基於Butterknife 8.8.1版本。 爲了更好地分析代碼,我寫了一個demo: MainActivity.java:android
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
TextView textView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void textClick() {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "textview clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
咱們從Butterknife.bind()方法,即方法入口開始分析: ButterKnife#bind():git
@NonNull @UiThread
public static Unbinder bind(@NonNull Activity target) {
View sourceView = target.getWindow().getDecorView();
return createBinding(target, sourceView);
private static Unbinder createBinding(@NonNull Object target, @NonNull View source) {
Class<?> targetClass = target.getClass();
if (debug) Log.d(TAG, "Looking up binding for " + targetClass.getName());
// !!!
Constructor<? extends Unbinder> constructor = findBindingConstructorForClass(targetClass);
if (constructor == null) {
return Unbinder.EMPTY;
//noinspection TryWithIdenticalCatches Resolves to API 19+ only type.
try {
return constructor.newInstance(target, source);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to invoke " + constructor, e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to invoke " + constructor, e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
if (cause instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) cause;
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create binding instance.", cause);
@Nullable @CheckResult @UiThread
private static Constructor<? extends Unbinder> findBindingConstructorForClass(Class<?> cls) {
Constructor<? extends Unbinder> bindingCtor = BINDINGS.get(cls);
if (bindingCtor != null) {
if (debug) Log.d(TAG, "HIT: Cached in binding map.");
return bindingCtor;
String clsName = cls.getName();
if (clsName.startsWith("android.") || clsName.startsWith("java.")) {
if (debug) Log.d(TAG, "MISS: Reached framework class. Abandoning search.");
return null;
try {
// !!!
Class<?> bindingClass = cls.getClassLoader().loadClass(clsName + "_ViewBinding");
//noinspection unchecked
bindingCtor = (Constructor<? extends Unbinder>) bindingClass.getConstructor(cls, View.class);
if (debug) Log.d(TAG, "HIT: Loaded binding class and constructor.");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
if (debug) Log.d(TAG, "Not found. Trying superclass " + cls.getSuperclass().getName());
bindingCtor = findBindingConstructorForClass(cls.getSuperclass());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find binding constructor for " + clsName, e);
BINDINGS.put(cls, bindingCtor);
return bindingCtor;
Class<?> bindingClass = cls.getClassLoader().loadClass(clsName + "_ViewBinding");
bindingCtor = (Constructor<? extends Unbinder>) bindingClass.getConstructor(cls, View.class);
BINDINGS.put(cls, bindingCtor);
按照所寫的代碼,這裏會加載一個MainActivity_ViewBinding類,而後獲取這個類裏面的雙參數(Activity, View)構造方法,最後放在BINDINGS裏面,它是一個map,主要做用是緩存。在下次使用的時候,就能夠從緩存中獲取到:緩存
Constructor<? extends Unbinder> bindingCtor = BINDINGS.get(cls);
if (bindingCtor != null) {
if (debug) Log.d(TAG, "HIT: Cached in binding map.");
return bindingCtor;
在上面分析過程當中,咱們知道最後咱們會去加載一個MainActivity_ViewBinding類,而這個類並非咱們本身編寫的,而是經過編譯時註解(APT - Annotation Processing Tool)的技術生成的。 這一節將會介紹一下這個技術。app
註解其實很常見,好比說Activity自動生成的onCreate()方法上面就有一個@Override註解 框架
通常有些人提到註解,廣泛就會以爲性能低下。可是真正使用註解的開源框架卻不少例如ButterKnife,Retrofit等等。因此註解是好是壞呢? 首先,並非註解就等於性能差。更確切的說是運行時註解這種方式,因爲它的原理是java反射機制,因此的確會形成較爲嚴重的性能問題。 可是像Butterknife這個框架,它使用的技術是編譯時註解,它不會影響app實際運行的性能(影響的應該是編譯時的效率)。 一句話總結:ide
public class TestProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
咱們瞭解了編譯時註解的基本概念以後,咱們先看一下MainActivity_ViewBinding類具體實現了什麼。 在編寫完demo以後,須要先build一下項目,以後能夠在build/generated/source/apt/debug/包名/下面找到這個類,如圖所示:
public MainActivity_ViewBinding(final MainActivity target, View source) {
