Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine L



未經做者容許,禁止轉載: BooTurbo


Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learningnode





1 Introduction算法


2 Groups, Rings, and Fields框架


2.1 Groups, Subgroups, Cosets機器學習


2.2 Cyclic Groups


2.3 Rings and Fields



Ⅰ Linear Algebra


3 Vector Spaces, Bases, Linear Maps


3.1 Motivations: Linear Combinations, Linear Independence, Rank


3.2 Vector Spaces


3.3 Indexed Families; the Sum Notation


3.4 Linear Independence, Subspaces


3.5 Bases of a Vector Space


3.6 Matrices


3.7 Linear Maps


3.8 Quotient Spaces


3.9 Linear Forms and the Dual Space


4 Matrices and Linear Maps


4.1 Representation of Linear Maps by Matrices


4.2 Composition of Linear Maps and Matrix Multiplication


4.3 Change of Basis Matrix


4.4 The Effect of a Change of Bases on Matrices


5 Haar Bases, Haar Wavelets, Hadamard Matrices


5.1 Introduction to Signal Compression Using Haar Wavelets


5.2 Haar Matrices, Scaling Properties of Haar Wavelets


5.3 Kronecker Product Construction of Haar Matrices


5.4 Multiresolution Signal Analysis with Haar Bases


5.5 Haar Transform for Digital Images


5.6 Hadamard Matrices


6 Direct Sums


6.1 Sums, Direct Sums, Direct Products


6.2 The Rank-Nullity Theorem; Grassmann's Relation


7 Determinants


7.1 Permutations, Signature of a Permutation


7.2 Alternating Multilinear Maps


7.3 Definition of a Determinant


7.4 Inverse Matrices and Determinants


7.5 Systems of Linear Equations and Determinants


7.6 Determinant of a Linear Map


7.7 The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem


7.8 Permanents


7.9 Summary


7.10 Further Readings


7.11 Problems


8 Gaussian Elimination, LU, Cholesky, Echelon Form


8.1 Motivating Example: Curve Interpolation


8.2 Gaussian Elimination


8.3 Elementary Matrices and Row Operations


8.4 LU-Factorization


8.5 PA = LU Factorization


8.6 Proof of Theorem 8.5 


8.7 Dealing with Roundoff Errors; Pivoting Strategies


8.8 Gaussian Elimination of Tridiagonal Matrices


8.9 SPD Matrices and the Cholesky Decomposition

      對稱正定矩陣與Cholesky 分解

8.10 Reduced Row Echelon Form


8.11 RREF, Free Variables, Homogeneous Systems


8.12 Uniqueness of RREF


8.13 Solving Linear Systems Using RREF


8.14 Elementary Matrices and Columns Operations


8.15 Transvections and Dilatations


9 Vector Norms and Matrix Norms


9.1 Normed Vector Spaces


9.2 Matrix Norms


9.3 Subordinate Norms


9.4 Inequalities Involving Subordinate Norms


9.5 Condition Numbers of Matrices


9.6 An Application of Norms: Inconsistent Linear Systems


9.7 Limits of Sequences and Series


9.8 The Matrix Exponential


10 Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems


10.1 Convergence of Sequences of Vectors and Matrices


10.2 Convergence of Iterative Methods


10.3 Methods of Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, and Relaxation


10.4 Convergence of the Methods


10.5 Convergence Methods for Tridiagonal Matrices


11 The Dual Space and Duality


11.1 The Dual Space E* and Linear Forms


11.2 Pairing and Duality Between E and E*     

       E 和 E* 之間的配對與對偶

11.3 The Duality Theorem and Some Consequences 


11.4 The Bidual and Canonical Pairings 


11.5 Hyperplanes and Linear Forms


11.6 Transpose of a Linear Map and of a Matrix


11.7 Properties of the Double Transpose


11.8 The Four Fundamental Subspaces


12 Euclidean Spaces


12.1 Inner Products, Euclidean Spaces


12.2 Orthogonality and Duality in Euclidean Spaces


12.3 Adjoint of a Linear Map


12.4 Existence and Construction of Orthonormal Bases


12.5 Linear Isometries (Orthogonal Transformations)


12.6 The Orthogonal Group, Orthogonal Matrices


12.7 The Rodrigues Formula


12.8 QR-Decomposition for Invertible Matrices


12.9 Some Applications of Euclidean Geometry


13 QR-Decomposition for Arbitrary Matrices


13.1 Orthogonal Reflections


13.2 QR-Decomposition Using Householder Matrices


14 Hermitian Spaces


14.1 Hermitian Spaces, Pre-Hilbert Spaces


14.2 Orthogonality, Duality, Adjoint of a Linear Map


14.3 Linear Isometries (Also Called Unitary Transformations)


14.4 The Unitary Group, Unitary Matrices


14.5 Hermitian Reflections and QR-Decomposition


14.6 Orthogonal Projections and Involutions


14.7 Dual Norms


15 Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues


15.1 Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of a Linear Map


15.2 Reduction to Upper Triangular Form


15.3 Location of Eigenvalues


15.4 Conditioning of Eigenvalue Problems


15.5 Eigenvalues of the Matrix Exponential


16 Unit Quaternions and Rotations in SO(3)


16.1 The Group SU(2) and the Skew Field H of Quaternions

        SU(2)羣 和 四元數的除環H

16.2 Representation of Rotation in SO(3) By Quaternions in SU(2)    


16.3 Matrix Representation of the Rotation rq

       旋轉rq 的矩陣表示

16.4 An Algorithm to Find a Quaternion Representing a Rotation


16.5 The Exponential Map exp : su(2) → SU(2)

       指數映射exp: su(2) → SU(2)

