簡評:做者從理論到實踐演示如何學習使用 WebGL 製做動畫。javascript
主要使用 three.js 和 GreenSock 庫,這些實驗都是手動編碼的,沒有憑藉任何 3D 或動畫軟件。java
這個過程的優勢不是很明顯。但它能讓我僅僅經過文本編輯器就能創造整個實驗,利用Codepen 提供的實時預覽,整個過程很是靈活。github
話雖如此,這個過程有本身的一套限制,以保持可管理性:角色必須用盡量少的部分構建; 每一個部分由數量很小的頂點組成; 動畫必須針對數量有限的行爲。web
注意:要清楚一點,這個過程對於我來講是有用的,但若是你熟悉 3D 軟件,你能夠用它來構建本身的模型。主要是在你本身的技巧和效率中儘量達到平衡。算法
Moments of Happiness 是一系列讓你開心的 WebGL 體驗。編程
這個角色主要由方塊組成—— 甚至是火焰和煙霧!
步驟1: 觀察
但有時候,你不能僅僅依賴於本身的經驗,爲了抓住一些特質,可視化的靈感有時候是必要的。幸運的是,這有 Giphy,你能夠找到任何類型的微妙的表情。我同時還在 YouTube 和 Vimeo 上位了尋找正確的動做花費了許多時間。
我在 Moments of Happiness 中製做的其中一個最須要技巧的動畫是 兔子大逃亡。
要完成這個,首先要理解奔跑週期的原理。我在 Giphy 上找到一個慢放的 GIF。
有趣的是這個 GIF 上不只僅提示了跑動的腿,還有整個身體,包括最細微的部分。
步驟 2: 磨刀不誤砍柴工,學習三角函數
x = cos(angle)*distance; y = sin(angle)*distance;
爲了實現上面的一些公式,咱們須要安裝基礎環境。用畫布,SVG 或者其餘任何圖形 API,如three.js, PixiJS 或者 BabylonJS 都能完成。
讓咱們來使用很是基礎的 three.js 開始。
首先,下載最新版本的 three.js,而後在 html 頭部中導入這個庫:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/three.js"></script>
<div id="world"></div>
經過添加 CSS 樣式來讓這個容器覆蓋整個屏幕:
#world { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; background: #ffffff; }
JavaScript 部分有點長,但也不復雜:
// Initialize variables. var scene, camera, renderer, WIDTH, HEIGHT; var PI = Math.PI; var angle = 0; var radius = 10; var cube; var cos = Math.cos; var sin = Math.sin; function init(event) { // Get the container that will hold the animation. var container = document.getElementById('world'); // Get window size. HEIGHT = window.innerHeight; WIDTH = window.innerWidth; // Create a three.js scene; set up the camera and the renderer. scene = new THREE.Scene(); camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 50, WIDTH / HEIGHT, 1, 2000 ); camera.position.z = 100; renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true, antialias: true }); renderer.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1); container.appendChild(renderer.domElement); // Create the cube. var geom = new THREE.CubeGeometry(16,8,8, 1); var material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x401A07 }); cube = new THREE.Mesh(geom, material); // Add the cube to the scene. scene.add(cube); // Create and add a light source. var globalLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 1); scene.add(globalLight); // Listen to the window resize. window.addEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize, false); // Start a loop that will render the animation in each frame. loop(); } function handleWindowResize() { // If the window is resized, we have to update the camera aspect ratio. HEIGHT = window.innerHeight; WIDTH = window.innerWidth; renderer.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); camera.aspect = WIDTH / HEIGHT; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } function loop(){ // Call the update function in each frame to update the cube position. update(); // Render the scene in each frame. renderer.render(scene, camera); // Call the loop function in next frame. requestAnimationFrame(loop); } // Initialize the demo when the page is loaded. window.addEventListener('load', init, false);
如今,咱們須要添加 update() 函數,咱們能夠插入一些三角函數的公式:
function update(){ // The angle is incremented by 0.1 every frame. Try higher values for faster animation. angle += .1; // Try modifying the angle and/or radius for a different movement. cube.position.x = cos(angle) * radius; cube.position.y = sin(angle) * radius; // You might want to use the same principle on the rotation property of an object. Uncomment the next line to see what happens. //cube.rotation.z = cos(angle) * PI/4; //Or vary the scale. Note that 1 is added as an offset to avoid a negative scale value. //cube.scale.y = 1 + cos(angle) * .5; /* Your turn! You might want to: - comment or uncomment the lines above to try new combinations, - replace cos by sin and vice versa, - replace radius with an other cyclic function. For example : cube.position.x = cos(angle) * (sin(angle) *radius); ... */ }
