
Query 是繼 prototype 以後又一個優秀的 Javascript 框架。其宗旨是—寫更少的代碼,作更多的事情。它是輕量級的 js 庫(壓縮後只有21k) ,這是其它的 js 庫所不 jquery及 的,它兼容 CSS3,還兼容各類瀏覽器(IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+)。 jQuery 是一個快速的,簡潔的 javaScript 庫,使用戶能更方便地處理 HTML documents、events、實現動畫效果,而且方便地爲網站提供 AJAX 交互。 jQuery 還有一個比較大的優點是,它的文檔說明很全,並且各類應用也說得很詳細,同時還有許多成熟的插件可供選擇。 jQuery 可以使用戶的 html 頁保持代碼和 html 內容分離,也就是說,不用再在 html 裏面插入一堆js來調用命令了,只需定義 id 便可。今天在 Kollermedia.at上發現了一篇JQuery插件列表的 文章,特推薦以下。

文件上傳(File upload)JQuery_001

Ajax File Upload.
Multiple File Upload plugin
jQuery File Style.
Styling an input type file.
Progress Bar Plugin. javascript

表單驗證(Form Validation)

jQuery Validation.
Auto Help.
Simple jQuery form validation.
jQuery XAV - form validations.
jQuery AlphaNumeric.
Masked Input.
TypeWatch Plugin.
Text limiter for form fields.
Ajax Username Check with jQuery. php

表單-選取框(Form - Select Box stuff)

jQuery Combobox.
jQuery controlled dependent (or Cascadign) Select List.
Multiple Selects.
Select box manipulation.
Select Combo Plugin.
jQuery - LinkedSelect
Auto-populate multiple select boxes.
Choose Plugin (Select Replacement). css

表單基本、輸入框、選擇框等(Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.)

jQuery Form Plugin.
jLook Nice Forms.
Ping Plugin.
Toggle Form Text.
jQuery Field Plugin.
jQuery Form’n Field plugin.
jQuery Checkbox manipulation.
jQuery labelcheck.
3 state radio buttons.
ShiftCheckbox jQuery Plugin.
Watermark Input.
jQuery Checkbox (checkboxes with imags).
jQuery SpinButton Control.
jQuery Ajax Form Builder.
jQuery Focus Fields.
jQuery Time Entry. html

時間、日期和顏色選取(Time, Date and Color Picker)

jQuery UI Datepicker.
jQuery date picker plugin.
jQuery Time Picker.
Time Picker.
Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin.
Color Picker by intelliance.fr. java

投票插件(Rating Plugins)

jQuery Star Rating Plugin.
jQuery Star Rater.
Content rater with asp.net, ajax and jQuery.
Half-Star Rating Plugin. node

搜索插件(Search Plugins)

jQuery Suggest.
jQuery Autocomplete.
jQuery Autocomplete Mod.
jQuery Autocomplete by AjaxDaddy.
jQuery Autocomplete Plugin with HTML formatting.
jQuery Autocompleter.
AutoCompleter (Tutorial with PHP&MySQL).
quick Search jQuery Plugin. jquery

編輯器(Inline Edit & Editors)JQuery_002

jQuery jFrame.
Jeditable - edit in place plugin for jQuery.
jQuery editable.
jQuery Disable Text Select Plugin.
Edit in Place with Ajax using jQuery.
jQuery Plugin - Another In-Place Editor.
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery. git

多媒體、視頻、Flash等(Audio, Video, Flash, SVG, etc)

jMedia - accessible multi-media embedding.
JBEdit - Ajax online Video Editor.
jQuery MP3 Plugin.
jQuery Media Plugin.
jQuery Flash Plugin.
Embed QuickTime.
SVG Integration. web


jQuery lightBox plugin.
jQuery Image Strip.
jQuery slideViewer.
jQuery jqGalScroll 2.0.
jQuery - jqGalViewII.
jQuery - jqGalViewIII.
jQuery Photo Slider.
jQuery Thumbs - easily create thumbnails.
jQuery jQIR Image Replacement.
jCarousel Lite.
Interface Imagebox.
Image Gallery using jQuery, Interface & Reflactions.
simple jQuery Gallery.
jQuery Gallery Module.
EO Gallery.
jQuery ScrollShow.
jQuery Cycle Plugin.
jQuery Flickr.
jQuery Lazy Load Images Plugin.
Zoomi - Zoomable Thumbnails.
jQuery Crop - crop any image on the fly.
Image Reflection. ajax

Google地圖(Google Map)

jQuery Plugin googlemaps.
jMaps jQuery Maps Framework.
jQuery & Google Maps.
jQuery Maps Interface forr Google and Yahoo maps.
jQuery J Maps - by Tane Piper.


