標籤(空格分隔): 經濟學人swift
Ren Zhengfei may sell Huawei’s 5G technology to a Western buyer網絡
The Chinese telecoms giant’s boss considers creating a competitor for his companyapp
In an atrium designed to evoke ancient Greece—ringed by stone columns and six towering approximations of the Caryatids—it was fitting that Ren Zhengfei, chief executive of Huawei, should extend an olive branch to the West: a piece of his company.ide
[經濟學人]Some firms still thrive: China's Huawei, a telecoms giant, predicts that revenues from its consumer-devices division will rise by about 50% this year. 部分公司仍在茁壯成長,做爲電信巨頭的中國華爲做出預測,其消費類電子設備收入將於本年增長近50%。ui
[紐約時報]PayPal-like wallets created by Chinese online giants Alibaba and Tencent have become the most popular ways to pay for things online. 由中國網絡巨頭阿里巴巴和騰訊創造出的相似PayPal的手機錢包,已經成爲網絡購物最受歡迎的付款方式。this
【相似表達】外刊中常出現的表示「巨頭」的表達還有:tycoon, behemoth, magnate 等等。idea
atrium n.(建築物的)天井,中庭設計
evoke [i'vəuk] v. (formal) to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind 引發,喚起(感情、記憶或形象)The music evoked memories of her youth.這樂曲勾起了她對青年時代的回憶。rest
【同源詞】evocation n.[C,U]引發;(記憶、感情等的)喚起;回憶,追憶 a brilliant evocation of childhood in the 1940s 對 20 世紀 40 年代童年生活美好回憶的喚起
evocative [i’vakətiv] adj. 引發記憶的;喚起感情的 evocative smells / sounds / music 引發回憶的氣味 / 聲音 / 音樂
Her new book is wonderfully evocative of village life. 她的新書喚起人們對鄉村生活的美好感情。
【原文理解】evoke ancient Greece 字面意思是「喚起古希臘」,一棟建築能夠喚起古希臘的形象也就是指該建築的設計是古希臘風格
stone columns 石柱 column是名詞「柱子」,還有一個常見意思是「專欄」,好比本篇文章選自經濟學人的Business專欄,欄目就是「column」
towering [ˈtaʊərɪŋ] adj. 高大的;高聳的
①傑出的a towering performance 出色的表演
②高大的;高聳的 towering cliffs高聳的懸崖
③強烈的;激烈的 a towering rage 勃然大怒
- extend an olive branch to 向…伸出橄欖枝(to show that you wish to make peace with sb)【寫做推薦】
Management is holding out an olive branch to the strikers. 資方向罷工者伸出了橄欖枝。
【原文理解】a piece of his company 他公司的一部分,這裏指華爲公司的核心部分:5G
The palatial edifice on Huawei’s sprawling campus in Shenzhen houses an exhibition hall proudly displaying the Chinese telecommunications giant’s 「fifth-generation」 (5G) technology. The ultra-swift, and ultra-coveted, mobile-phone networks will soon connect everything from cars to industrial robots.
palatial adj.[pəˈleɪʃl] very large and impressive, like a palace 宮殿般的;富麗堂皇的=splendid
a palatial Hollywood mansion 宮殿般的好萊塢住宅
edifice n. [ˈedifis] An edifice is a large and impressive building. 大廈;雄偉的建築物
The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux. 美國領事館是位於波爾多市中心的一座宏偉的大廈。
【相似表達】skyscraper n. ['skaɪˌskreɪ.pər] a very tall modern building, usually in a city 摩天大樓
sprawling [ˈsprɔːlɪŋ]義爲「雜亂延伸的;無計劃地擴展的」(spreading over a wide area in an untidy or unattractive way),來自動詞sprawl。
campus n. (大學)校園
5G技術全稱:fifth-generation technology
ultra- (構成形容詞和名詞)意爲「極;超過某種限度」好比:ultra-modern 超現代的 ultraviolet 紫外線
swift [swɪft] adj.moving very quickly; able to move very quickly 速度快的
proudly adv. 自豪地;高興地;感到光榮地
coveted adj. 求之不得的;垂涎的
It is this 5G technology—central to Huawei’s future revenue growth—that Mr Ren said he was ready to share, in a two-hour interview with The Economist on September 10th.
