一、建立 nova_api, nova,和 nova_cell0 的數據庫,授予權限:html
$ mysql -u root -p MariaDB [(none)]>CREATE DATABASE nova_api; MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE nova; MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE nova_cell0; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova_api.* TO 'nova'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova_api.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova_cell0.* TO 'nova'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova_cell0.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; MariaDB [(none)]> exit;
$ . admin-openrc $ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt nova User Password: 123456 Repeat User Password: 123456 +---------------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------------+----------------------------------+ | domain_id | default | | enabled | True | | id | 81f1d5dfad5a42bb806d197ceb9881ce | | name | nova | | options | {} | | password_expires_at | None | +---------------------+----------------------------------+ $ openstack role add --project service --user nova admin
$ openstack service create --name nova --description "OpenStack Compute" compute +-------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------+----------------------------------+ | description | OpenStack Compute | | enabled | True | | id | 3e011d345e4442fe8a232ab5ab1f8323 | | name | nova | | type | compute | +-------------+----------------------------------+
四、建立Compute API服務端點:sql
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne compute public http://controller:8774/v2.1 +--------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +--------------+----------------------------------+ | enabled | True | | id | 343b6a8fc9564623aca0097b2383650d | | interface | public | | region | RegionOne | | region_id | RegionOne | | service_id | 3e011d345e4442fe8a232ab5ab1f8323 | | service_name | nova | | service_type | compute | | url | http://controller:8774/v2.1 | +--------------+----------------------------------+
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne compute internal http://controller:8774/v2.1 +--------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +--------------+----------------------------------+ | enabled | True | | id | 3458cf55ac8b44d58c949fe88bf9afe3 | | interface | internal | | region | RegionOne | | region_id | RegionOne | | service_id | 3e011d345e4442fe8a232ab5ab1f8323 | | service_name | nova | | service_type | compute | | url | http://controller:8774/v2.1 | +--------------+----------------------------------+
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne compute admin http://controller:8774/v2.1 +--------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +--------------+----------------------------------+ | enabled | True | | id | 9f9115389c2a49a2874761b92c849bb0 | | interface | admin | | region | RegionOne | | region_id | RegionOne | | service_id | 3e011d345e4442fe8a232ab5ab1f8323 | | service_name | nova | | service_type | compute | | url | http://controller:8774/v2.1 | +--------------+----------------------------------+
$ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt placement User Password: 123456 Repeat User Password: 123456 +---------------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------------+----------------------------------+ | domain_id | default | | enabled | True | | id | 74870bc86a7c4108869c620099bffc30 | | name | placement | | options | {} | | password_expires_at | None | +---------------------+----------------------------------+ $ openstack role add --project service --user placement admin
$ openstack service create --name placement --description "Placement API" placement +-------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------+----------------------------------+ | description | Placement API | | enabled | True | | id | bbd270a97c3a499fb73765120094e9da | | name | placement | | type | placement | +-------------+----------------------------------+
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement public http://controller:8778 +--------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +--------------+----------------------------------+ | enabled | True | | id | d79b3b62302a4055924762ac676fc9b4 | | interface | public | | region | RegionOne | | region_id | RegionOne | | service_id | bbd270a97c3a499fb73765120094e9da | | service_name | placement | | service_type | placement | | url | http://controller:8778 | +--------------+----------------------------------+
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement internal http://controller:8778 +--------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +--------------+----------------------------------+ | enabled | True | | id | 5424919fbee34a7a92946c607706b38a | | interface | internal | | region | RegionOne | | region_id | RegionOne | | service_id | bbd270a97c3a499fb73765120094e9da | | service_name | placement | | service_type | placement | | url | http://controller:8778 | +--------------+----------------------------------+
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement admin http://controller:8778 +--------------+----------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +--------------+----------------------------------+ | enabled | True | | id | d9d5626cdb5442ac91dff8c1588f4726 | | interface | admin | | region | RegionOne | | region_id | RegionOne | | service_id | bbd270a97c3a499fb73765120094e9da | | service_name | placement | | service_type | placement | | url | http://controller:8778 | +--------------+----------------------------------+
# yum install openstack-nova-api openstack-nova-conductor openstack-nova-console openstack-nova-novncproxy openstack-nova-scheduler openstack-nova-placement-api # vi /etc/nova/nova.conf [DEFAULT] my_ip= use_neutron=true firewall_driver=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver enabled_apis=osapi_compute,metadata transport_url=rabbit://openstack:123456@controller [api] auth_strategy=keystone [api_database] connection = mysql+pymysql://nova:123456@controller/nova_api [database] connection = mysql+pymysql://nova:123456@controller/nova [glance] api_servers = http://controller:9292 [keystone_authtoken] auth_url = http://controller:5000/v3 memcached_servers = controller:11211 auth_type = password project_domain_name = default user_domain_name = default project_name = service username = nova password = 123456 [libvirt] #virt_type=kvm [neutron] url = http://controller:9696 auth_url = http://controller:35357 auth_type = password project_domain_name = default user_domain_name = default region_name = RegionOne project_name = service username = neutron password = 123456 service_metadata_proxy = true metadata_proxy_shared_secret = 123456 [oslo_concurrency] lock_path=/var/lib/nova/tmp [placement] os_region_name = RegionOne project_domain_name = Default project_name = service auth_type = password user_domain_name = Default auth_url = http://controller:5000/v3 username = placement password = 123456 [vnc] enabled=true server_listen=$my_ip server_proxyclient_address=$my_ip #novncproxy_base_url=
# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/00-nova-placement-api.conf 在最下方加入 <Directory /usr/bin> <IfVersion >= 2.4> Require all granted </IfVersion> <IfVersion < 2.4> Order allow,deny Allow from all </IfVersion> </Directory>
