Anveshak: Placing Edge Servers In The Wild


本文爲SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop (Mobile Edge Communications, MECOMM)論文。python



本文做者包含4位,University of Helsinki, Finland的Nitinder Mohan,Aleksandr Zavodovski,Pengyuan Zhou和Jussi Kangasharju


Edge computing provides an attractive platform for bringing data and processing closer to users in networked environments. Several edge proposals aim to place the edge servers at a couple hop distance from the client to ensure lowest possible compute and network delay. An attractive edge server placement is to co-locate it with existing (cellular) base stations to avoid additional infrastructure establishment costs. However, determining the exact locations for edge servers is an important question that must be resolved for optimal placement. In this paper, we present Anveshak, a framework that solves the problem of placing edge servers in a geographical topology and provides the optimal solution for edge providers. Our proposed solution considers both end-user application requirements as well as deployment and operating costs incurred by edge platform providers. The placement optimization metric of Anveshak considers the request pattern of users and existing user-established edge servers. In our evaluation based on real datasets, we show that Anveshak achieves 67% increase in user satisfaction while maintaining high server utilization. 安全



Novel applications, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and augmented and virtual reality, have exponentially increased the amount of data generated and transported over the network. To mitigate the response time and handle large-scale data analysis closer to the users and data generators, the researchers have proposed edge clouds. As the name suggests, edge cloud is a consolidation of compute servers deployed very close to end user with limited compute, storage and network capability [1, 12, 22]. The central objective of edge clouds is to ensure low network delays for latency-critical applications such as autonomous driving, drones, augmented reality, etc. [10]. Such a requirement can be fulflled by exploiting the physical proximity between the edge server and the client. 網絡

新型應用(如物聯網IoT,加強和虛擬現實)致使數據產生量和網絡傳輸的數據量指數級增加。爲了減小響應時間,而且在接近用戶和數據產生到處理大規模數據分析,研究人員提出了邊緣雲。正如名字所暗示的,邊緣雲是靠近終端用戶的計算服務器集合,這些服務器具備有限的計算、存儲和網絡能力[1, 12, 22]。邊緣雲的中心目標是確保延遲關鍵型應用的低網絡延遲(如自動駕駛、無人飛機、加強現實等[10])。這一需求能夠經過利用邊緣服務器和客戶端的位置接近優點得以知足。架構

Existing studies focus on optimal utilization of the edge server by end-user requests, assuming that the server has been placed already [2, 18]. Little to no attention has been paid to model the edge server deployment problem along with its placement constraints. There are similarities between the edge server placement problem and replica server deployment problem in CDNs, for which several solutions exist in the literature [14, 15, 17]. Akin to CDN cache servers placement problem, edge server placement must also ensure consistent connectivity to end users while minimizing the cost of such a deployment. However, we argue that despite similarities in their objectives, the two placement problems are essentially quite different. Unlike replica servers, an edge server is more likely to cater to several compute requests of local relevance which does not require high volume data transfer over the network. In such a case, the availability and network latency associated with an edge server have greater priority over link usage and network

當前的研究關注經過終端用戶請求優化邊緣服務器的利用率,假設服務器已經部署完成[2, 18]。幾乎沒有研究關注建模邊緣服務器部署問題以及放置約束條件。邊緣服務器放置問題和CDN(內容分發網絡)中的複製服務器部署問題有相似性; CDN(內容分發網絡)中的複製服務器部署問題已經有多重解決方案,見文獻[14, 15, 17]。相似於CDN緩存服務器部署問題,邊緣服務器放置一樣必須確保和終端用戶的持續鏈接,同時最小化部署開銷。然而,咱們認爲儘管二者目標有類似性,這兩個放置問題在本質上是不一樣的。不一樣於複製服務器,邊緣服務器是面向多個局部相關的計算請求,這些請求不須要大量經網絡傳輸的數據。在這種情形下,與邊緣服務器相關的可用性和網絡延遲比鏈路使用量和網絡帶寬具備更高的優先級。框架

Several options for deploying edge servers have been proposed in the literature. Mobile Edge Clouds (MEC’s), defined by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), aim to co-locate edge servers with cellular base stations set up by telecom providers operating in the area [1]. On the other hand, researchers have also proposed to utilize non-conventional compute resources, such as WiFi access points, smart speakers, network switches, etc., to support computation capability at the network edge [9]. Unlike MEC, these resources are owned and managed by end-users. Even though the proposed models differ in deployment requirements, management, capacities, etc.; we envision that the models are independent of the protocols, software stacks and user applications that will drive the edge cloud platform as a whole. 