16.6 Quaternion Interpolation 


16.7 Nonexistence of a 「Nice」 Section from SO(3) to SU(2)       


17 Spectral Theorems


17.1 Introduction


17.2 Normal Linear Maps: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors


17.3 Spectral Theorem for Normal Linear Maps


17.4 Self-Adjoint and Other Special Linear Maps


17.5 Normal and Other Special Matrices


17.6 Rayleigh–Ritz Theorems and Eigenvalue Interlacing


17.7 The Courant–Fischer Theorem; Perturbation Results


18 Computing Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors


18.1 The Basic QR Algorithm


18.2 Hessenberg Matrices


18.3 Making the QR Method More Efficient Using Shifts


18.4 Krylov Subspaces; Arnoldi Iteration


18.5 GMRES


18.6 The Hermitian Case; Lanczos Iteration


18.7 Power Methods


19 Introduction to The Finite Elements Method


19.1 A One-Dimensional Problem: Bending of a Beam


19.2 A Two-Dimensional Problem: An Elastic Membrane


19.3 Time-Dependent Boundary Problems


20 Graphs and Graph Laplacians; Basic Facts


20.1 Directed Graphs, Undirected Graphs, Weighted Graphs


20.2 Laplacian Matrices of Graphs


20.3 Normalized Laplacian Matrices of Graphs


20.4 Graph Clustering Using Normalized Cuts


21 Spectral Graph Drawing


21.1 Graph Drawing and Energy Minimization


21.2 Examples of Graph Drawings


22 Singular Value Decomposition and Polar Form


22.1 Properties of f* ◦ f

        f* ◦ f 的性質

22.2 Singular Value Decomposition for Square Matrices


22.3 Polar Form for Square Matrices


22.4 Singular Value Decomposition for Rectangular Matrices


22.5 Ky Fan Norms and Schatten Norms

       Ky Fan 範數和 Schatten範數

23 Applications of SVD and Pseudo-Inverses


23.1 Least Squares Problems and the Pseudo-Inverse


23.2 Properties of the Pseudo-Inverse


23.3 Data Compression and SVD


23.4 Principal Components Analysis (PCA)


23.5 Best Affine Approximation



II Affine and Projective Geometry


24 Basics of Affine Geometry


24.1 Affine Spaces


24.2 Examples of Affine Spaces


24.3 Chasles’s Identity


24.4 Affine Combinations, Barycenters


24.5 Affine Subspaces


24.6 Affine Independence and Affine Frames

       仿射無關性 和 仿射標架

24.7 Affine Maps


24.8 Affine Groups


24.9 Affine Geometry: A Glimpse


24.10 Affine Hyperplanes


24.11 Intersection of Affine Spaces


25 Embedding an Affine Space in a Vector Space


25.1 The 「Hat Construction,」 or Homogenizing

       帽構造 或 均質化

25.2 Affine Frames of E and Bases of Ê

       E的仿射標架和 Ê的基

25.3 Another Construction of Ê

       Ê 的另外一種構造       

25.4 Extending Affine Maps to Linear Maps


26 Basics of Projective Geometry


26.1 Why Projective Spaces?


26.2 Projective Spaces


26.3 Projective Subspaces


26.4 Projective Frames


26.5 Projective Maps


26.6 Finding a Homography Between Two Projective Frames


26.7 Affine Patches


26.8 Projective Completion of an Affine Space


26.9 Making Good Use of Hyperplanes at Infinity


26.10 The Cross-Ratio


26.11 Fixed Points of Homographies and Homologies


26.12 Duality in Projective Geometry


26.13 Cross-Ratios of Hyperplanes


26.14 Complexification of a Real Projective Space


26.15 Similarity Structures on a Projective Space


26.16 Some Applications of Projective Geometry



III The Geometry of Bilinear Forms


27 The Cartan–Dieudonné Theorem


27.1 The Cartan–Dieudonné Theorem for Linear Isometries


27.2 Affine Isometries (Rigid Motions)


27.3 Fixed Points of Affine Maps


27.4 Affine Isometries and Fixed Points


27.5 The Cartan–Dieudonné Theorem for Affine Isometries


28 Isometries of Hermitian Spaces


28.1 The Cartan–Dieudonné Theorem, Hermitian Case


28.2 Affine Isometries (Rigid Motions)


29 The Geometry of Bilinear Forms; Witt’s Theorem


29.1 Bilinear Forms


29.2 Sesquilinear Forms


29.3 Orthogonality


29.4 Adjoint of a Linear Map


29.5 Isometries Associated with Sesquilinear Forms


29.6 Totally Isotropic Subspaces


29.7 Witt Decomposition


29.8 Symplectic Groups


29.9 Orthogonal Groups and the Cartan–Dieudonné Theorem


29.10 Witt’s Theorem




IV Algebra: PID’s, UFD’s, Noetherian Rings, Tensors, Modules over a PID, Normal Forms


