Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 7)

Week 7

Technology: Application Protocols

Welcome to Week 7 of IHTS. This week has less material than other weeks. I like to think of it as a "seventh inning stretch" - where you get a little breather. This week wraps up the three weeks of "Technology" (i.e packets and stuff). After this week we have two weeks on Security and the final exam and then you are done. Thanks for sticking with it. You are almost there.
This week, we’ll be covering application protocols. With reliable 「pipes」 available from the Transport layer, we can build applications like web browsers, file transfer applications, or email clients and servers.web

Layer 4: Applications

Application Layer

如今講Application Layer.

The services of the TCP layer are basically to give us a reliable, sequenced end to end stream, that can start in one application in one computer and end in an application in a different computer, and have a two way communication.

TCP give us a reliable pipe.當關注某一層級時,咱們就能夠忽略其餘層級的實現細節。服務器




  1. 哪一個應用獲得data;
  2. 什麼規則和應用進行通話。

One is, which application gets the data. And this is done using a mechanism called ports, and ports allow a IP address, or a single computer, or a single server, to serve up multiple services, and then for a client to be able to dial up much like a telephone extension, and pick the service that they are interested in.ui





So, TCP gives us this reliable connection, we now can connect to the server that we desire to connect to by using ports, and the question is, what are we going to to say across that connection, and what we say across that connection, who talks first, what do you send, what comes back, depends on the kind of server that you are talking to。

下圖是 HTTP Request/Response Cycle.點擊一個運行在你電腦中的客戶端client的一個link,瀏覽器就會和web server 鏈接併發送一個請求,web server看到了就會返回請求,返回的document就會出如今客戶端的桌面上。


接下來老師要介紹telnet client,不過人們認爲這不安全,由於這是一個old and less secure protocols.

Van Jacobson - Content Centered Networking

