參考: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/libbeat/current/community-beats.htmlphp
參考: https://github.com/radoondas/jmxproxybeat
metricbeat.modules: - module: system metricsets: - cpu - filesystem - memory - network - process enabled: true period: 10s processes: ['.*'] cpu_ticks: false output.elasticsearch: hosts: ["http://192.168.x.x:9200"] setup.template.name: "metricbeat" setup.template.fields: "fields.yml" setup.template.overwrite: true setup.template.settings: index.number_of_shards: 1 index.number_of_replicas: 1 setup.kibana.host: "192.168.x.x:5601" setup.dashboards.enabled: true
./metricbeat -e -c metricbeat.yml -d "publish"
This section contains detailed information about the metric collecting modules contained in Metricbeat. Each module contains one or multiple metricsets. More details about each module can be found under the links below. Aerospike Apache Ceph Couchbase Docker Dropwizard Elasticsearch Golang HAProxy HTTP Jolokia Kafka Kibana Kubernetes Memcached MongoDB MySQL Nginx PHP-FPM PostgreSQL Prometheus RabbitMQ Redis System vSphere Windows ZooKeeper
amazonbeat Reads data from a specified Amazon product. apachebeat Reads status from Apache HTTPD server-status. apexbeat Extracts configurable contextual data and metrics from Java applications via the APEX toolkit. burrowbeat Monitors Kafka consumer lag using Burrow. cassandrabeat Uses Cassandra’s nodetool cfstats utility to monitor Cassandra database nodes and lag. cloudflarebeat Indexes log entries from the Cloudflare Enterprise Log Share API. cloudfrontbeat Reads log events from Amazon Web Services CloudFront. cloudtrailbeat Reads events from Amazon Web Services' CloudTrail. cloudwatchmetricbeat A beat for Amazon Web Services' CloudWatch Metrics. cloudwatchlogsbeat Reads log events from Amazon Web Services' CloudWatch Logs. collectbeat Adds discovery on top of Filebeat and Metricbeat in environments like Kubernetes. connbeat Exposes metadata about TCP connections. consulbeat Reads services health checks from consul and pushes them to Elastic. dockbeat Reads Docker container statistics and indexes them in Elasticsearch. elasticbeat Reads status from an Elasticsearch cluster and indexes them in Elasticsearch. etcdbeat Reads stats from the Etcd v2 API and indexes them into Elasticsearch. execbeat Periodically executes shell commands and sends the standard output and standard error to Logstash or Elasticsearch. factbeat Collects facts from Facter. flowbeat Collects, parses, and indexes sflow samples. gabeat Collects data from Google Analytics Realtime API. githubbeat Easily monitors GitHub repository activity. gpfsbeat Collects GPFS metric and quota information. hsbeat Reads all performance counters in Java HotSpot VM. httpbeat Polls multiple HTTP(S) endpoints and sends the data to Logstash or Elasticsearch. Supports all HTTP methods and proxies. hwsensorsbeat Reads sensors information from OpenBSD. icingabeat Icingabeat ships events and states from Icinga 2 to Elasticsearch or Logstash. iobeat Reads IO stats from /proc/diskstats on Linux. jmxproxybeat Reads Tomcat JMX metrics exposed over JMX Proxy Servlet to HTTP. journalbeat Used for log shipping from systemd/journald based Linux systems. kafkabeat Reads data from Kafka topics. krakenbeat Collect information on each transaction on the Kraken crypto platform. lmsensorsbeat Collects data from lm-sensors (such as CPU temperatures, fan speeds, and voltages from i2c and smbus). logstashbeat Collects data from Logstash monitoring API (v5 onwards) and indexes them in Elasticsearch. mcqbeat Reads the status of queues from memcacheq. mongobeat Monitors MongoDB instances and can be configured to send multiple document types to Elasticsearch. mqttbeat Add messages from mqtt topics to Elasticsearch. mysqlbeat Run any query on MySQL and send results to Elasticsearch. nagioscheckbeat For Nagios checks and performance data. nginxbeat Reads status from Nginx. nginxupstreambeat Reads upstream status from nginx upstream module. nvidiagpubeat Uses nvidia-smi to grab metrics of NVIDIA GPUs. openconfigbeat Streams data from OpenConfig-enabled network devices packagebeat Collects information about system packages from package managers. phpfpmbeat Reads status from PHP-FPM. pingbeat Sends ICMP pings to a list of targets and stores the round trip time (RTT) in Elasticsearch. prombeat Indexes Prometheus metrics. prometheusbeat Send Prometheus metrics to Elasticsearch via the remote write feature. protologbeat Accepts structured and unstructured logs via UDP or TCP. Can also be used to receive syslog messages or GELF formatted messages. (To be used as a successor to udplogbeat) redditbeat Collects new Reddit Submissions of one or multiple Subreddits. redisbeat Used for Redis monitoring. retsbeat Collects counts of RETS resource/class records from Multiple Listing Service (MLS) servers. rsbeat Ships redis slow logs to elasticsearch and anlyze by Kibana. saltbeat Reads events from salt master event bus. springbeat Collects health and metrics data from Spring Boot applications running with the actuator module. twitterbeat Reads tweets for specified screen names. udpbeat Ships structured logs via UDP. udplogbeat Accept events via local UDP socket (in plain-text or JSON with ability to enforce schemas). Can also be used for applications only supporting syslog logging. unifiedbeat Reads records from Unified2 binary files generated by network intrusion detection software and indexes the records in Elasticsearch. uwsgibeat Reads stats from uWSGI. varnishlogbeat Reads log data from a Varnish instance and ships it to Elasticsearch. varnishstatbeat Reads stats data from a Varnish instance and ships it to Elasticsearch. wmibeat Uses WMI to grab your favorite, configurable Windows metrics.
參考: https://github.com/asileon/kibana_shard_allocation
Mathlion is an advanced math plugin for Kibana's Timelion
參考: https://github.com/fermiumlabs/mathlionios
.es(*).math("a=source") //the variable "a" now contains the elasticsearch query. .nop().math("a") //this row now equals the former elasticsearch query .es(*).math("source") //return the .es(*) query .es(*).math("source+5") // add 5 to the .es(*) query .nop().math("a=a+2 ; a=a+3 ") //adds 5 to a .nop().math("a=a+2 ; a=a+3 ; a ") //adds 5 to a and displays a+5 .es(*).math("a=source") //this query is invisible and does not generate an axis .es(*).math("a=source; a") //this query does .nop.math("sqrt(3^2 + 4^2)") //returns 5 //Calculate power comsumption based on measured current and stimated voltage (in Europe) .nop().math("electricPower(v,i)=(v*i)") .es(metric=avg:current).math(machineCurrent=source) .nop().math("elascPower(230,machineCurrent)") //plot the horizontal statistical mean and variance .es(*).math("me=mean(source); va=var(source)") .value(1).math(me*source) .value(1).math("(me+sqrt(va))*source") .value(1).math("(me-sqrt(va))*source")