怎麼利用 ChromeDriver 和 Selenium對 CEF應用進行自動化測試-python實現

In my cefpython application I specify a remote debug port:python

switches = {"remote-debugging-port": "22222"}
 cefpython.Initialize(settings, switches)

Run chromedriver:web

chromedriver --port=33333

I'm using selenium python bindings:chrome

from selenium import webdriver
 chromeOptions = {'debuggerAddress':''}
 capabilities = {'chromeOptions':chromeOptions}
 browser = webdriver.Remote('' capabilities)

I wanted chromedriver and selenium on a remote machine so used an ssh tunnel on the client:app

ssh -L localhost

A nice bonus is that in chrome I can access "" and can use the chrome dev tools on the open tabs in my remote browser.ssh

P.S. If you don't want to specify the port you need to add the "--remote-debugging-port" chromedriver supplies your app to the switches dictionary. Also in the selenium script:google

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
 options.binary_location = "/path/to/app"
 browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)