In this paper, we present Anveshak, a deployment framework which enables edge service providers to select optimal sites for edge server placement. Our contributions are as follows. (1) Anveshak considers the availability and density of unmanaged edge resources in the area to steer the deployment location of a managed server. The novelty lies in predicting future deployments of user-owned edge servers and incorporating it in current edge server deployment problem. (2) We identify the areas of higher preference for deployment by observing the mobility pattern of the users in the area. We consider previous requests issued by the users to prioritize locations with a higher probability of edge service requests, thereby optimizing user satisfaction. (3) We extensively simulate Anveshak on real-world datasets collected over the city of Milan, Italy. Our evaluation shows that Anveshak increases the user request satisfaction by 67% while maintaining an average server utilization of 83%. To the best of our knowledge, there exist no previously known studies which consider server provisioning in a scenario where multiple edge cloud models coexist and operate in the same physical space. 


The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the physical edge cloud abstraction composing of multiple edge cloud models in same space. Section 3 provides an in-depth description of model, framework design and optimization problem of Anveshak. We implement Anveshak and evaluate its performance on real datasets in Section 4. Section 5 reviews the related work. We conclude our paper in Section 6. 



Researchers have proposed several edge cloud architectures to support the use-cases present in real world [2]. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is a telecommunication-vendor centric edge cloud model wherein the deployment, operation, and maintenance of edge servers is handled by an ISP operating in the area [10]. The model has garnered interest from standardization bodies [6]. On the other hand, researchers have proposed a user-centric view where a user can deploy computationally-capable network devices local to their surroundings. The proliferation of smart speakers, home automation hubs, intelligent wireless access points provides evidence to the adoption of such edge architectures [16]. Unlike the MEC resources, the user-centric edge resources are self-managing in nature and are less likely to have consistent network and computational availability. 


Both above models consider different deployment options from in-network placement at aggregation level to opportunistic consolidation composed of small compute hubs. However, we consider a holistic view of a physical space where several edge servers belonging to different cloud models and technologies coexist. As each model brings in its advantages and drawbacks, the coexistence and cooperation between available edge servers will be critical to efficient computation and context availability in future. Figure 1 shows the physical abstraction of edge servers and users coexisting in a geographical area. The model is a two-tier hierarchy of edge servers in a physical space alongside with users, the details of which are explained below. 

圖1: 可能的位於同一地理區域的邊緣服務器和用戶抽象。


Users: The subscribers of edge cloud in a region act as the source for all compute requests. Previous research in user mobility has shown that user request distribution in any area is temporally and behaviorally influenced [11]. For example, user request density is more populated in city centers than suburban areas. Such request patterns profoundly affect the utilization of edge server deployments in any region. An efficient server deployment algorithm must consider the origin and pattern of user requests in a geographical region to allocate server resources for optimal utilization and availability. 


User-managed Edge: This layer is composed of edge servers which are managed by individual entities for local usage and are likely to be deployed in households, small workplaces, etc. These servers utilize WiFi (short-range) networks to interact with enduser. The user-managed edge servers are responsible for handling computational requests from a small set of clients and are thus limited in computation power. However, they provide a very local context to user-generated request. The availability of such servers is highly dependent on user residency and mobility itself. For example, densely-populated residential areas and tourist attraction spots have a higher availability of WiFi access points than in industrial/office areas [19].


Service Provider-managed Edge: The top-most layer of the edge server abstraction model is composed of service-provider managed edge servers. Such servers are co-located with cellular base stations set up in the region due to their strategic locations and constant ISP management. An edge server physically co-located at the base station signifcantly reduces the operation and maintenance costs involved for specifcally setting up a location to house a server. Unlike user-managed edge, the edge servers managed by a third-party service provider have a higher computational capability and wider-area coverage. These edge servers utilize the network fabric and capability offered by the cellular base station to connect with users and amongst themselves. ISPs can also remotely manage and maintain these edge servers by utilizing their existing set up infrastructure. 



The problem of deploying edge servers in a physical space boils down to ensuring low latency, proximity and high availability to clients. Further, installing a server at any location incurs a combination of CAPEX (purchase and deployment) and OPEX (maintenance, security) costs to the service provider. To maximize the profits, it is in best interests of the provider to select edge sites intelligently such that the deployed server has maximum impact and utilization. Anveshak enables service providers to find optimal edge sites in a large metropolitan area. It selects a prioritized list of cellular base stations within an area which can be augmented with an edge server. Through its insightful utilization of pre-existing user request patterns and edge servers in the area, Anveshak ensures that the selected edge site has maximum reachability and high user request satisfaction.


