- 任務建立時:
- 將任務轉換爲Type並存儲(如:HangFireWebTest.TestTask, HangFireWebTest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
- 將參數序列化後存儲
- 任務執行時:
- 根據Type值判斷是不是靜態方法,若非靜態方法就根據Type從IOC容器中取實例。
- 反序列化參數
- 使用反射調用方法:MethodInfo.Invoke
internal class CoreBackgroundJobPerformer : IBackgroundJobPerformer { private readonly JobActivator _activator; //IOC容器 ....省略 //執行任務 public object Perform(PerformContext context) { //建立一個生命週期 using (var scope = _activator.BeginScope( new JobActivatorContext(context.Connection, context.BackgroundJob, context.CancellationToken))) { object instance = null; if (context.BackgroundJob.Job == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't perform a background job with a null job."); } //任務是否爲靜態方法,如果靜態方法須要從IOC容器中取出實例 if (!context.BackgroundJob.Job.Method.IsStatic) { instance = scope.Resolve(context.BackgroundJob.Job.Type); if (instance == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"JobActivator returned NULL instance of the '{context.BackgroundJob.Job.Type}' type."); } } var arguments = SubstituteArguments(context); var result = InvokeMethod(context, instance, arguments); return result; } } //調用方法 private static object InvokeMethod(PerformContext context, object instance, object[] arguments) { try { var methodInfo = context.BackgroundJob.Job.Method; var result = methodInfo.Invoke(instance, arguments);//使用反射調用方法 ....省略 return result; } ....省略 } }