// 上傳圖片 clickChooseImg() { let that = this; const s = 0; wx.chooseImage({ count: 4, sizeType: ["original", "compressed"], sourceType: ["camera",'album'], success: function(res) { let tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; if (tempFilePaths.length != 0) { for (let s = 0; s < tempFilePaths.length; s++) { that.imageList.push(tempFilePaths[s]); }; that.reqUpload(tempFilePaths, s , tempFilePaths.length); } } }) }, // 上傳圖片至七牛 reqUpload(tempFilePaths, s , len) { let that = this wx.uploadFile({ url: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", filePath: tempFilePaths[s], name: "file", formData: { token: that.token }, success: function(res) { that.onlineImageList.push(that.addressPrefix + JSON.parse(res.data).key); }, complete: function(){ s++; if(s < len){ that.reqUpload(tempFilePaths,s,len); } } }) },