PSP2.1 | Personal Software Process Stages | 預估耗時(分鐘) | 實際耗時(分鐘) |
Planning | 計劃 | 60 | 30 |
· Estimate | · 估計這個任務須要多少時間 | 60 | 30 |
Development | 開發 | 1680 | 2320 |
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括學習新技術) | 120 | 100 |
· Design Spec | · 生成設計文檔 | 30 | 30 |
· Design Review | · 設計複審 (和同事審覈設計文檔) | 30 | 20 |
· Coding Standard | · 代碼規範 (爲目前的開發制定合適的規範) | 30 | 30 |
· Design | · 具體設計 | 60 | 120 |
· Coding | · 具體編碼 | 1200 | 1680 |
· Code Review | · 代碼複審 | 30 | 40 |
· Test | · 測試(自我測試,修改代碼,提交修改) | 180 | 300 |
Reporting | 報告 | 390 | 510 |
· Test Report | · 測試報告 | 180 | 200 |
· Size Measurement | · 計算工做量 | 30 | 10 |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 過後總結, 並提出過程改進計劃 | 180 | 300 |
合計 | 2130 | 2860 |
In computing and systems design a loosely coupled system is one in which each of its components has, or makes use of, little or no knowledge of the definitions of other separate components. Subareas include the coupling of classes, interfaces, data, and services.[1] Loose coupling is the opposite of tight coupling.git
void InputHandler(int argc, char* argv[], bool &enable_loop, int &word_or_char, char &head, char &tail, string &Filename); void ReadFile(string FileName, vector<string> &words); void DFS_Length(Graph G, int v, vector<string> words, char tail);
ReadFile: 讀取文件的模塊,將文件中的單詞提取進入容器vector中。
Graph: 圖的定義。
FindLongestWordList: 計算模塊,內含計算接口。計算出單詞中的最長鏈。編程
另外一問題是因爲無環狀況最多可有10000個單詞,而floyd算法時間複雜度爲O(n^3),暴力的計算顯然是不行的。考慮到對於無環的狀況,有以下特性:對於單詞element和elephant,因爲無環,這兩個單詞最多隻有一個會出如今鏈中。(不然會出現element, t..., ..., ....e, elephant / element,這樣必定是有環的),而若是要知足字母最多,顯然這時候須要選擇elephant加入鏈中。所以咱們能夠對於全部首尾字母相同的單詞,保留首尾字母組合中,最長的一個單詞。這樣的操做以後,最多的單詞數目爲351,即便是時間複雜度O(n^3)的算法也能很快得出結果。另外能夠計算得,最長鏈的長度最大爲51。數組
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod3) { // TODO: normal_test3 char* words[101] = { "element", "heaven", "table", "teach", "talk"}; char* answer[101]; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { answer[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 601); } int l = gen_chain_word(words, 5, answer, 0, 0, true); Assert::AreEqual(l, 4); Assert::AreEqual("table", answer[0]); Assert::AreEqual("element", answer[1]); Assert::AreEqual("teach", answer[2]); Assert::AreEqual("heaven", answer[3]); for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { free(answer[i]); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod6) { // TODO: normal_test6 char* words[101] = { "apple", "banane", "cane", "a", "papa", "erase" }; char* answer[101]; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { answer[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 601); } int l = gen_chain_char(words, 6, answer, 'a', 'e', false); Assert::AreEqual(l, 3); Assert::AreEqual("a", answer[0]); Assert::AreEqual("apple", answer[1]); Assert::AreEqual("erase", answer[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { free(answer[i]); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod2) { // 正確_2 int argc = 6; char* argv[101] = { "Wordlist.exe", "-r", "-h", "a", "-c", "test_1.txt" }; char head; char tail; bool enable_loop; int word_or_char = 0; string Filename; InputHandler(argc, argv, enable_loop, word_or_char, head, tail, Filename); Assert::AreEqual(enable_loop, true); Assert::AreEqual(word_or_char, 2); Assert::AreEqual(head, 'a'); Assert::AreEqual(tail, char(0)); Assert::AreEqual(Filename, (string)"test_1.txt"); }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod3) { // 錯誤_1 int argc = 5; char* argv[101] = { "Wordlist.exe", "-r", "-r", "-c", "test_1.txt" }; char head; char tail; bool enable_loop; int word_or_char = 0; string Filename; try { InputHandler(argc, argv, enable_loop, word_or_char, head, tail, Filename); Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception1& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod7) { // 錯誤_5 int argc = 6; char* argv[101] = { "Wordlist.exe", "-r", "-h", "1", "-c", "test_1.txt" }; char head; char tail; bool enable_loop; int word_or_char = 0; string Filename; try { InputHandler(argc, argv, enable_loop, word_or_char, head, tail, Filename); Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception2& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod9) { // 錯誤_7 int argc = 5; char* argv[101] = { "Wordlist.exe", "-b", "-r", "-c", "test_1.txt" }; char head; char tail; bool enable_loop; int word_or_char = 0; string Filename; try { InputHandler(argc, argv, enable_loop, word_or_char, head, tail, Filename); Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception3& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod2) { // 錯誤 vector <string> words; try { ReadFile("normal_test3.txt", words); // 不存在的文件 Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception4& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod2) { // 錯誤 vector <string> words; try { ReadFile("long_word_test.txt", words); Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception4& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod2) { // 錯誤 vector <string> words; try { ReadFile("more_words_test.txt", words); Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception4& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod10) { // wrong_test2 char* words[101] = { "alement", "oeaven", "tabla", "teaco", "talk" }; char* answer[101]; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { answer[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 601); } try { int l = gen_chain_char(words, 5, answer, 0, 'n', false); Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception7& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod11) { // wrong_test3 char* words[101] = { "alement", "oeaven", "tabla", "teaco", "talk" }; char* answer[101]; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { answer[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 601); } try { int l = gen_chain_word(words, 5, answer, 'b', 'n', true); Assert::IsTrue(false); } catch (myexception8& e) { Assert::IsTrue(true); } catch (...) { Assert::IsTrue(false); } }