項目 | 內容 |
本次做業所屬課程 | 北航2019軟件工程 |
本次做業要求 | 要求詳情 |
我在本課程的目標 | 提高工程化思想與能力 |
本次做業的幫助 | 初次體驗結對編程,瞭解開發流程 |
PSP2.1 | Personal Software Process Stages | 預估耗時(分鐘) | 實際耗時(分鐘) |
Planning | 計劃 | 20 | 15 |
· Estimate | · 估計這個任務須要多少時間 | 20 | 15 |
Development | 開發 | 2050 | 2955 |
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括學習新技術) | 240 | 360 |
· Design Spec | · 生成設計文檔 | 25 | 20 |
· Design Review | · 設計複審 (和同事審覈設計文檔) | 15 | 15 |
··Coding Standard | · 代碼規範 (爲目前的開發制定合適的規範) | 10 | 10 |
· Design | · 具體設計 | 60 | 90 |
· Coding | · 具體編碼 | 1440 | 1800 |
· Code Review | · 代碼複審 | 20 | 180 |
· Test | · 測試(自我測試,修改代碼,提交修改) | 240 | 480 |
Reporting | 報告 | 80 | 110 |
· Test Report | · 測試報告 | 60 | 90 |
· Size Measurement | · 計算工做量 | 10 | 10 |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 過後總結, 並提出過程改進計劃 | 10 | 10 |
合計 | 2150 | 3080 |
c++ se_errcode Calculate(const string& input_text, string& output_text, LongestWordChainType& longest_type, const char& head, const char& tail, bool enable_circle, WordChainError& handle_error);
類去描述它,對於首字母和尾字母相同的邊,存儲在這一個元素之中,並按照單詞含有的字母數量降序進行排列存儲。而首字母,尾字母根據問題去建立結點,使用特殊的「邊」元素,構建出咱們所用的數據結構。unordered_map<char, unordered_map<char, WordMapElement> >
Design by contract (DbC), also known as contract programming, programming by contract and design-by-contract programming, is an approach for designing software. It prescribes that software designers should define formal, precise and verifiable interface specifications for software components, which extend the ordinary definition of abstract data types with preconditions, postconditions and invariants. These specifications are referred to as "contracts", in accordance with a conceptual metaphor with the conditions and obligations of business contracts.
TEST_METHOD(Test_ExtractWord) { //TEST ExtractWord WordChainError error1; string input_text1 = "_this is a!@#$test of0extract!word...... "; vector<string> input_buffer1; vector<string> result1 = { "this","is","a","test","of","extract","word" }; ExtractWord(input_text1, input_buffer1,error1); Assert::AreEqual(result1.size(), input_buffer1.size()); for (int i = 0; i < result1.size(); i++) { Assert::AreEqual(result1[i], input_buffer1[i]); } WordChainError error2; string input_text2 = "_this___is___another======test of extract[][][]word. "; vector<string> input_buffer2; vector<string> result2 = { "this","is","another","test","of","extract","word" }; ExtractWord(input_text2, input_buffer2,error2); Assert::AreEqual(result2.size(), input_buffer2.size()); for (int i = 0; i < result2.size(); i++) { Assert::AreEqual(result2[i], input_buffer2[i]); } WordChainError error3; string input_text3 = "_[][][]...."; vector<string> input_buffer3; vector<string> result3 = { }; ExtractWord(input_text3, input_buffer3,error3); Assert::AreEqual(result3.size(), input_buffer3.size()); for (int i = 0; i < result3.size(); i++) { Assert::AreEqual(result3[i], input_buffer3[i]); } }
TEST_METHOD(Test_Class_Word) { //TEST Class_Word Word test1 = Word("a"); Assert::AreEqual(test1.GetHead(), 'a'); Assert::AreEqual(test1.GetTail(), 'a'); Assert::AreEqual(test1.GetWord(), string("a")); Assert::AreEqual(test1.GetKey(), string("aa")); Word test2 = Word("phycho"); Assert::AreEqual(test2.GetHead(), 'p'); Assert::AreEqual(test2.GetTail(), 'o'); Assert::AreEqual(test2.GetWord(), string("phycho")); Assert::AreEqual(test2.GetKey(), string("po")); }
TEST_METHOD(Test_Class_DistanceElement_Method) { //TEST Class_DistanceElement_Method: SetDistance/GetDistance/SetWordChain/CopyWordBuffer/ToString LongestWordChainType type1 = letter_longest; DistanceElement testElement1 = DistanceElement(type1); Assert::AreEqual(testElement1.GetDistance(), 0); vector<string> input1 = { "a","test","of","it" }; vector<string> output1; testElement1.SetWordChain(input1); testElement1.CopyWordBuffer(output1); for (int i = 0; i < input1.size(); i++) { Assert::AreEqual(output1[i], input1[i]); } testElement1.SetDistance(6); Assert::AreEqual(testElement1.GetDistance(), 6); Assert::AreEqual(testElement1.ToString(), string("a-test-of-it")); LongestWordChainType type2 = word_longest; DistanceElement testElement2 = DistanceElement(type2); Assert::AreEqual(testElement2.GetDistance(), 0); vector<string> input2 = { "another","test","of","it" }; vector<string> output2; testElement2.SetWordChain(input2); testElement2.CopyWordBuffer(output2); for (int i = 0; i < input2.size(); i++) { Assert::AreEqual(output2[i], input2[i]); } testElement2.SetDistance(2); Assert::AreEqual(testElement2.GetDistance(), 2); Assert::AreEqual(testElement2.ToString(), string("another-test-of-it")); }
