摘自網上 sql
-- 查詢整個數據庫中某個特定值所在的表和字段的方法 # flush tables; -- 建立表來存儲查詢結果 drop table if exists tmp_table; CREATE TABLE tmp_table ( tablename VARCHAR(1024) null, columnname VARCHAR(1024) null, columnvalue VARCHAR(1024) null ); DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS search_value; DELIMITER $$ -- v1內容值 CREATE PROCEDURE search_value(v1 VARCHAR(1024)) BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE m_table VARCHAR(64); DECLARE m_column VARCHAR(64); -- 查詢數據庫字段類型爲'varchar' 的字段 DECLARE m_tables CURSOR FOR select table_name, column_name from information_schema.columns where data_type = 'varchar' -- 注意修改這裏的 table_schema and table_schema = 'table_schema' -- and table_name = 'biz_patient_register' ; declare continue handler for not FOUND set done = 1; set @_v = v1; open m_tables; FETCH m_tables INTO m_table, m_column; WHILE done != 1 do # insert into tmp_table select m_table as tablename, m_column as columnname, v1 as columnvalue; set @m_sql = concat('insert into tmp_table select ''', m_table, ''' as tablename,''', m_column, ''' as columnname,`', m_column, '` as columnvalue from `', m_table, '` where `', m_column, '` = ''%', v1, '%'';'); -- 編譯sql prepare stmt from @m_sql; -- 執行sqL EXECUTE stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; # select m_table, m_column; FETCH m_tables INTO m_table, m_column; END WHILE; CLOSE m_tables; End $$ DELIMITER ; -- 存儲過程建立完成 call search_value('152'); -- 執行存儲過程 select * from tmp_table; -- 查詢存儲過程執行的結果