30 Polynomials, Ideals and PID’s


30.1 Multisets


30.2 Polynomials


30.3 Euclidean Division of Polynomials


30.4 Ideals, PID’s, and Greatest Common Divisors


30.5 Factorization and Irreducible Factors in K[X]

       K[X] 中的因式分解和不可約因子

30.6 Roots of Polynomials


30.7 Polynomial Interpolation (Lagrange, Newton, Hermite)


31 Annihilating Polynomials; Primary Decomposition


31.1 Annihilating Polynomials and the Minimal Polynomial


31.2 Minimal Polynomials of Diagonalizable Linear Maps


31.3 Commuting Families of Linear Maps


31.4 The Primary Decomposition Theorem


31.5 Jordan Decomposition


31.6 Nilpotent Linear Maps and Jordan Form


32 UFD’s, Noetherian Rings, Hilbert’s Basis Theorem


32.1 Unique Factorization Domains (Factorial Rings)


32.2 The Chinese Remainder Theorem


32.3 Noetherian Rings and Hilbert’s Basis Theorem


32.4 Futher Readings


33 Tensor Algebras


33.1 Linear Algebra Preliminaries: Dual Spaces and Pairings


33.2 Tensors Products


33.3 Bases of Tensor Products


33.4 Some Useful Isomorphisms for Tensor Products


33.5 Duality for Tensor Products


33.6 Tensor Algebras


33.7 Symmetric Tensor Powers


33.8 Bases of Symmetric Powers


33.9 Some Useful Isomorphisms for Symmetric Powers


33.10 Duality for Symmetric Powers


33.11 Symmetric Algebras


34 Exterior Tensor Powers and Exterior Algebras


34.1 Exterior Tensor Powers


34.2 Bases of Exterior Powers


34.3 Some Useful Isomorphisms for Exterior Powers


34.4 Duality for Exterior Powers


34.5 Exterior Algebras


34.6 The Hodge ∗-Operator


34.7 Left and Right Hooks


34.8 Testing Decomposability


34.9 The Grassmann-Plücker’s Equations and Grassmannians

       格拉斯曼-普呂克方程 和 格拉斯曼流形

34.10 Vector-Valued Alternating Forms


35 Introduction to Modules; Modules over a PID


35.1 Modules over a Commutative Ring


35.2 Finite Presentations of Modules


35.3 Tensor Products of Modules over a Commutative Ring


35.4 Torsion Modules over a PID; Primary Decomposition


35.5 Finitely Generated Modules over a PID


35.6 Extension of the Ring of Scalars


36 Normal Forms; The Rational Canonical Form


36.1 The Torsion Module Associated With An Endomorphism


36.2 The Rational Canonical Form


36.3 The Rational Canonical Form, Second Version


36.4 The Jordan Form Revisited


36.5 The Smith Normal Form



V Topology, Differential Calculus


37 Topology 


37.1 Metric Spaces and Normed Vector Spaces


37.2 Topological Spaces       


37.3 Continuous Functions, Limits


37.4 Connected Sets


37.5 Compact Sets and Locally Compact Spaces


37.6 Second-Countable and Separable Spaces


37.7 Sequential Compactness


37.8 Complete Metric Spaces and Compactness


37.9 Completion of a Metric Space


37.10 The Contraction Mapping Theorem

       壓縮映射定理(又稱,Banach's Fixed Point Theorem 巴拿赫不動點定理)

