Apache Zeppelin 提供了多個REST APIs用於遠程功能交互操做。 全部的REST APIs 都經過 endpoint http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api
進行操做。注意,Apache Zeppelin 的REST APIs 都接受和返回 JSON 對象, 建議安裝 JSON viewers, 好比 JSONView。html
若是你使用Apache Zeppelin ,發現對其它的 REST API需求, 能夠到這裏去提出來或者發送電子郵件給咱們: send us an email.web
註冊的解釋器做用、設置的描述,參考 here。sql
Description | This GET method returns all the registered interpreters available on the server. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 500 |
Sample JSON response | { "status": "OK", "message": "", "body": { "md.md": { "name": "md", "group": "md", "className": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown", "properties": {}, "path": "/zeppelin/interpreter/md" }, "spark.spark": { "name": "spark", "group": "spark", "className": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkInterpreter", "properties": { "spark.executor.memory": { "defaultValue": "1g", "description": "Executor memory per worker instance. ex) 512m, 32g" }, "spark.cores.max": { "defaultValue": "", "description": "Total number of cores to use. Empty value uses all available core." }, }, "path": "/zeppelin/interpreter/spark" }, "spark.sql": { "name": "sql", "group": "spark", "className": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkSqlInterpreter", "properties": { "zeppelin.spark.maxResult": { "defaultValue": "1000", "description": "Max number of Spark SQL result to display." } }, "path": "/zeppelin/interpreter/spark" } } } |
Description | This GET method returns all the interpreters settings registered on the server. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 500 |
Sample JSON response | { "status": "OK", "message": "", "body": [ { "id": "2AYUGP2D5", "name": "md", "group": "md", "properties": { "empty": "" }, "interpreterGroup": [ { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown", "name": "md" } ], "dependencies": [] }, { "id": "2AY6GV7Q3", "name": "spark", "group": "spark", "properties": { "spark.cores.max": "", "spark.executor.memory": "1g", }, "interpreterGroup": [ { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkInterpreter", "name": "spark" }, { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkSqlInterpreter", "name": "sql" } ], "dependencies": [ { "groupArtifactVersion": "com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.3.0" } ] } ] } |
Description | This GET method returns a registered interpreter setting on the server. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/[setting ID] |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 400 if such interpreter setting id does not exist 500 for any other errors |
Sample JSON response | { "status": "OK", "message": "", "body": { "id": "2AYW25ANY", "name": "Markdown setting name", "group": "md", "properties": { "propname": "propvalue" }, "interpreterGroup": [ { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown", "name": "md" } ], "dependencies": [ { "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version", "exclusions": [ "groupId:artifactId" ] } ] } } |
Description | This POST method adds a new interpreter setting using a registered interpreter to the server. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 400 if the input json is empty 500 for any other errors |
Sample JSON input | { "name": "Markdown setting name", "group": "md", "properties": { "propname": "propvalue" }, "interpreterGroup": [ { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown", "name": "md" } ], "dependencies": [ { "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version", "exclusions": [ "groupId:artifactId" ] } ] } |
Sample JSON response | { "status": "CREATED", "message": "", "body": { "id": "2AYW25ANY", "name": "Markdown setting name", "group": "md", "properties": { "propname": "propvalue" }, "interpreterGroup": [ { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown", "name": "md" } ], "dependencies": [ { "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version", "exclusions": [ "groupId:artifactId" ] } ] } } |
Description | This PUT method updates an interpreter setting with new properties. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/[interpreter ID] |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 500 |
Sample JSON input | { "name": "Markdown setting name", "group": "md", "properties": { "propname": "Otherpropvalue" }, "interpreterGroup": [ { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown", "name": "md" } ], "dependencies": [ { "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version", "exclusions": [ "groupId:artifactId" ] } ] } |
Sample JSON response | { "status": "OK", "message": "", "body": { "id": "2AYW25ANY", "name": "Markdown setting name", "group": "md", "properties": { "propname": "Otherpropvalue" }, "interpreterGroup": [ { "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown", "name": "md" } ], "dependencies": [ { "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version", "exclusions": [ "groupId:artifactId" ] } ] } } |
Description | This DELETE method deletes an given interpreter setting. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/[interpreter ID] |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 500 |
Sample JSON response | {"status":"OK"} |
Description | This PUT method restarts the given interpreter id. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/restart/[interpreter ID] |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 500 |
Sample JSON input (Optional) | { "noteId": "2AVQJVC8N" } |
Sample JSON response | {"status":"OK"} |
Description | This POST method adds new repository. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/repository |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 500 |
Sample JSON input | { "id": "securecentral", "url": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2", "snapshot": false } |
Sample JSON response | {"status":"OK"} |
Description | This DELETE method delete repository with given id. |
URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/repository/[repository ID] |
Success code | 200 |
Fail code | 500chrome |