An Android costomized ScrollView which likes UIScrollView over-scrolling effect in iOS.工具
A Kotlin compiler plugin to make dependency injection with Dagger 2 easier.
XEditText: clear contents easily; show/hide password; separeta contents automatically, such as credit card number; disable Emoji inputs; 帶刪除功能的EditText;顯示或者隱藏密碼;可設置自動添加分隔符分割電話號碼、銀行卡號等;支持禁止Emoji表情符號輸入。
全開源 高效率 QQ機器人/Android QQ協議支持庫 for JVM / Android
A looping LayoutManager for the Android RecyclerView.
Demo app for the talk Do the Loco-MotionLayout presented at droidcon Italy, droidcon Boston, 360AnDev & droidcon London 2019 along with examples using MotionLayout
This is an exploratory playground library to figure out how to Draw and animate using Android Jetpack Compose library.
Encryption is a simple way to encrypt and decrypt strings on Android and Java project.
A playground for elevation on Android
A lightweight image loader for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
An Android library to parse a RSS Feed
A tiny library to save your crash reports to the device's storage with lots of details of what went wrong.
Prefiller is a Gradle plugin that generates pre-filled Room databases at compile time.
Plugin for parsing and managing the Changelog in a keep a changelog style.
A demo app for Bubble API introduced in Android 10.
Android MotionLayout: Creating the Twitter splash screen in the simplest way possible
A SpaceX companion app for Android
Android Galway Bus app using Kotlin Multiplatform shared code
a simple android application to search git command on one click.
Native Android app using the Apple/Google exposure notification API.
What's the equivalent of in Jetpack Compose?
Here's a handy tool that lets you input a traditional Android view type, and it tells you what the equivalent Jetpack Compose component is.