Tetris with jQuery.
jQuery Chess.
Mad Libs Word Game.
jQuery Puzzle.
jQuery Solar System (not a game but awesome jQuery Stuff).

表格等(Tables, Grids etc.)

jQuery ingrid.
jQuery Grid Plugin.
Table Filter - awesome!.
jQuery Tree Tables.
Expandable 「Detail」 Table Rows.
Sortable Table ColdFusion Costum Tag with jQuery UI.
jQuery Bubble.
Scrollable HTML Table.
jQuery column Manager Plugin.
jQuery tableHover Plugin.
jQuery columnHover Plugin.
jQuery Grid.
TableSorter plugin for jQuery.
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery.
jQuery charToTable Plugin.
jQuery Grid Column Sizing.
jQuery Grid Row Sizing.

統計圖(Charts, Presentation etc.)

jQuery Wizard Plugin .
jQuery Chart Plugin.
Bar Chart.

邊框、圓角、背景(Border, Corners, Background)

jQuery Corner.
jQuery Curvy Corner.
Nifty jQuery Corner.
Transparent Corners.
jQuery Corner Gallery.
Gradient Plugin.

文字和超連接(Text and Links)

jQuery Spoiler plugin.
Text Highlighting.
Disable Text Select Plugin.
jQuery Newsticker.
Auto line-height Plugin.
Textgrad - a text gradient plugin.
LinkLook - a link thumbnail preview.
pager jQuery Plugin.
shortKeys jQuery Plugin.
jQuery Biggerlink.
jQuery Ajax Link Checker.


jQuery Plugin - Tooltip.
jTip - The jQuery Tool Tip.
Flash Tooltips using jQuery.

菜單和導航(Menus, Navigations)

jQuery Tabs Plugin - awesome! . [demo nested tabs.]
another jQuery nested Tab Set example (based on jQuery Tabs Plugin).
jQuery idTabs.
jdMenu - Hierarchical Menu Plugin for jQuery.
jQuery SuckerFish Style.
jQuery Plugin Treeview.
treeView Basic.
FastFind Menu.
Sliding Menu.
Lava Lamp jQuery Menu.
jQuery iconDock.
jVariations Control Panel.
ContextMenu plugin.
CSS Dock Menu.
jQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial.
Sliding Menu.


幻燈、翻轉等(Accordions, Slide and Toggle stuff)

jQuery Plugin Accordion.
jQuery Accordion Plugin Horizontal Way.
haccordion - a simple horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery.
Horizontal Accordion by portalzine.de.
Accordion Example from fmarcia.info.
jQuery Accordion Example.
jQuery Demo - Expandable Sidebar Menu.
Sliding Panels for jQuery.
jQuery ToggleElements.
Coda Slider.
Accesible News Slider Plugin.
Showing and Hiding code Examples.
jQuery Easing Plugin.
jQuery Portlets.

拖放插件(Drag and Drop)

EasyDrag jQuery Plugin.
jQuery Portlets.
jqDnR - drag, drop resize.
Drag Demos.


XSLT Plugin.
jQuery Ajax call and result XML parsing.
xmlObjectifier - Converts XML DOM to JSON.
jQuery XSL Transform.
jQuery Taconite - multiple Dom updates.
RSS/ATOM Feed Parser Plugin.
jQuery Google Feed Plugin.


Wresize - IE Resize event Fix Plugin.
jQuery ifixpng.
jQuery pngFix.
Link Scrubber - removes the dotted line onfocus from links.
jQuery Perciformes - the entire suckerfish familly under one roof.
Background Iframe.
QinIE - for proper display of Q tags in IE.
jQuery Accessibility Plugin.
jQuery MouseWheel Plugin.

對話框、確認窗口(Alert, Prompt, Confirm Windows)

jQuery Impromptu.
jQuery Confirm Plugin.


jQuery Style Switcher.
JSS - Javascript StyleSheets.
jQuery Rule - creation/manipulation of CSS Rules.

DOM、AJAX和其它JQuery插件(DOM, Ajax and other jQuery plugins)

jQuery Dimenion Plugin.
jQuery Loggin.
Metadata - extract metadata from classes, attributes, elements.
Super-tiny Client-Side Include Javascript jQuery Plugin.
Undo Made Easy with Ajax.
JHeartbeat - periodically poll the server.
Lazy Load Plugin.
Live Query.
jQuery Timers.
jQuery Share it - display social bookmarking icons.
jQuery serverCookieJar.
jQuery autoSave.
jQuery Puffer.
jQuery iFrame Plugin.
Cookie Plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Spy - awesome plugin.
Effect Delay Trick.
jQuick - a quick tag creator for jQuery.