Figure 2 shows the workflow of Anveshak. We categorize the framework’s functioning in three phases, user mapping, user edge incorporation and edge location selection.



Phase 1: User Mapping to Physical Space (階段1: 用戶映射到物理空間)

The design of Anveshak is based on the assumption that the edge service provider works in conjunction with the ISP to ensure optimal installation of edge servers on ISP-managed base stations. Therefore, the service provider will have access to the user request database from ISPs operating in the region. These request databases can include Call Detail Records (CDR), message requests, internet usages etc. which can be augmented to form user request pattern. Anveshak utilizes the dataset of communication requests by the clients of the ISP in its frst phase. The objective of the framework in this phase is to identify areas of high communication requests in the geographical region as these areas have a higher probability of receiving edge compute requests.


Anveshak begins the phase by dividing the space S into evenly spaced square grids(shown in Figure 3a). Further, Anveshak maps the user communication request originating from a location in S, as shown in Figure 3b. The user requests are normalized and averaged over a time duration of one to several months such that temporal outliers in the dataset (user gatherings, fairs, concerts etc.) are ironed out. Once the framework has all user requests mapped to point set P in S, it clusters them based on inter-request distances and density. The clustering algorithm identifes regions with dense and frequent user requests in S by selecting a minimum number of request points within MinPts radii of an existing base station in that area. Further, the algorithm also specifes ϵ which defines the minimun required distance between two points to classify them as part of a single cluster. Figure 3c presents the user requests clustered together in S. The choice of ϵ and MinPts is key to efficient clustering in Anveshak and can be easily adjusted by the service provider to best suit deployment requirements. 


圖3: Anveshak的階段1。

Following request clustering, Anveshak maps arbitrary cluster shapes to the corresponding grids in S (shown in Figure 3d). The density of a cluster is normalized to generate grid-based heatmap of the region. In doing so, Anveshak can handle overlapping clusters, small dense clusters, and clusters of various shapes more efficiently than related approaches. Furthermore, this enables the framework to overcome the inefciencies of the clustering algorithm used.


The density heatmap and its location coordinates is fed into the next phase of Anveshak. 


Phase 2: User Edge Incorporation (用戶邊緣合併)

As discussed in Section 2, compute-capable network devices such as smart speakers, home automation, smart WiFi routers, etc. have become quite popular and are expected to develop into $4.2 billion market by 2022 [16]. Such smart devices can resolve relatively small computations locally to the clients and will be preferred by users over a service provider-managed server in the same location. The availability of these devices signifcantly impacts the utilization of deployed edge server in an area as the number of user requests which will be offloaded to a managed edge server will notably reduce. In its second phase, Anveshak integrates the current and future availability of user-managed edge servers by the end users. It does so by building on the assumption that areas with high density of WiFi access points (APs) are more likely to have a future deployment of user-managed edge servers. The inclusion of this phase is key to the novelty of Anveshak over related works. 


Anveshak merges all user requests from grid Gi ∈ S such that user requests in the same cluster C are distributed over several grid groups. It further exploits already existing datasets of WiFi APs in space S (such as Wigle [19]) and maps them on the same grid Gi. Based on the density of existing deployment, Anveshak revises the user request heatmap of S where grids with denser WiFi availability receives negative request density adjustment. The resulting map prioritizes locations with a lower number of local edge deployments as the probability of clients to request a provider-managed edge server is higher. The grid locations GL is fed into the next phase of Anveshak. 

Anveshak歸併來自網格Gi ∈ S的全部用戶請求,使得同一集羣C內的用戶請求在多個網格組中分佈。它進一步利用空間S中的現有WiFi AP數據集,並將它們映射到同一網格Gi。基於當前的部署密度,Anveshak修訂S的用戶請求熱度圖;具備更高WiFi可用性密度的網格收到負的請求密度調整。最終的映射給予具備更少本地邊緣部署的位置高優先權,由於客戶端請求提供商管理的邊緣服務器的機率更高。網格位置GL輸入到Anveshak的下一階段。

Phase 3: Edge Location Selection (邊緣位置選擇)

In its fnal phase, Anveshak increasingly orders grids from Phase 2 on ratio of user request density. The set of users U within a grid Gi can be served by x possible edge locations (existing base stations) denoted by LGi = l1, . . . ,lx. Anveshak ensures one-hop connectivity between users and deployed server by selecting a location lk which is best reachable for majority of users in Gi. Let Rmax (u,Sl ) be the maximum tolerated network distance between U and Sl where l ∈ LGi . 

