MongoDB是目前最經常使用的NoSQL-非關係型數據庫。 php
本文將介紹在CentOS下如何經過yum安裝MongoDB。 node
1.首先在CentOS6.5下,編輯Mongo的yum源: python
在/etc/yum.repo.d下,編輯mongo.repo web
vim mongo.repo mongodb
[mongodb-enterprise] shell
name=MongoDB Enterprise Repository 數據庫
baseurl= flask
gpgcheck=0 vim
enabled=1 app
yum search mongo
yum search mongo
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
============================================================================================== N/S Matched: mongo ===============================================================================================
python-mongoengine.noarch : A Python Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB
almas-mongolian-title-fonts.noarch : Mongolian Title font
nodejs-mongodb.noarch : A node driver for MongoDB
php-pecl-mongo.x86_64 : PHP MongoDB database driver
python-asyncmongo.noarch : An asynchronous Python MongoDB library
python-flask-mongoengine.noarch : Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine
python-pymongo.x86_64 : Python driver for MongoDB
hunspell-mn.noarch : Mongolian hunspell dictionaries
hyphen-mn.noarch : Mongolian hyphenation rules
libmongodb.x86_64 : MongoDB shared libraries
libmongodb-devel.i686 : MongoDB header files
libmongodb-devel.x86_64 : MongoDB header files
mongo-10gen.x86_64 : mongo client shell and tools
mongo-10gen-server.x86_64 : mongo server, sharding server, and support scripts
mongo-10gen-unstable.x86_64 : mongo client shell and tools
mongo-10gen-unstable-mongos.x86_64 : MongoDB sharding server
mongo-10gen-unstable-server.x86_64 : mongo server, sharding server, and support scripts
mongo-10gen-unstable-shell.x86_64 : MongoDB shell
mongo-10gen-unstable-tools.x86_64 : MongoDB utilities
mongo18-10gen.x86_64 : mongo client shell and tools
mongo18-10gen-server.x86_64 : mongo server, sharding server, and support scripts
mongo20-10gen.x86_64 : mongo client shell and tools
mongo20-10gen-server.x86_64 : mongo server, sharding server, and support scripts
mongodb-org.x86_64 : MongoDB cross-platform document-oriented database system (metapackage)
mongodb-org-mongos.x86_64 : MongoDB sharding router
mongodb-org-server.x86_64 : MongoDB database server
mongodb-org-shell.x86_64 : MongoDB shell client
mongodb-org-tools.x86_64 : MongoDB tools
mongodb-org-unstable.x86_64 : MongoDB server, shell, sharding server and tools
mongodb-org-unstable-mongos.x86_64 : MongoDB sharding server
mongodb-org-unstable-server.x86_64 : MongoDB server and support scripts
mongodb-org-unstable-shell.x86_64 : MongoDB shell
mongodb-org-unstable-tools.x86_64 : MongoDB utilities
mongodb-server.x86_64 : MongoDB server, sharding server and support scripts
mongoose-devel.i686 : Header files and development libraries for mongoose
mongoose-devel.x86_64 : Header files and development libraries for mongoose
mongoose-lib.i686 : Shared Object for applications that use mongoose embedded
mongoose-lib.x86_64 : Shared Object for applications that use mongoose embedded
php-horde-Horde-Mongo.noarch : Horde Mongo Configuration
pymongo.x86_64 : Python driver for MongoDB
pymongo-gridfs.x86_64 : Python GridFS driver for MongoDB
python-pymongo-gridfs.x86_64 : Python GridFS driver for MongoDB
autocorr-mn.noarch : Mongolian auto-correction rules
eclipse-nls-mn.x86_64 : Eclipse/Babel language pack for Mongolian
mongodb.x86_64 : High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database
mongodb-mms-backup-agent.x86_64 : The MMS Backup Agent
mongodb-mms-monitoring-agent.x86_64 : The MMS Monitoring Agent
mongoose.x86_64 : An easy-to-use self-sufficient web server
Name and summary matches only, use "search all" for everything.
經過yum install mongodb:
yum install -y mongodb-org -y
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package mongodb-org.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: mongodb-org-shell = 2.6.12 for package: mongodb-org-2.6.12-1.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: mongodb-org-server = 2.6.12 for package: mongodb-org-2.6.12-1.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: mongodb-org-tools = 2.6.12 for package: mongodb-org-2.6.12-1.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: mongodb-org-mongos = 2.6.12 for package: mongodb-org-2.6.12-1.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package mongodb-org-mongos.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 will be installed
---> Package mongodb-org-server.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 will be installed
---> Package mongodb-org-shell.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 will be installed
---> Package mongodb-org-tools.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
mongodb-org x86_64 2.6.12-1 mongodb-enterprise 4.6 k
Installing for dependencies:
mongodb-org-mongos x86_64 2.6.12-1 mongodb-enterprise 6.9 M
mongodb-org-server x86_64 2.6.12-1 mongodb-enterprise 9.1 M
mongodb-org-shell x86_64 2.6.12-1 mongodb-enterprise 4.3 M
mongodb-org-tools x86_64 2.6.12-1 mongodb-enterprise 90 M
Transaction Summary
Install 5 Package(s)
Total download size: 110 M
Installed size: 279 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/5): mongodb-org-2.6.12-1.x86_64.rpm | 4.6 kB 00:00
(2/5): mongodb-org-mongos-2.6.12-1.x86_64.rpm | 6.9 MB 00:39
(3/5): mongodb-org-server-2.6.12-1.x86_64.rpm | 9.1 MB 01:17
(4/5): mongodb-org-shell-2.6.12-1.x86_64.rpm | 4.3 MB 00:40
(5/5): mongodb-org-tools-2.6.12-1.x86_64.rpm | 90 MB 08:09
Total 170 kB/s | 110 MB 11:03
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
Installing : mongodb-org-server-2.6.12-1.x86_64 1/5
Installing : mongodb-org-mongos-2.6.12-1.x86_64 2/5
Installing : mongodb-org-tools-2.6.12-1.x86_64 3/5
Installing : mongodb-org-shell-2.6.12-1.x86_64 4/5
Installing : mongodb-org-2.6.12-1.x86_64 5/5
Verifying : mongodb-org-shell-2.6.12-1.x86_64 1/5
Verifying : mongodb-org-tools-2.6.12-1.x86_64 2/5
Verifying : mongodb-org-mongos-2.6.12-1.x86_64 3/5
Verifying : mongodb-org-server-2.6.12-1.x86_64 4/5
Verifying : mongodb-org-2.6.12-1.x86_64 5/5
mongodb-org.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1
Dependency Installed:
mongodb-org-mongos.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 mongodb-org-server.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 mongodb-org-shell.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1 mongodb-org-tools.x86_64 0:2.6.12-1