For a one-time fee, a transaction would give the buyer perpetual access to Huawei’s existing 5G patents, licences, code, technical blueprints and production know-how.
revenue n. 收入, 收益; 財政收入, 稅收
one-time fee 一次性付費
transaction n.交易;辦理
give sb. perpetual access to sth.讓某人能夠永久使用某物
好比「Vic外刊精讀社資料供付費學員永久使用」就能夠說:Victoria’s online courses give students perpetual access to the learning materials.
perpetual [pəˈpetʃuəl] adj.不間斷的;持續的;長久的=continuous
patents n. 專利權;專利
blueprint n.藍圖
The documents contain a blueprint for a nuclear device. 文件內附有一張核裝置的設計藍圖。
know-how n.專門知識;技能;實際經驗
We need skilled workers and technical know-how.
The acquirer could modify the source code, meaning that neither Huawei nor the Chinese government would have even hypothetical control of any telecoms infrastructure built using equipment produced by the new company. Huawei would likewise be free to develop its technology in whatever direction it pleases.
acquire 是動詞「獲得」,acquirer則是「獲得的人」,獲得5G的人也就是買家,至關於前文的buyer,做同義替換。
modify vt. 修改,修飾;更改
hypothetical [ˌhaɪpə'θetɪkəl]指「假設的,假定的」(based on situations or ideas which are possible and imagined rather than real and true)名詞形式爲hypothesis[haɪˈpɒθəsɪs],指「假說,假設」,注意形容詞和名詞的重音不一樣。
likewise adv. 也;一樣地
Huawei has been on a charm offensive this year. It has wheeled Mr Ren out once a month since January for interview bonanzas with international media outlets.
But the idea of transferring its 5G 「stack」 to a competitor is by far the boldest offering to have surfaced. 「It’s hard to come up with similar precedents in the history of technology,」 says Dan Wang of Gavekal Dragonomics, a research firm.
offensive n. 進攻, 攻勢
wheel sth out (to show or use sth to help you do sth, even when it has often been seen or heard before) 故伎重演
They wheeled out the same old arguments we'd heard so many times before.他們又彈起了咱們聽過屢次的老調。
transferring n. 印字;中轉;轉移
bonanza財運;鴻運;好運( You can refer to a sudden great increase in wealth, success, or luck as a bonanza .)
The expected sales bonanza hadn't materialised. 指望中的旺銷並無發生。
bold adj.大膽的;勇敢的;無畏的
Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel... 阿姆裏塔成了一個勇敢無畏的叛逆者。
surface n.表面 v.出現
surface n.表面(sur+face→臉面)
surpass v.超過(sur+pass經過→在上面經過→超越)
surrealism n.超現實主義(sur+realism現實主義)
surmount v.登上,超越(sur+mount山→在山上→登上)
surcharge n.附加費(sur+charge收費→額外的收費→附費)
surveillance n.臨視;看守(sur+veil看+lance→在上面看)
surplus adj.多餘的(sur+plus多餘;加→多出不少)
It’s hard to come up with similar precedents in … … 很難找到相似的先例/前所未有
precedent n.
1.傳統;常規;常例=tradition to break with precedent 打破常規
2.[C,U]實例;範例 The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases... 此次審判能爲處理大量相似案例開創重要的先例。
3.先例;前例 historical precedents 歷史前例 Such protests are without precedent in recent history.這類抗議事件在近代史上沒有發生過。
unprecedented adj.史無前例的;空前的;沒有先例的
Mr Ren’s stated aim is to create a rival that could compete in 5G with Huawei (which would keep its existing contracts and continue to sell its own 5G kit).
To his mind, this would help level the playing field at a time when many in the West have grown alarmed at the prospect of a Chinese company supplying the gear for most of the world’s new mobile-phone networks. 「A balanced distribution of interests is conducive to Huawei’s survival,」 Mr Ren says.
contracts n. 合同
kit 配套元件
to ones mind 在某人看來,好比:to my mind至關於in my opinion 依我看;以我之見
It was a ridiculous thing to do, to my mind. 依我看,這樣作是很荒唐的。
playing field本義是「運動場,操場」,引伸爲「競爭的環境」,最多見的搭配爲a level playing field,指「公平競爭、機會均等的環境」。level也可做動詞,level the playing field創造公平競爭的環境。
gear [gɪər] n. [U] a set of equipment or tools you need for a particular activity(用於某種活動的)一套設備(工具) He's crazy about photography – he's got all the gear. 他對攝影很着迷——全部的器材他都有。We'll need some camping gear. 咱們將須要帶些宿營器具。
【相關拓展】gear sth to/towards sth(常被動)使與...相適應;使適合於Taking time out later in life to pursue a formal qualification is an option, but it costs money and most colleges are geared towards youngsters. 在年紀較大的時候抽出時間得到一個正規的資質是一種選擇,但要投入成本,並且大多數院校是針對年輕人開設的。[經濟學人:Lifelong learning]