this.target = target;
View view;
// 1
view = Utils.findRequiredView(source, R.id.text, "field 'textView' and method 'textClick'");
// 2
target.textView = Utils.castView(view, R.id.text, "field 'textView'", TextView.class);
// 3
view2131165290 = view;
view.setOnClickListener(new DebouncingOnClickListener() {
public void doClick(View p0) {
public static View findRequiredView(View source, @IdRes int id, String who) {
View view = source.findViewById(id);
if (view != null) {
return view;
String name = getResourceEntryName(source, id);
throw new IllegalStateException("Required view '"
+ name
+ "' with ID "
+ id
+ " for "
+ who
+ " was not found. If this view is optional add '@Nullable' (fields) or '@Optional'"
+ " (methods) annotation.");
在這裏,咱們解決了第三個問題,綁定各類view時不能使用private修飾,而是須要用public或default去修飾,由於若是採用private修飾的話,將沒法經過對象.成員變量方式獲取到咱們須要綁定的View。 Util#castView():
public static <T> T castView(View view, @IdRes int id, String who, Class<T> cls) {
try {
return cls.cast(view);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
String name = getResourceEntryName(view, id);
throw new IllegalStateException("View '"
+ name
+ "' with ID "
+ id
+ " for "
+ who
+ " was of the wrong type. See cause for more info.", e);
view2131165290 = view;
view.setOnClickListener(new DebouncingOnClickListener() {
public void doClick(View p0) {
/** * A {@linkplain View.OnClickListener click listener} that debounces multiple clicks posted in the * same frame. A click on one button disables all buttons for that frame. */
public abstract class DebouncingOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {
static boolean enabled = true;
private static final Runnable ENABLE_AGAIN = new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
enabled = true;
public final void onClick(View v) {
if (enabled) {
enabled = false;
public abstract void doClick(View v);
這個DebouncingOnClickListener是View.OnClickListener的一個子類,做用是防止必定時間內對view的屢次點擊,即防止快速點擊控件所帶來的一些不可預料的錯誤。我的認爲這個類寫的很是巧妙,既完美解決了問題,又寫的十分優雅,一點都不臃腫。 這裏抽象了doClick()方法,實現代碼中是直接調用了target.textClick(),這裏解決了第四個問題:綁定監聽事件的時候方法命名是沒有限制的,不必定須要嚴格命名爲onClick,也不必定須要傳入View參數。
public final class ButterKnifeProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> elements, RoundEnvironment env) {
// 1
Map<TypeElement, BindingSet> bindingMap = findAndParseTargets(env);
for (Map.Entry<TypeElement, BindingSet> entry : bindingMap.entrySet()) {
TypeElement typeElement = entry.getKey();
BindingSet binding = entry.getValue();
JavaFile javaFile = binding.brewJava(sdk, debuggable);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
error(typeElement, "Unable to write binding for type %s: %s", typeElement, e.getMessage());
return false;
一、findAndParseTargets() 這個方法的做用是處理全部的@BindXX註解,咱們直接看處理@BindView的部分:
private Map<TypeElement, BindingSet> findAndParseTargets(RoundEnvironment env) {
// 省略代碼
// Process each @BindView element.
for (Element element : env.getElementsAnnotatedWith(BindView.class)) {
// we don't SuperficialValidation.validateElement(element)
// so that an unresolved View type can be generated by later processing rounds
try {
parseBindView(element, builderMap, erasedTargetNames);
} catch (Exception e) {
logParsingError(element, BindView.class, e);
// 省略代碼
private void parseBindView(Element element, Map<TypeElement, BindingSet.Builder> builderMap, Set<TypeElement> erasedTargetNames) {
TypeElement enclosingElement = (TypeElement) element.getEnclosingElement();
// Start by verifying common generated code restrictions.
boolean hasError = isInaccessibleViaGeneratedCode(BindView.class, "fields", element)
|| isBindingInWrongPackage(BindView.class, element);
// Verify that the target type extends from View.
