本文主要研究一下apache gossip的FailureDetectorjava
public class FailureDetector { public static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(FailureDetector.class); private final DescriptiveStatistics descriptiveStatistics; private final long minimumSamples; private volatile long latestHeartbeatMs = -1; private final String distribution; public FailureDetector(long minimumSamples, int windowSize, String distribution) { descriptiveStatistics = new DescriptiveStatistics(windowSize); this.minimumSamples = minimumSamples; this.distribution = distribution; } /** * Updates the statistics based on the delta between the last * heartbeat and supplied time * * @param now the time of the heartbeat in milliseconds */ public synchronized void recordHeartbeat(long now) { if (now <= latestHeartbeatMs) { return; } if (latestHeartbeatMs != -1) { descriptiveStatistics.addValue(now - latestHeartbeatMs); } latestHeartbeatMs = now; } public synchronized Double computePhiMeasure(long now) { if (latestHeartbeatMs == -1 || descriptiveStatistics.getN() < minimumSamples) { return null; } long delta = now - latestHeartbeatMs; try { double probability; if (distribution.equals("normal")) { double standardDeviation = descriptiveStatistics.getStandardDeviation(); standardDeviation = standardDeviation < 0.1 ? 0.1 : standardDeviation; probability = new NormalDistributionImpl(descriptiveStatistics.getMean(), standardDeviation).cumulativeProbability(delta); } else { probability = new ExponentialDistributionImpl(descriptiveStatistics.getMean()).cumulativeProbability(delta); } final double eps = 1e-12; if (1 - probability < eps) { probability = 1.0; } return -1.0d * Math.log10(1.0d - probability); } catch (MathException | IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.debug(e); return null; } } }