37.11 Continuous Linear and Multilinear Maps


37.12 Completion of a Normed Vector Space


37.13 Normed Affine Spaces


37.14 Futher Readings


38 A Detour On Fractals


38.1 Iterated Function Systems and Fractals


39 Differential Calculus


39.1 Directional Derivatives, Total Derivatives


39.2 Jacobian Matrices


39.3 The Implicit and The Inverse Function Theorems


39.4 Tangent Spaces and Differentials


39.5 Second-Order and Higher-Order Derivatives


39.6 Taylor’s formula, Faà di Bruno’s formula

       泰勒公式,Faà di Bruno公式

39.7 Vector Fields, Covariant Derivatives, Lie Brackets


39.8 Futher Readings



VI Preliminaries for Optimization Theory


40 Extrema of Real-Valued Functions


40.1 Local Extrema and Lagrange Multipliers


40.2 Using Second Derivatives to Find Extrema


40.3 Using Convexity to Find Extrema


41 Newton’s Method and Its Generalizations


41.1 Newton’s Method for Real Functions of a Real Argument


41.2 Generalizations of Newton’s Method


42 Quadratic Optimization Problems


42.1 Quadratic Optimization: The Positive Definite Case


42.2 Quadratic Optimization: The General Case


42.3 Maximizing a Quadratic Function on the Unit Sphere


43 Schur Complements and Applications


43.1 Schur Complements


43.2 SPD Matrices and Schur Complements


43.3 SP Semidefinite Matrices and Schur Complements



VII Linear Optimization


44 Convex Sets, Cones, H-Polyhedra


44.1 What is Linear Programming?


44.2 Affine Subsets, Convex Sets, Hyperplanes, Half-Spaces


44.3 Cones, Polyhedral Cones, and H-Polyhedra


45 Linear Programs


45.1 Linear Programs, Feasible Solutions, Optimal Solutions


45.2 Basic Feasible Solutions and Vertices


46 The Simplex Algorithm


46.1 The Idea Behind the Simplex Algorithm


46.2 The Simplex Algorithm in General


46.3 How to Perform a Pivoting Step Efficiently 


46.4 The Simplex Algorithm Using Tableaux 

       使用 Tableaux 的單純形法

46.5 Computational Efficiency of the Simplex Method


47 Linear Programming and Duality


47.1 Variants of the Farkas Lemma


47.2 The Duality Theorem in Linear Programming 


47.3 Complementary Slackness Conditions


47.4 Duality for Linear Programs in Standard Form


47.5 The Dual Simplex Algorithm


47.6 The Primal-Dual Algorithm



VIII NonLinear Optimization


48 Basics of Hilbert Spaces


48.1 The Projection Lemma, Duality


48.2 Farkas–Minkowski Lemma in Hilbert Spaces


49 General Results of Optimization Theory


49.1 Optimization Problems; Basic Terminology


49.2 Existence of Solutions of an Optimization Problem


49.3 Minima of Quadratic Functionals


49.4 Elliptic Functionals


49.5 Iterative Methods for Unconstrained Problems


49.6 Gradient Descent Methods for Unconstrained Problems


49.7 Convergence of Gradient Descent with Variable Stepsize


49.8 Steepest Descent for an Arbitrary Norm