最後一個階段,Anveshak根據第二階段中用戶請求密度率遞增排序網格。網格Gi中的用戶集合U能夠由x個可能的邊緣位置(現有基站)提供服務,描述爲LGi = l1, . . . ,lx。Anveshak保證用戶和部署服務器之間的1跳鏈接,經過選擇位置lk(對Gi中絕大部分用戶具備最好的可達性)。以Rmax (u,Sl ) 表示U和Sl間最大容忍網絡距離,這裏 l ∈ LGi

Based on the requirements and number of servers to be placed in S, Rmax of Sl will specify the cluster boundary for satisfying u and is influenced by the connectivity range of the existing base station. Further, let α denote the maximum cost incurred to access the server Sl by users in the cluster. Thus, the network cost (n(S,u)) of a cluster can denoted as 


In order to estimate the network costs between users and server location within a grid, the model utilizes a coordinate based network latency approximation technique [13]. Anveshak attempts to minimize the latency to one-hop between majority of users and deployed server Sl within grid Gi based on Equation 1. Further, the users in same grid which do not fall under direct connectivity of Sl are reachable within 2-3 hops by utilizing the internal network between base stations. 


Let xl denote a binary decision variable which is 1 if we locate Sl in candidate location l ∈ LGi . Therefore, the optimal server location for an arbitrary user u can be defned as,

以xl表示二進制變量,若是咱們將Sl放置在候選位置l∈ LGi),則其值爲1。所以,任意用戶u的最優服務器位置定義爲:

The equation 3 is a variant of facility location problem (FLP) [7] with network capacity constraints. The resulting optimization is a well known NP-hard problem, the approximate solution of which can only be obtained by adding specifc placement constraints. However, since Anveshak divides S in small grids with limited number of edge site locations, even the worst-case iterative solution for optimizing Equation 3 takes reasonable time. 



We now evaluate the efficiency of Anveshak in placing edge servers over Milan, Italy by utilizing several open datasets. We frst implement Anveshak’s workflow (shown in Figure 2) as two separate pluggable modules. The Phase 1 of the framework is implemented as clustering module in R. The module produces clusters of user requests based on request patterns, WiFi access points, and base stations datasets provided to it. We design the module to be independent of the choice of clustering algorithm used and can be freely selected by the service provider (default is DBScan). Phase 2 and 3 of Anveshak are implemented in Python and return base station coordinates to the service provider considering the constraints imposed. 


We compare Anveshak with two alternative placement approaches which have been discussed in the literature [14, 17]. The approaches are described as follows: 

咱們比較了Anveshak和兩種可選的放置方法(在文獻[14, 17]中討論)。這兩種方法描述以下:

  • Greedy: This method allocates average user request densities to the base stations in the area of interest. It then utilizes a greedy selection algorithm to select top-k base stations which serve most number of users in the area. 
  • 貪心:該方法分配平均用戶請求密度給興趣區域的基站。而後,它使用貪心選擇算法選擇服務本區域大部分用戶數量的前k個基站。
  • Random: As its name suggests, this approach randomly chooses k base stations on the map and assigns edge servers to them. 
  • 隨機:如名字所暗示的,這種方法隨機選擇地圖中k個基站,並將邊緣服務器分配給它們。

Unlike Anveshak, both of the approaches mentioned above neither consider whether selected base stations serve the same set of users due to connectivity overlap nor the availability of other edge servers in the area. 


 4.1 Dataset (數據集)

In order to gauge the impact of selection algorithm on real networks, we utilize several open datasets over city of Milan, Italy. For user connectivity requests, we use the dataset published by Telecom Italia from November 1st to December 31st 2013. The anonymized dataset divides the map of Milan into 100x100 grids of 250m width. The dataset contains user’s internet connection to base station as user request tied to its grid ID along with the time when it was made. In our evaluation, Anveshak utilizes the average total user requests in November, 2013 to generate clusters of user requests. The heatmap of unclustered user internet requests for November is shown in Figure 4a. 


