ChromeDriver and Selenium are tools for automated testing of Chromium-based applications. The tests themselves can be written in a number of languages including Java, JavaScript and Python. ChromeDriver communicates with the Chromium-based application using the DevTools remote debugging protocol (configured via the --remote-debugging-port=XXXX command-line flag passed to the application). Detailed ChromeDriver/Selenium usage information is available here:html
This tutorial demonstrates how to control the cefclient sample application using the Java programming language on Windows. Usage on other platforms and with other CEF-based applications is substantially similar.web
Install the Java JDK and add its bin directory to your system PATH
Create a directory that will contain all files. This tutorial uses c:\
Download ChromeDriver from and extract (e.g. provides chomedriver.exe). This tutorial was tested with version 2.14.api
Download selenium-server-standalone-x.y.z.jar from This tutorial was tested with version 2.44.0.bash
Download a CEF binary distribution client from Downloads and extract (e.g. cef_binary_3.2171.1979_windows32_client.7z).app
import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // Path to the ChromeDriver executable. System.setProperty("", "c:/temp/chromedriver.exe"); ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); // Path to the CEF executable. options.setBinary("c:/temp/cef_binary_3.2171.1979_windows32_client/Release/cefclient.exe"); // Port to communicate on. Required starting with ChromeDriver v2.41. options.addArguments("remote-debugging-port=12345"); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options); driver.get(""); sleep(3000); // Let the user actually see something! WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q")); searchBox.sendKeys("ChromeDriver"); searchBox.submit(); sleep(3000); // Let the user actually see something! driver.quit(); } static void sleep(int time) { try { Thread.sleep(time); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } }
Your directory structure should now look similar to this:ui
c:\temp\ cef_binary_3.2171.1979_windows32_client\ Release\ cefclient.exe (and other files) chromedriver.exe selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar
> cd c:\temp > javac -cp ".;*"
> cd c:\temp > java -cp ".;*" Example When the example is run ChromeDriver will:
Output to the console:
Starting ChromeDriver 2.14.313457 (3d645c400edf2e2c500566c9aa096063e707c9cf) on port 28110 Only local connections are allowed.
Launch cefclient.exe. Submit a Google search for "ChromeDriver". Close cefclient.exe.