TypeMirror elementType = element.asType();
if (elementType.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) {
TypeVariable typeVariable = (TypeVariable) elementType;
elementType = typeVariable.getUpperBound();
Name qualifiedName = enclosingElement.getQualifiedName();
Name simpleName = element.getSimpleName();
if (!isSubtypeOfType(elementType, VIEW_TYPE) && !isInterface(elementType)) {
if (elementType.getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR) {
note(element, "@%s field with unresolved type (%s) "
+ "must elsewhere be generated as a View or interface. (%s.%s)",
BindView.class.getSimpleName(), elementType, qualifiedName, simpleName);
} else {
error(element, "@%s fields must extend from View or be an interface. (%s.%s)",
BindView.class.getSimpleName(), qualifiedName, simpleName);
hasError = true;
if (hasError) {
// Assemble information on the field.
int id = element.getAnnotation(BindView.class).value();
BindingSet.Builder builder = builderMap.get(enclosingElement);
QualifiedId qualifiedId = elementToQualifiedId(element, id);
if (builder != null) {
String existingBindingName = builder.findExistingBindingName(getId(qualifiedId));
if (existingBindingName != null) {
error(element, "Attempt to use @%s for an already bound ID %d on '%s'. (%s.%s)",
BindView.class.getSimpleName(), id, existingBindingName,
enclosingElement.getQualifiedName(), element.getSimpleName());
} else {
builder = getOrCreateBindingBuilder(builderMap, enclosingElement);
String name = simpleName.toString();
TypeName type = TypeName.get(elementType);
boolean required = isFieldRequired(element);
builder.addField(getId(qualifiedId), new FieldViewBinding(name, type, required));
// Add the type-erased version to the valid binding targets set.
private Map<TypeElement, BindingSet> findAndParseTargets(RoundEnvironment env) {
// bindView()
// Associate superclass binders with their subclass binders. This is a queue-based tree walk
// which starts at the roots (superclasses) and walks to the leafs (subclasses).
Deque<Map.Entry<TypeElement, BindingSet.Builder>> entries =
new ArrayDeque<>(builderMap.entrySet());
Map<TypeElement, BindingSet> bindingMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
while (!entries.isEmpty()) {
Map.Entry<TypeElement, BindingSet.Builder> entry = entries.removeFirst();
TypeElement type = entry.getKey();
BindingSet.Builder builder = entry.getValue();
TypeElement parentType = findParentType(type, erasedTargetNames);
if (parentType == null) {
bindingMap.put(type, builder.build());
} else {
BindingSet parentBinding = bindingMap.get(parentType);
if (parentBinding != null) {
bindingMap.put(type, builder.build());
} else {
// Has a superclass binding but we haven't built it yet. Re-enqueue for later.
return bindingMap;
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> elements, RoundEnvironment env) {
Map<TypeElement, BindingSet> bindingMap = findAndParseTargets(env);
for (Map.Entry<TypeElement, BindingSet> entry : bindingMap.entrySet()) {
TypeElement typeElement = entry.getKey();
BindingSet binding = entry.getValue();
JavaFile javaFile = binding.brewJava(sdk, debuggable);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
error(typeElement, "Unable to write binding for type %s: %s", typeElement, e.getMessage());
return false;
最後經過brewJava()方法生成java代碼。 這裏使用到的是javapoet。javapoet是一個開源庫,經過處理相應註解來生成最後的java文件,這裏是項目地址傳送門,具體技術再也不分析。