圖4: 規格化用戶通訊請求、WiFi訪問點和意大利電信蜂窩基站的分佈(意大利米蘭市)。

We map all WiFi access points in the same area of that of Telecom Italia dataset by utilizing open crowd-sourced dataset from Wigle [19]. The dataset contains SSID, location coordinates, signal strength, channel number etc. for all access points. Out of the entire dataset, we flter out the hotspot access points to reduce variations in access point location density. Figure 4b shows the density heatmap of WiFi access points in Milan. We utilize an open dataset of all cellular base stations in the world and use the ones in Milan using the coordinates provided in the dataset. We further filter and use close to 800+ Telecom Italia base stations in Milan in our evaluation. The heatmap of Telecom Italia base stations in Milan is shown in Figure 4c.


As assumed in design of Anveshak, we can observe from Figure 4 that both user requests and WiFi access points are concentrated in populated areas of the city (such as city center) whereas the cellular base stations are evenly distributed throughout the map. 


4.2 Results (結果)

We now evaluate the placement efciency of the discussed approaches. We task the placement algorithms to select 50 out of total 812 base stations in Milan as edge server deployment sites. The average coverage radius of base station in the dataset is little higher than 1000m; we utilize a coordinate based latency approximation [13] to estimate user requests which can be satisfed within this area. These requests may originate from neighboring grids of the selected base station. Further, Anveshak utilizes users internet traffc requests for November 2013 for initial clustering and edge site selection. We then evaluate the efciency of the selection for user requests in December 2013. 


We focus our evaluation and comparison on two metrics: (1) the percentage of user requests satisfed by selected edge site, and (2) the total utilization of the deployed edge server. All our results are averaged over ten runs. 


User Request Satisfaction: Figure 5 compares the percentage of user requests which were satisfed by the base stations selected by each approach for every third day in December. As observed from the figure, edge servers deployed via Anveshak can serve ≈ 67% more users than Greedy in an area. We attribute this behavior to greedy selection of sites based on user requests inherent to Greedy functioning. Even though the site selection by Greedy prefers highest serving base stations, it often fails to consider locations which are far away from densely populated areas yet having signifcant request origination. On careful analysis, we found that unlike Anveshak which satisfes all clusters on the map, Greedy favors base stations within most dense user cluster. 



From the results, we also see that Anveshak satisfes ≈ 25% of total user requests on average by selecting 8% of total base stations. In our further experiments, we found that Anveshak achieves more than 90% user satisfaction by installing just 124 edge servers (on average). Whereas Greedy and Random require 218 and 300+ servers respectively. We do not show the detailed results due to space limitations. 


Server Utilization: We deploy edge servers on all selected locations where a server can handle up to 500 user requests every 10 minutes. Further, we augment 10% WiFi APs in the coverage area as compute-capable and a single AP handle 50 requests/10mins within the grid thereby operating at 10% compute power of that of a managed edge server. As discussed in Section 2 user-managed edge server first handles all user requests upon exceeding which it is sent to base station edge server. If the base stations receive more requests than its capacity in 10 minutes, it offloads additional requests to the remote cloud. Figure 6 shows overall server utilization in December 2013. 

服務器利用率:咱們將邊緣服務器部署到全部選擇的位置;這裏,一臺服務器每分鐘能夠處理高達500個用戶請求。此外,咱們加強覆蓋區域內10%的WiFi AP做爲具有計算能力的設備,而且網格內單個AP能夠處理50個請求/10分鐘,所以其具有控制的邊緣服務器的10%的計算能力。如第二部分討論的,用戶控制的邊緣服務器首先處理全部的用戶請求,超過其處理能力時,將用戶請求發送到基站邊緣服務器。若是基站在10分鐘內接收到超過其處理容量的請求,其將請求卸載到遠程雲。圖6給出2013年12月總體服務器利用率。

圖6: 平均服務器利用率。

Anveshak achieves 83% server utilization on average whereas Greedy and Random achieve 66% and 12% utilization only. We attribute the reason for such high utilization by Anveshak to its selection of edge servers with less availability of user-managed edge servers. The sites selected by Greedy have a high concentration of WiFi APs which leads to lesser requests sent to the managed server. 

Anveshak平均取得83%的服務器利用率,而貪心和隨機算法只取得66%和12%的平均利用率。咱們將Anveshak的如此高的利用率的緣由歸由於其選擇的邊緣服務器具備更少用戶控制邊緣服務器的可用性。貪心算法選擇的站點的WiFi AP的集中性高,致使更少的請求被髮送到控制的服務器。