# systemctl restart httpd # su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage api_db sync" nova # su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell0" nova # su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 create_cell --name=cell1 --verbose" nova # su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage db sync" nova # nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells +-------+--------------------------------------+------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 名稱 | UUID | Transport URL | 數據庫鏈接 | +-------+--------------------------------------+------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | cell0 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | none:/ | mysql+pymysql://nova:****@controller/nova_cell0 | | cell1 | c795b2eb-4814-4fe7-b9ff-090a1b1b2be5 | rabbit://openstack:****@controller | mysql+pymysql://nova:****@controller/nova | +-------+--------------------------------------+------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
# systemctl enable openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service # systemctl start openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
# yum install openstack-nova-compute # vi /etc/nova/nova.conf [DEFAULT] my_ip = enabled_apis = osapi_compute,metadata use_neutron = True firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver transport_url = rabbit://openstack:123456@controller [api] auth_strategy = keystone [vnc] enabled = True server_listen = server_proxyclient_address = $my_ip novncproxy_base_url = http://controller:6080/vnc_auto.html [glance] api_servers = http://controller:9292 [oslo_concurrency] lock_path = /var/lib/nova/tmp [placement] os_region_name = RegionOne project_domain_name = Default project_name = service auth_type = password user_domain_name = Default auth_url = http://controller:5000/v3 username = placement password = 123456 [keystone_authtoken] auth_url = http://controller:5000/v3 memcached_servers = controller:11211 auth_type = password project_domain_name = default user_domain_name = default project_name = service username = nova password = 123456
# systemctl enable libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service # systemctl start libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service
$ . admin-openrc $ openstack compute service list --service nova-compute +----+--------------+-----------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At | +----+--------------+-----------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | 9 | nova-compute | localhost.localdomain | nova | enabled | up | 2018-09-13T02:59:06.000000 | +----+--------------+-----------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+
# su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --verbose" nova /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ NotSupportedWarning: Configuration option(s) ['use_tpool'] not supported exception.NotSupportedWarning Found 2 cell mappings. Skipping cell0 since it does not contain hosts. Getting computes from cell 'cell1': c795b2eb-4814-4fe7-b9ff-090a1b1b2be5 Checking host mapping for compute host 'localhost.localdomain': 58be78ad-5220-4869-ab31-33c9674ecfd1 Creating host mapping for compute host 'localhost.localdomain': 58be78ad-5220-4869-ab31-33c9674ecfd1 Found 1 unmapped computes in cell: c795b2eb-4814-4fe7-b9ff-090a1b1b2be5 注意:添加新計算節點時,必須在控制器節點上運行nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts以註冊這些新計算節點。 或者,您能夠在 /etc/nova/nova.conf 中設置適當的間隔: [scheduler] discover_hosts_in_cells_interval = 300
$ . admin-openrc $ openstack compute service list +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At | +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | 1 | nova-conductor | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2018-09-13T03:00:28.000000 | | 3 | nova-consoleauth | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2018-09-13T03:00:29.000000 | | 4 | nova-scheduler | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2018-09-13T03:00:29.000000 | | 9 | nova-compute | localhost.localdomain | nova | enabled | up | 2018-09-13T03:00:26.000000 | +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+
$ openstack catalog list +-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Endpoints | +-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+ | keystone | identity | RegionOne | | | | public: http://controller:5000/v3/ | | | | RegionOne | | | | internal: http://controller:5000/v3/ | | | | RegionOne | | | | admin: http://controller:5000/v3/ | | | | | | nova | compute | RegionOne | | | | public: http://controller:8774/v2.1 | | | | RegionOne | | | | internal: http://controller:8774/v2.1 | | | | RegionOne | | | | admin: http://controller:8774/v2.1 | | | | | | glance | image | RegionOne | | | | internal: http://controller:9292 | | | | RegionOne | | | | admin: http://controller:9292 | | | | RegionOne | | | | public: http://controller:9292 | | | | | | placement | placement | RegionOne | | | | internal: http://controller:8778 | | | | RegionOne | | | | public: http://controller:8778 | | | | RegionOne | | | | admin: http://controller:8778 | | | | | +-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
$ openstack image list +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+ | ID | Name | Status | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+ | ad7da2d4-cb83-4a41-836f-e58e47e899f5 | cirros | active | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
# nova-status upgrade check /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ NotSupportedWarning: Configuration option(s) ['use_tpool'] not supported exception.NotSupportedWarning Option "os_region_name" from group "placement" is deprecated. Use option "region-name" from group "placement". +-------------------------------+ | 升級檢查結果 | +-------------------------------+ | 檢查: Cells v2 | | 結果: 成功 | | 詳情: None | +-------------------------------+ | 檢查: Placement API | | 結果: 成功 | | 詳情: None | +-------------------------------+ | 檢查: Resource Providers | | 結果: 成功 | | 詳情: None | +-------------------------------+ | 檢查: Ironic Flavor Migration | | 結果: 成功 | | 詳情: None | +-------------------------------+ | 檢查: API Service Version | | 結果: 成功 | | 詳情: None | +-------------------------------+