jQuery 是最流行的 JavaScript 庫,擁有豐富的插件,可以幫助開發者簡單快速的實現各類功能。本文收集了40個很是實用的 jQuery 插件及其製做教程,這些插件可以爲你未來的項目增添各類很炫功能和效果,同時經過詳細的製做教程幫助你更加深刻的掌握 jQuery 庫的使用。javascript
Making a jQuery Countdown Timerhtml
jQuery PointPoint – A Plugin For Pointing To Thingsjava
Wave Display Effect with jQuerygithub
jTable A JQuery plugin to create AJAX based CRUD tables
jPList : jQuery List Handling plugin
Portfolio Image Navigation with jQuery
Image Gallery with Integrated Social Networking Links
Create a Windows-like Interface with jQuery UI
How to Build an RSS Reader with jQuery Mobile
Shuffle Letters Effect: a jQuery Plugin
Horizontal Bar Graph with CSS3 and jQuery