若是你感受迷路了,你能夠在 Codepen(很酷的在線編輯器,提供實時預覽) 中打開這個項目。使用 sine 或者 cosine 函數可讓方塊以不一樣的方式運動,這可讓你更好地理解若是使用三角函數的優點製做你的動畫。
步驟 3:如何使用三角函數製做步行或奔跑動畫
使用 three.js,在一組對象中嵌入另外一組對象是可能的。例如,咱們能夠建立一個身體組包括腿,手臂和頭。
Hero = function() { // This will be incremented later at each frame and will be used as the rotation angle of the cycle. this.runningCycle = 0; // Create a mesh that will hold the body. this.mesh = new THREE.Group(); this.body = new THREE.Group(); this.mesh.add(this.body); // Create the different parts and add them to the body. var torsoGeom = new THREE.CubeGeometry(8,8,8, 1);// this.torso = new THREE.Mesh(torsoGeom, blueMat); this.torso.position.y = 8; this.torso.castShadow = true; this.body.add(this.torso); var handGeom = new THREE.CubeGeometry(3,3,3, 1); this.handR = new THREE.Mesh(handGeom, brownMat); this.handR.position.z=7; this.handR.position.y=8; this.body.add(this.handR); this.handL = this.handR.clone(); this.handL.position.z = - this.handR.position.z; this.body.add(this.handL); var headGeom = new THREE.CubeGeometry(16,16,16, 1);// this.head = new THREE.Mesh(headGeom, blueMat); this.head.position.y = 21; this.head.castShadow = true; this.body.add(this.head); var legGeom = new THREE.CubeGeometry(8,3,5, 1); this.legR = new THREE.Mesh(legGeom, brownMat); this.legR.position.x = 0; this.legR.position.z = 7; this.legR.position.y = 0; this.legR.castShadow = true; this.body.add(this.legR); this.legL = this.legR.clone(); this.legL.position.z = - this.legR.position.z; this.legL.castShadow = true; this.body.add(this.legL); // Ensure that every part of the body casts and receives shadows. this.body.traverse(function(object) { if (object instanceof THREE.Mesh) { object.castShadow = true; object.receiveShadow = true; } }); }
function createHero() {
hero = new Hero();
使用 three.js 建立一個模型就是這麼簡單。若是想學習更多關於 three.js 建立模型的知識,能夠參考我在 Codrops 上的詳細指導。
總體邏輯在於 Hero 對象中的 run 函數:
Hero.prototype.run = function(){ // Increment the angle. this.runningCycle += .03; var t = this.runningCycle; // Ensure that the angle we will use is between 0 and 2 Pi. t = t % (2*PI); // Amplitude is used as the main radius of the legs movement. var amp = 4; // Update the position and rotation of every part of the body. this.legR.position.x = Math.cos(t) * amp; this.legR.position.y = Math.max (0, - Math.sin(t) * amp); this.legL.position.x = Math.cos(t + PI) * amp; this.legL.position.y = Math.max (0, - Math.sin(t + PI) * amp); if (t<PI){ this.legR.rotation.z = Math.cos(t * 2 + PI/2) * PI/4; this.legL.rotation.z = 0; } else{ this.legR.rotation.z = 0; this.legL.rotation.z = Math.cos(t * 2 + PI/2) * PI/4; } this.torso.position.y = 8 - Math.cos( t * 2 ) * amp * .2; this.torso.rotation.y = -Math.cos( t + PI ) * amp * .05; this.head.position.y = 21 - Math.cos( t * 2 ) * amp * .3; this.head.rotation.x = Math.cos( t ) * amp * .02; this.head.rotation.y = Math.cos( t ) * amp * .01; this.handR.position.x = -Math.cos( t ) * amp; this.handR.rotation.z = -Math.cos( t ) * PI/8; this.handL.position.x = -Math.cos( t + PI) * amp; this.handL.rotation.z = -Math.cos( t + PI) * PI/8; }
這幾行代碼是最有趣的部分,你能夠在 Codepen 中找到步行動畫全部的代碼。(裏面有每一步的演示結果)
一旦你熟練掌握 sine 和 consine 函數,距離和頻率,製做不一樣的週期動畫也會變得至關簡單,好比奔跑,游泳,飛翔,甚至月球漫步。
做者還給出了一個兔子奔跑的動畫,有興趣能夠試試。點擊 Codepen 連接查看。
原文連接:Exploring Animation And Interaction Techniques With WebGL (ACase Study)「本譯文僅供我的研習之用,謝絕任何轉載及用於任何商業用途。本譯文所涉法律後果均由本人承擔。本人贊成簡書平臺在接獲有關著做權人的通知後,刪除文章。」