Knapsack Problems |
Farmer John's favorite hobby is creating a tape containing some of Bessie's favorite music to listen to while she's being milked. The amount of milk that Bessie produces is dependent on the songs that Bessie listens to while being milked.less
Given a collection of songs, each represented by a pair of integers, the length of the song (in seconds), the amount of milk Bessie produces while she's listening to that song, and the total amount of time that it takes to milk Bessie, find the set of songs such that their total length is no more than the time it takes to milk Bessie and they maximize Bessie's milk production.ide
Given, A collection of objects, each which a size, a value (i.e., weight), and the total `space' available, find the set of objects which maximizes the sum of the value of the set, but whose sum of size is constrained by some limit. The total number/size of any particular item used in the set cannot exceed its
The general way to view a knapsack problem is that of a bag of limited capacity, which is to be filled while maximizing the value of the objects in it.ui
For the problem above, the tape which Bessie will listen to while being milked is the ``knapsack,'' while the songs are the ``objects to be placed within the knapsack.''this
The knapsack problem style has three forms:lua
The fractional knapsack problem is the easiest of the three to solve, as the greedy solution works:spa
Side note: For problems of this class, it's rare to have both size and availability, as you can do a trivial transformation to have all the objects of size 1, and the availability be the product of the original size and availability (dividing the value by the original size, of course).orm
Extensions: The value and availability of the objects can be real numbers without a problem in this case. The fractional size issue is also trivial to handle by this algorithm.three
This is slightly more difficult, but is solvable using dynamic programming if the knapsack is small enough.ip
With multiple knapsacks of any size, the state space is too large to use the DP solution from the integer knapsack algorithm. Thus, recursive descent is the method to solve this problem. Extensions:
You are trying to design a contest which has the maximum number of points (<10,000). Given the length of the contest, a group of problems, the problem lengths, and the point value of each problem, find the contest which has the maximum number of points (which satisfies the length constraint).
Analysis: This is an integer knapsack problem, where the knapsack is the contest, the sizes are the length of problems, and the values are the point values. The limit on knapsack (contest) size is small enough that the DP solution will work in memory.
Farmer John is trying to construct a fence around his field. He has installed the posts already, so he knows the length requirement of the rails. The local lumber store has dropped off some boards (up to 50) of varying length. Given the length of the boards from the lumber store, and the lengths of rails that Farmer John needs, calculate the maximum numbers of rails that Farmer John can create.
Analysis: This is a multiple knapsack problem, where the knapsacks are the boards from the store, and the objects are the rails that Farmer John needs. The size of the objects are just the length, and the value is just one.
Since the values are all one, you know that if there is a solution using any K rails, there is a solution using the K smallest rails, which helps the recursive descent solver quite a bit.
You're in the middle of Beaver County, at the only city within 100 miles with a gas station, trying to fill up your tank so you can get to Rita Blanca. Fortunately, this town has a couple of gas stations, but they all seem to be almost out of gas. Given the price of gasoline at each station, and the amount of gas each one has, calculate how much gasoline to buy from each station in order to minimize the total cost.
Analysis: This is an fractional knapsack problem, where your knapsack is your gas tank, and the objects are gasoline.