisjSets

    explicit DisjSets( int numElements ) : s ( numElements )
        for( int & elem : s )
            elem = -1;
    // 任意合併兩個不相交集合
    void unionSets( int root1, int root2 )
        s[ root2 ] = root1;
    // 判斷兩個根是否在同一集合
    bool connect( int root1, int root2 )
        return find( root1 ) == find( root2 );
    // 按根深合併
    void unionSetsByHight( int root1, int root2 )
        if( s[ root2 ] < s[ root1 ] )           // 若是 root2 比 root1深
            s[ root1 ] = root2;                 // 使 root2 爲新的根
            if( s[ root1 ] == s[ root2 ] )      // 若是相同 , 則更新高度 
                --s[ root1 ];
            s[ root2 ] = root1;                 // 使 root1 爲新根
    // 按樹大小合併
    void unionSetsBySzie( int root1, int root2 )
        if( s[ root2 ] < s[ root1 ] )           // 若是 root2 比 root1大
            s[ root2 ] += s[ root1 ];
            s[ root1 ] = root2;                 // 使 root2 爲新的根
            s[ root1 ] += s[ root2 ];
            s[ root2 ] = root1;                 // 使 root1 爲新根      
    // 尋找 x 所在集合
    int find( int x )   const
        if( s[ x ] < 0 )
            return x;
            return find( s[ x ] );
    // 尋找 x 所在集合 壓縮路徑
    int PathCompressionfind( int x )   
        if( s[ x ] < 0 )
            return x;
            return s[ x ] = PathCompressionfind( s[ x ] );
    std::vector<int> s;
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 * @Author: your name
 * @Date: 2020-02-15 16:28:55
 * @LastEditTime: 2020-02-29 16:50:48
 * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
 * @Description: 產生隨機數
 * @FilePath: \CuckooHash Table\Inc\UniformRandom.h

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;

// 得到當前時間
static int currentTimeSeconds( )
   auto now = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( );       
    return chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>( now ).count( );

class UniformRandom
    UniformRandom( int seed = currentTimeSeconds( ) )
    : generator( seed )
    // 產生一個僞隨機整數
    int nextInt( )
        static uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> distribution;
        return distribution( generator );
    // Return a pseudorandom int in range [0..high).
    int nextInt( int high )
        return nextInt( 0, high - 1 );
    // Return a pseudorandom double in the range [0..1).
    double nextDouble( )
        static uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution( 0, 1 );
        return distribution( generator );
    // Return an int in the closed range [low,high].
    int nextInt( int low, int high )
        uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution( low, high );
        return distribution( generator );
    mt19937 generator;

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