TEST_METHOD(Test_Calculate) { //Test Calculate: include CalculateLongestChain/ChainSearch WordChainError error; string input_text ="Algebra))Apple 123Zoo Elephant Under Fox_Dog-Moon Leaf`;;Trick Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism"; string output_text1 = ""; LongestWordChainType type1 = word_longest; Calculate(input_text, output_text1, type1, NO_ASSIGN_HEAD, NO_ASSIGN_TAIL, false,error); string result1 = "algebra\napple\nelephant\ntrick\n"; Assert::AreEqual(result1, output_text1); string output_text2 = ""; LongestWordChainType type2 = letter_longest; Calculate(input_text, output_text2, type2, NO_ASSIGN_HEAD, NO_ASSIGN_TAIL, false,error); string result2 = "pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism\nmoon\n"; Assert::AreEqual(result2, output_text2); string input_text_ring = "Algebra))Apple aaaaa 123Zoo Elephant Under Fox_Dog-Moon Leaf`;;Trick Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism"; string output_text3 = ""; string result3 = "algebra\naaaaa\napple\nelephant\ntrick\n"; LongestWordChainType type3 = word_longest; Calculate(input_text_ring, output_text3, type3, NO_ASSIGN_HEAD, NO_ASSIGN_TAIL, true, error); Assert::AreEqual(result3, output_text3); }
std::ifstream in("notexist.txt"); std::stringstream buffer1; WordChainError error3; if (!in.is_open()) { char buffer1[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; sprintf(buffer1, "Error Type: can't open input file\n"); string error_content(buffer1); int error_code = SE_ERROR_OPENING_INPUT_FILE; error3.AppendInfo(error_code, error_content); } string errortext3 = error3.ToString(); Assert::AreEqual(errortext3, string("Error Type: can't open input file\nError Content: Error Type: can't open input file\n"));
std::stringstream buffer2; std::ofstream out("close.txt"); WordChainError error4; out.close(); if (!out.is_open()) { char buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; sprintf(buffer2, "Error Type: can't open output file\n"); string error_content(buffer2); int error_code = SE_ERROR_OPENING_OUTPUT_FILE; error4.AppendInfo(error_code, error_content); } string errortext4 = error4.ToString(); Assert::AreEqual(errortext4, string("Error Type: can't open output file\nError Content: Error Type: can't open output file\n"));
WordChainError error1; string input_text1 = "Algebra))Apple aaaaa 123Zoo Elephant Under Fox_Dog-Moon Leaf`;;Trick Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism"; string output_text1 = ""; string errortext1; LongestWordChainType type1 = word_longest; Calculate(input_text1, output_text1, type1, NO_ASSIGN_HEAD, NO_ASSIGN_TAIL,false, error1); errortext1 = error1.ToString(); Assert::AreEqual(errortext1,string("Error Type: input has circle but not enable circle\nError Content: Error Type: input has circle but not enable circle\n"));
WordChainError error2; string input_text2 = "Algebra Zoo"; string output_text2 = ""; string errortext2; LongestWordChainType type2 = word_longest; Calculate(input_text2, output_text2, type2, 'i', NO_ASSIGN_TAIL, false, error2); errortext2 = error2.ToString(); Assert::AreEqual(errortext2, string("Error Type: no available word chain\nError Content: no available word chain for head(i) and tail(0)\n"));
界面模塊咱們使用了Qt的庫進行了設計。編碼上仍然是c++語言,ui設計上使用了Qt Creator進行設計。
明確了以上需求以後,咱們在Qt Creator中設計了大概的用戶界面(macOS下):
//按鈕觸發事件(引入文件以及顯示幫助信息) void MainWindow::on_pushButton_import_clicked() { QString fileName=QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,tr("Choose File"),"",tr("text(*.txt)")); QFile file(fileName); if(!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly|QFile::Text)){ QString errMsg="error when import file"; ui->outputArea->setText(errMsg); return; } QTextStream in(&file); ui->inputArea->clear(); ui->inputArea->setText(in.readAll()); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_help_clicked() { dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog->setModal(false); QString helpMsg="test help"; dialog->ui->textBrowser->setPlainText(helpMsg); dialog->show(); }
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_run_clicked() { int para=ui->radioButton_w->isChecked()?1:2; bool ring=ui->checkBox_loop->isChecked(); string content = ui->inputArea->toPlainText().toStdString(); char head, tail; if (ui->comboBox_h->currentIndex() == 0) { head = '\0'; } else { head = 'a' + ui->comboBox_h->currentIndex() - 1; } if (ui->comboBox_t->currentIndex() == 0) { tail = '\0'; } else { tail = 'a' + ui->comboBox_t->currentIndex() - 1; } if(content.size()==0){ QString errMsg="empty input!"; ui->outputArea->setPlainText(errMsg); } else{ //call corresponding function string output; LongestWordChainType type; se_errcode code; QString s = "fin"; WordChainError error; if (para == 1) { type = word_longest; code=Calculate(content, output,type,head,tail,ring,error); } else { type = letter_longest; code=Calculate(content, output, type, head, tail, ring,error); } if (code == SE_OK) { QString result = QString::fromStdString(output); ui->outputArea->setPlainText(result); } else { string result = error.ToString(); QString error= QString::fromStdString(result); ui->outputArea->setPlainText(error); } } //cout<<"onclick_run"<<endl; }