Grafana有一套針對Kubernetes監控的APP,和Grafana-Zabbix App相似,可是配置咋一看比較麻煩,主要參數都是來自K8S。git
這款APP的詳細介紹請參考Grafana App for Kubernetesgithub
#CA Cert cat ~/.kube/config | grep certificate-authority-data | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | base64 -d #Client Cert cat ~/.kube/config | grep client-certificate-data | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | base64 -d #Client Key cat ~/.kube/config | grep client-key-data | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | base64 -d
1. all the needed data is stored in your .kube/config YAML file 2. paste the url stored in the "clusters.cluster.server" .kube/config field into the "HTTP URL" field for the plugin
注意:當你填寫了以上信息,你至關於把K8S集羣的鑰匙交給了Grafana,請務必作好安全和防禦,確保填寫的證書和祕鑰不能泄露!!!! 安全