49.9 Newton’s Method For Finding a Minimum


49.10 Conjugate Gradient Methods; Unconstrained Problems


49.11 Gradient Projection for Constrained Optimization


49.12 Penalty Methods for Constrained Optimization


50 Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization


50.1 The Cone of Feasible Directions


50.2 Active Constraints and Qualified Constraints


50.3 The Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Conditions


50.4 Equality Constrained Minimization


50.5 Hard Margin Support Vector Machine; Version I


50.6 Hard Margin Support Vector Machine; Version II


50.7 Lagrangian Duality and Saddle Points


50.8 Weak and Strong Duality


50.9 Handling Equality Constraints Explicitly


50.10 Dual of the Hard Margin Support Vector Machine


50.11 Conjugate Function and Legendre Dual Function


50.12 Some Techniques to Obtain a More Useful Dual Program 


50.13 Uzawa’s Method

       Uzawa 算法

51 Subgradients and Subdifferentials


51.1 Extended Real-Valued Convex Functions


51.2 Subgradients and Subdifferentials


51.3 Basic Properties of Subgradients and Subdifferentials


51.4 Additional Properties of Subdifferentials


51.5 The Minimum of a Proper Convex Function


51.6 Generalization of the Lagrangian Framework


52 Dual Ascent Methods; ADMM


52.1 Dual Ascent


52.2 Augmented Lagrangians and the Method of Multipliers


52.3 ADMM: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers


52.4 Convergence of ADMM


52.5 Stopping Criteria


52.6 Some Applications of ADMM


52.7 Applications of ADMM to L1 -Norm Problems



IX  Applications to Machine Learning


53 Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression


53.1 Ridge Regression


53.2 Lasso Regression (L1 - Regularized Regression)


54 Positive Definite Kernels


54.1 Basic Properties of Positive Definite Kernels


54.2 Hilbert Space Representation of a Positive Kernel


54.3 Kernel PCA


54.4 ν-SV Regression


55 Soft Margin Support Vector Machines


55.1 Soft Margin Support Vector Machines; (SVM s1 )

       軟間隔支持向量機(SVM s1 )

55.2 Soft Margin Support Vector Machines; (SVM s2 )

       軟間隔支持向量機(SVM s2)

55.3 Soft Margin Support Vector Machines; (SVM s2‘)

       軟間隔支持向量機(SVM s2‘)

55.4 Soft Margin SVM; (SVM s3 ) 

       軟間隔支持向量機(SVM s3)

55.5 Soft Margin Support Vector Machines; (SVM s4 )

       軟間隔支持向量機(SVM s4)

55.6 Soft Margin SVM; (SVM s5 ) 

       軟間隔支持向量機(SVM s5)

55.7 Summary and Comparison of the SVM Methods



X Appendices


A Total Orthogonal Families in Hilbert Spaces


A.1 Total Orthogonal Families, Fourier Coefficients


A.2 The Hilbert Space L2 (K) and the Riesz-Fischer Theorem

       希爾伯特空間L2(K)和 里斯-費舍爾定理

B Zorn’s Lemma; Some Applications


B.1 Statement of Zorn’s Lemma


B.2 Proof of the Existence of a Basis in a Vector Space


B.3 Existence of Maximal Proper Ideals







Enjoy it.
